package frege.imp.tree;
import frege.compiler.types.Definitions.TExprT;
import frege.compiler.types.Global.TGlobal;
import frege.compiler.types.Positions.TPosition;
import frege.compiler.types.Global.TSubSt;
import frege.compiler.types.Symbols.TSymbolT;
import frege.control.monad.State;
import frege.ide.Utilities;
import frege.imp.parser.FregeParseController;
import frege.prelude.PreludeBase.TList;
import frege.prelude.PreludeBase.TList.DCons;
import frege.prelude.PreludeBase.TMaybe;
import frege.prelude.PreludeBase.TTuple3;
import frege.runtime.Delayed;
import frege.runtime.Lambda;
public class FregeTreeModelBuilder extends TreeModelBuilderBase {
private TGlobal prev = null;
public void visitTree(Object root) {
if (root == null || !(root instanceof TGlobal))
TGlobal global = (TGlobal) root;
if (prev == null || FregeParseController.achievement(prev) <= FregeParseController.achievement(global))
prev = global;
else global = prev;
// fModelRoot = createTopItem(global, ModelTreeNode.DEFAULT_CATEGORY);
FregeModelVisitor visitor = new FregeModelVisitor();
// rootNode.accept(visitor);
final static public int data = 0;
final static public int link = 1;
final static public int dcon = 2;
final static public int clas = 3;
final static public int inst = 4;
final static public int func = 5;
final static public int type = 6;
final static public String[] categories = new String[] {
"Data Types", "Imported Items", "Constructors", "Type Classes", "Instances",
"Functions and Values", "Type Aliases"
final static public int[] order = new int[] {
link, clas, inst, type, data, dcon, func
public class FregeModelVisitor /* extends AbstractVisitor */ {
public boolean visit(TGlobal g, TTree env, boolean top) {
final TList syms = Utilities.symbols(env).<TList>forced();
// do one category after the other according to the predefined order
for (int cat : order) {
if (!top) { // avoid unneeded list traversals
if (cat != func && cat != dcon) continue;
else if (cat == dcon) continue;
// go through the list of symbols and do the ones that equal the current category
TList.DCons elem = syms._Cons();
boolean found = false;
while (elem != null) {
final TSymbolT sym = Delayed.<TSymbolT>forced( elem.mem1 );
elem = (elem.mem2.<TList>forced())._Cons();
if (sym._constructor() != cat) continue;
if (sym._constructor() == link && TGlobal.our(g, TSymbolT.M.alias(sym))) continue;
if (top) { // category labels at the top only before first item
if (!found) {
pushSubItem(new CategoryItem(categories[cat], TSymbolT.M.pos(sym)));
found = true;
visit(g, sym);
if (found) popSubItem();
found = false;
return true;
public boolean visit(TGlobal g, TSymbolT sym) {
pushSubItem(new SymbolItem(g, sym));
if (TSymbolT.M.has$env(sym)) visit(g, TSymbolT.M.env(sym), false);
else if (TSymbolT.M.has$expr(sym)) {
final TMaybe mbex = TSymbolT.M.expr(sym);
final TMaybe.DJust just = mbex._Just();
if (just != null) {
Lambda lam = Delayed.<Lambda>forced(just.mem1);
final TExprT expr = Delayed.<TExprT>forced(State.evalState(lam, g));
visit(g, expr);
return true;
public boolean visit(TGlobal g, TExprT expr) {
// System.err.println("visiting: " + g.toString() + ", " + expr.toString());
TList symbols = (TList) FregeParseController.funSTG(
Utilities.exprSymbols(expr), g);
TList.DCons node = symbols._Cons();
while (node != null) {
TSymbolT sym = Delayed.<TSymbolT>forced( node.mem1);
visit(g, sym);
node = (node.mem2.<TList>forced())._Cons();
return true;
public boolean visit(TGlobal g) {
final TSubSt sub = TGlobal.sub(g);
final String pack = TSubSt.thisPack(sub);
pushSubItem(new PackageItem(pack, TSubSt.thisPos(sub)));
if (! "".equals(pack)) {
final TList pnps = Utilities.imports(g).<TList>forced();
DCons elem = pnps._Cons();
while (elem != null) {
final TTuple3 tuple = Delayed.<TTuple3>forced( elem.mem1 );
elem = (elem.mem2.<TList>forced())._Cons();
final TPosition pos = Delayed.<TPosition>forced(tuple.mem1);
final String ns = Delayed.<String>forced(tuple.mem2);
final String p = Delayed.<String>forced(tuple.mem3);
createSubItem(new ImportItem(pos, ns, p));
if (! "".equals(pack))
return visit(g,
return true;