package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.paraphrase.rules;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.LanguageInfo;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.paraphrase.Interval;
import fig.basic.LispTree;
* A list of language items
* Matching a language expression basically amounts to matching each one of the items and building all possible
* matches
* @author jonathanberant
public class LanguageExp {
private List<LangItem> items = new ArrayList<LangItem>();
public LanguageExp(LispTree tree) {
for(int i = 1; i < tree.children.size(); ++i)
items.add(new LangItem(tree.child(i)));
public int itemCount() { return items.size(); }
public String toString() {
return Joiner.on(' ').join(items);
public List<LangItem> items() {
return items;
public LangItem getItem(int i) {
return items.get(i);
* Matching the entire utterance against the expression
* @param info
public List<LangExpMatch> match(LanguageInfo utterance) {
//generate the matches of the first item
List<LangExpMatch> currMatches = new ArrayList<LanguageExp.LangExpMatch>();
List<Interval> firstItemIntervals = items.get(0).match(utterance, 0);
for(Interval interval: firstItemIntervals) {
currMatches.add(new LangExpMatch(interval.start,interval.end));
//go over the rest of the items and match them
for(int i = 1; i < items.size(); ++i) {
LangItem currItem = items.get(i);
List<LangExpMatch> newMatches = new ArrayList<LanguageExp.LangExpMatch>();
for(LangExpMatch currMatch: currMatches) {
List<Interval> intervals = currItem.match(utterance, currMatch.end());
for(Interval interval: intervals) {
LangExpMatch newLangExpMatch = new LangExpMatch(currMatch);
currMatches = newMatches;
//keep matches that match the entire utterance
List<LangExpMatch> res = new ArrayList<LanguageExp.LangExpMatch>();
for(LangExpMatch currMatch: currMatches) {
return res;
public static class LangExpMatch {
private ArrayList<Interval> itemMap;
private int end;
private int lastItemMatched=0;
public LangExpMatch(int start, int end) {
itemMap = new ArrayList<Interval>();
itemMap.add(new Interval(start,end));
this.end = end;
public LangExpMatch(LangExpMatch other) {
itemMap = new ArrayList<Interval>();
for(Interval otherInterval: other.itemMap)
itemMap.add(new Interval(otherInterval.start, otherInterval.end));
this.end = other.end;
this.lastItemMatched = other.lastItemMatched;
public void addInterval(Interval interval) {
this.end = interval.end;
public String toString() {
return itemMap.toString() + " end: " + end;
public int end() { return end; }
public Interval get(int index) {return itemMap.get(index); }