package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.FbFormulasInfo.BinaryFormulaInfo;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.MergeFormula.Mode;
import fig.basic.LispTree;
import fig.basic.LogInfo;
import fig.basic.Option;
import fig.basic.IOUtils;
import java.util.*;
* Bridge between two derivations by type-raising one of them.
* @author jonathanberant
public class BridgeFn extends SemanticFn {
private static final Formula intFormula = Formulas.fromLispTree(LispTree.proto.parseFromString("(fb:type.object.type"));
private static final Formula floatFormula = Formulas.fromLispTree(LispTree.proto.parseFromString("(fb:type.object.type fb:type.float)"));
public static class Options {
@Option(gloss = "Verbose") public int verbose = 0;
@Option(gloss = "Whether to allow entity bridging with no binary string match") public boolean looseEntBridge = false;
@Option(gloss = "List of binary formulas to use during bridging") public String binariesFile = "";
public static Options opts = new Options();
private FbFormulasInfo fbFormulaInfo = null;
private String description;
private boolean headFirst;
private TextToTextMatcher textToTextMatcher;
private static HashSet<Formula> binariesToUse;
public void init(LispTree tree) {
if (tree.children.size() != 3)
throw new RuntimeException("Number of children is: " + tree.children.size());
if (!tree.child(2).value.equals("headFirst") && !tree.child(2).value.equals("headLast"))
throw new RuntimeException("Bad argument for head position: " + tree.child(2).value);
if (!tree.child(1).value.equals("unary") && !tree.child(1).value.equals("inject") && !tree.child(1).value.equals("entity"))
throw new RuntimeException("Bad description: " + tree.child(1).value);
this.description = tree.child(1).value;
headFirst = tree.child(2).value.equals("headFirst");
public BridgeFn() {
fbFormulaInfo = FbFormulasInfo.getSingleton();
textToTextMatcher = TextToTextMatcher.getSingleton();
binariesToUse = new HashSet<Formula>();
if (!opts.binariesFile.equals("")) {
public static void readBinaries() {
for (String line : IOUtils.readLinesHard(opts.binariesFile)) {
if (line.startsWith("#")) continue;
if (line.equals("")) continue;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
BridgeFn bridgeFn = (BridgeFn) o;
if (headFirst != bridgeFn.headFirst) return false;
if (!description.equals(bridgeFn.description)) return false;
return true;
public List<Derivation> call(Example ex, Callable c) {
try {
if (description.equals("unary")) {
return bridgeUnary(ex, c);
} else if (description.equals("inject")) {
return injectIntoCvt(ex, c);
} else if (description.equals("entity")) {
return bridgeEntity(ex, c);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid (expected unary, inject, or entity): " + description);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private boolean isCvt(Derivation headDeriv) {
if (!(headDeriv.formula instanceof JoinFormula))
return false;
JoinFormula join = (JoinFormula) headDeriv.formula;
if (join.relation instanceof LambdaFormula)
return true;
if (join.child instanceof JoinFormula || join.child instanceof MergeFormula)
return true;
return false;
// Return all the entity supertypes of |type|.
// TODO: make this more efficient.
private Set<String> getSupertypes(SemType type, Set<String> supertypes) {
if (type instanceof EntitySemType)
supertypes.addAll(fbFormulaInfo.getIncludedTypesInclusive(((EntitySemType) type).name));
else if (type instanceof UnionSemType)
for (SemType baseType : ((UnionSemType) type).baseTypes)
getSupertypes(baseType, supertypes);
else {
// FIXME HACK for when passing binary into lambda formula and
// getSuperTypes doesn't work
getSupertypes(SemType.fromString("topic"), supertypes);
//throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type (must be unary): " + type);
return supertypes;
private List<Derivation> bridgeUnary(Example ex, Callable c) throws IOException {
List<Derivation> res = new ArrayList<Derivation>();
// Example: modifier[Hanks] head[movies]
Derivation headDeriv = headFirst ? c.child(0) : c.child(1);
Derivation modifierDeriv = !headFirst ? c.child(0) : c.child(1);
Set<String> headTypes = getSupertypes(headDeriv.type, new HashSet<String>());
Set<String> modifierTypes = getSupertypes(modifierDeriv.type, new HashSet<String>());
HashSet<String> usedBinaries = new HashSet<String>();
for (String modifierType : modifierTypes) { // For each head type...
