package dtool.sourcegen;
import static melnorme.utilbox.core.Assert.AssertNamespace.assertTrue;
import static melnorme.utilbox.core.CoreUtil.areEqual;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import melnorme.lang.tooling.ast.SourceRange;
import melnorme.utilbox.misc.StringUtil;
public class AnnotatedSource {
public final String source;
public final String originalTemplatedSource;
public final ArrayList<AnnotatedSource.MetadataEntry> metadata;
public AnnotatedSource(String source, String originalTemplatedSource, ArrayList<MetadataEntry> arrayList) {
this.source = source;
this.originalTemplatedSource = originalTemplatedSource;
this.metadata = arrayList;
public static class MetadataEntry {
public final String name;
public final String value;
public final int offset;
public final String sourceValue;
// the parent MDE to which offset applies, or null for top-level TODO
private final Object parentScopeMDE;
public final boolean sourceWasIncluded;
public MetadataEntry(String name, String extraValue, String associatedSource, int offset) {
this(name, extraValue, associatedSource, offset, null, true);
public MetadataEntry(String name, String extraValue, String associatedSource, int offset,
Object parentScopeMDE) {
this(name, extraValue, associatedSource, offset, parentScopeMDE, true);
public MetadataEntry(String name, String extraValue, String associatedSource, int offset,
boolean sourceWasIncluded) {
this(name, extraValue, associatedSource, offset, null, sourceWasIncluded);
public MetadataEntry(String name, String extraValue, String mdSource, int offset,
Object parentScopeMDE, boolean sourceWasIncluded) { = name;
this.value = extraValue;
this.offset = offset;
assertTrue(offset >= 0);
this.sourceValue = mdSource;
this.parentScopeMDE = parentScopeMDE;
this.sourceWasIncluded = sourceWasIncluded;
public SourceRange getSourceRange() {
return new SourceRange(offset, sourceValue == null ? 0 : sourceValue.length());
public boolean isTopLevelMetadata() {
return parentScopeMDE == null;
public String toString() {
return "["+offset+"]" + name +
(sourceWasIncluded ? "" : "¤") +
(value != null ? "("+value+")" : "") +
(sourceValue != null ? "【"+sourceValue+"】" : "");
public String toString() {
return source + "\n--------- METADATA: ---------\n" + StringUtil.collToString(metadata, "\n");
public MetadataEntry findMetadata(String name) {
return findMetadata(name, true);
public MetadataEntry findMetadata(String name, boolean requireUnique) {
MetadataEntry foundMde = null;
for (MetadataEntry mde : metadata) {
if(areEqual(, name)) {
return mde;
assertTrue(foundMde == null);
foundMde = mde;
return foundMde;
public MetadataEntry findMetadata(String name, String value) {
MetadataEntry foundMde = null;
for (MetadataEntry mde : metadata) {
if(areEqual(, name) && areEqual(mde.value, value)) {
assertTrue(foundMde == null);
foundMde = mde;
return foundMde;
public static String printSourceWithMetadata(AnnotatedSource testCase) {
ListIterator<MetadataEntry> mdeIter = testCase.metadata.listIterator();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
printCaseSourceWithMetaData(testCase.source, mdeIter, 0, testCase.source.length(), null, sb);
assertTrue(mdeIter.hasNext() == false);
return sb.toString();
public static void printCaseSourceWithMetaData(String source, ListIterator<MetadataEntry> mdeIter,
final int startOffset, final int maxSourceOffset, MetadataEntry parentMDE, StringBuffer sb) {
int offset = startOffset;
while(mdeIter.hasNext()) {
MetadataEntry mde =;
assertTrue(offset >= 0 && maxSourceOffset >= offset);
int nextOffset = mde.offset;
assertTrue(nextOffset >= offset);
// TODO This condition is actually buggy and will be incorrect on child MDEs of child MDEs (depth 2)
// This is because AnnotatedSource class doesn't provide parent MDE info
boolean mdeIsParentOfParentMDE = mde.isTopLevelMetadata() == (parentMDE == null);
if(nextOffset > maxSourceOffset || !mdeIsParentOfParentMDE) {
sb.append(source.substring(offset, nextOffset));
offset = nextOffset;
sb.append("#" +;
if(mde.value != null) {
sb.append("(" + mde.value + ")");
if(mde.sourceValue != null) {
sb.append(mde.sourceWasIncluded ? "【" : "¤【");
if(mde.sourceWasIncluded) {
nextOffset += mde.sourceValue.length();
printCaseSourceWithMetaData(source, mdeIter, offset, nextOffset, parentMDE, sb);
offset = nextOffset;
} else {
printCaseSourceWithMetaData(mde.sourceValue, mdeIter, 0, mde.sourceValue.length(), mde, sb);
assertTrue(offset >= 0 && maxSourceOffset >= offset);
sb.append(source.substring(offset, maxSourceOffset));