package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.fbalignment.utils.DoubleContainer;
import fig.basic.*;
import java.util.*;
* A Parser takes an example, parses the sequence of tokens, and stores the
* derivations back in the example.
* @author Percy Liang
public abstract class Parser {
public static class Options {
@Option(gloss = "For debugging, whether to print out all the predicted derivations")
public boolean printAllPredictions;
@Option(gloss = "Maximal number of predictions to print")
public int maxPrintedPredictions = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@Option(gloss = "Use a coarse pass to prune the chart before full parsing")
public boolean coarsePrune = true;
@Option(gloss = "Monotonically increase the number of derivations on the beam across training iterations")
public boolean monotonicBeam = false;
@Option(gloss = "How much output to print") public int verbose = 0;
@Option(gloss = "Execute only top formula (at test time)")
public boolean executeTopFormulaOnly = false;
@Option(gloss = "Whether to evaluate with values and formulas")
public boolean evaluateValuesAndFormulas = true;
@Option(gloss = "Whether to use candidate formula parts to construct derivations")
public boolean generateFormulaCandidates = false;
public static final Options opts = new Options();
public boolean verbose(int level) { return opts.verbose >= level; }
// Inputs to the parser
public final Grammar grammar; // Specifies the set of rules
public final FeatureExtractor extractor;
public final Executor executor;
public final FormulaRetriever formulaRetriever;
//Precomputations to make looking up grammar rules faster.
ArrayList<Rule> catUnaryRules; // Unary rules with category on RHS
public Parser(Grammar grammar,
FeatureExtractor extractor,
Executor executor) {
this.grammar = grammar;
this.extractor = extractor;
this.executor = executor;
try {
formulaRetriever = (opts.generateFormulaCandidates) ? new FormulaRetriever(true) : null ;
catch(IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Handle catUnaryRules
catUnaryRules = new ArrayList<Rule>();
Map<String, List<Rule>> graph = new HashMap<String, List<Rule>>(); // Node from LHS to list of rules
for (Rule rule : grammar.rules)
if (rule.isCatUnary())
MapUtils.addToList(graph, rule.lhs, rule);
// Topologically sort catUnaryRules so that B->C occurs before A->B
Map<String, Boolean> done = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
for (String node : graph.keySet())
traverse(catUnaryRules, node, graph, done);
LogInfo.logs("BeamParser: %d catUnaryRules (sorted), %d nonCatUnaryRules (in trie)", catUnaryRules.size(), grammar.rules.size() - catUnaryRules.size());
public abstract int getDefaultBeamSize();
public abstract ParserState newCoarseParserState(Params params,
Example ex);
public abstract ParserState newParserState(Params params,
Example ex,
ParserState coarseState);
/** Helper function for transitive closure of unary rules. */
protected void traverse(List<Rule> catUnaryRules,
String node,
Map<String, List<Rule>> graph,
Map<String, Boolean> done) {
Boolean d = done.get(node);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(d)) return;
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(d))
throw new RuntimeException("Found cycle of unaries involving " + node);
done.put(node, false);
for (Rule rule : MapUtils.getList(graph, node)) {
traverse(catUnaryRules, rule.rhs.get(0), graph, done);
done.put(node, true);
public void parse(Params params, Example ex) {
parse(params, ex, true);
* Parse the given example |ex| using the given parameters |params|
* and populate the fields of |ex| (e.g., predDerivations). NB:
* |ex| is modified in place.
* <p/>
* If |execAllowed| is false, the ParserState and this function will
* both be told not to execute. A parser might rely on execution in
* order to obtain denotation features that it would use to score
* and sort predicted derivations. This means that clients passing
* |execAllowed = false| should have an internal understanding of
* the parser they are using, since they might later want to:
* <p/>
* - Execute,
* - Possibly recompute features and scores based on the result of
* execution,
* - Possibly re-sort |ex.predDerivations|,
* - |setEvaluation()|.
* <p/>
* As this will not be done for them by the parser.
public void parse(Params params, Example ex, boolean execAllowed) {
LogInfo.begin_track("Parser.parse: parse");
// Step 1: parse coarsely to see which categories should even be
// constructed.
ParserState coarseState = null;
if (opts.coarsePrune) {
coarseState = newCoarseParserState(params, ex);
// Step 2: parse, using the coarse information as a way to prune.
