package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.fbalignment.lexicons;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Formula;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import fig.basic.LispTree;
import fig.basic.MapUtils;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class LexicalEntry {
public String textDescription; //the query as submitted to the lexicon
public String normalizedTextDesc; //the query after normalization
public Set<String> fbDescriptions; //descriptions matching the formula
public Formula formula;
public EntrySource source;
public double popularity;
public double distance;
public LexicalEntry(String textDescription, String normalizedTextDesc, Set<String> fbDescriptions, Formula formula, EntrySource source, double popularity, double distance) {
this.textDescription = textDescription;
this.normalizedTextDesc = normalizedTextDesc;
this.fbDescriptions = fbDescriptions;
this.formula = formula;
this.source = source;
this.popularity = popularity;
this.distance = distance;
public Formula getFormula() {
return formula;
public double getPopularity() {
return popularity;
public double getDistance() {
return distance;
private String stringRepn;
public String toString() {
if (stringRepn == null) {
stringRepn = textDescription + " (" + normalizedTextDesc + ")" +
", FB: " + fbDescriptions +
", formula: " + formula +
", source: " + source +
", popularity: " + popularity +
", distance: " + distance;
return stringRepn;
public static int computeEditDistance(String query, Set<String> descriptions) {
int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (String description : descriptions) {
int currDistance = StringUtils.editDistance(query, description.toLowerCase());
if (currDistance < distance) {
distance = currDistance;
return Math.min(15, distance);
public static class BinaryLexicalEntry extends LexicalEntry {
public String expectedType1;
public String expectedType2;
public String unitId = "";
public String unitDescription = "";
public Map<String,Double> alignmentScores;
public String fullLexeme; //the lexeme as it is in the alignment without some normalization applied before uploading the lexicon
public BinaryLexicalEntry(String textDescription, String normalizedTextDesc, Set<String> fbDescriptions, Formula formula,
EntrySource source, double popularity, String expectedType1, String expectedType2, Map<String,Double> alignmentScores, String fullLexeme) {
super(textDescription, normalizedTextDesc, fbDescriptions, formula, source, popularity, computeEditDistance(textDescription, fbDescriptions));
this.expectedType1 = expectedType1;
this.expectedType2 = expectedType2;
this.alignmentScores = alignmentScores;
this.fullLexeme = fullLexeme;
public BinaryLexicalEntry(String textDescription, String normalizedTextDesc, Set<String> fbDescriptions, Formula formula, EntrySource source, double popularity,
String expectedType1, String expectedType2, String unitId, String unitDesc, Map<String,Double> alignmentScores, String fullLexeme) {
super(textDescription, normalizedTextDesc, fbDescriptions, formula, source, popularity, computeEditDistance(textDescription, fbDescriptions));
this.expectedType1 = expectedType1;
this.expectedType2 = expectedType2;
this.unitId = unitId;
this.unitDescription = unitDesc;
this.alignmentScores = alignmentScores;
this.fullLexeme = fullLexeme;
assert (fullLexeme.contains(normalizedTextDesc));
public boolean identicalFormulaInfo(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof BinaryLexicalEntry))
return false;
BinaryLexicalEntry otherBinary = (BinaryLexicalEntry) other;
if (!formula.equals(otherBinary.formula))
return false;
if (Math.abs(popularity - otherBinary.popularity) > 0.000001)
return false;
if (!expectedType1.equals(otherBinary.expectedType1))
return false;
if (!expectedType2.equals(otherBinary.expectedType2))
return false;
if (!unitId.equals(otherBinary.unitId))
return false;
