* Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
* CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
* have any questions.
package javax.media.j3d;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.vecmath.Color3b;
import javax.vecmath.Color3f;
import javax.vecmath.Color4b;
import javax.vecmath.Color4f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.TexCoord2f;
import javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
* A morph leaf node consisting of geometery and appearance properties.
class MorphRetained extends LeafRetained implements GeometryUpdater {
// These bits should match the Shape3D bits ...(Since the mirrors for
// both are Shape3DRetained
static final int GEOMETRY_CHANGED = 0x00001;
static final int APPEARANCE_CHANGED = 0x00002;
static final int COLLISION_CHANGED = 0x00004;
static final int BOUNDS_CHANGED = 0x00008;
static final int APPEARANCEOVERRIDE_CHANGED = 0x00010;
static final int UPDATE_MORPH = 0x00020;
private static final double TOLERANCE = 1.0e-4;
* The mirror Shape3DRetained nodes for this object. There is one
* mirror for each instance of this Shape3D node. If it is not in
* a SharedGroup, only index 0 is valid.
ArrayList mirrorShape3D = new ArrayList();
// Target threads to be notified when morph changes
final static int targetThreads = (J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDER |
* The appearance component of the morph node.
AppearanceRetained appearance = null;
* The Geosets associated with the morph node.
GeometryArrayRetained geometryArrays[];
private int numGeometryArrays = 0;
* The weight vector the morph node.
double weights[];
* Reference to the BranchGroup path of this mirror shape
* This is used for picking only.
BranchGroupRetained branchGroupPath[];
// cache value for picking in mirror shape.
// True if all the node of the path from this to root are all pickable
boolean isPickable = true;
// cache value for collidable in mirror shape.
// True if all the node of the path from this to root are all collidable
boolean isCollidable = true;
// closest switch parent
SwitchRetained closestSwitchParent = null;
// the child index from the closest switch parent
int closestSwitchIndex = -1;
// Is this Morph visible ? The default is true.
boolean visible = true;
// geometry Bounds in local coordinate
Bounds bounds = null;
// geometry Bounds in virtual world coordinate
BoundingBox vwcBounds = new BoundingBox();
// collision Bound in local coordinate
Bounds collisionBound = null;
// collision Bounds in virtual world coordinate
Bounds collisionVwcBound = null;
GeometryArray morphedGeometryArray = null;
// Morph data
float[] Mcoord = null;
float[] Mcolor = null;
float[] Mnormal = null;
// First dimension is the coordSet, second dimenension is the vertex index
// each vertex has 2 or 3floats
float[][]MtexCoord = null;
// Whether the normal appearance is overrided by the alternate app
boolean appearanceOverrideEnable = false;
int changedFrequent = 0;
MorphRetained() {
this.nodeType = NodeRetained.MORPH;
localBounds = new BoundingBox((Bounds)null);
* Sets the collision bounds of a node.
* @param bounds the bounding object for the node
void setCollisionBounds(Bounds bounds) {
if (bounds != null) {
collisionBound = (Bounds)bounds.clone();
} else {
collisionBound = null;
if (source.isLive()) {
// Notify Geometry Structure to set mirror shape collision
// bound and check for collision
J3dMessage message = new J3dMessage();
message.type = J3dMessage.COLLISION_BOUND_CHANGED;
message.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_TRANSFORM;
message.universe = universe;
message.args[1] = collisionBound;
* Sets the geometric bounds of a node.
* @param bounds the bounding object for the node
void setBounds(Bounds bounds) {
if (source.isLive() && !boundsAutoCompute) {
J3dMessage message = new J3dMessage();
message.type = J3dMessage.REGION_BOUND_CHANGED;
message.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_TRANSFORM |
message.universe = universe;
message.args[0] = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtomsArray(mirrorShape3D);
message.args[1] = localBounds;
* Gets the collision bounds of a node.
* @return the node's bounding object
Bounds getCollisionBounds() {
return (collisionBound == null? null : (Bounds)collisionBound.clone());
* Sets the geometryArrays component of the Morph node.