ParserState state = newParserState(params, ex, coarseState);
if (ex.predDerivations == null)
ex.predDerivations = new ArrayList<Derivation>();
Map<Derivation, Derivation> existingDerivs =
new HashMap<Derivation, Derivation>(ex.predDerivations.size());
for (Derivation deriv : ex.predDerivations)
existingDerivs.put(deriv, deriv);
List<Derivation> incomingDerivs = state.getPredDerivations();
int reusedExecs = 0;
int notFoundExecs = 0;
int totalDerivs = 0;
for (Derivation deriv : incomingDerivs) {
// Move over useful stuff from identical existing derivations.
// Helps to avoid things like re-exec.
Derivation prev = existingDerivs.get(deriv);
if (prev == null)
if (prev != null && prev.isExecuted() && !deriv.isExecuted()) {
"Parser.parse: reusing %d/%d execs, not found %d/%d",
reusedExecs, totalDerivs, notFoundExecs, totalDerivs);
ex.predDerivations = new ArrayList<Derivation>(incomingDerivs);
if (opts.monotonicBeam) {
for (Derivation deriv : incomingDerivs)
// Re-score and re-sort because we might have |setExecResults()|
// or might have a monotonic beam.
// Execute predicted derivations to get value.
if (execAllowed) {
LogInfo.begin_track("Parser.parse: execute");
for (Derivation deriv : state.getPredDerivations()) {
if (opts.executeTopFormulaOnly)
// For debugging.
ex.predDerivationsAfterParse = new ArrayList<Derivation>(ex.predDerivations);
if (execAllowed)
setEvaluation(ex, params);
// Populate the target.
protected void ensureTargetExecuted(Example ex) {
if (ex.targetFormula != null)
ex.targetValue = executor.execute(ex.targetFormula).value;
public void setEvaluation(final Example ex, final Params params) {
final Evaluation eval = new Evaluation();
boolean printAllPredictions = opts.printAllPredictions;
int numCandidates = ex.predDerivations.size();
LogInfo.begin_track_printAll("Parser.setEvaluation: %d candidates", numCandidates);
// Each derivation has a compatibility score (in [0,1]) as well as a model probability.
// Terminology:
// True (correct): compatibility = 1
// Partial: 0 < compatibility < 1
// Wrong: compatibility = 0
List<Derivation> predDerivations = ex.predDerivations;
// Make sure at least the top derivation is executed.
for (Derivation deriv : predDerivations) {
// Did we get the answer correct?
int correct_i = -1; // Index of first correct derivation
int correctIndexAfterParse = -1;
double maxCompatibility = 0.0;
double[] compatibilities = null;
if (ex.targetValue != null) {
compatibilities = new double[numCandidates];
for (int i = 0; i < numCandidates; i++) {
Derivation deriv = predDerivations.get(i);
compatibilities[i] = deriv.compatibility = ex.targetValue.getCompatibility(deriv.value);
// Must be fully compatible to count as correct.
if (compatibilities[i] == 1 && correct_i == -1)
correct_i = i;
//record maximum compatibility for partial oracle
maxCompatibility = Math.max(compatibilities[i], maxCompatibility);
// What if we only had parsed bottom up?
for (int i = 0; i < numCandidates; i++) {
Derivation deriv = ex.predDerivationsAfterParse.get(i);
if (deriv.compatibility == 1) {
correctIndexAfterParse = i;
// Compute probabilities
double[] probs = Derivation.getProbs(predDerivations, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < numCandidates; i++) {
Derivation deriv = predDerivations.get(i);
deriv.prob = probs[i];
//evaluate values and formulas
if (opts.evaluateValuesAndFormulas) {
List<Pair<Value, DoubleContainer>> valueList = computeValueList(ex.predDerivations);
evaluateValues(eval, ex, valueList);
List<Pair<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer>> formulaList = computeFormulaList(ex.predDerivations);
evaluateFormulas(eval, formulaList, ex);
// Number of derivations which have the same top score
int numTop = 0;
double topMass = 0;
if (ex.targetValue != null) {
while (numTop < numCandidates &&
compatibilities[numTop] > 0.0d &&
Math.abs(predDerivations.get(numTop).score - predDerivations.get(0).score) < 1e-10) {
topMass += probs[numTop];
double correct = 0;
double partial_correct = 0;
if (ex.targetValue != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < numTop; i++) {
if (compatibilities[i] == 1) correct += probs[i] / topMass;
if (compatibilities[i] > 0)
partial_correct += (compatibilities[i] * probs[i]) / topMass;
// Print features (note this is only with respect to the first correct, is NOT the gradient).