Set<Formula> binaries;
if (binariesToUse.size() == 0)
binaries = fbFormulaInfo.getBinariesForType2(modifierType);
binaries = binariesToUse;
for (Formula binary : binaries) { // For each possible binary...
if (usedBinaries.contains(binary.toString()))
BinaryFormulaInfo binaryInfo = fbFormulaInfo.getBinaryInfo(binary);
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("%s => %s", modifierType, binary);
if (headTypes.contains(binaryInfo.expectedType1)) {
Formula bridgedFormula = buildBridge(headDeriv.formula, modifierDeriv.formula, binary);
Derivation newDeriv = new Derivation.Builder()
if (SemanticFn.opts.trackLocalChoices) {
"BridgeFn: %s %s --> %s %s --> %s %s",
headDeriv.startEndString(ex.getTokens()), headDeriv.formula,
ex.getTokens().subList(c.child(0).end, c.child(1).start),
modifierDeriv.startEndString(ex.getTokens()), modifierDeriv.formula));
// Add features
if (ex != null) {
newDeriv.addFeature("BridgeFn", "unary");
// Popularity of the binary
newDeriv.addFeatureWithBias("BridgeFn", "popularity", Math.log(binaryInfo.popularity + 1));
// head modifier POS tags
String headModifierOrder = headFirst ? "head-modifier" : "modifier-head";
"order=" + headModifierOrder + "," +
"pos=" +
ex.languageInfo.getCanonicalPos(headDeriv.start) + "-" +
addBinaryMatchFeatures(ex, modifierDeriv, binary, newDeriv); //HACKY
List<List<String>> exampleInfo = generateExampleInfo(ex, c); //this is not done in text to text matcher so done here
FeatureVector vector = textToTextMatcher.extractFeatures(
exampleInfo.get(0), exampleInfo.get(1), exampleInfo.get(2),
new HashSet<String>(binaryInfo.descriptions));
return res;
//see whether the binary bridge can also be retrieved with the alignment lexicon
private void addBinaryMatchFeatures(Example ex, Derivation modifierDeriv, Formula binary, Derivation newDeriv) throws IOException {
if (!FeatureExtractor.containsDomain("bridgeBinaryMatch")) return;
for (int i = 0; i < ex.languageInfo.lemmaTokens.size(); ++i) {
if (i >= modifierDeriv.start && i < modifierDeriv.end)
String pos = ex.languageInfo.posTags.get(i);
String lemma = ex.languageInfo.lemmaTokens.get(i);
if (pos.startsWith("NN") || (pos.startsWith("VB") && !pos.equals("VBD-AUX")) || pos.equals("JJ") || pos.equals("IN")) {
LexiconFn fn = new LexiconFn();
fn.init(LispTree.proto.parseFromString("(LexiconFn binary)"));
Derivation child = new Derivation.Builder()
.cat("$CompositeRel").start(i).end(i + 1)
.children(new ArrayList<Derivation>())
CallInfo c = new CallInfo("$Binary", i, i + 1, null, Collections.singletonList(child));
List<Derivation> derivations =, c);
for (Derivation deriv : derivations) {
if (deriv.formula.equals(binary) || deriv.formula.equals(FbFormulasInfo.reverseFormula(binary))) {
if (opts.verbose >= 1) {
LogInfo.logs("BridgeFn: lemma %s matched bridged binary %s", lemma, binary);
//bridge without a unary - simply by looking at binaries leading to the entity and string matching binary description to example tokens/lemmas/stems
private List<Derivation> bridgeEntity(Example ex, Callable c) throws IOException {
List<Derivation> res = new ArrayList<Derivation>();
Derivation modifierDeriv = c.child(0);
Set<String> modifierTypes = getSupertypes(modifierDeriv.type, new HashSet<String>());
for (String modifierType : modifierTypes) { // For each head type...
Set<Formula> binaries = fbFormulaInfo.getBinariesForType2(modifierType);
for (Formula binary : binaries) { // For each possible binary...
