* Copyright 1999-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package javax.media.j3d;
import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import javax.vecmath.Point4d;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
* PickCylinderRay is an infinite cylindrical ray pick shape. It can
* be used as an argument to the picking methods in BranchGroup and Locale.
* @see BranchGroup#pickAll
* @see Locale#pickAll
* @since Java 3D 1.2
public final class PickCylinderRay extends PickCylinder {
* Constructs an empty PickCylinderRay.
* The origin and direction of the cylindrical ray are
* initialized to (0,0,0). The radius is initialized
* to 0.
public PickCylinderRay() {
* Constructs an infinite cylindrical ray pick shape from the specified
* parameters.
* @param origin the origin of the cylindrical ray.
* @param direction the direction of the cylindrical ray.
* @param radius the radius of the cylindrical ray.
public PickCylinderRay(Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, double radius) {
this.origin = new Point3d(origin);
this.direction = new Vector3d(direction);
this.radius = radius;
* Sets the parameters of this PickCylinderRay to the specified values.
* @param origin the origin of the cylindrical ray.
* @param direction the direction of the cylindrical ray.
* @param radius the radius of the cylindrical ray.
public void set(Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, double radius) {
this.radius = radius;
* Return true if shape intersect with bounds.
* The point of intersection is stored in pickPos.
* @param bounds the bounds object to check
* @param pickPos the location of the point of intersection (not used for
* method. Provided for compatibility).
final boolean intersect(Bounds bounds, Point4d pickPos) {
Point4d iPnt = new Point4d();
// ================ BOUNDING SPHERE ================
if (bounds instanceof BoundingSphere) {
Point3d sphCenter = ((BoundingSphere)bounds).getCenter();
double sphRadius = ((BoundingSphere)bounds).getRadius();
double sqDist = Utils.ptToRaySquare(sphCenter, origin, direction, null);
if (sqDist <= (sphRadius+radius)*(sphRadius+radius)) {
return true;
return false;
// ================ BOUNDING BOX ================
else if (bounds instanceof BoundingBox) {
// Calculate radius of BoundingBox
Point3d lower = new Point3d();
((BoundingBox)bounds).getLower (lower);
Point3d center = ((BoundingBox)bounds).getCenter ();
double temp = (center.x - lower.x + radius);
double boxRadiusSquared = temp*temp;
temp = (center.y - lower.y + radius);
boxRadiusSquared += temp*temp;
temp = (center.z - lower.z + radius);
boxRadiusSquared += temp*temp;
// First, see if cylinder is too far away from BoundingBox
double sqDist = Utils.ptToRaySquare(center, origin, direction, null);
if (sqDist > boxRadiusSquared ) {
return false; // we are too far to intersect
else if (sqDist < (radius*radius)) {
return true; // center is in cylinder
// Then, see if ray intersects
if (bounds.intersect (origin, direction, iPnt)) {
return true;
// Ray does not intersect, test for distance with each edge
Point3d upper = new Point3d();
((BoundingBox)bounds).getUpper (upper);
Point3d[][] edges = {
// Top horizontal 4
{upper, new Point3d (lower.x, upper.y, upper.z)},
{new Point3d(lower.x, upper.y, upper.z), new Point3d(lower.x, lower.y, upper.z)},
{new Point3d(lower.x, lower.y, upper.z), new Point3d(upper.x, lower.y, upper.z)},
{new Point3d(upper.x, lower.y, upper.z), upper},
// Bottom horizontal 4
{lower, new Point3d(lower.x, upper.y, lower.z)},
{new Point3d(lower.x, upper.y, lower.z), new Point3d(upper.x, upper.y, lower.z)},
{new Point3d(upper.x, upper.y, lower.z), new Point3d(upper.x, lower.y, lower.z)},
{new Point3d(upper.x, lower.y, lower.z), lower},
// Vertical 4
{lower, new Point3d(lower.x, lower.y, upper.z)},
{new Point3d(lower.x, upper.y, lower.z), new Point3d(lower.x, upper.y, upper.z)},
{new Point3d(upper.x, upper.y, lower.z), new Point3d(upper.x, upper.y, upper.z)},
{new Point3d(upper.x, lower.y, lower.z), new Point3d(upper.x, lower.y, upper.z)}
for (int i=0;i<edges.length;i++) {
// System.err.println ("Testing edge: "+edges[i][0]+" - "+edges[i][1]);
double distToEdge =
Utils.rayToSegment (origin, direction, edges[i][0], edges[i][1], null, null, null);
if (distToEdge <= radius*radius) {
// System.err.println ("Intersects!");
return true;
return false; // Not close enough
// ================ BOUNDING POLYTOPE ================
else if (bounds instanceof BoundingPolytope) {
int i, j;
// First, check to see if we are too far to intersect the polytope's
// bounding sphere
Point3d sphCenter = new Point3d();
BoundingSphere bsphere = new BoundingSphere (bounds);
bsphere.getCenter (sphCenter);
double sphRadius = bsphere.getRadius();
double sqDist = Utils.ptToRaySquare(sphCenter, origin, direction, null);
if (sqDist > (sphRadius+radius) * (sphRadius+radius)) {
return false; // we are too far to intersect
// Now check to see if ray intersects with polytope
if (bounds.intersect (origin, direction, iPnt)) {
return true;
// Now check distance to edges. Since we don't know a priori how
// the polytope is structured, we will cycle through. We discard edges
// when their center is not on the polytope surface.
BoundingPolytope ptope = (BoundingPolytope)bounds;
Point3d midpt = new Point3d();
double distToEdge;
for (i=0;i<ptope.nVerts;i++) {
for (j=i;i<ptope.nVerts;i++) {
// XXXX: make BoundingPolytope.pointInPolytope available to package
// scope
midpt.x = (ptope.verts[i].x + ptope.verts[j].x) * 0.5;
midpt.y = (ptope.verts[i].y + ptope.verts[j].y) * 0.5;
midpt.z = (ptope.verts[i].z + ptope.verts[j].z) * 0.5;
if (! PickCylinder.pointInPolytope (ptope,
midpt.x, midpt.y, midpt.z)) {
distToEdge =
Utils.rayToSegment (origin, direction,
ptope.verts[i], ptope.verts[j], null, null, null);
if (distToEdge <= radius*radius) {
return true;
return false;
else {
throw new RuntimeException("intersect method not implemented");
return false;
// Only use within J3D.
// Return a new PickCylinderRay that is the transformed (t3d) of this pickCylinderRay.
PickShape transform(Transform3D t3d) {
PickCylinderRay newPCR = new PickCylinderRay();
Point3d end = new Point3d();
System.err.println("t3d : ");
newPCR.origin.x = origin.x;
newPCR.origin.y = origin.y;
newPCR.origin.z = origin.z;
newPCR.radius = radius * t3d.getScale();
end.x = origin.x + direction.x;
end.y = origin.y + direction.y;
end.z = origin.z + direction.z;
newPCR.direction.x = end.x - newPCR.origin.x;
newPCR.direction.y = end.y - newPCR.origin.y;
newPCR.direction.z = end.z - newPCR.origin.z;
return newPCR;