import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException;
import org.dtk.resources.exceptions.IncorrectParameterException;
import org.dtk.resources.packages.PackageRepository;
import org.dtk.util.JsonUtil;
* Class holding full details of a build request. Also provides
* utility methods to transform build details into correct format
* to ease processing in Rhino-JS environment. All build requests
* are identified by a unique reference, calculated as a hash of
* variable parameters.
* @author James Thomas
public class BuildRequest {
/** User provided build details */
List<Map<String, String>> packages;
String cdn;
String optimise;
String cssOptimise;
String platforms;
String theme;
List<Map<String, Object>> layers;
/** Unique identifier for these build parameters, used to cache computed result. */
String buildReference;
/** Filename for the compressed build archive */
protected static final String archivedBuildFile = "";
/** Directory which contains the raw build output files */
protected static final String buildArtifactsDir = "dojo";
/** Formatter string for toString() output **/
protected static final String format = " packages=%1$s " +
"cdn=%2$s, optimise=%3$s, cssOptimise=%4$s, platforms=%5$s, themes=%6$s, layers=%7$s";
/** Dojo build profile format */
protected static final String profileFormat = "dependencies = %1$s; %2$s;";
public static String transformJobsPaths;
/** Empty theme identifier */
protected static final String MISSING_THEME_NAME = "none";
* Create a new build request from constructor parameters.
* @param packages - Modules reference these packages
* @param cdn - Content Delivery Network
* @param optimise - Optimisation level
* @param layers - Build layers
* @throws JsonParseException
* @throws JsonMappingException
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws IOException
public BuildRequest(List<Map<String, String>> packages, String cdn, String optimise, String cssOptimise, String platforms,
String theme, List<Map<String, Object>> layers)
throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
this.packages = packages;
this.cdn = cdn;
this.optimise = optimise;
this.cssOptimise = cssOptimise;
this.platforms = platforms;
this.theme = theme;
this.layers = layers;
// Generate unique build reference for this set of
// parameters, used hash digest of parameters.
this.buildReference = generateBuildDigest();
* Generate dojo build profile for this build request. Will contain
* all the relevant parameters to pass to the build system.
* @return Dojo build profile for this request
* @throws IOException - Unable to render build profile
* @throws JsonMappingException - Unable to map from Java objects to JSON
* @throws JsonParseException - Illegal JSON parsing error
public String getProfileText() throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> buildProfile = new HashMap<String, Object>();
List<List<String>> modulePrefixes = getModulePrefixes();
buildProfile.put("layers", getProfileLayers());
buildProfile.put("layerOptimize", optimise);
// REMOVE ME. Unclear how to force CSS files from themes to be included in the build output without
// requiring a dijit module.
// Also, CSS optimising is not complete in the new build system. If user has selected a theme,
// all always run CSS compacting....
if (!"none".equals(theme)) {
buildProfile.put("cssOptimize", "on");
buildProfile.put("theme", theme);
// Need to force reference to dijit or the theme resources won't be
// copied across.
if (!containsModulePrefix("dijit", modulePrefixes)) {
modulePrefixes.add(Arrays.asList("dijit", new File(getDojoLocation(), "dijit").getAbsolutePath()));
// DojoX modules often depend on dijit
} else if (containsModulePrefix("dojox", modulePrefixes)) {
modulePrefixes.add(Arrays.asList("dijit", new File(getDojoLocation(), "dijit").getAbsolutePath()));
buildProfile.put("prefixes", modulePrefixes);
// Add build reference to the profile, this allows logging to flow back to Java land
// from JavaScript execution.
buildProfile.put("buildReference", buildReference);
String transformJobs = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(transformJobsPaths));
String profileText = String.format(profileFormat, JsonUtil.writeJavaToJson(buildProfile), transformJobs);
return profileText;
protected boolean containsModulePrefix(String prefix, List<List<String>> modulePrefixes) {
Iterator<List<String>> iter = modulePrefixes.iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
List<String> prefixAndLocation =;
// Format is ["prefix", "location"]
if (prefix.equals(prefixAndLocation.get(0))) {
return true;
return false;
* Convert the module layers for this build request into the format
* the dojo build system expects. This will be converted straight to JSON.
* @return Dojo build layers, using a map to mirror simple object format
protected List<Map<String, Object>> getProfileLayers() {
List<Map<String, Object>> profileLayers = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
Iterator<Map<String, Object>> layerIter = layers.iterator();
while(layerIter.hasNext()) {
final Map<String, Object> layer =;
final List<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<String>();
// Generate dependencies list as just name property of each module
Iterator<Map<String, String>> modulesIter = ((List<Map<String, String>>) layer.get("modules")).iterator();
while(modulesIter.hasNext()) {
if ("dojo.js".equals(layer.get("name"))) {
// Create new layer objects in the map, just layer name
// and module dependencies
profileLayers.add(new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("dependencies", dependencies);
put("name", layer.get("name"));
return profileLayers;
* Generate the unique digest for this build request. Used to identify the same build job
* between requests. Variable parameters used to control the build are hashed using the SHA-1
* algorithm.
