package dtool.ast.util;
import static melnorme.utilbox.core.Assert.AssertNamespace.assertNotNull;
import dtool.ast.definitions.EArcheType;
import dtool.ast.definitions.INamedElement;
public class NamedElementUtil {
* Return a name identifying this defUnit in the projects source code.
* It's similar to a fully qualified name, but has some more information on the name about
* the containing defunits.
* (the name is not enough to uniquely locate a defUnit in a project. That's the goal anyways)
public static String getElementTypedQualification(INamedElement namedElement) {
switch(namedElement.getArcheType()) {
case Package:
return namedElement.getFullyQualifiedName() + "/";
return getElementTypeQualificationBase(namedElement);
public static String getElementTypeQualificationBase(INamedElement namedElement) {
if(namedElement.getArcheType() == EArcheType.Module) {
return namedElement.getModuleFullyQualifiedName() + "/";
if(namedElement.isLanguageIntrinsic()) {
return NATIVES_ROOT + namedElement.getName();
INamedElement parentNamespace = namedElement.getParentElement();
String sep = parentNamespace.getArcheType() == EArcheType.Module ? "" : ".";
String parentQualifedName = getElementTypeQualificationBase(parentNamespace);
String qualification = parentQualifedName + sep;
return qualification + namedElement.getName();
public static String NATIVES_ROOT = "/";