package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre;
import fig.basic.LispTree;
import fig.basic.LogInfo;
import fig.basic.MapUtils;
import java.util.*;
* Class for keeping info and manipulating FB formulas. For example, given a
* Freebase formula computes the reverse of the formula (flipping arguments) and
* the equivalent formula (using reverse property from Freebase) Reversing works
* now only for chains
* @author jonathanberant
public class FbFormulasInfo {
// Everyone should use the singleton.
private static FbFormulasInfo fbFormulaInfo;
public static FbFormulasInfo getSingleton() {
if (fbFormulaInfo == null) fbFormulaInfo = new FbFormulasInfo();
return fbFormulaInfo;
private static Set<Formula> binaryFormulasTouched = new HashSet<Formula>(); //all binary formulas touched during parsing in join and bridge
private FreebaseInfo freebaseInfo=null;
public Map<Formula, BinaryFormulaInfo> binaryFormulaInfoMap = new HashMap<Formula, BinaryFormulaInfo>();
public Map<Formula, UnaryFormulaInfo> unaryFormulaInfoMap = new HashMap<Formula, UnaryFormulaInfo>();
private Map<String, Set<BinaryFormulaInfo>> typeToNumericalPredicates = new HashMap<String, Set<BinaryFormulaInfo>>();
private Map<String, Set<Formula>> atomicExtype2ToBinaryMap = new HashMap<String, Set<Formula>>(); //contains map to all atomic properties
private Map<String, Set<Formula>> extype2ToNonCvtBinaryMap = new HashMap<String, Set<Formula>>(); //contains map to all binaries for which extype 1 is not a CVT
private Map<Formula, Set<BinaryFormulaInfo>> cvtExpansionsMap = new HashMap<Formula, Set<BinaryFormulaInfo>>();
private Map<String,Set<Formula>> cvtTypeToBinaries = new HashMap<String,Set<Formula>>();
private FbFormulasInfo() {
try {
freebaseInfo = FreebaseInfo.getSingleton();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static void touchBinaryFormula(Formula binary) {
public static int numOfTouchedBinaries() {
return binaryFormulasTouched.size();
* Map that given a type provides all Freebase predicates that have that type
* as expected type 2 and a number for expected type 1
private void computeNumericalPredicatesMap() {
for (BinaryFormulaInfo info : binaryFormulaInfoMap.values()) {
if (info.expectedType1.equals("") || info.expectedType1.equals("fb:type.float")) {
MapUtils.addToSet(typeToNumericalPredicates, info.expectedType2, info);
public Set<BinaryFormulaInfo> getNumericalPredicates(String expectedType) {
return MapUtils.get(typeToNumericalPredicates, expectedType, new HashSet<BinaryFormulaInfo>());
private void computeReverseFormulaInfo() {
List<BinaryFormulaInfo> entriesToAdd = new LinkedList<FbFormulasInfo.BinaryFormulaInfo>();
for (Formula formula : binaryFormulaInfoMap.keySet()) {
BinaryFormulaInfo info = binaryFormulaInfoMap.get(formula);
Formula reverseFormula = reverseFormula(formula);
if (!binaryFormulaInfoMap.containsKey(reverseFormula)) {
new BinaryFormulaInfo(
info.expectedType2, info.expectedType1, info.unitId, info.unitDesc, info.descriptions, info.popularity));
LogInfo.log("Adding reverse formulas: " + entriesToAdd.size());
for (BinaryFormulaInfo e : entriesToAdd) {
binaryFormulaInfoMap.put(e.formula, e);
public BinaryFormulaInfo getBinaryInfo(Formula formula) {
return binaryFormulaInfoMap.get(formula);
public UnaryFormulaInfo getUnaryInfo(Formula formula) {
return unaryFormulaInfoMap.get(formula);
private void loadFormulaInfo() throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
LogInfo.begin_track("Loading formula info...");
LogInfo.log("Adding schema properties");
binaryFormulaInfoMap = freebaseInfo.createBinaryFormulaInfoMap();
unaryFormulaInfoMap = freebaseInfo.createUnaryFormulaInfoMap();
LogInfo.log("Current number of binary formulas: " + binaryFormulaInfoMap.size());
LogInfo.log("Current number of unary formulas: " + unaryFormulaInfoMap.size());
LogInfo.log("Compuing reverse for schema formulas");
LogInfo.log("Current number of binary formulas: " + binaryFormulaInfoMap.size());
for (BinaryFormulaInfo info : binaryFormulaInfoMap.values()) {
MapUtils.addToSet(atomicExtype2ToBinaryMap, info.expectedType2, info.formula);
if(!isCvt(info.expectedType1)) {
addMappingFromType2ToFormula(info.expectedType2, info.formula);
LogInfo.log("Generate formulas through CVTs");
generateCvtFormulas(); //generate formulas for CVTs
LogInfo.log("Current number of binary formulas: " + binaryFormulaInfoMap.size());