// Things are not printed if there is only partial compatability.
if (correct_i != -1 && correct != 1) {
Derivation trueDeriv = predDerivations.get(correct_i);
Derivation predDeriv = predDerivations.get(0);
HashMap<String, Double> featureDiff = new HashMap<String, Double>();
trueDeriv.incrementAllFeatureVector(+1, featureDiff);
predDeriv.incrementAllFeatureVector(-1, featureDiff);
String heading = String.format("TopTrue (%d) - Pred (%d) = Diff", correct_i, 0);
FeatureVector.logFeatureWeights(heading, featureDiff, params);
HashMap<String, Integer> choiceDiff = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
trueDeriv.incrementAllChoices(+1, choiceDiff);
predDeriv.incrementAllChoices(-1, choiceDiff);
FeatureVector.logChoices(heading, choiceDiff);
// Fully correct
for (int i = 0; i < predDerivations.size(); i++) {
Derivation deriv = predDerivations.get(i);
if (compatibilities != null && compatibilities[i] == 1) {
"True@%04d: %s [score=%s, prob=%s%s]", i, deriv.toString(),
Fmt.D(deriv.score), Fmt.D(probs[i]), compatibilities != null ? ", comp=" + Fmt.D(compatibilities[i]) : "");
// Partially correct
for (int i = 0; i < predDerivations.size(); i++) {
Derivation deriv = predDerivations.get(i);
if (compatibilities != null && compatibilities[i] > 0 && compatibilities[i] < 1) {
"Part@%04d: %s [score=%s, prob=%s%s]", i, deriv.toString(),
Fmt.D(deriv.score), Fmt.D(probs[i]), compatibilities != null ? ", comp=" + Fmt.D(compatibilities[i]) : "");
// Anything that's predicted.
for (int i = 0; i < predDerivations.size(); i++) {
Derivation deriv = predDerivations.get(i);
// Either print all predictions or this prediction is worse by some amount.
boolean print;
if (ex.derivConstraint != null)
print = ex.derivConstraint.satisfies(ex, deriv);
print = printAllPredictions || ((probs[i] >= probs[0] / 2 || i < 10) && i < opts.maxPrintedPredictions);
if (print) {
"Pred@%04d: %s [score=%s, prob=%s%s]", i, deriv.toString(),
Fmt.D(deriv.score), Fmt.D(probs[i]), compatibilities != null ? ", comp=" + Fmt.D(compatibilities[i]) : "");
//LogInfo.logs("Derivation tree: %s",deriv.toRecursiveString());
eval.add("correct", correct);
eval.add("oracle", correct_i != -1);
eval.add("partCorrect", partial_correct);
eval.add("partOracle", maxCompatibility);
if (correctIndexAfterParse != -1)
eval.add("correctIndexAfterParse", correctIndexAfterParse);
double totBeamJump = 0.0d, totRootBeamJump = 0.0d;
double count = 1.0d;
if (!predDerivations.isEmpty()) {
for (Derivation deriv : predDerivations) {
DoubleRef beamJump = new DoubleRef(0.0d);
DoubleRef rootBeamJump = new DoubleRef(0.0d);
computeMeanBeamJump(deriv, true, beamJump, rootBeamJump);
totBeamJump += beamJump.value;
totRootBeamJump += rootBeamJump.value;
count = predDerivations.size();
eval.add("meanBeamJump", totBeamJump / count);
eval.add("meanRootBeamJump", totRootBeamJump / count);
if (correct_i != -1) {
eval.add("correctMaxBeamPosition", predDerivations.get(correct_i).maxBeamPosition);
eval.add("correctMaxUnsortedBeamPosition", predDerivations.get(correct_i).maxUnsortedBeamPosition);
ex.correctMaxBeamPosition = predDerivations.get(correct_i).maxBeamPosition;
} else {
ex.correctMaxBeamPosition = -1;
eval.add("numCandidates", numCandidates); // From this parse
if (predDerivations.size() > 0)
eval.add("parsedNumCandidates", predDerivations.size());
for (int i = 0; i < predDerivations.size(); i++) {
Derivation deriv = predDerivations.get(i);
if (deriv.executorStats != null)
// Finally, set all of these stats as the example's evaluation.
