package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.FbFormulasInfo.BinaryFormulaInfo;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.FbFormulasInfo.UnaryFormulaInfo;
import fig.basic.*;
import java.util.*;
* Class for keeping info from Freebase schema
* @author jonathanberant
public class FreebaseInfo {
private static FreebaseInfo FreebaseInfo;
public static FreebaseInfo getSingleton() {
if (FreebaseInfo == null) FreebaseInfo = new FreebaseInfo();
return FreebaseInfo;
public static class Options {
@Option(gloss = "ttl file with schema information")
public String schemaPath = "lib/fb_data/93.exec/schema.ttl";
public static Options opts = new Options();
// Types: number (boolean, int, float), date, text, entity (people, loc, org, ...), cvt
// Concrete primitive types
public final static String BOOLEAN = "fb:type.boolean";
public final static String INT = "";
public final static String FLOAT = "fb:type.float";
public final static String DATE = "fb:type.datetime";
public final static String TEXT = "fb:type.text";
// Entity types
public final static String PERSON = "fb:people.person";
public final static String LOC = "fb:location.location";
public final static String ORG = "fb:organization.organization";
// Non-standard abstract types
public final static String NUMBER = "fb:type.number";
public final static String ENTITY = "fb:type.entity";
public final static String CVT = "fb:type.cvt";
// Common relations
public final static String TYPE = "fb:type.object.type";
public final static String PROF = "fb:people.person.profession";
public final static String NAME = "";
public final static String ALIAS = "fb:common.topic.alias";
// Transitive types
public final static String CONTAINED_BY = "fb:location.location.containedby";
private BiMap<String, String> masterToReverseMap = HashBiMap.create(); //mapping from master property to its reverse
private Map<String, Set<String>> typeToIncludedTypesMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
private Map<String, Set<String>> typeToSubTypesMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
private Set<String> cvts = new HashSet<String>();
private Map<String, String> type1Map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // property => type of arg1
private Map<String, String> type2Map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // property => type of arg2
private Map<String, String> unit2Map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // property => unit of arg2 (if exists)
private Map<String, List<String>> bDescriptionsMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); //property => descriptions
private Map<String, Integer> bPopularityMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); //property => popularity
//unary maps
private Map<String, Integer> professionPopularityMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); //property => popularity
private Map<String, Integer> typePopularityMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); //property => popularity
private Map<String, List<String>> professionDescriptionsMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); //property => descriptions
private Map<String, List<String>> typeDescriptionsMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); //property => descriptions
private FreebaseInfo() {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// For each type, add |type| and common topic to the set of supertypes.
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> e : typeToIncludedTypesMap.entrySet())
addDefaultSupertypes(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
// Non common topic supertypes.
addSupertype(INT, INT);
addSupertype(INT, NUMBER);
addSupertype(FLOAT, FLOAT);
addSupertype(FLOAT, NUMBER);
addSupertype(DATE, DATE);
* Go over schema twice - once to populate all fields except descriptions, the second time we populate descriptions after we now what
* are the properties we are interested in
* @throws NumberFormatException
* @throws IOException
public void readSchema() throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
LogInfo.begin_track("Loading Freebase schema: %s", opts.schemaPath);
BufferedReader in = IOUtils.openInHard(opts.schemaPath);
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
String[] tokens = edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.freebase.Utils.parseTriple(line);
if (tokens == null) continue;
String arg1 = tokens[0];
String property = tokens[1];
String arg2 = tokens[2];
if (property.equals("")) {
// Duplicates logically really shouldn't happen but the Freebase RDF
// reverse properties are not 1:1. We should monitor this and make
// sure we don't lose any alignments.
