* Copyright 2012, Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.facebook.LinkBench;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.CompressionType;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.facebook.LinkBench.LinkBenchLoad.LoadProgress;
import com.facebook.LinkBench.LinkBenchRequest.RequestProgress;
import com.facebook.LinkBench.stats.LatencyStats;
* LinkBenchDriverMR class.
* First loads data using map-reduced LinkBenchLoad class.
* Then does read and write requests of various types (addlink, deletelink,
* updatelink, getlink, countlinks, getlinklist) using map-reduced
* LinkBenchRequest class.
* Config options are taken from config file passed as argument.
public class LinkBenchDriverMR extends Configured implements Tool {
public static final int LOAD = 1;
public static final int REQUEST = 2;
private static Path TMP_DIR = new Path("TMP_Link_Bench");
private static boolean REPORT_PROGRESS = false;
private static boolean USE_INPUT_FILES = false; //use generate input by default
private static final Logger logger =
static enum Counters { LINK_LOADED, REQUEST_DONE }
private static Properties props;
private static String store;
private static final Class<?>[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Class[]{};
* generate an instance of LinkStore
* @param currentphase LOAD or REQUEST
* @param mapperid id of the mapper 0, 1, ...
private static LinkStore initStore(Phase currentphase, int mapperid)
throws IOException {
LinkStore newstore = null;
if (store == null) {
store = ConfigUtil.getPropertyRequired(props, Config.LINKSTORE_CLASS);
logger.info("Using store class: " + store);
// The property "store" defines the class name that will be used to
// store data in a database. The folowing class names are pre-packaged
// for easy access:
// LinkStoreMysql : run benchmark on mySQL
// LinkStoreHBase : run benchmark on HBase
// LinkStoreHBaseGeneralAtomicityTesting : atomicity testing on HBase.
// LinkStoreTaoAtomicityTesting: atomicity testing for Facebook's HBase
Class<?> clazz = null;
try {
clazz = getClassByName(store);
} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException nfe) {
throw new IOException("Cound not find class for " + store);
newstore = (LinkStore)newInstance(clazz);
if (clazz == null) {
throw new IOException("Unknown data store " + store);
return newstore;
* InputSplit for generated inputs
private class LinkBenchInputSplit implements InputSplit {
private int id; // id of mapper
private int num; // total number of mappers
LinkBenchInputSplit() {}
public LinkBenchInputSplit(int i, int n) {
this.id = i;
this.num = n;
public int getID() {return this.id;}
public int getNum() {return this.num;}
public long getLength() {return 1;}
public String[] getLocations() throws IOException {
return new String[]{};
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
this.id = in.readInt();
this.num = in.readInt();
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
* RecordReader for generated inputs
private class LinkBenchRecordReader
implements RecordReader<IntWritable, IntWritable> {
private int id;
private int num;
private boolean done;
public LinkBenchRecordReader(LinkBenchInputSplit split) {
this.id = split.getID();
this.num = split.getNum();
this.done = false;
public IntWritable createKey() {return new IntWritable();}
public IntWritable createValue() {return new IntWritable();}
public void close() throws IOException { }
// one loader per split
public float getProgress() { return 0.5f;}
// one loader per split
public long getPos() {return 1;}
public boolean next(IntWritable key, IntWritable value)
throws IOException {
if (this.done) {
return false;
} else {
this.done = true;
return true;
* InputFormat for generated inputs
private class LinkBenchInputFormat
implements InputFormat<IntWritable, IntWritable> {
public InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf conf, int numsplits) {
InputSplit[] splits = new InputSplit[numsplits];
for (int i = 0; i < numsplits; ++i) {
splits[i] = (InputSplit) new LinkBenchInputSplit(i, numsplits);
return splits;
public RecordReader<IntWritable, IntWritable> getRecordReader(
InputSplit split, JobConf conf, Reporter reporter) {
return (RecordReader)(new LinkBenchRecordReader((LinkBenchInputSplit)split));
public void validateInput(JobConf conf) {} // no need to validate
* create JobConf for map reduce job
* @param currentphase LOAD or REQUEST
* @param nmappers number of mappers (loader or requester)
private JobConf createJobConf(int currentphase, int nmappers) {
final JobConf jobconf = new JobConf(getConf(), getClass());
jobconf.setJobName("LinkBench MapReduce Driver");
} else {
if(currentphase == LOAD) {
} else { //REQUEST
// turn off speculative execution, because DFS doesn't handle
// multiple writers to the same file.
