package org.dtk.resources;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.wink.common.model.multipart.BufferedInMultiPart;
import org.dtk.resources.dependencies.ScriptParser;
import org.dtk.resources.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.dtk.resources.exceptions.IncorrectParameterException;
import org.dtk.resources.packages.PackageRepository;
import org.dtk.util.HttpUtil;
import org.dtk.util.JsonUtil;
* RESTful Packages API. This API provides access to the packages
* available to the build system, allowing a user to retrieve a list of all
* packages present, retrieve details about specific packages (versions and
* modules) and create temporary packages from user applications.
* @author James Thomas
public class Packages {
/** Global access to servlet and uri information */
@Context ServletConfig config;
@Context UriInfo info;
/** Form submission field containing user application */
protected static final String USER_APP_FIELD = "user_app";
/** Arbitrary package version for temporary packages */
protected static final String temporaryPackageVersion = "1.0.0";
/** Resource path format, "context_path/servet_path/resource_path" */
protected static final String resourcePathFormat = "%1$s%2$s";
/** Response messages **/
/** Generic failure creating temporary package from uploaded application. */
protected static final String fatalProcessingErrorMsg
= "Internal server error, unable to process new package";
/** Unable to decompress user application error message */
protected static final String invalidRequestErrorMsg
= "Invalid client request, unable to decompress user application.";
/** Request missing mandatory application parameter */
protected static final String missingAppParameterErrorMsg
= "Invalid client request, missing mandatory field containing user application";
/** Log messages **/
/** File path for decompressed temporary application is not valid */
protected static final String errorCreatingPackageLogMsg
= "Fatal error decompressing user's application into a temporary package, details: %1$s";
/** Unable to construct valid URL for new temporary application */
protected static final String errorCreatingPackageLocationLogMsg
= "Unable to construct valid URL for new temporary package, details: %1$s";
/** Packages logging class */
protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Packages.class.getName());
* Retrieve the global packages list and build options
* available.
* @return Packages information
* @throws ConfigurationException - Couldn't access package details due to configuration error.
public HashMap<String, Object> getPackages(@Context HttpServletRequest request) throws ConfigurationException {
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "getPackages");
HashMap<String, Object> packageBuildOptions = null;
// Instantiate package repository and retrieve default build options
PackageRepository packageRepo = PackageRepository.getInstance();
packageBuildOptions = packageRepo.getBuildParameters();
// Add all available packages and versions information to the build options
List<String> packageNames = packageRepo.getPackages();
packageBuildOptions.put("packages", getResourceDetails(request, packageNames));
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "getPackages");
return packageBuildOptions;
* Retrieve versions available for a given package.
* @param name - Package identifier
* @return List of available versions
* @throws ConfigurationException - Couldn't access package details due to configuration error.
public List<Map<String, String>> getPackage(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam("name") String name) {
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "getPackage");
PackageRepository packageRepo = PackageRepository.getInstance();
List<String> packageVersions = packageRepo.getPackageVersions(name);
List<Map<String, String>> packageDetails = getResourceDetails(request, packageVersions);
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "getPackage");
return packageDetails;
* Retrieve package meta-data for requested parameters.
* @param id - Package identifier
* @param version - Package version
* @return Package modules, name and description.
public HashMap<String, Object> getPackageDetails(@PathParam("name") String id, @PathParam("version") String version) {
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "getPackageDetails");
HashMap<String, Object> packageDetails = null;
// Retrieve package meta-data, HTTP 404 if invalid name/version given.
PackageRepository packageRepo = PackageRepository.getInstance();
packageDetails = packageRepo.getPackageDetails(id, version);
// Remove package location from response, not relevant for the user.
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "getPackageDetails");
return packageDetails;
* Create a new temporary package resource. Client must include a compressed user application
* in the request, present under the "user_app" key. This application will be uncompressed and
* stored in a temporary location. The temporary package identifier and module details will be
* returned to the user. HTTP status code 201 indicates a successful request.
* @param multiPartForm - Form submission parameters, must contain user_app.
* @return String - HTML encoded JSON package representation.
* @throws URISyntaxException
public Response createTemporaryPackage(BufferedInMultiPart multiPartForm) {
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "createTemporaryPackage");
// Complex response needed, HTTP 201.
Response created = null;
// Process multipart form data into useful format. All form part bodies will be extracted
// when it has a name property and stored as strings.
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> formFields = HttpUtil.retrieveMultiPartFormValues(multiPartForm, InputStream.class);
if (formFields.containsKey(USER_APP_FIELD)) {
// Map, holding package details, that will be rendered as JSON.
Map<String, Object> temporaryPackageDetails = new HashMap<String, Object>();
PackageRepository packageRepo = PackageRepository.getInstance();
try {
// Decompress temporary package, returning unique reference
String packageIdentifier = packageRepo.createTemporaryPackage((InputStream) formFields.getFirst(USER_APP_FIELD));
// Find temporary package location from identifier
String packageLocation = packageRepo.getPackageLocation(packageIdentifier, temporaryPackageVersion);
Iterator<File> packageJsFilesIter = FileUtils.iterateFiles(new File(packageLocation),
new String[]{"js"}, true);
// List holding module definitions & requirements
List<String> modulesProvided = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> modulesRequired = new ArrayList<String>();
// Hold new temporary package details
Map<String, String> packageDetails = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Run script parser on each file, pulling out requires and provides
while(packageJsFilesIter.hasNext()) {
String fileContents = FileUtils.readFileToString(;
ScriptParser scriptParser = new ScriptParser(fileContents);
// Add all module dependencies discovered to global state holder
// Store package modules, requires & provides, in response JSON.
temporaryPackageDetails.put("requiredDojoModules", modulesRequired);
temporaryPackageDetails.put("availableModules", modulesProvided);
// Temporary package details, use arbitrary version for temporary packages.
packageDetails.put("name", packageIdentifier);
packageDetails.put("version", "1.0.0");
// Store package reference in the details object
temporaryPackageDetails.put("packages", Arrays.asList(packageDetails));
// Render provides, requires and temporary package id as JSON
String htmlEncodedJsonPackageDetails = JsonUtil.writeJavaToHtmlEncodedJson(temporaryPackageDetails);
// Construct HTTP 201 response, containing text body.
created = Response.created(new URI(packageLocation)).entity(htmlEncodedJsonPackageDetails).build();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format(errorCreatingPackageLogMsg, e.getMessage()));
throw new ConfigurationException(fatalProcessingErrorMsg);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format(errorCreatingPackageLogMsg, e.getMessage()));
throw new IncorrectParameterException(invalidRequestErrorMsg);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format(errorCreatingPackageLocationLogMsg, e.getMessage()));
throw new ConfigurationException(fatalProcessingErrorMsg);
} else {
throw new IncorrectParameterException(missingAppParameterErrorMsg);
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "createTemporaryPackage");
return created;
* Construct resource collections details, map of names and links to resources.
* Using current request context to obtain request URL.
* @param request - Current HTTP request
* @return Collection of resource details
protected List<Map<String, String>> getResourceDetails(HttpServletRequest request, List<String> resourceIds) {
List<Map<String, String>> packageDetails = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
// For each package, store name and version link
Iterator<String> iter = resourceIds.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final String resourceId =;
// Make sure we end with a slash
String requestURL = request.getRequestURI();
if (!requestURL.endsWith("/")) {
requestURL += "/";
final String resourcePath = String.format(resourcePathFormat, requestURL, resourceId);
packageDetails.add(new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("name", resourceId);
put("link", resourcePath);
return packageDetails;