if (masterToReverseMap.containsKey(arg1)) {
//LogInfo.errors("arg1 exists multiple times: %s", line);
if (masterToReverseMap.inverse().containsKey(arg2)) {
//LogInfo.errors("arg2 exists multiple times: %s", line);
masterToReverseMap.put(arg1, arg2);
} else if (property.equals("fb:freebase.type_hints.included_types")) {
Set<String> set = typeToIncludedTypesMap.get(arg1);
if (set == null) {
typeToIncludedTypesMap.put(arg1, set = new HashSet<String>());
set = typeToSubTypesMap.get(arg2);
if (set == null) {
typeToSubTypesMap.put(arg2, set = new HashSet<String>());
} else if (property.equals("fb:freebase.type_hints.mediator")) {
if (arg2.equals("\"true\"^^xsd:boolean")) cvts.add(arg1);
else if (arg2.equals("\"false\"^^xsd:boolean")) cvts.remove(arg1);
else throw new RuntimeException("Invalid xsd:boolean: " + arg2);
} else if (property.equals("")) {
type1Map.put(arg1, arg2);
} else if (property.equals("")) {
type2Map.put(arg1, arg2);
} else if (property.equals("")) {
unit2Map.put(arg1, arg2);
} else if (property.equals("")) {
bPopularityMap.put(arg1, edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.freebase.Utils.parseInt(arg2));
} else if (property.equals("fb:user.custom.people.person.profession.num_instances")) {
professionPopularityMap.put(arg1, edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.freebase.Utils.parseInt(arg2));
} else if (property.equals("fb:user.custom.type.object.type.num_instances")) {
typePopularityMap.put(arg1, edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.freebase.Utils.parseInt(arg2));
//second iteration - populate descriptions assumes all properties have the field
in = IOUtils.openInHard(opts.schemaPath);
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
String[] tokens = edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.freebase.Utils.parseTriple(line);
if (tokens == null) continue;
String arg1 = tokens[0];
String property = tokens[1];
String arg2 = tokens[2];
if(property.equals(NAME) || property.equals(ALIAS)) {
if(bPopularityMap.containsKey(arg1)) {
MapUtils.addToList(bDescriptionsMap, arg1, edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.freebase.Utils.parseStr(arg2).toLowerCase());
else if(professionPopularityMap.containsKey(arg1)) {
MapUtils.addToList(professionDescriptionsMap, arg1, edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.freebase.Utils.parseStr(arg2).toLowerCase());
else if(typePopularityMap.containsKey(arg1)) {
MapUtils.addToList(typeDescriptionsMap, arg1, edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.freebase.Utils.parseStr(arg2).toLowerCase());
LogInfo.logs("%d CVTs, (%d,%d) property types, %d property units", cvts.size(), type1Map.size(), type2Map.size(), unit2Map.size());
public Map<Formula,BinaryFormulaInfo> createBinaryFormulaInfoMap() {
Map<Formula,FbFormulasInfo.BinaryFormulaInfo> res = new HashMap<Formula, FbFormulasInfo.BinaryFormulaInfo>();
for(String property: bPopularityMap.keySet()) {
Formula f = Formulas.fromLispTree(LispTree.proto.parseFromString(property));
BinaryFormulaInfo info = new BinaryFormulaInfo(f, type1Map.get(property), type2Map.get(property), unit2Map.get(property),"",bDescriptionsMap.get(property),bPopularityMap.get(property));
if(!info.isComplete()) {
res.put(f, info);
return res;
public Map<Formula,UnaryFormulaInfo> createUnaryFormulaInfoMap() {
Map<Formula,FbFormulasInfo.UnaryFormulaInfo> res = new HashMap<Formula, FbFormulasInfo.UnaryFormulaInfo>();
for(String profession: professionPopularityMap.keySet()) {
Formula f = new JoinFormula(PROF, new ValueFormula<Value>(new NameValue(profession)));
UnaryFormulaInfo info = new UnaryFormulaInfo(f, professionPopularityMap.get(profession),
MapUtils.get(professionDescriptionsMap,profession,new LinkedList<String>()),
if(!info.isComplete()) {
res.put(f, info);
for(String type: typePopularityMap.keySet()) {
Formula f = new JoinFormula(TYPE, new ValueFormula<Value>(new NameValue(type)));
UnaryFormulaInfo info = new UnaryFormulaInfo(f, typePopularityMap.get(type),
MapUtils.get(typeDescriptionsMap,type,new LinkedList<String>()),
if(!info.isComplete()) {
res.put(f, info);
return res;
public boolean fbPropertyHasOpposite(String fbProperty) {
return masterToReverseMap.containsKey(fbProperty) || masterToReverseMap.inverse().containsKey(fbProperty);
//check if has opposite before using
public String getOppositeFbProperty(String fbPropety) {
if (masterToReverseMap.containsKey(fbPropety))
return masterToReverseMap.get(fbPropety);
if (masterToReverseMap.inverse().containsKey(fbPropety))
return masterToReverseMap.inverse().get(fbPropety);
throw new RuntimeException("Property does not have an opposite: " + fbPropety);
private Set<String> addDefaultSupertypes(String type, Set<String> supertypes) {
return supertypes;
public void addSupertype(String subtype, String supertype) {
Set<String> supertypes = typeToIncludedTypesMap.get(subtype);
if (supertypes == null)
typeToIncludedTypesMap.put(subtype, supertypes = new HashSet<String>());
Set<String> subTypes = typeToSubTypesMap.get(supertype);
if (subTypes == null)
typeToSubTypesMap.put(supertype, subTypes = new HashSet<String>());
//Get the measurement unit associated with arg2 of property.