* @param geometryArrays the new vector of geometryArrays for the morph node
void setGeometryArrays(GeometryArray geometryArrays[]) {
int i;
if ((geometryArrays == null || geometryArrays.length == 0) && numGeometryArrays == 0)
GeometryArrayRetained geo, prevGeo;
if (numGeometryArrays != 0 && (geometryArrays == null || numGeometryArrays != geometryArrays.length))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained0"));
for (i=1;i < geometryArrays.length;i++) {
if (geometryArrays[i] == null || geometryArrays[i-1] == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
geo = (GeometryArrayRetained)geometryArrays[i].retained;
prevGeo = (GeometryArrayRetained)geometryArrays[i-1].retained;
if (prevGeo == null || geo == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
doErrorCheck(prevGeo, geo);
// Check the first one for vertex attributes
geo = (GeometryArrayRetained)geometryArrays[0].retained;
if ((geo.vertexFormat & GeometryArray.VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained9"));
// Check if the first one is in Immediate context
if (geometryArrays[0] != null) {
geo = (GeometryArrayRetained)geometryArrays[0].retained;
if (numGeometryArrays == 0) {
this.geometryArrays = new GeometryArrayRetained[geometryArrays.length];
numGeometryArrays = geometryArrays.length;
for (i=0;i < numGeometryArrays;i++) {
geo = (GeometryArrayRetained)geometryArrays[i].retained;
if (((Morph)this.source).isLive()) {
if (this.geometryArrays[i] != null) {
if (geo != null) {
geo.setLive(inBackgroundGroup, refCount);
this.geometryArrays[i] = geo;
if (this.geometryArrays[0] == null)
if (weights == null) {
weights = new double[numGeometryArrays];
weights[0] = 1.0;
int vFormat = this.geometryArrays[0].vertexFormat;
// default is zero when new array
//for (i=1; i < numGeometryArrays;i++) weights[i] = 0.0;
int texCoordSetCount = this.geometryArrays[0].getTexCoordSetCount();
if (this.geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
Mcoord = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount()* 3];
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_4) == GeometryArray.COLOR_3)
Mcolor = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].getNumColorCount()* 3];
else if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_4) == GeometryArray.COLOR_4)
Mcolor = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].getNumColorCount()* 4];
MtexCoord = new float[texCoordSetCount][];
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0)
Mnormal = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].getNumNormalCount() *3];
for (int k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2) != 0)
MtexCoord[k] = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].getNumTexCoordCount(k) * 2];
else if (((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0))
MtexCoord[k] = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].getNumTexCoordCount(k) * 3];
else if (((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4) != 0))
MtexCoord[k] = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].getNumTexCoordCount(k) * 4];
else {
Mcoord = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount* 3];
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_4) == GeometryArray.COLOR_3) {
Mcolor = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount* 3];
} else if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_4) == GeometryArray.COLOR_4) {
Mcolor = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount* 4];
MtexCoord = new float[texCoordSetCount][];
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
Mnormal = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount *3];
for (int k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2) != 0)
MtexCoord[k] = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount * 2];
else if (((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0))
MtexCoord[k] = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount * 3];
else if (((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4) != 0))
MtexCoord[k] = new float[this.geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount * 4];
// create a new morphedGeometryArray
if (source.isLive()) {
Shape3DRetained shape = (Shape3DRetained)mirrorShape3D.get(0);
shape.setMorphGeometry(morphedGeometryArray, mirrorShape3D);
J3dMessage mChangeMessage = null;
mChangeMessage = new J3dMessage();
mChangeMessage.type = J3dMessage.MORPH_CHANGED;
mChangeMessage.threads = (J3dThread.UPDATE_GEOMETRY |
// If its a indexed geometry array, unindexify in renderBin
if (this.geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)
mChangeMessage.threads |= J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ATTRIBUTES;
mChangeMessage.args[0] = this;
mChangeMessage.args[1]= new Integer(GEOMETRY_CHANGED);
// a shadow copy of this ArrayList instance. (The elements themselves are not copied.)
mChangeMessage.args[3] = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtomsArray(mirrorShape3D);
mChangeMessage.universe = universe;
if (boundsAutoCompute) {
GeometryArrayRetained mga = (GeometryArrayRetained)morphedGeometryArray.retained;
// Compute the bounds once
mga.incrComputeGeoBounds();// This compute the bbox if dirty
* Retrieves the geometryArrays component of this Morph node.
* @param index the index of GeometryArray to be returned
* @return the geometryArray component of this morph node
GeometryArray getGeometryArray(int index) {
return (GeometryArray)this.geometryArrays[index].source;
* Sets the appearance component of this Morph node.
* @param appearance the new apearance component for this morph node
void setAppearance(Appearance newAppearance) {
boolean visibleIsDirty = false;
if (((Morph)this.source).isLive()) {
if (appearance != null) {
for (int i=mirrorShape3D.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (newAppearance != null) {
((AppearanceRetained)newAppearance.retained).setLive(inBackgroundGroup, refCount);
appearance = ((AppearanceRetained)newAppearance.retained);
int size= mirrorShape3D.size();
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
if((appearance.renderingAttributes != null) &&
(visible != appearance.renderingAttributes.visible)) {
visible = appearance.renderingAttributes.visible;
visibleIsDirty = true;
else {
if(visible == false) {
visible = true;
visibleIsDirty = true;
// Send a message
int size = 0;
if (visibleIsDirty)
size = 2;
size = 1;
J3dMessage[] createMessage = new J3dMessage[size];
createMessage[0] = new J3dMessage();
createMessage[0].threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT |
createMessage[0].type = J3dMessage.MORPH_CHANGED;
createMessage[0].universe = universe;
createMessage[0].args[0] = this;
createMessage[0].args[1]= new Integer(APPEARANCE_CHANGED);
Shape3DRetained[] s3dArr = new Shape3DRetained[mirrorShape3D.size()];
createMessage[0].args[2] = s3dArr;
Object[] obj = new Object[2];
if (newAppearance == null) {
obj[0] = null;
else {
obj[0] = appearance.mirror;
obj[1] = new Integer(changedFrequent);
createMessage[0].args[3] = obj;
createMessage[0].args[4] = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtomsArray(mirrorShape3D);
if(visibleIsDirty) {
createMessage[1] = new J3dMessage();
createMessage[1].threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_GEOMETRY;
createMessage[1].type = J3dMessage.SHAPE3D_CHANGED;
createMessage[1].universe = universe;
createMessage[1].args[0] = this;
createMessage[1].args[1]= new Integer(APPEARANCE_CHANGED);
createMessage[1].args[2]= visible?Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE;
createMessage[1].args[3]= createMessage[0].args[4];
else {
if (newAppearance == null) {
appearance = null;
} else {
appearance = (AppearanceRetained) newAppearance.retained;
* Retrieves the morph node's appearance component.