if (!unitDescription.equals(otherBinary.unitDescription))
return false;
return true;
public String getExpectedType1() {
return expectedType1;
public String getExpectedType2() {
return expectedType2;
public String getUnitId() {
return unitId;
public String getUnitDescription() {
return unitDescription;
private String stringRepn;
public String toString() {
if (stringRepn == null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(", " + expectedType1 + " x " + expectedType2);
if (unitId != null) {
sb.append(", " + unitId + ":" + unitDescription);
if (alignmentScores.size() > 0)
sb.append(", " + alignmentScores);
stringRepn = sb.toString();
return stringRepn;
public boolean isFullLexemeEqualToNormalizedText() {
return fullLexeme.equals(normalizedTextDesc);
public String[] getLeftContext() {
if (fullLexeme.startsWith(normalizedTextDesc))
return new String[]{};
String leftContext = fullLexeme.substring(0, fullLexeme.indexOf(normalizedTextDesc)).trim();
return leftContext.split("\\s+");
public String[] getRightContext() {
if (fullLexeme.endsWith(normalizedTextDesc))
return new String[]{};
String rightContext = fullLexeme.substring(fullLexeme.indexOf(normalizedTextDesc) + normalizedTextDesc.length()).trim();
return rightContext.split("\\s+");
public double jaccard() {
double intersection = MapUtils.getDouble(alignmentScores, BinaryLexicon.INTERSECTION, 0.0);
if (intersection < 2.01)
intersection = 0.0;
double nlSize = MapUtils.getDouble(alignmentScores, BinaryLexicon.NL_TYPED, 0.0);
double fbSize = MapUtils.getDouble(alignmentScores, BinaryLexicon.FB_TYPED, 0.0);
return intersection / (nlSize + fbSize - intersection + 5);
/** rids all counts and keeps jaccard only */
public void retainJaccardOnly() {
double jaccard = jaccard();
alignmentScores.put("jaccard", jaccard);
public static class EntityLexicalEntry extends LexicalEntry {
public Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>();
public Counter<String> tokenEditDistanceFeatures;
public EntityLexicalEntry(String textDescription, String normalizedTextDesc, Set<String> fbDescriptions, Formula formula, EntrySource source, double popularity, double distance, Set<String> types, Counter<String> tokenEditDistanceFeatures) {
super(textDescription, normalizedTextDesc, fbDescriptions, formula, source, popularity, distance);
this.types = types;
this.tokenEditDistanceFeatures = tokenEditDistanceFeatures;
public Set<String> getTypes() {
return types;
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + ", " + types;
public static class UnaryLexicalEntry extends LexicalEntry {
public Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>();
public Map<String,Double> alignmentScores;
public UnaryLexicalEntry(String textDescription, String normalizedTextDesc, Set<String> fbDescriptions, Formula formula, EntrySource source, double popularity,
Map<String,Double> alignmentScores, Set<String> types) {
super(textDescription, normalizedTextDesc, fbDescriptions, formula, source, popularity, computeEditDistance(textDescription, fbDescriptions));
this.types = types;
this.alignmentScores = alignmentScores;
public Set<String> getTypes() {
return types;
String stringRepn;
public String toString() {
if (stringRepn == null)
stringRepn = super.toString() + ", " + types;
return stringRepn;
* Holds the essential parts of a value in a lexicon
* @author jonathanberant
public static class LexiconValue {
@JsonProperty public String lexeme;
@JsonProperty public Formula formula;
@JsonProperty public String source;
@JsonProperty public Map<String,Double> features;
public LexiconValue(@JsonProperty("normLexeme") String lexeme,
@JsonProperty("formula") Formula formula,
@JsonProperty("source") String source,
@JsonProperty("features") Map<String,Double> features) {
this.lexeme = lexeme;
this.formula = formula;
this.source = source;
this.features = features;
public static class LexicalEntrySerializer {
// Utilities that should move into fig later.
