package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre;
import fig.basic.LispTree;
* If |expr| denotes a set of pairs S,
* then (reverse |expr|) denotes the set of pairs {(y,x) : (x,y) \in S}.
* Example:
* (rev fb:people.person.date_of_birth)
* (rev (lambda x (fb:location.statistical_region.population (fb:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number (var x)))))
* @author Percy Liang
public class ReverseFormula extends Formula {
public final Formula child;
public ReverseFormula(Formula child) { this.child = child; }
public LispTree toLispTree() {
LispTree tree = LispTree.proto.newList();
return tree;
public Formula map(Function<Formula, Formula> func) {
Formula result = func.apply(this);
return result == null ? new ReverseFormula( : result;
public boolean equals(Object thatObj) {
if (!(thatObj instanceof ReverseFormula)) return false;
ReverseFormula that = (ReverseFormula) thatObj;
if (!this.child.equals(that.child)) return false;
return true;
public int computeHashCode() {
int hash = 0x7ed55d16;
hash = hash * 0xd3a2646c + child.hashCode();
return hash;