* @return the morph node's appearance
Appearance getAppearance() {
return (appearance == null ? null :
(Appearance) this.appearance.source);
void setAppearanceOverrideEnable(boolean flag) {
if (((Morph)this.source).isLive()) {
// Send a message
J3dMessage createMessage = new J3dMessage();
createMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT |
createMessage.type = J3dMessage.MORPH_CHANGED;
createMessage.universe = universe;
createMessage.args[0] = this;
createMessage.args[1]= new Integer(APPEARANCEOVERRIDE_CHANGED);
Shape3DRetained[] s3dArr = new Shape3DRetained[mirrorShape3D.size()];
createMessage.args[2] = s3dArr;
Object[] obj = new Object[2];
if (flag) {
obj[0] = Boolean.TRUE;
else {
obj[0] = Boolean.FALSE;
obj[1] = new Integer(changedFrequent);
createMessage.args[3] = obj;
createMessage.args[4] = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtomsArray(mirrorShape3D);
appearanceOverrideEnable = flag;
boolean getAppearanceOverrideEnable() {
return appearanceOverrideEnable;
boolean intersect(PickInfo pickInfo, PickShape pickShape, int flags ) {
Transform3D localToVworld = pickInfo.getLocalToVWorldRef();
Transform3D vworldToLocal = new Transform3D();
PickShape newPS = pickShape.transform(vworldToLocal);
GeometryRetained geo = (GeometryRetained) (morphedGeometryArray.retained);
if (geo.mirrorGeometry != null) {
geo = geo.mirrorGeometry;
if (((flags & PickInfo.CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT) == 0) &&
((flags & PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE) == 0) &&
((flags & PickInfo.CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO) == 0) &&
((flags & PickInfo.ALL_GEOM_INFO) == 0)) {
return geo.intersect(newPS, null, 0, null, null, 0);
} else {
Point3d closestIPnt = new Point3d();
Point3d iPnt = new Point3d();
Point3d iPntVW = new Point3d();
if (geo.intersect(newPS, pickInfo, flags, iPnt, geo, 0)) {
double distance = pickShape.distance(iPntVW);
if ((flags & PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE) != 0) {
if((flags & PickInfo.CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT) != 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the geometry component of this shape node under path
* intersects with the pickShape.
* @return true if intersected else false. If return is true, dist
* contains the closest distance of intersection if it is not
* equal to null.
boolean intersect(SceneGraphPath path,
PickShape pickShape, double[] dist) {
// This method will not do bound intersect check, as it assume caller
// has already done that. ( For performance and code simplification
// reasons. )
int flags;
PickInfo pickInfo = new PickInfo();
Transform3D localToVworld = path.getTransform();
if (localToVworld == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained5"));
pickInfo.setLocalToVWorldRef( localToVworld);
//System.err.println("MorphRetained.intersect() : ");
if (dist == null) {
//System.err.println(" no dist request ....");
return intersect(pickInfo, pickShape, 0);
flags = PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE;
if (intersect(pickInfo, pickShape, flags)) {
dist[0] = pickInfo.getClosestDistance();
return true;
return false;
* Sets the Morph node's weight vector
* @param wieghts the new vector of weights for the morph node
void setWeights(double weights[]) {
int i;
double sum= 0.0;
if (weights.length != numGeometryArrays)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained7"));
for (i=weights.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
sum += weights[i];
if (Math.abs(sum - 1.0) > TOLERANCE)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained8"));
// Weights array is ALWAYS malloced in setGeometryArrays method
for (i=numGeometryArrays-1; i>=0; i--)
this.weights[i] = weights[i];
if (source.isLive()) {
J3dMessage mChangeMessage = null;
mChangeMessage = new J3dMessage();
mChangeMessage.type = J3dMessage.MORPH_CHANGED;
mChangeMessage.threads = (J3dThread.UPDATE_GEOMETRY |
// If its a indexed geometry array, unindexify in renderBin
if (this.geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)
mChangeMessage.threads |= J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ATTRIBUTES;
mChangeMessage.args[0] = this;
mChangeMessage.args[1]= new Integer(GEOMETRY_CHANGED);
mChangeMessage.args[3] = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtomsArray(mirrorShape3D);
mChangeMessage.universe = universe;
* Retrieves the Morph node's weight vector
* @return the morph node's weight vector.
double[] getWeights() {
return (double[]) weights.clone();
* Gets the bounding object of a node.
* @return the node's bounding object
Bounds getBounds() {
if(boundsAutoCompute) {
GeometryArrayRetained mga =
if (mga != null) {
synchronized(mga.geoBounds) {
return (Bounds) mga.geoBounds.clone();
} else {
return null;
} else {
return super.getBounds();
Bounds getEffectiveBounds() {
if(boundsAutoCompute) {
return getBounds();
else {
return super.getEffectiveBounds();
* ONLY needed for SHAPE, MORPH, and LINK node type.