BinaryFormulaInfo binaryInfo = fbFormulaInfo.getBinaryInfo(binary);
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("%s => %s", modifierType, binary);
List<List<String>> exampleInfo = generateExampleInfo(ex, c); //this is not done in text to text matcher so done here
if (textToTextMatcher.existsTokenMatch(exampleInfo.get(0), exampleInfo.get(2), new HashSet<String>(binaryInfo.descriptions))
|| opts.looseEntBridge) {
Formula join = new JoinFormula(binary, modifierDeriv.formula);
Derivation newDeriv = new Derivation.Builder()
.type(new EntitySemType(binaryInfo.expectedType1))
if (opts.verbose >= 2)
LogInfo.logs("BridgeStringFn: %s", join);
if (ex != null) {
newDeriv.addFeature("BridgeFn", "entity");
newDeriv.addFeatureWithBias("BridgeFn", "popularity", Math.log(binaryInfo.popularity + 1));
addBinaryMatchFeatures(ex, modifierDeriv, binary, newDeriv); //HACKY
FeatureVector textMatchFeatures = textToTextMatcher.extractFeatures(
exampleInfo.get(0), exampleInfo.get(1), exampleInfo.get(2),
new HashSet<String>(binaryInfo.descriptions));
//addTokenMatchFeatures(tokenStemFeatures.first(), newDeriv, "binary_token");
//addTokenMatchFeatures(tokenStemFeatures.second(), newDeriv, "binary_stem");
//addWordSimilarityFeatures(ex, newDeriv, binaryInfo); // (1) edit distance (2) word similarity
//newDeriv.localFeatureVector.add("bridge_lex_"+binaryInfo.expectedType1+"-->"+binary); //causes overfitting with 300 training examples
return res;
//generate from example array of content word tokens/lemmas/stems that are not dominated by child derivations
private List<List<String>> generateExampleInfo(Example ex, Callable c) {
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> posTags = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> lemmas = new ArrayList<String>();
List<List<String>> res = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
Derivation modifierDeriv = headFirst ? c.child(1) : c.child(0);
for (int i = 0; i < ex.languageInfo.tokens.size(); ++i) {
if (i >= modifierDeriv.start && i < modifierDeriv.end) { //do not consider the modifier words {
return res;
private List<Derivation> injectIntoCvt(Example ex, Callable c) {
List<Derivation> res = new ArrayList<Derivation>();
// Example: modifier[Braveheart] head[Mel Gibson plays in]
Derivation headDeriv = headFirst ? c.child(0) : c.child(1);
if (!isCvt(headDeriv)) //only works on cvts
return res;
Derivation modifierDeriv = !headFirst ? c.child(0) : c.child(1);
JoinFormula headFormula = (JoinFormula)Formulas.betaReduction(headDeriv.formula);
//find the type of the cvt node
Set<String> headTypes = Collections.singleton(fbFormulaInfo.getBinaryInfo(headFormula.relation).expectedType2);
Set<String> modifierTypes = getSupertypes(modifierDeriv.type, new HashSet<String>());
for (String modifierType : modifierTypes) {
Set<Formula> binaries = fbFormulaInfo.getAtomicBinariesForType2(modifierType); //here we use atomic binaries since we inject into a CVT
for (Formula binary : binaries) { // For each possible binary...
BinaryFormulaInfo info = fbFormulaInfo.getBinaryInfo(binary);
if (headTypes.contains(info.expectedType1)) {
Formula bridgedFormula = buildBridgeFromCvt(headFormula, modifierDeriv.formula, binary);
Derivation newDeriv = new Derivation.Builder()
if (opts.verbose >= 3)
LogInfo.logs("BridgeFn: injecting %s to %s --> %s ", modifierDeriv.formula, headFormula, bridgedFormula);
if (ex != null) {
String headModifierOrder = headFirst ? "head-modifier" : "modifier-head";
"inject_order=" + headModifierOrder + "," + "pos=" +
ex.languageInfo.getCanonicalPos(headDeriv.start) + "-" +
newDeriv.addFeature("BridgeFn", "binary=" + binary);
return res;
// Checks whether "var" is used as a binary in "formula"
private boolean varIsBinary(Formula formula, String var) {
boolean isBinary = false;
LispTree tree = formula.toLispTree();
VariableFormula vf = new VariableFormula(var);
for (LispTree child : tree.children) {
if (child.isLeaf())
if (child.children.size() == 2 && vf.equals(Formulas.fromLispTree(child.child(0)))) {
isBinary = true;
if (varIsBinary(Formulas.fromLispTree(child), var)) {
isBinary = true;
return isBinary;
private Formula buildBridge(Formula headFormula, Formula modifierFormula, Formula binary) {
// Handle cases like "what state has the most cities" where "has the" is mapped
// to "contains" predicate via bridging but "most" triggers a nested lambda w/
// argmax on a count relation
// (Corresponds to $MetaMetaOperator in grammar)
if (modifierFormula instanceof LambdaFormula) {
LambdaFormula lf = (LambdaFormula) modifierFormula;
if (varIsBinary(lf, lf.var)) {
Formula newBinary = Formulas.lambdaApply(lf, binary);
if (newBinary instanceof LambdaFormula) {
Formula result = Formulas.lambdaApply((LambdaFormula) newBinary, headFormula);
return result;
Formula join = new JoinFormula(binary, modifierFormula);
Formula merge = new MergeFormula(Mode.and, headFormula, join);
//Don't merge on ints and floats
return (headFormula.equals(intFormula) || headFormula.equals(floatFormula)) ? join : merge;
private Formula buildBridgeFromCvt(JoinFormula headFormula, Formula modifierFormula, Formula binary) {
Formula join = new JoinFormula(binary, modifierFormula);
Formula merge = new MergeFormula(Mode.and, headFormula.child, join);
return new JoinFormula(headFormula.relation, merge);