* Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
* CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
* have any questions.
package javax.media.j3d;
import javax.vecmath.Point2f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
* The PointSound node (a sub-class of the Sound node) defines a spatially
* located sound source whose waves radiate uniformly in all directions from
* a given location in space. It has the same attributes as a Sound object
* with the addition of a location and the specification of distance-based
* gain attenuation for listener positions between an array of distances.
* A sound's amplitude is attenuated based on the distance between the listener
* and the sound source position. A piecewise linear curve (defined in terms of
* pairs of distance and gain scale factor) specifies the gain scale factor slope.
* The PointSound's location and attenuation distances are defined in the local
* coordinate system of the node.
* Distance Gain Attenuation
* <UL>
* Associated with distances from the listener to the sound source via an
* array of (distance, gain-scale-factor) pairs. The gain scale factor
* applied to the sound source is the linear interpolated gain value between
* the distance value range that includes the current distance from
* the listener to the sound source. If the distance from the listener to
* the sound source is less than the first distance in the array, the first
* gain scale factor is applied to the sound source. This creates a
* spherical region around the listener within which all sound gain is
* uniformly scaled by the first gain in the array. If the distance from
* the listener to the sound source is greater than the last distance in
* the array, the last gain scale factor is applied to the sound source.
* Distance elements in this array of Point2f is a monotonically-increasing
* set of floating point numbers measured from the location of the sound
* source. Gain scale factors elements in this list of pairs can be any
* positive floating point numbers. While for most applications this list
* of gain scale factors will usually be monotonically-decreasing, they
* do not have to be.
* If this
* is not set, no distance gain attenuation is performed (equivalent to
* using a distance gain of 1.0 for all distances).
* getDistanceGainLength method returns the length of the distance gain
* attenuation arrays. Arrays passed into getDistanceGain methods should all
* be at least this size.
* There are two methods for getDistanceGain, one returning an array of
* points, the other returning separate arrays for each attenuation
* component.</UL>
public class PointSound extends Sound {
// Constants
// These flags, when enabled using the setCapability method, allow an
// application to invoke methods that respectively read and write the position
// and the distance gain array. These capability flags are enforced only when
// the node is part of a live or compiled scene graph
* Specifies that this node allows access to its object's position
* information.
public static final int
* Specifies that this node allows writing to its object's position
* information.
public static final int
* Specifies that this node allows access to its object's distance
* gain attenuation information.
public static final int
* Specifies that this node allows writing to its object's distance
* gain attenuation information.
public static final int
// Array for setting default read capabilities
private static final int[] readCapabilities = {
* Constructs and initializes a new PointSound node using default
* parameters. The following default values are used:
* <ul>
* position vector: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)<br>
* Back attenuation: null<br>
* distance gain attenuation: null (no attenuation performed)<br>
* </ul>
public PointSound() {
// Uses default values defined for Sound and PointSound nodes
// set default read capabilities
* Constructs a PointSound node object using only the provided parameter
* values for sound data, sample gain, and position. The remaining fields
* are set to the above default values. This form uses a point as input for
* its position.
* @param soundData sound data associated with this sound source node
* @param initialGain amplitude scale factor applied to sound source
* @param position 3D location of source
public PointSound(MediaContainer soundData,
float initialGain,
Point3f position) {
super(soundData, initialGain);
// set default read capabilities
* Constructs a PointSound node object using only the provided parameter
* values for sound data, sample gain, and position. The remaining fields
* are set to to the above default values. This form uses individual float
* parameters for the elements of the position point.
* @param soundData sound data associated with this sound source node
* @param initialGain amplitude scale factor applied to sound source data
* @param posX x coordinate of location of source
* @param posY y coordinate of location of source
* @param posZ z coordinate of location of source
public PointSound(MediaContainer soundData,
float initialGain,
float posX, float posY, float posZ ) {
super(soundData, initialGain);
// set default read capabilities
// The next four constructors fill all this classes fields with the provided
// arguments values.
// See the header for the setDistanceGain method for details on how the
// those arrays are interpreted.
* Construct a PointSound object accepting Point3f as input for the position
* and accepting an array of Point2f for the distance attenuation values
* where each pair in the array contains a distance and a gain scale factor.
* @param soundData sound data associated with this sound source node
* @param initialGain amplitude scale factor applied to sound source
* @param loopCount number of times loop is looped
* @param release flag denoting playing sound data to end
* @param continuous denotes that sound silently plays when disabled
* @param enable sound switched on/off
* @param region scheduling bounds
* @param priority playback ranking value
* @param position 3D location of source
* @param distanceGain array of (distance,gain) pairs controling attenuation
public PointSound(MediaContainer soundData,
float initialGain,
int loopCount,
boolean release,
boolean continuous,
boolean enable,
Bounds region,
float priority,
Point3f position,
Point2f[] distanceGain) {
super(soundData, initialGain, loopCount, release, continuous,
enable, region, priority );
// set default read capabilities
* Construct a PointSound object accepting individual float parameters for
* the elements of the position point, and accepting an array of Point2f for
* the distance attenuation values where each pair in the array contains a
* distance and a gain scale factor.