* Adding mapping from type 2 to formula - makes sure to insert just one of the 2 equivalent formulas if they exist
* @param type2
* @param formula
private void addMappingFromType2ToFormula(String type2, Formula formula) {
MapUtils.addToSet(extype2ToNonCvtBinaryMap, type2, formula);
private void generateCvtFormulas() throws FileNotFoundException {
List<BinaryFormulaInfo> toAdd = new ArrayList<FbFormulasInfo.BinaryFormulaInfo>();
for (BinaryFormulaInfo innerInfo : binaryFormulaInfoMap.values()) {
if (isCvt(innerInfo.expectedType1)) { //if expected type 1 is a CVT
MapUtils.addToSet(cvtTypeToBinaries, innerInfo.expectedType1, innerInfo.formula);
Set<Formula> outers = atomicExtype2ToBinaryMap.get(innerInfo.expectedType1); //find those whose expected type 2 is that CVT
for (Formula outer : outers) {
BinaryFormulaInfo outerInfo = binaryFormulaInfoMap.get(outer);
if (!isLegalCvt(innerInfo.formula, outer))
//build new formula
LambdaFormula cvtFormula = new LambdaFormula("x", new JoinFormula(outer, new JoinFormula(innerInfo.formula, new VariableFormula("x"))));
BinaryFormulaInfo newFormulaInfo = binaryFormulaInfoMap.get(cvtFormula);
if (newFormulaInfo == null) {
String exType1 = outerInfo.expectedType1;
if (exType1 == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Missing expected type 1 for formula: " + outer);
List<String> newDescriptions = new LinkedList<String>();
newFormulaInfo = new BinaryFormulaInfo(cvtFormula, exType1, innerInfo.expectedType2, newDescriptions, Math.min(outerInfo.popularity, innerInfo.popularity));
MapUtils.addToSet(cvtExpansionsMap, innerInfo.formula, newFormulaInfo);
MapUtils.addToSet(cvtExpansionsMap, outerInfo.formula, newFormulaInfo);
for (BinaryFormulaInfo info : toAdd) {
addMappingFromType2ToFormula(info.expectedType2, info.formula);
binaryFormulaInfoMap.put(info.formula, info);
private boolean isLegalCvt(Formula inner, Formula outer) {
if (FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(inner.toString()) && !FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(outer.toString()))
return false;
if (!FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(inner.toString()) && FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(outer.toString()))
return false;
//if (isEquivalent(reverseFormula(outer), inner)) //don't expand if reverse is equivalent
//return false;
return true;
/** Reverse the order of arguments */
//Takes in a |rawFormula| which is a function.
public static Formula reverseFormula(Formula rawFormula) {
if (rawFormula instanceof ValueFormula) {
ValueFormula<NameValue> vf = (ValueFormula<NameValue>) rawFormula;
return reverseNameFormula(vf);
} else if (rawFormula instanceof LambdaFormula) {
// Convert (lambda x (relation1 (relation2 (var x)))) <=> (lambda x (!relation2 (!relation1 (var x))))
// Note: currently only handles chains. Make this more generic.
LambdaFormula formula = (LambdaFormula) rawFormula;
if (formula.body instanceof JoinFormula || formula.body instanceof VariableFormula)
return new LambdaFormula(formula.var, reverseChain(formula.body, new VariableFormula(formula.var)));
return new ReverseFormula(formula);
} else {
return new ReverseFormula(rawFormula);
//throw new RuntimeException("Not handled: " + rawFormula);
// Helper function for reverseFormula().
private static Formula reverseChain(Formula source, Formula result) {
if (source instanceof JoinFormula) {
JoinFormula join = (JoinFormula) source;
return reverseChain(join.child, new JoinFormula(reverseFormula(join.relation), result));
} else if (source instanceof VariableFormula) {
return result;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Not handled: " + source);
// !fb:people.person.place_of_birth <=> fb:people.person.place_of_birth
private static ValueFormula<NameValue> reverseNameFormula(ValueFormula<NameValue> formula) {
String id =;
return new ValueFormula<NameValue>(
new NameValue(FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(id) ?
id.substring(1) : "!" + id));
/** supports chains only */
public boolean hasOpposite(String formula) {
LispTree tree = LispTree.proto.parseFromString(formula);
if (tree.isLeaf()) {
String fbProperty = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(tree.value) ? tree.value.substring(1) : tree.value;
return freebaseInfo.fbPropertyHasOpposite(fbProperty);
} else {
// Un-reverse everything.