return jobconf;
* setup input files for map reduce job
* @param jobconf configuration of the map reduce job
* @param nmappers number of mappers (loader or requester)
private static FileSystem setupInputFiles(JobConf jobconf, int nmappers)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
//setup input/output directories
final Path indir = new Path(TMP_DIR, "in");
final Path outdir = new Path(TMP_DIR, "out");
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobconf, indir);
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(jobconf, outdir);
final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(jobconf);
if (fs.exists(TMP_DIR)) {
throw new IOException("Tmp directory " + fs.makeQualified(TMP_DIR)
+ " already exists. Please remove it first.");
if (!fs.mkdirs(indir)) {
throw new IOException("Cannot create input directory " + indir);
//generate an input file for each map task
for(int i=0; i < nmappers; ++i) {
final Path file = new Path(indir, "part"+i);
final IntWritable mapperid = new IntWritable(i);
final IntWritable nummappers = new IntWritable(nmappers);
final SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(
fs, jobconf, file,
IntWritable.class, IntWritable.class, CompressionType.NONE);
try {
writer.append(mapperid, nummappers);
} finally {
logger.info("Wrote input for Map #"+i);
return fs;
* read output from the map reduce job
* @param fs the DFS FileSystem
* @param jobconf configuration of the map reduce job
public static long readOutput(FileSystem fs, JobConf jobconf)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
//read outputs
final Path outdir = new Path(TMP_DIR, "out");
Path infile = new Path(outdir, "reduce-out");
IntWritable nworkers = new IntWritable();
LongWritable result = new LongWritable();
long output = 0;
SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, infile, jobconf);
try {
reader.next(nworkers, result);
output = result.get();
} finally {
return output;
* Mapper for LOAD phase
* Load data to the store
* Output the number of loaded links
public static class LoadMapper extends MapReduceBase
implements Mapper<IntWritable, IntWritable, IntWritable, LongWritable> {
public void map(IntWritable loaderid,
IntWritable nloaders,
OutputCollector<IntWritable, LongWritable> output,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
ConfigUtil.setupLogging(props, null);
LinkStore store = initStore(Phase.LOAD, loaderid.get());
LatencyStats latencyStats = new LatencyStats(nloaders.get());
long maxid1 = ConfigUtil.getLong(props, Config.MAX_ID);
long startid1 = ConfigUtil.getLong(props, Config.MIN_ID);
LoadProgress prog_tracker = LoadProgress.create(
Logger.getLogger(ConfigUtil.LINKBENCH_LOGGER), props);
LinkBenchLoad loader = new LinkBenchLoad(store, props, latencyStats,
loaderid.get(), maxid1 == startid1 + 1,
nloaders.get(), prog_tracker, new Random());
LinkedList<LinkBenchLoad> tasks = new LinkedList<LinkBenchLoad>();
long linksloaded = 0;
try {
linksloaded = loader.getLinksLoaded();
} catch (java.lang.Throwable t) {
throw new IOException(t);
output.collect(new IntWritable(nloaders.get()),
new LongWritable(linksloaded));
reporter.incrCounter(Counters.LINK_LOADED, linksloaded);
* Mapper for REQUEST phase
* Send requests
* Output the number of finished requests
public static class RequestMapper extends MapReduceBase
implements Mapper<IntWritable, IntWritable, IntWritable, LongWritable> {
public void map(IntWritable requesterid,
IntWritable nrequesters,
OutputCollector<IntWritable, LongWritable> output,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
ConfigUtil.setupLogging(props, null);
LinkStore store = initStore(Phase.REQUEST, requesterid.get());
LatencyStats latencyStats = new LatencyStats(nrequesters.get());
RequestProgress progress =
LinkBenchRequest.createProgress(logger, props);
// TODO: Don't support NodeStore yet
final LinkBenchRequest requester =
new LinkBenchRequest(store, null, props, latencyStats, null, progress,
new Random(), requesterid.get(), nrequesters.get());
// Wrap in runnable to handle error
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Uncaught error in requester:", t);
long requestdone = 0;
try {
requestdone = requester.getRequestsDone();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
output.collect(new IntWritable(nrequesters.get()),
new LongWritable(requestdone));
reporter.incrCounter(Counters.REQUEST_DONE, requestdone);
* Reducer for both LOAD and REQUEST
* Get the sum of "loaded links" or "finished requests"
public static class LoadRequestReducer extends MapReduceBase
implements Reducer<IntWritable, LongWritable, IntWritable, LongWritable> {
private long sum = 0;
private int nummappers = 0;
private JobConf conf;
/** Store job configuration. */
public void configure(JobConf job) {
conf = job;
public void reduce(IntWritable nmappers,
Iterator<LongWritable> values,
OutputCollector<IntWritable, LongWritable> output,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
nummappers = nmappers.get();
while(values.hasNext()) {
sum += values.next().get();
output.collect(new IntWritable(nmappers.get()),
new LongWritable(sum));
* Reduce task done, write output to a file.