* @param soundData sound data associated with this sound source node
* @param initialGain amplitude scale factor applied to sound source
* @param loopCount number of times loop is looped
* @param release flag denoting playing sound to end
* @param continuous denotes that sound silently plays when disabled
* @param enable sound switched on/off
* @param region scheduling bounds
* @param priority playback ranking value
* @param posX x coordinate of location of source
* @param posY y coordinate of location of source
* @param posZ z coordinate of location of source
* @param distanceGain array of (distance,gain) pairs controling attenuation
public PointSound(MediaContainer soundData,
float initialGain,
int loopCount,
boolean release,
boolean continuous,
boolean enable,
Bounds region,
float priority,
float posX, float posY, float posZ,
Point2f[] distanceGain) {
super(soundData, initialGain, loopCount, release,
continuous, enable, region, priority );
// set default read capabilities
* Construct a PointSound object accepting points as input for the position.
* and accepting separate arrays for the distance and gain scale factors
* components of distance attenuation.
* @param soundData sound data associated with this sound source node
* @param initialGain amplitude scale factor applied to sound source
* @param loopCount number of times loop is looped
* @param release flag denoting playing sound data to end
* @param continuous denotes that sound silently plays when disabled
* @param enable sound switched on/off
* @param region scheduling bounds
* @param priority playback ranking value
* @param position 3D location of source
* @param attenuationDistance array of distance values used for attenuation
* @param attenuationGain array of gain scale factors used for attenuation
public PointSound(MediaContainer soundData,
float initialGain,
int loopCount,
boolean release,
boolean continuous,
boolean enable,
Bounds region,
float priority,
Point3f position,
float[] attenuationDistance,
float[] attenuationGain) {
super(soundData, initialGain, loopCount, release, continuous,
enable, region, priority );
// set default read capabilities
attenuationDistance, attenuationGain);
* Construct a PointSound object accepting individual float parameters for
* the elements of the position points, and accepting separate arrays for
* the distance and gain scale factors components of distance attenuation.
* @param soundData sound data associated with this sound source node
* @param initialGain amplitude scale factor applied to sound source
* @param loopCount number of times loop is looped
* @param release flag denoting playing sound to end
* @param continuous denotes that sound silently plays when disabled
* @param enable sound switched on/off
* @param region scheduling bounds
* @param priority playback ranking value
* @param posX x coordinate of location of source
* @param posY y coordinate of location of source
* @param posZ z coordinate of location of source
* @param attenuationDistance array of distance values used for attenuation
* @param attenuationGain array of gain scale factors used for attenuation
public PointSound(MediaContainer soundData,
float initialGain,
int loopCount,
boolean release,
boolean continuous,
boolean enable,
Bounds region,
float priority,
float posX, float posY, float posZ,
float[] attenuationDistance,
float[] attenuationGain) {
super(soundData, initialGain, loopCount, release,
continuous, enable, region, priority );
// set default read capabilities
attenuationDistance, attenuationGain);
* Creates the retained mode PointSoundRetained object that this
* PointSound object will point to.
void createRetained() {
this.retained = new PointSoundRetained();
* Sets this sound's location from the vector provided.
* @param position the new location
* @exception CapabilityNotSetException if appropriate capability is
* not set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
public void setPosition(Point3f position) {
if (isLiveOrCompiled())
throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("PointSound0"));
* Sets this sound's position from the three values provided.
* @param x the new x position
* @param y the new y position
* @param z the new z position
* @exception CapabilityNotSetException if appropriate capability is
* not set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
public void setPosition(float x, float y, float z) {
if (isLiveOrCompiled())
throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("PointSound0"));
* Retrieves this sound's direction and places it in the
* vector provided.
* @param position the variable to receive the direction vector
* @exception CapabilityNotSetException if appropriate capability is
* not set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
public void getPosition(Point3f position) {
if (isLiveOrCompiled())
throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("PointSound2"));
* Sets this sound's distance gain attenuation - where gain scale factor
* is applied to sound based on distance listener is from sound source.
* This form of setDistanceGain takes these pairs of values as an array of
* Point2f.
* @param attenuation defined by pairs of (distance,gain-scale-factor)
* @exception CapabilityNotSetException if appropriate capability is
* not set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
public void setDistanceGain(Point2f[] attenuation) {
if (isLiveOrCompiled())
throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("PointSound3"));
* Sets this sound's distance gain attenuation as an array of Point2fs.
* This form of setDistanceGain accepts two separate arrays for these values.