String binary1 = tree.child(2).child(0).value;
binary1 = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(binary1) ? binary1.substring(1) : binary1;
String binary2 = tree.child(2).child(1).child(0).value;
binary2 = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(binary2) ? binary2.substring(1) : binary2;
return freebaseInfo.fbPropertyHasOpposite(binary1) && freebaseInfo.fbPropertyHasOpposite(binary2);
/** supports chains only */
public boolean hasOpposite(Formula formula) {
LispTree tree = formula.toLispTree();
if (tree.isLeaf()) {
String fbProperty = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(tree.value) ? tree.value.substring(1) : tree.value;
return freebaseInfo.fbPropertyHasOpposite(fbProperty);
} else {
// Un-reverse everything.
String binary1 = tree.child(2).child(0).value;
binary1 = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(binary1) ? binary1.substring(1) : binary1;
String binary2 = tree.child(2).child(1).child(0).value;
binary2 = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(binary2) ? binary2.substring(1) : binary2;
return freebaseInfo.fbPropertyHasOpposite(binary1) && freebaseInfo.fbPropertyHasOpposite(binary2);
/** supports chains only */
public boolean isReversed(Formula formula) {
LispTree tree = formula.toLispTree();
if (tree.isLeaf())
return FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(tree.value);
return FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(tree.child(2).child(0).value);
/** assumes we checked there is an opposite formula */
public Formula equivalentFormula(String formula) {
LispTree tree = LispTree.proto.parseFromString(formula);
return equivalentFormula(tree);
public Formula equivalentFormula(Formula formula) {
LispTree tree = formula.toLispTree();
return equivalentFormula(tree);
public Formula equivalentFormula(LispTree tree) {
if (tree.isLeaf()) {
boolean rev = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(tree.value);
String fbProperty = rev ? tree.value.substring(1) : tree.value;
String oppositeProperty = freebaseInfo.getOppositeFbProperty(fbProperty);
return rev ? Formulas.newNameFormula(oppositeProperty) : Formulas.newNameFormula("!" + oppositeProperty);
} else {
String binary1 = tree.child(2).child(0).value;
binary1 = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(binary1) ? binary1.substring(1) : binary1;
String binary2 = tree.child(2).child(1).child(0).value;
binary2 = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(binary2) ? binary2.substring(1) : binary2;
String oppositeBinary1 = freebaseInfo.getOppositeFbProperty(binary1);
String oppositeBinary2 = freebaseInfo.getOppositeFbProperty(binary2);
boolean rev = FreebaseInfo.isReverseProperty(tree.child(2).child(0).value);
return buildLambdaFormula(oppositeBinary1, oppositeBinary2, !rev);
public static Formula buildLambdaFormula(String binary1, String binary2, boolean reverse) {
Formula binary1Formula = reverse ? Formulas.newNameFormula("!" + binary1) : Formulas.newNameFormula(binary1);
Formula binary2Formula = reverse ? Formulas.newNameFormula("!" + binary2) : Formulas.newNameFormula(binary2);
Formula join1 = new JoinFormula(binary2Formula, new VariableFormula("x"));
Formula join2 = new JoinFormula(binary1Formula, join1);
return new LambdaFormula("x", join2);
public boolean isEquivalent(Formula formula1, Formula formula2) {
if (formula1.equals(formula2))
return true;
if (hasOpposite(formula1)) {
Formula equiv1 = equivalentFormula(formula1);
return equiv1.equals(formula2);
return false;
private boolean isOpposite(Formula formula1, Formula formula2) {
if(isReversed(formula1) && !isReversed(formula2)) {
String formula1Desc = formula1.toString().substring(1);
return formula1Desc.equals(formula2.toString());
if(isReversed(formula2) && !isReversed(formula1)) {
String formula2Desc = formula2.toString().substring(1);
return formula2Desc.equals(formula1.toString());
if(hasOpposite(formula1)) {
Formula equivalentFormula = equivalentFormula(formula1);
if(isReversed(equivalentFormula)) {
String equivalentFormaulDesc = equivalentFormula.toString().substring(1);
return equivalentFormaulDesc.equals(formula2.toString());
else {
String formula2Desc = formula2.toString().substring(1);
return formula2Desc.equals(equivalentFormula.toString());
return false;