* @return Build digest reference
* @throws JsonParseException - Error parsing layers to Json
* @throws JsonMappingException - Error parsing layers to Json
* @throws IOException - Error parsing layers to Json
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException - Unable to access SHA-1 algorithm
protected String generateBuildDigest()
throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
// TODO: Sort module list, so that we don't compile same thing twice
// when modules are included in a different order.
// Convert host object to simple JSON representation. Simple
// reliable text representation of java object state.
String layersJson = JsonUtil.writeJavaToJson(layers),
packagesJson = JsonUtil.writeJavaToJson(packages);
// Get instance of hashing algorithm and update digest with
// build parameters.
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
// Generate BASE64 encoded result, replacing non-safe directory characters
String optionsDigest = (new String( (new Base64()).encode(md.digest())));
String digest = optionsDigest.replace('+', '~').replace('/', '_').replace('=', '_');
return digest;
* Given a build reference, find the associated file path for result of
* the build. Constructed from full build result cache directory and
* unique build reference.
* @param buildDigest - Reference build identifier
* @return String - Absolute file path for reference build id
public String getBuildResultPath() {
// Generate the full file cache path from cache directory, build id and build result file
File buildResultFile = new File(getBuildResultDir(), archivedBuildFile);
return buildResultFile.getAbsolutePath();
public String getBuildResultArtifactsPath() {
// Generate the full file cache path from cache directory, build id and build result file
File buildResultFile = new File(getBuildResultDir(), buildArtifactsDir);
return buildResultFile.getAbsolutePath();
* Return the directory path which will contain the build aritfacts for this
* unique build request. Constructed from the build cache directory alongside
* the custom build identifier.
* @return Directory containing build artifacts, archive, profile and files.
public String getBuildResultDir() {
BuildStatusManager buildStatusManager = BuildStatusManager.getInstance();
String buildCacheRepository = buildStatusManager.getBuildResultCachePath();
// Add unique build identifier to the cache path location
File buildResultDir = new File(buildCacheRepository, buildReference);
return buildResultDir.getAbsolutePath();
* Does this build request include a valid theme?
* @return Request has a theme
public Boolean hasTheme() {
return !(MISSING_THEME_NAME.equals(theme));
public List<List<String>> getModulePrefixes() {
PackageRepository packageRepo = PackageRepository.getInstance();
List<List<String>> modulePrefixLocations = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
Set<String> modulePrefixes = new HashSet<String>();
// Create custom module lookup, used to match module prefixes with a
// package location
Map<String, String> packageLocationLookup = new HashMap<String, String>();
Iterator<Map<String, String>> iter = packages.iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
Map<String, String> referencedPackage =;
String name = referencedPackage.get("name"),
version = referencedPackage.get("version");
packageLocationLookup.put(name, packageRepo.getPackageLocation(name, version));
// Search through all module dependencies, creating location references for
// all module prefixes
Iterator<Map<String, Object>> layerIter = layers.iterator();
while(layerIter.hasNext()) {
Map<String, Object> layer =;
List<Map<String, String>> layerModules = (List<Map<String, String>>) layer.get("modules");
Iterator<Map<String, String>> modulesIter = layerModules.iterator();
while (modulesIter.hasNext()) {
Map<String, String> details =;
String moduleName = details.get("name");
String modulePrefix = moduleName.split("\\.")[0];
// If we haven't already resolved location for this prefix, ignoring DTK modules
if (!modulePrefixes.contains(modulePrefix)) {
String location = packageLocationLookup.get(details.get("package"));
modulePrefixLocations.add(Arrays.asList(modulePrefix, (new File(location, modulePrefix)).getAbsolutePath()));
return modulePrefixLocations;
* Return the unique build reference for this request, a digest
* of the parameters.
* @return build reference
public String getBuildReference() {
return buildReference;
* Return the location for the version of dojo reference by this
* request.
* @return Location for reference dojo module
public String getDojoLocation() {
PackageRepository packageRepo = PackageRepository.getInstance();
return packageRepo.getPackageLocation("dojo", getDojoVersion());
* Get the version of Dojo referenced by this request
* @return Dojo version identifier
public String getDojoVersion() {
return getDojoPackage().get("version");
* Return package details for Dojo version referenced by this
* build request.
* @return Dojo package details
protected Map<String, String> getDojoPackage() {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> iter = packages.iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
Map<String, String> referencedPackage =;
if ("dojo".equals(referencedPackage.get("name"))) {
return referencedPackage;
return null;
* Return human-readable string representation of this
* object and its internal members.
* @throws IOException - Error mapping layers to JSON
* @throws JsonMappingException - Error mapping layers to JSON
* @throws JsonParseException - Error mapping layers to JSON
public String serialise() throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
return String.format(format, JsonUtil.writeJavaToJson(packages), cdn, optimise, cssOptimise,
platforms, theme, JsonUtil.writeJavaToJson(layers));