public void close() throws IOException {
//write output to a file
Path outDir = new Path(TMP_DIR, "out");
Path outFile = new Path(outDir, "reduce-out");
FileSystem fileSys = FileSystem.get(conf);
SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fileSys, conf,
outFile, IntWritable.class, LongWritable.class,
writer.append(new IntWritable(nummappers), new LongWritable(sum));
* main route of the LOAD phase
private void load() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
boolean loaddata = (!props.containsKey(Config.LOAD_DATA)) ||
ConfigUtil.getBool(props, Config.LOAD_DATA);
if (!loaddata) {
logger.info("Skipping load data per the config");
int nloaders = ConfigUtil.getInt(props, Config.NUM_LOADERS);
final JobConf jobconf = createJobConf(LOAD, nloaders);
FileSystem fs = setupInputFiles(jobconf, nloaders);
try {
logger.info("Starting loaders " + nloaders);
final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long loadtime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime);
// compute total #links loaded
long maxid1 = ConfigUtil.getLong(props, Config.MAX_ID);
long startid1 = ConfigUtil.getLong(props, Config.MIN_ID);
int nlinks_default = ConfigUtil.getInt(props, Config.NLINKS_DEFAULT);
long expectedlinks = (1 + nlinks_default) * (maxid1 - startid1);
long actuallinks = readOutput(fs, jobconf);
logger.info("LOAD PHASE COMPLETED. Expected to load " +
expectedlinks + " links. " +
actuallinks + " loaded in " + (loadtime/1000) + " seconds." +
"Links/second = " + ((1000*actuallinks)/loadtime));
} finally {
fs.delete(TMP_DIR, true);
* main route of the REQUEST phase
private void sendrequests() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// config info for requests
int nrequesters = ConfigUtil.getInt(props, Config.NUM_REQUESTERS);
final JobConf jobconf = createJobConf(REQUEST, nrequesters);
FileSystem fs = setupInputFiles(jobconf, nrequesters);
try {
logger.info("Starting requesters " + nrequesters);
final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// request time in millis
long requesttime = (endtime - starttime);
long requestsdone = readOutput(fs, jobconf);
logger.info("REQUEST PHASE COMPLETED. " + requestsdone +
" requests done in " + (requesttime/1000) + " seconds." +
"Requests/second = " + (1000*requestsdone)/requesttime);
} finally {
fs.delete(TMP_DIR, true);
* read in configuration and invoke LOAD and REQUEST
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length < 1) {
System.err.println("Args : LinkBenchDriver configfile");
return -1;
props = new Properties();
props.load(new FileInputStream(args[0]));
// get name or temporary directory
String tempdirname = props.getProperty(Config.TEMPDIR);
if (tempdirname != null) {
TMP_DIR = new Path(tempdirname);
// whether report progress through reporter
REPORT_PROGRESS = (!props.containsKey(Config.MAPRED_REPORT_PROGRESS)) ||
ConfigUtil.getBool(props, Config.MAPRED_REPORT_PROGRESS);
// whether store mapper input in files
USE_INPUT_FILES = (!props.containsKey(Config.MAPRED_USE_INPUT_FILES)) ||
ConfigUtil.getBool(props, Config.MAPRED_USE_INPUT_FILES);
return 0;
* Load a class by name.
* @param name the class name.
* @return the class object.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class is not found.
public static Class<?> getClassByName(String name)
throws ClassNotFoundException {
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
return Class.forName(name, true, classLoader);
/** Create an object for the given class and initialize it from conf
* @param theClass class of which an object is created
* @param conf Configuration
* @return a new object
public static <T> T newInstance(Class<T> theClass) {
T result;
try {
Constructor<T> meth = theClass.getDeclaredConstructor(EMPTY_ARRAY);
result = meth.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.exit(ToolRunner.run(null, new LinkBenchDriverMR(), args));