* Compute the combine bounds of bounds and its localBounds.
void computeCombineBounds(Bounds bounds) {
if(boundsAutoCompute) {
GeometryArrayRetained mga =
if (mga != null) {
synchronized(mga.geoBounds) {
} else {
// Should this be lock too ? ( MT safe ? )
synchronized(localBounds) {
// Return the number of geometry arrays in this MorphRetained object.
int getNumGeometryArrays() {
return numGeometryArrays;
// If the geometry of a morph changes, make sure that the
// validVertexCount has not changed
void updateMorphedGeometryArray(GeometryArrayRetained geo, boolean coordinatesChanged) {
if (numGeometryArrays > 0) {
// check if not the first geo, then compare with the first geometry
if (geometryArrays[0] != geo) {
doErrorCheck(geo, geometryArrays[0]);
else {
// if first geo, compare with the second geo
if (numGeometryArrays > 1) {
doErrorCheck(geo, geometryArrays[1]);
// Compute the bounds once
if (boundsAutoCompute && coordinatesChanged) {
GeometryArrayRetained mga = (GeometryArrayRetained)morphedGeometryArray.retained;
mga.incrComputeGeoBounds(); // This compute the bbox if dirty
* Update GeometryArray computed by morphing input GeometryArrays
* with weights
public void updateData(Geometry mga) {
int i,j,k, vFormat, geoType, stripVCount[];
int iCount = 0;
int numStrips = 0;
int texCoordSetCount = 0;
float coord[] = new float[3], color[] = new float[4],
normal[] = new float[3], texCoord[] = new float[3];
vFormat = geometryArrays[0].vertexFormat;
geoType = geometryArrays[0].geoType;
texCoordSetCount = geometryArrays[0].getTexCoordSetCount();
int vc = 0, nc = 0, cc = 0, n = 0;
int count = 0;
if (geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained){
count = geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount();
} else {
count = geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount;
for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
Mcoord[vc++] = Mcoord[vc++] = Mcoord[vc++] = 0.0f;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
if (geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained){
count = geometryArrays[0].getNumColorCount();
} else {
count = geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount;
for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_4) == GeometryArray.COLOR_3)
Mcolor[cc++] = Mcolor[cc++] = Mcolor[cc++] = 0.0f;
else if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_4) == GeometryArray.COLOR_4)
Mcolor[cc++] = Mcolor[cc++] = Mcolor[cc++] = Mcolor[cc++] = 0.0f;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
if (geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained){
count = geometryArrays[0].getNumNormalCount();
} else {
count = geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount;
for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
Mnormal[nc++] = Mnormal[nc++] = Mnormal[nc++] = 0.0f;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
for (k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
if (geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained){
count = geometryArrays[0].getNumTexCoordCount(k);
} else {
count = geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount;
int tcount = 0;
for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] = MtexCoord[k][tcount++] = 0.0f;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] = 0.0f;
} else if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4) != 0) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] = 0.0f;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] = 0.0f;
// If by copy, then ...
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE) == 0) {
count = 0;
for (j=0;j < numGeometryArrays;j++) {
double w = weights[j];
if (w != 0) {
vc = 0; nc = 0; cc = 0;
int initialVertex = 0;
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
initialVertex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumCoordCount();
else {
initialVertex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialVertexIndex();
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
int endVertex = initialVertex + count;
for (i=initialVertex; i< endVertex; i++) {
geometryArrays[j].getCoordinate(i, coord);
Mcoord[vc++] += coord[0]*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += coord[1]*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += coord[2]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumColorCount();
endVertex = initialVertex + count;
for (i=initialVertex; i< endVertex; i++) {
geometryArrays[j].getColor(i, color);
Mcolor[cc++] += color[0]*w;
Mcolor[cc++] += color[1]*w;
Mcolor[cc++] += color[2]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA) != 0)
Mcolor[cc++] += color[3]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumNormalCount();
endVertex = initialVertex + count;
for (i=initialVertex; i< endVertex; i++) {
geometryArrays[j].getNormal(i, normal);
Mnormal[nc++] += normal[0]*w;
Mnormal[nc++] += normal[1]*w;
Mnormal[nc++] += normal[2]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
for (k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
int tcount = 0;
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumTexCoordCount(i);
endVertex = initialVertex + count;
for (i=initialVertex; i< endVertex; i++) {
geometryArrays[j].getTextureCoordinate(k, i, texCoord);
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += texCoord[0]*w;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += texCoord[1]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += texCoord[2]*w;
} else if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4) != 0) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += texCoord[2]*w;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += texCoord[3]*w;
else {
int vIndex, tIndex, cIndex, nIndex, tstride = 0, cstride = 0;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2) != 0) {
tstride = 2;
} else if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0) {
tstride = 3;
} else {
tstride = 4;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
cstride = 3;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA) != 0)
cstride = 4;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.INTERLEAVED) != 0) {
float[] vdata;
int stride;
stride = geometryArrays[0].stride();
int coffset = geometryArrays[0].colorOffset();
int noffset = geometryArrays[0].normalOffset();
int voffset = geometryArrays[0].coordinateOffset();
int offset = 0;
int initialVertex = 0;
for (j=0;j < numGeometryArrays;j++) {
double w = weights[j];
if (w != 0) {
vc = 0; nc = 0; cc = 0; n = 0;
vdata = geometryArrays[j].getInterleavedVertices();
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
for (k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
tIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumCoordCount();
else {
tIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialVertexIndex();
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
offset = (tIndex * stride)+k*tstride;
int tcount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, offset += stride) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += vdata[offset] * w;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += vdata[offset+1] * w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += vdata[offset+2]*w;
