import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.dtk.util.FileUtil;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ContextFactory;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Script;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
* This class is responsible for generating custom Dojo builds by executing the existing
* JavaScript build system. Build properties are controlled using a profile file, a reference
* to which is passed in at runtime.
* @author James Thomas
public class ProfileBuilder {
/** Script arguments, key value pairs, which are translated to a
* single string with key=value attributes. All arguments are used
* to control the build scripts. */
protected List<String> scriptArguments = new ArrayList<String>() {
/** AMD module loader script path, e.g. dojo */
protected String moduleLoaderPath;
/** AMD build package location */
protected String buildPackagePath;
/** Unique reference for this build, used for logging */
protected String buildReference;
/** Local AMD package descriptors format, picked up by AMD module loader */
protected static final String djConfigPrefixFormat
= "djConfig = {buildReference: '%1$s', packages:[{name:'build', lib:'.', location:'%2$s'}]};";
protected Exception buildError;
* Generate new ProfileBuilder using the arguments passed to control
* the build process. All file paths are santised, swapping back slashes
* encountered in Windows paths for forward slashes.
* Leaving backslashes causes numerous issues with the the build scripts on
* the Windows platform.
* @param profileFile - Location to profile file for this build
* @param resultDir - Where to store the resulting build artifacts
* @param moduleLoaderPath - Location to AMD loader package
* @param baseUrl - Base Dojo URL being built with
* @param buildPackagePath - AMD Builder package location
public ProfileBuilder(String profileFile, String resultDir, String moduleLoaderPath,
String baseUrl, String buildPackagePath, String buildReference) {
this.moduleLoaderPath = santisePath(moduleLoaderPath);
this.buildPackagePath = santisePath(buildPackagePath);
this.buildReference = buildReference;
scriptArguments.add("profile=" + santisePath(profileFile));
scriptArguments.add("releaseDir=" + santisePath(resultDir));
scriptArguments.add("baseUrl=" + santisePath(baseUrl));
* Initiate the build process for the profile given. Will try to execute
* the JS build system scripts for this profile, reporting whether it
* executed successfully.
* @return Build completed successfully
public boolean executeBuild() {
boolean buildCompleted = true;
// Use Rhino's global object's as prototype for top scope because
// logger.js assumes access to "print" function.
Global global = new Global();
Context cx = ContextFactory.getGlobal().enterContext();
// Set up standard scripts objects
Scriptable topScope = cx.initStandardObjects(global);
// Enforce conversion of the Java string arguments array to JavaScript native versions.
// Leaving this as true, causes issues in the build scripts.
// Rhino may throw a number of exceptions due to a variety of the build errors, use generic catch to
// get details and store for access.
try {
String moduleLoaderScript = readModuleLoaderSource();
Script moduleLoader = cx.compileString(moduleLoaderScript, "moduleLoader", 1, null);
// Pretend these arguments came from the command line by stuffing them into the top context,
// module loader expects to read them from here.
ScriptableObject.putConstProperty(topScope, "arguments", getBuildScriptArguments());
// Execute the build system scripts to generate optimised dojo builds
moduleLoader.exec(cx, topScope);
} catch (Exception buildError) {
buildCompleted = false;
this.buildError = buildError;
return buildCompleted;
* Read AMD loader script source, with local package
* descriptor information prefixed at the top.
* @return Module loader script source
* @throws IOException - Unable to find module loader
protected String readModuleLoaderSource() throws IOException {
String djConfigScriptPrefix = String.format(djConfigPrefixFormat, this.buildReference, this.buildPackagePath);
String moduleLoaderScript = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(this.moduleLoaderPath));
return djConfigScriptPrefix + moduleLoaderScript;
* Return last exception captured generating a build
* correctly.
* @return Exception - Error thrown by rhino running the build scripts
protected Exception getBuildError() {
return buildError;
* Convert map of key value pairs to ordered array containing
* arguments formated correctly, key=value key1=value1 key2=value2 etc.
* @return String[] Script arguments array
protected String[] getBuildScriptArguments() {
return scriptArguments.toArray(new String[0]);
* Ensure all file paths have no backslashes, replacing
* any found with forwardslash equivalents. This is to
* remove problems encountered on the Windows platform.
* @param path - Path to a file we're referencing
* @return Santised path
protected String santisePath(String path) {
return path.replace('\\', '/');