// If something is not a number, then return something crude (e.g. fb:type.cvt).
// Return null if we don't know anything.
public String getUnit2(String property) {
String type = type2Map.get(property);
if (type == null) {
//LogInfo.errors("No type information for property: %s", property);
return null;
if (type.equals(INT) || type.equals(FLOAT)) {
String unit = unit2Map.get(property);
if (unit == null) {
//LogInfo.errors("No unit information for property: %s", property);
return NumberValue.unitless;
return unit;
if (type.equals(BOOLEAN) || type.equals(TEXT) || type.equals(DATE)) // Use the type as the unit
return type;
if (isCvt(type)) return CVT; // CVT
return ENTITY; // Entity
public boolean isCvt(String type) {
return cvts.contains(type);
public void computeTransitiveClosureInefficiently() {
boolean added;
do {
added = false;
for (String subType : typeToIncludedTypesMap.keySet()) {
Set<String> superTypes = typeToIncludedTypesMap.get(subType);
Set<String> typesToAdd = new HashSet<String>();
for (String superType : superTypes) {
Set<String> superSuperTypes = typeToIncludedTypesMap.get(superType);
if (superSuperTypes != null) {
if (typesToAdd.size() > 0) {
LogInfo.log("Adding to subtype: " + subType + "with supertypes " + superTypes + " the new types: " + typesToAdd);
added = true;
} while (added == true);
public Set<String> getIncludedTypesInclusive(String subtype) {
Set<String> set = typeToIncludedTypesMap.get(subtype);
if (set == null) {
return addDefaultSupertypes(subtype, new HashSet<String>());
return set;
public Set<String> getSubTypesExclusive(String subtype) {
Set<String> set = typeToSubTypesMap.get(subtype);
if (set == null) {
return new HashSet<String>();
return set;
public String coarseType(String type) {
Set<String> superTypes = typeToIncludedTypesMap.get(type);
if (superTypes != null) {
if (superTypes.contains(PERSON)) return PERSON;
if (superTypes.contains(LOC)) return LOC;
if (superTypes.contains(ORG)) return ORG;
if (superTypes.contains(NUMBER)) return NUMBER;
if (superTypes.contains(DATE)) return DATE;
return "OTHER"; // Shouldn't really happen
// Return whether |property| is the name of a reverse property.
// Convention: ! is the prefix for reverses.
public static boolean isReverseProperty(String property) {
return property.startsWith("!") && !property.equals("!=");
// fb:en.barack_obama =>
public static final String freebaseNamespace = "";
public static String id2uri(String id) {
assert id.startsWith("fb:") : id;
return freebaseNamespace + id.substring(3).replaceAll("\\.", "/");
public static String uri2id(String uri) {
if (!uri.startsWith(freebaseNamespace)) {
LogInfo.logs("Warning: invalid Freebase uri: %s", uri);
// Don't do any conversion; this is not necessarily the best thing to do.
return uri;
return "fb:" + uri.substring(freebaseNamespace.length()).replaceAll("/", ".");
public static boolean isPrimitive(String type) {
return type.equals(BOOLEAN) ||
type.equals(INT) ||
type.equals(FLOAT) ||
type.equals(DATE) ||