} else if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4) != 0) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += vdata[offset+2]*w;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += vdata[offset+3]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
cIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumCoordCount();
else {
cIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialVertexIndex();
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
offset = (cIndex * stride)+coffset;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, offset += stride) {
Mcolor[cc++] += vdata[offset]*w;
Mcolor[cc++] += vdata[offset+1]*w;
Mcolor[cc++] += vdata[offset+2]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA)!= 0)
Mcolor[cc++] += vdata[offset+3]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
nIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumCoordCount();
else {
nIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialVertexIndex();
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
offset = (nIndex * stride)+noffset;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, offset += stride) {
Mnormal[nc++] += vdata[offset]*w;
Mnormal[nc++] += vdata[offset+1]*w;
Mnormal[nc++] += vdata[offset+2]*w;
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
vIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumCoordCount();
else {
vIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialVertexIndex();
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
offset = (vIndex * stride)+voffset;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, offset += stride) {
Mcoord[vc++] += vdata[offset]*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += vdata[offset+1]*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += vdata[offset+2]*w;
else {
float byteToFloatScale = 1.0f/255.0f;
for (j=0;j < numGeometryArrays;j++) {
double w = weights[j];
if (w != 0) {
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
switch ((geometryArrays[j].vertexType & GeometryArrayRetained.TEXCOORD_DEFINED)) {
case GeometryArrayRetained.TF:
for (k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
float[] tf = geometryArrays[j].getTexCoordRefFloat(k);
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
tIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumTexCoordCount(k);
else {
tIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialTexCoordIndex(k);
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
tIndex *= tstride;
int tcount = 0;
for (i=0; i< count; i++) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += tf[tIndex++]*w;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += tf[tIndex++]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0)
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += tf[tIndex++]*w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.T2F:
for (k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
int tcount = 0;
float[] tf = geometryArrays[j].getTexCoordRefFloat(k);
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
tIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumTexCoordCount(k);
else {
tIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialTexCoordIndex(k);
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
TexCoord2f[] t2f = geometryArrays[j].getTexCoordRef2f(k);
for (i=0; i< count; i++, tIndex++) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += t2f[tIndex].x*w;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += t2f[tIndex].y*w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.T3F:
for (k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
int tcount = 0;
TexCoord3f[] t3f = geometryArrays[j].getTexCoordRef3f(k);
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
tIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumTexCoordCount(k);
else {
tIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialTexCoordIndex(k);
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
for (i=0; i< count; i++, tIndex++) {
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += t3f[tIndex].x*w;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += t3f[tIndex].y*w;
MtexCoord[k][tcount++] += t3f[tIndex].z*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
double val = byteToFloatScale * w;
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
cIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumColorCount();
else {
cIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialColorIndex();
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
switch ((geometryArrays[j].vertexType & GeometryArrayRetained.COLOR_DEFINED)) {
case GeometryArrayRetained.CF:
float[] cf = geometryArrays[j].getColorRefFloat();
cc = 0;
cIndex *= cstride;
for (i=0; i< count; i++) {
Mcolor[cc++] += cf[cIndex++]*w;
Mcolor[cc++] += cf[cIndex++]*w;
Mcolor[cc++] += cf[cIndex++]*w;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA)!= 0)
Mcolor[cc++] += cf[cIndex++]*w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.CUB:
byte[] cub = geometryArrays[j].getColorRefByte();
cc = 0;
cIndex *= cstride;
for (i=0; i< count; i++) {
Mcolor[cc++] += (cub[cIndex++] & 0xff) * val;
Mcolor[cc++] += (cub[cIndex++] & 0xff) *val;
Mcolor[cc++] += (cub[cIndex++] & 0xff) *val;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA)!= 0)
Mcolor[cc++] += (cub[cIndex++] & 0xff) *val;
case GeometryArrayRetained.C3F:
Color3f[] c3f = geometryArrays[j].getColorRef3f();
cc = 0;
for (i=0; i< count; i++, cIndex++) {
Mcolor[cc++] += c3f[cIndex].x * w;
Mcolor[cc++] += c3f[cIndex].y * w;
Mcolor[cc++] += c3f[cIndex].z * w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.C4F:
Color4f[] c4f = geometryArrays[j].getColorRef4f();
cc = 0;
for (i=0; i< count; i++, cIndex++) {
Mcolor[cc++] += c4f[cIndex].x * w;
Mcolor[cc++] += c4f[cIndex].y * w;
Mcolor[cc++] += c4f[cIndex].z * w;
Mcolor[cc++] += c4f[cIndex].w * w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.C3UB:
Color3b[] c3b = geometryArrays[j].getColorRef3b();
cc = 0;
for (i=0; i< count; i++, cIndex++) {
Mcolor[cc++] += (c3b[cIndex].x & 0xff)* val;
Mcolor[cc++] += (c3b[cIndex].y & 0xff) * val;
Mcolor[cc++] += (c3b[cIndex].z & 0xff) * val;
case GeometryArrayRetained.C4UB:
Color4b[] c4b = geometryArrays[j].getColorRef4b();
cc = 0;
for (i=0; i< count; i++, cIndex++) {
Mcolor[cc++] += (c4b[cIndex].x & 0xff)* val;
Mcolor[cc++] += (c4b[cIndex].y & 0xff) * val;
Mcolor[cc++] += (c4b[cIndex].z & 0xff) * val;
Mcolor[cc++] += (c4b[cIndex].w & 0xff) * val;
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
nc = 0;
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
nIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumNormalCount();
else {
nIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialNormalIndex();
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
switch ((geometryArrays[j].vertexType & GeometryArrayRetained.NORMAL_DEFINED)) {
case GeometryArrayRetained.NF:
float[] nf = geometryArrays[j].getNormalRefFloat();
nIndex *= 3;
for (i=0; i< count; i++) {
Mnormal[nc++] += nf[nIndex++]*w;
Mnormal[nc++] += nf[nIndex++]*w;
Mnormal[nc++] += nf[nIndex++]*w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.N3F:
Vector3f[] n3f = geometryArrays[j].getNormalRef3f();
for (i=0; i< count; i++, nIndex++) {
Mnormal[nc++] += n3f[nIndex].x*w;
Mnormal[nc++] += n3f[nIndex].y*w;
Mnormal[nc++] += n3f[nIndex].z*w;
// Handle vertices ..