static Counter<String> counterFromLispTree(LispTree tree) {
Counter<String> counter = new ClassicCounter<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < tree.children.size(); i++)
counter.incrementCount(tree.child(i).child(0).value, Double.parseDouble(tree.child(i).child(1).value));
return counter;
static LispTree counterToLispTree(Counter<String> counter) {
LispTree tree = LispTree.proto.newList();
for (String feature : counter.keySet())
tree.addChild(LispTree.proto.newList(feature, "" + counter.getCount(feature)));
return tree;
static Map<String,Double> featureMapFromLispTree(LispTree tree) {
Map<String,Double> featureMap = new TreeMap<String,Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < tree.children.size(); i++)
featureMap.put(tree.child(i).child(0).value, Double.parseDouble(tree.child(i).child(1).value));
return featureMap;
static LispTree featureMapToLispTree(Map<String,Double> featureMap) {
LispTree tree = LispTree.proto.newList();
for (String feature : featureMap.keySet())
tree.addChild(LispTree.proto.newList(feature, "" + featureMap.get(feature)));
return tree;
static Set<String> setFromLispTree(LispTree tree) {
Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < tree.children.size(); i++)
return set;
static LispTree setToLispTree(Set<String> set) {
LispTree tree = LispTree.proto.newList();
for (String x : set)
return tree;
static String[] stringArrayFromLispTree(LispTree tree) {
String[] result = new String[tree.children.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tree.children.size(); i++)
result[i] = tree.child(i).value;
return result;
static LispTree stringArrayToLispTree(String[] array) {
LispTree tree = LispTree.proto.newList();
for (String x : array)
return tree;
public static LexicalEntry entryFromLispTree(LispTree tree) {
int i = 1;
if (tree.child(0).value.equals("entity")) {
String textDescription = tree.child(i++).value;
String normalizedTextDesc = tree.child(i++).value;
Set<String> fbDescriptions = setFromLispTree(tree.child(i++));
Formula formula = Formula.fromString(tree.child(i++).value);
EntrySource source = EntrySource.parseSourceDesc(tree.child(i++).value);
double popularity = Double.parseDouble(tree.child(i++).value);
double distance = Double.parseDouble(tree.child(i++).value);
Set<String> types = setFromLispTree(tree.child(i++));
Counter<String> tokenEditDistanceFeatures = counterFromLispTree(tree.child(i++));
return new LexicalEntry.EntityLexicalEntry(
textDescription, normalizedTextDesc, fbDescriptions, formula,
source, popularity, distance, types, tokenEditDistanceFeatures);
} else if (tree.child(0).value.equals("unary")) {
String textDescription = tree.child(i++).value;
String normalizedTextDesc = tree.child(i++).value;
Set<String> fbDescriptions = setFromLispTree(tree.child(i++));
Formula formula = Formula.fromString(tree.child(i++).value);
EntrySource source = EntrySource.parseSourceDesc(tree.child(i++).value);
double popularity = Double.parseDouble(tree.child(i++).value);
Map<String,Double> alignmentScores = featureMapFromLispTree(tree.child(i++));
Set<String> types = setFromLispTree(tree.child(i++));
return new LexicalEntry.UnaryLexicalEntry(
textDescription, normalizedTextDesc, fbDescriptions, formula, source,
popularity, alignmentScores, types);
} else if (tree.child(0).value.equals("binary")) {
String textDescription = tree.child(i++).value;
String normalizedTextDesc = tree.child(i++).value;
Set<String> fbDescriptions = setFromLispTree(tree.child(i++));
Formula formula = Formula.fromString(tree.child(i++).value);
EntrySource source = EntrySource.parseSourceDesc(tree.child(i++).value);
double popularity = Double.parseDouble(tree.child(i++).value);
Double.parseDouble(tree.child(i++).value); //this is computed in the constructor so need not save it
String expectedType1 = tree.child(i++).value;
String expectedType2 = tree.child(i++).value;
String unitId = tree.child(i++).value;
String unitDescription = tree.child(i++).value;
Map<String,Double> alignmentScores = featureMapFromLispTree(tree.child(i++));
String fullLexeme = tree.child(i++).value;
return new LexicalEntry.BinaryLexicalEntry(
textDescription, normalizedTextDesc, fbDescriptions, formula, source,
popularity, expectedType1, expectedType2, unitId, unitDescription, alignmentScores, fullLexeme);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid: " + tree);
public static String emptyIfNull(String s) { return s == null ? "" : s; }
public static LispTree entryToLispTree(LexicalEntry rawEntry) {
LispTree result = LispTree.proto.newList();
if (rawEntry instanceof LexicalEntry.EntityLexicalEntry) {
LexicalEntry.EntityLexicalEntry entry = (LexicalEntry.EntityLexicalEntry) rawEntry;
result.addChild("" + entry.popularity);
result.addChild("" + entry.distance);
} else if (rawEntry instanceof LexicalEntry.UnaryLexicalEntry) {
LexicalEntry.UnaryLexicalEntry entry = (LexicalEntry.UnaryLexicalEntry) rawEntry;
result.addChild("" + entry.popularity);
result.addChild("" + entry.distance);
} else if (rawEntry instanceof LexicalEntry.BinaryLexicalEntry) {
LexicalEntry.BinaryLexicalEntry entry = (LexicalEntry.BinaryLexicalEntry) rawEntry;
result.addChild("" + entry.popularity);
result.addChild("" + entry.distance);
return result;