* Copyright (c) 2014, 2014 Bruno Medeiros and other Contributors.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Bruno Medeiros - initial API and implementation
package dtool.genie.cmdline;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import dtool.engine.DToolServer;
import dtool.genie.GenieMain.AbstractCmdlineOperation;
import dtool.genie.GenieServer;
import dtool.util.StatusException;
public class StartServerOperation extends AbstractCmdlineOperation {
public static final String SENTINEL_FILE_NAME = ".dtoolgenie";
public static final String SENTINEL_FILE_UIString = "$HOME/" + SENTINEL_FILE_NAME;
public StartServerOperation() {
public String getOneLineSummary() {
return "Start the DToolGenie server.";
public void printCommandHelp(PrintStream out) {
out.println(helpUsageIntro() + "[<port>] [force]");
out.println("Start the Genie server, listening on given <port>. This will fail if an ");
out.println("already running Genie server is detected, unless the 'force' option is given.");
out.println("When the Genie server starts, a file is created in "+SENTINEL_FILE_UIString);
out.println("with the port number of the started server. This file is deleted when the server");
out.println("terminates, and thus can be used to determine if a Genie server is running.");
protected boolean force;
protected int requestedPortNumber;
protected void processArgs() {
force = getFlag("force");
String portNumberArg = retrieveFirstUnparsedArgument(true);
requestedPortNumber = portNumberArg == null ? 0 : parsePositiveInt(portNumberArg);
protected void perform() {
if(GenieServer.getSentinelFile().exists() && force == false) {
"Failed to create server sentinel file, perhaps server is running already?\n"
+ " Use argument 'force' to start anyways (sentinel file will be overriden)." ,
try {
DToolServer dtoolServer = new DToolServer();
GenieServer genieServer = new GenieServer(dtoolServer, requestedPortNumber);
} catch (StatusException se) {
throw errorBail("Error starting server. ", se);