vc = 0;
if (geometryArrays[j] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
vIndex = 0;
count = geometryArrays[j].getNumCoordCount();
else {
vIndex = geometryArrays[j].getInitialCoordIndex();
count = geometryArrays[j].validVertexCount;
switch ((geometryArrays[j].vertexType & GeometryArrayRetained.VERTEX_DEFINED)) {
case GeometryArrayRetained.PF:
float[] pf = geometryArrays[j].getCoordRefFloat();
vIndex *= 3;
for (i=0; i< count; i++) {
Mcoord[vc++] += pf[vIndex++]*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += pf[vIndex++]*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += pf[vIndex++]*w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.PD:
double[] pd = geometryArrays[j].getCoordRefDouble();
vIndex *= 3;
for (i=0; i< count; i++) {
Mcoord[vc++] += (float)pd[vIndex++]*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += (float)pd[vIndex++]*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += (float)pd[vIndex++]*w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.P3F:
Point3f[] p3f = geometryArrays[j].getCoordRef3f();
for (i=0; i< count; i++, vIndex++) {
Mcoord[vc++] += p3f[vIndex].x*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += p3f[vIndex].y*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += p3f[vIndex].z*w;
case GeometryArrayRetained.P3D:
Point3d[] p3d = geometryArrays[j].getCoordRef3d();
for (i=0; i< count; i++, vIndex++) {
Mcoord[vc++] += (float)p3d[vIndex].x*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += (float)p3d[vIndex].y*w;
Mcoord[vc++] += (float)p3d[vIndex].z*w;
GeometryArrayRetained mgaR =
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0)
// *******Need to normalize normals
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0)
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
for (k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
mgaR.setTexCoordRefFloat(k, MtexCoord[k]);
void updateImmediateMirrorObject(Object[] objs) {
int i;
int component = ((Integer)objs[1]).intValue();
Shape3DRetained[] msArr = (Shape3DRetained[]) objs[2];
if ((component & APPEARANCE_CHANGED) != 0) {
Object[] arg = (Object[])objs[3];
int val = ((Integer)arg[1]).intValue();
for ( i = msArr.length-1; i >=0; i--) {
msArr[i].appearance = (AppearanceRetained)arg[0];
msArr[i].changedFrequent = val;
if ((component & APPEARANCEOVERRIDE_CHANGED) != 0) {
Object[] arg = (Object[])objs[3];
int val = ((Integer)arg[1]).intValue();
System.err.println("ChangedFrequent = "+changedFrequent);
for ( i = msArr.length-1; i >=0; i--) {
msArr[i].appearanceOverrideEnable = ((Boolean)arg[0]).booleanValue();
msArr[i].changedFrequent = val;
* assign a name to this node when it is made live.