private void evaluateValues(Evaluation eval, Example ex, List<Pair<Value, DoubleContainer>> valueList) {
double[] compatibilities = null;
if (ex.targetValue != null) {
compatibilities = new double[valueList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); i++) {
compatibilities[i] = ex.targetValue.getCompatibility(valueList.get(i).getFirst());
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("evaluateValues: predValue=%s, targetValue=%s, compatibility=%s, prob=%s", valueList.get(i).getFirst(), ex.targetValue, compatibilities[i], valueList.get(i).getSecond());
int numTop = 0;
double topMass = 0;
while (numTop < valueList.size() && Math.abs(valueList.get(numTop).getSecond().value() - valueList.get(0).getSecond().value()) < 1e-10) {
topMass += valueList.get(numTop).getSecond().value();
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("evaluateValues: numTop=%s", numTop);
double correct = 0;
if (ex.targetValue != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < numTop; i++) {
if (compatibilities[i] == 1)
correct += valueList.get(i).getSecond().value() / topMass;
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("evaluateValues, correct=%s", correct);
eval.add("valueCorrect", correct);
private void evaluateFormulas(Evaluation eval, List<Pair<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer>> formulaList, Example ex) {
double[] compatibilities = null;
if (ex.targetValue != null) {
compatibilities = new double[formulaList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < formulaList.size(); i++) {
compatibilities[i] = ex.targetValue.getCompatibility(formulaList.get(i).getFirst().getSecond());
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("evaluateFormulas: predValue=%s, targetValue=%s, compatibility=%s, prob=%s", formulaList.get(i).getFirst().getSecond(), ex.targetValue, compatibilities[i], formulaList.get(i).getSecond());
int numTop = 0;
double topMass = 0;
while (numTop < formulaList.size() && Math.abs(formulaList.get(numTop).getSecond().value() - formulaList.get(0).getSecond().value()) < 1e-10) {
topMass += formulaList.get(numTop).getSecond().value();
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("evaluateFormulas: numTop=%s", numTop);
double correct = 0;
if (ex.targetValue != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < numTop; i++) {
if (compatibilities[i] == 1)
correct += formulaList.get(i).getSecond().value() / topMass;
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("evaluateFormulas, correct=%s", correct);
eval.add("formulaCorrect", correct);
private List<Pair<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer>> computeFormulaList(List<Derivation> predDerivations) {
Map<Formula, Pair<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer>> aggregationMap = new HashMap<Formula, Pair<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer>>();
//construct formula map
for (Derivation deriv : predDerivations) {
if (aggregationMap.containsKey(deriv.formula))
aggregationMap.put(deriv.formula, Pair.newPair(Pair.newPair(deriv.formula, deriv.value), new DoubleContainer(deriv.prob)));
List<Pair<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer>> formulaList = new ArrayList<Pair<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer>>(aggregationMap.values());
double sum = 0.0;
for (Pair<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer> pair : formulaList)
sum += pair.getSecond().value();
if (!formulaList.isEmpty() && Math.abs(1.0 - sum) > 0.0001)
throw new RuntimeException("Sum of formulas is: " + sum);
Collections.sort(formulaList, new Pair.ReverseSecondComparator<Pair<Formula, Value>, DoubleContainer>());
return formulaList;
private List<Pair<Value, DoubleContainer>> computeValueList(List<Derivation> predDerivations) {
Map<String, Pair<Value, DoubleContainer>> aggregationMap = new HashMap<String, Pair<Value, DoubleContainer>>();
// TODO: just need a HashMap from Value to double
//construct value map
for (Derivation deriv : predDerivations) {
String strValue = deriv.value != null ? deriv.value.toString() : "-UNKNOWN-";
if (aggregationMap.containsKey(strValue))
aggregationMap.put(strValue, new Pair<Value, DoubleContainer>(deriv.value, new DoubleContainer(deriv.prob)));
List<Pair<Value, DoubleContainer>> valueList = new ArrayList<Pair<Value, DoubleContainer>>(aggregationMap.values());
double sum = 0.0;
for (Pair<Value, DoubleContainer> pair : valueList)
sum += pair.getSecond().value();
if (!valueList.isEmpty() && Math.abs(1.0 - sum) > 0.0001)
throw new RuntimeException("Sum of values is: " + sum);
Collections.sort(valueList, new Pair.ReverseSecondComparator<Value, DoubleContainer>());
return valueList;
private int computeMeanBeamJump(Derivation deriv,
boolean atRoot,
DoubleRef res,
DoubleRef rootRes) {
double dist = (double) (deriv.preSortBeamPosition - deriv.postSortBeamPosition);
res.value += dist;
int n = 1;
if (deriv.children != null)
for (Derivation child : deriv.children)
n += computeMeanBeamJump(child, false, res, rootRes);
if (atRoot) {
rootRes.value = dist;
res.value /= n;
return n;