* The distance and gainScale arrays should be of the same length. If the
* gainScale array length is greater than the distance array length, the
* gainScale array elements beyond the length of the distance array are
* ignored. If the gainScale array is shorter than the distance array, the
* last gainScale array value is repeated to fill an array of length equal
* to distance array.
* @param distance array of monotonically-increasing floats
* @param gain array of non-negative scale factors
* @exception CapabilityNotSetException if appropriate capability is
* not set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
public void setDistanceGain(float[] distance, float[] gain) {
if (isLiveOrCompiled())
throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("PointSound3"));
((PointSoundRetained)this.retained).setDistanceGain(distance, gain);
* Get the length of this node's distance gain attenuation arrays.
* @return distance gain attenuation array length
* @exception CapabilityNotSetException if appropriate capability is
* not set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
public int getDistanceGainLength() {
if (isLiveOrCompiled())
throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("PointSound4"));
return (((PointSoundRetained)this.retained).getDistanceGainLength());
* Gets this sound's distance attenuation. The distance attenuation
* pairs are copied into the specified array.
* The array must be large enough to hold all of the points.
* The individual array elements must be allocated by the caller.
* @param attenuation arrays containing distance attenuation pairs
* @exception CapabilityNotSetException if appropriate capability is
* not set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
public void getDistanceGain(Point2f[] attenuation) {
if (isLiveOrCompiled())
throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("PointSound4"));
* Gets this sound's distance gain attenuation values in separate arrays.
* The arrays must be large enough to hold all of the values.
* @param distance array of float distance from sound source
* @param gain array of non-negative scale factors associated with
* @exception CapabilityNotSetException if appropriate capability is
* not set and this object is part of live or compiled scene graph
public void getDistanceGain(float[] distance, float[] gain) {
if (isLiveOrCompiled())
throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("PointSound4"));
* Creates a new instance of the node. This routine is called
* by <code>cloneTree</code> to duplicate the current node.
* @param forceDuplicate when set to <code>true</code>, causes the
* <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> flag to be ignored. When
* <code>false</code>, the value of each node's
* <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> variable determines whether
* NodeComponent data is duplicated or copied.
* @see Node#cloneTree
* @see Node#cloneNode
* @see Node#duplicateNode
* @see NodeComponent#setDuplicateOnCloneTree
public Node cloneNode(boolean forceDuplicate) {
PointSound p = new PointSound();
p.duplicateNode(this, forceDuplicate);
return p;
* Copies all node information from <code>originalNode</code> into
* the current node. This method is called from the
* <code>cloneNode</code> method which is, in turn, called by the
* <code>cloneTree</code> method.
* <P>
* For any <code>NodeComponent</code> objects
* contained by the object being duplicated, each <code>NodeComponent</code>
* object's <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> value is used to determine
* whether the <code>NodeComponent</code> should be duplicated in the new node
* or if just a reference to the current node should be placed in the
* new node. This flag can be overridden by setting the
* <code>forceDuplicate</code> parameter in the <code>cloneTree</code>
* method to <code>true</code>.
* <br>
* NOTE: Applications should <i>not</i> call this method directly.
* It should only be called by the cloneNode method.
* @param originalNode the original node to duplicate.
* @param forceDuplicate when set to <code>true</code>, causes the
* <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> flag to be ignored. When
* <code>false</code>, the value of each node's
* <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> variable determines whether
* NodeComponent data is duplicated or copied.
* @exception ClassCastException if originalNode is not an instance of
* <code>PointSound</code>
* @see Node#cloneTree
* @see Node#cloneNode
* @see NodeComponent#setDuplicateOnCloneTree
public void duplicateNode(Node originalNode, boolean forceDuplicate) {
checkDuplicateNode(originalNode, forceDuplicate);
* Copies all PointSound information from
* <code>originalNode</code> into
* the current node. This method is called from the
* <code>cloneNode</code> method which is, in turn, called by the
* <code>cloneTree</code> method.<P>
* @param originalNode the original node to duplicate.
* @param forceDuplicate when set to <code>true</code>, causes the
* <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> flag to be ignored. When
* <code>false</code>, the value of each node's
* <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> variable determines whether
* NodeComponent data is duplicated or copied.
* @exception RestrictedAccessException if this object is part of a live
* or compiled scenegraph.
* @see Node#duplicateNode
* @see Node#cloneTree
* @see NodeComponent#setDuplicateOnCloneTree
void duplicateAttributes(Node originalNode, boolean forceDuplicate) {
super.duplicateAttributes(originalNode, forceDuplicate);
PointSoundRetained orgRetained = (PointSoundRetained)originalNode.retained;
PointSoundRetained thisRetained = (PointSoundRetained)this.retained;
Point3f p = new Point3f();
int len = orgRetained.getDistanceGainLength();
float distance[] = new float[len];
float gain[] = new float[len];
orgRetained.getDistanceGain(distance, gain);
thisRetained.setDistanceGain(distance, gain);