void setLive(SetLiveState s) {
int i, j;
Shape3DRetained shape;
ArrayList msList = new ArrayList();
GeometryAtom ga;
int oldrefCount = refCount;
nodeId = universe.getNodeId();
for (i = 0; i < numGeometryArrays; i++) {
synchronized(geometryArrays[i].liveStateLock) {
geometryArrays[i].setLive(inBackgroundGroup, s.refCount);
// Add this morph object as user the first time
if (oldrefCount <= 0) {
if (this.morphedGeometryArray == null){
((GeometryArrayRetained)(morphedGeometryArray.retained)).setLive(inBackgroundGroup, s.refCount);
if (boundsAutoCompute) {
GeometryArrayRetained mga = (GeometryArrayRetained)morphedGeometryArray.retained;
// Compute the bounds once
mga.incrComputeGeoBounds(); // This compute the bbox if dirty
if (inSharedGroup) {
for (i=0; i<s.keys.length; i++) {
shape = new Shape3DRetained();
shape.key = s.keys[i];
shape.localToVworld = new Transform3D[1][];
shape.localToVworldIndex = new int[1][];
j = s.keys[i].equals(localToVworldKeys, 0,
if(j < 0) {
System.err.println("MorphRetained : Can't find hashKey");
shape.localToVworld[0] = localToVworld[j];
shape.localToVworldIndex[0] = localToVworldIndex[j];
shape.branchGroupPath = branchGroupPaths.get(j);
shape.isPickable = s.pickable[i];
shape.isCollidable = s.collidable[i];
shape.initMirrorShape3D(s, this, j);
mirrorShape3D.add(j, shape);
// Add any scoped lights to the mirror shape
if (s.lights != null) {
ArrayList<LightRetained> l = s.lights.get(j);
if (l != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < l.size(); m++) {
// Add any scoped fog
if (s.fogs != null) {
ArrayList<FogRetained> l = s.fogs.get(j);
if (l != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < l.size(); m++) {
// Add any scoped modelClip
if (s.modelClips != null) {
ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> l = s.modelClips.get(j);
if (l != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < l.size(); m++) {
// Add any scoped alt app
if (s.altAppearances != null) {
ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> l = s.altAppearances.get(j);
if (l != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < l.size(); m++) {
if (s.viewLists != null)
shape.viewList = s.viewLists.get(i);
shape.viewList = null;
// ((GeometryArrayRetained)(morphedGeometryArray.retained)).addUser(shape);
ga = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtom(shape);
// Add the geometry atom for this shape to the Targets
if (s.transformTargets != null &&
s.transformTargets[i] != null) {
s.transformTargets[i].addNode(ga, Targets.GEO_TARGETS);
if (s.switchTargets != null &&
s.switchTargets[i] != null) {
s.switchTargets[i].addNode(shape, Targets.GEO_TARGETS);
shape.closestSwitchParent = s.closestSwitchParents[i];
shape.closestSwitchIndex = s.closestSwitchIndices[i];
shape.switchState = s.switchStates.get(j);
} else {
shape = new Shape3DRetained();
shape.localToVworld = new Transform3D[1][];
shape.localToVworldIndex = new int[1][];
shape.localToVworld[0] = this.localToVworld[0];
shape.localToVworldIndex[0] = this.localToVworldIndex[0];
shape.branchGroupPath = branchGroupPaths.get(0);
shape.isPickable = s.pickable[0];
shape.isCollidable = s.collidable[0];
shape.initMirrorShape3D(s, this, 0);
// Add any scoped lights to the mirror shape
if (s.lights != null) {
ArrayList<LightRetained> l = s.lights.get(0);
if (l != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < l.size(); m++) {
// Add any scoped fog
if (s.fogs != null) {
ArrayList<FogRetained> l = s.fogs.get(0);
if (l != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < l.size(); m++) {
// Add any scoped modelClip
if (s.modelClips != null) {
ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> l = s.modelClips.get(0);
if (l != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < l.size(); m++) {
// Add any scoped alt app
if (s.altAppearances != null) {
ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> l = s.altAppearances.get(0);
if (l != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < l.size(); m++) {
if (s.viewLists != null)
shape.viewList = s.viewLists.get(0);
shape.viewList = null;
// ((GeometryArrayRetained)(morphedGeometryArray.retained)).addUser(shape);
ga = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtom(shape);
// Add the geometry atom for this shape to the Targets
if (s.transformTargets != null &&
s.transformTargets[0] != null) {
s.transformTargets[0].addNode(ga, Targets.GEO_TARGETS);
if (s.switchTargets != null &&
s.switchTargets[0] != null) {
s.switchTargets[0].addNode(shape, Targets.GEO_TARGETS);
shape.closestSwitchParent = s.closestSwitchParents[0];
shape.closestSwitchIndex = s.closestSwitchIndices[0];
shape.switchState = s.switchStates.get(0);
if (appearance != null) {
synchronized(appearance.liveStateLock) {
appearance.setLive(inBackgroundGroup, s.refCount);
if (appearance.renderingAttributes != null)
visible = appearance.renderingAttributes.visible;
for (int k = 0; k < msList.size(); k++) {
Shape3DRetained sh = (Shape3DRetained)msList.get(k);
sh.appearance = (AppearanceRetained)appearance.mirror;
else {
for (int k = 0; k < msList.size(); k++) {
Shape3DRetained sh = (Shape3DRetained)msList.get(k);
sh.appearance = null;
s.notifyThreads |= (J3dThread.UPDATE_GEOMETRY |
// Need to clone the geometry , if its indexed ...
if (refCount == 1 && this.geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
J3dMessage mChangeMessage = new J3dMessage();
mChangeMessage.type = J3dMessage.MORPH_CHANGED;
mChangeMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ATTRIBUTES;
mChangeMessage.args[0] = this;
mChangeMessage.args[1]= new Integer(GEOMETRY_CHANGED);
mChangeMessage.universe = universe;
* assign a name to this node when it is made live.