public Set<String> getIncludedTypesInclusive(String subtype) {
return freebaseInfo.getIncludedTypesInclusive(subtype);
public Set<String> getSubtypesExclusive(String supertype) {
return freebaseInfo.getSubTypesExclusive(supertype);
public Set<Formula> getBinariesForType2(String type) {
return MapUtils.get(extype2ToNonCvtBinaryMap, type, new HashSet<Formula>());
public Set<Formula> getAtomicBinariesForType2(String type) {
return MapUtils.get(atomicExtype2ToBinaryMap, type, new HashSet<Formula>());
public boolean isCvtFormula(BinaryFormulaInfo info) {
return isCvt(info.expectedType1) || isCvt(info.expectedType2);
public Set<BinaryFormulaInfo> getCvtExpansions(BinaryFormulaInfo info) {
return MapUtils.getSet(cvtExpansionsMap, info.formula);
public Set<Formula> expandCvts(String cvt) {
return MapUtils.getSet(cvtTypeToBinaries, cvt);
public List<Formula> getInjectableBinaries(Formula formula) {
List<Formula> res = new ArrayList<Formula>();
if(!(formula instanceof LambdaFormula)) return res;
LambdaFormula lambdaFormula = (LambdaFormula) formula;
Formula first = ((JoinFormula) lambdaFormula.body).relation;
Formula second = ((JoinFormula) ((JoinFormula) lambdaFormula.body).child).relation;
Set<Formula> binaryFormulas = expandCvts(getBinaryInfo(first).expectedType2);
for(Formula binaryFormula: binaryFormulas) {
if(!second.equals(binaryFormula) &&
!isOpposite(first, binaryFormula)) {
return res;
public Map<Formula, BinaryFormulaInfo> getFormulaInfoMap() {
return binaryFormulaInfoMap;
public boolean isCvt(String type) {
return freebaseInfo.isCvt(type);
public static class BinaryFormulaInfo {
public Formula formula;
public String expectedType1;
public String expectedType2;
public String unitId = "";
public String unitDesc = "";
public List<String> descriptions=new LinkedList<String>();
public double popularity;
public BinaryFormulaInfo(Formula formula, String exType1, String exType2, List<String> descs, double popularity) {
this.formula = formula;
this.expectedType1 = exType1;
this.expectedType2 = exType2;
this.descriptions = descs;
this.popularity = popularity;
this.unitId = "";
this.unitDesc = "";
public BinaryFormulaInfo(Formula formula, String exType1, String exType2, String unitId, String unitDesc, List<String> descs, double popularity) {
this.formula = formula;
this.expectedType1 = exType1;
this.expectedType2 = exType2;
this.descriptions = descs;
this.popularity = popularity;
this.unitId = "";
this.unitDesc = "";
public String toString() {
return formula.toString() + "\t" + popularity + "\t" + expectedType1 + "\t" + expectedType2 + "\t" + unitId + "\t"
+ unitDesc + "\t" + Joiner.on("###").join(descriptions);
public String toReverseString() {
return reverseFormula(formula).toString() + "\t" + popularity + "\t" + expectedType2 + "\t" + expectedType1 + "\t" + unitId + "\t"
+ unitDesc + "\t" + Joiner.on("###").join(descriptions);
public static List<String> tokenizeFbDescription(String fbDesc) {
List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] tokens = fbDesc.split("\\s+");
for (String token : tokens) {
token = token.replace("(", "");
token = token.replace(")", "");
token = token.replace("\"", "");
return res;
public boolean isComplete() {
if (formula == null || expectedType1 == null || expectedType2 == null ||
expectedType1.equals("") || expectedType2.equals("") || descriptions == null ||
descriptions.size()==0 ||
popularity == 0.0)
return false;
return true;
public SemType getSemType() {
return new FuncSemType(new EntitySemType(expectedType2), new EntitySemType(expectedType1));
public static class UnaryFormulaInfo {
public Formula formula;
public double popularity;
public List<String> descriptions;
public Set<String> types;
public UnaryFormulaInfo(Formula formula, double popularity,
List<String> descriptions, Set<String> types) {
this.formula = formula;
this.popularity = popularity;
this.descriptions = descriptions;
this.types = types;
public boolean isComplete() {
if (formula == null || descriptions == null || descriptions.size()==0 ||
popularity == 0.0)
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return formula + "\t" + popularity + "\t" + Joiner.on("###").join(descriptions);
public String getRepresentativeDescrption() {
if(descriptions.get(0).contains("/") &&
return descriptions.get(1);
return descriptions.get(0);