void clearLive(SetLiveState s) {
int i, j;
Shape3DRetained shape;
Object[] shapes;
ArrayList appList = new ArrayList();
GeometryAtom ga;
for (i = 0; i < numGeometryArrays; i++) {
synchronized(geometryArrays[i].liveStateLock) {
// Remove this morph object as user, when the last branch
// is clearlived
if (refCount <= 0) {
GeometryArrayRetained mga = (GeometryArrayRetained)morphedGeometryArray.retained;
mga.clearLive( s.refCount);
if (inSharedGroup) {
shapes = mirrorShape3D.toArray();
for (i=0; i<s.keys.length; i++) {
for (j=0; j<shapes.length; j++) {
shape = (Shape3DRetained)shapes[j];
if (shape.key.equals(s.keys[i])) {
// clearMirrorShape(shape);
if (s.switchTargets != null &&
s.switchTargets[i] != null) {
if (appearance != null)
// ((GeometryArrayRetained)(morphedGeometryArray.retained)).removeUser(shape);
ga = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtom(shape);
// Add the geometry atoms for this shape to the Targets
if (s.transformTargets != null &&
s.transformTargets[i] != null) {
} else {
// Only entry 0 is valid
shape = (Shape3DRetained)mirrorShape3D.get(0);
// clearMirrorShape(shape);
if (s.switchTargets != null &&
s.switchTargets[0] != null) {
s.switchTargets[0].addNode(shape, Targets.GEO_TARGETS);
if (appearance != null)
// ((GeometryArrayRetained)(morphedGeometryArray.retained)).removeUser(shape);
ga = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtom(shape);
// Add the geometry atom for this shape to the Targets
if (s.transformTargets != null &&
s.transformTargets[0] != null) {
s.transformTargets[0].addNode(ga, Targets.GEO_TARGETS);
if (appearance != null) {
synchronized(appearance.liveStateLock) {
for (int k = 0; k < appList.size(); k++) {
s.notifyThreads |= (J3dThread.UPDATE_GEOMETRY |
// This is used to clear the scope info
// of all the mirror shapes
void updatePickable(HashKey keys[], boolean pick[]) {
super.updatePickable(keys, pick);
Shape3DRetained shape;
if (!inSharedGroup) {
shape = (Shape3DRetained) mirrorShape3D.get(0);
shape.isPickable = pick[0];
} else {
int size = mirrorShape3D.size();
for (int j=0; j< keys.length; j++) {
for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
shape = (Shape3DRetained) mirrorShape3D.get(i);
if (keys[j].equals(shape.key)) {
shape.isPickable = pick[j];
void updateCollidable(HashKey keys[], boolean collide[]) {
super.updateCollidable(keys, collide);
Shape3DRetained shape;
if (!inSharedGroup) {
shape = (Shape3DRetained) mirrorShape3D.get(0);
shape.isCollidable = collide[0];
} else {
int size = mirrorShape3D.size();
for (int j=0; j< keys.length; j++) {
for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
shape = (Shape3DRetained) mirrorShape3D.get(i);
if (keys[j].equals(shape.key)) {
shape.isCollidable = collide[j];
Shape3DRetained getMirrorShape(SceneGraphPath path) {
if (!inSharedGroup) {
return (Shape3DRetained) mirrorShape3D.get(0);
HashKey key = new HashKey("");
return getMirrorShape(key);
Shape3DRetained getMirrorShape(HashKey key) {
int i = key.equals(localToVworldKeys, 0, localToVworldKeys.length);
if (i>=0) {
return (Shape3DRetained) mirrorShape3D.get(i);
// Not possible
throw new RuntimeException("Shape3DRetained: MirrorShape Not found!");
void getMirrorObjects(ArrayList leafList, HashKey key) {
Shape3DRetained ms;
if (inSharedGroup) {
ms = getMirrorShape(key);
else {
ms = (Shape3DRetained)mirrorShape3D.get(0);
GeometryAtom ga = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtom(ms);
void setBoundsAutoCompute(boolean autoCompute) {
if (autoCompute != boundsAutoCompute) {
if (autoCompute) {
// localBounds may not have been set to bbox
localBounds = new BoundingBox();
if (source.isLive() && morphedGeometryArray != null) {
GeometryArrayRetained mga = (GeometryArrayRetained)morphedGeometryArray.retained;
mga.incrComputeGeoBounds(); // This compute the bbox if dirty
localBounds = getBounds();
if (source.isLive()) {
J3dMessage message = new J3dMessage();
message.type = J3dMessage.BOUNDS_AUTO_COMPUTE_CHANGED;
message.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_TRANSFORM |
message.universe = universe;
message.args[0] = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtomsArray(mirrorShape3D);
message.args[1] = localBounds;
void updateBounds() {
localBounds = getEffectiveBounds();
if (source.isLive()) {
J3dMessage message = new J3dMessage();
message.type = J3dMessage.BOUNDS_AUTO_COMPUTE_CHANGED;
message.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_TRANSFORM |
message.universe = universe;
message.args[0] = Shape3DRetained.getGeomAtomsArray(mirrorShape3D);
message.args[1] = localBounds;
* Initialization of morphed geometry
void initMorphedGeometry() {
int vFormat, geoType, stripVCount[];
int iCount = 0;
int numStrips = 0;
int texCoordSetCount = 0;
int texCoordSetMapLen = 0;
int [] texCoordSetMap = null;
int k;
GeometryArrayRetained geo = geometryArrays[0];
vFormat = ((geo.getVertexFormat() | (GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE)) & ~(GeometryArray.INTERLEAVED)) ;
texCoordSetCount = geo.getTexCoordSetCount();
texCoordSetMapLen = geo.getTexCoordSetMapLength();
if (texCoordSetMapLen > 0) {
texCoordSetMap = new int[texCoordSetMapLen];
geoType = geo.geoType;
switch (geoType){
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_QUAD_SET:
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new QuadArray(geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount, vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_TRI_SET:
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new TriangleArray(geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount, vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_POINT_SET:
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new PointArray(geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount, vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_LINE_SET:
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new LineArray(geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount, vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_TRI_STRIP_SET:
numStrips = ((TriangleStripArrayRetained)geo).getNumStrips();
stripVCount = new int[numStrips];
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new TriangleStripArray(geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount, vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, stripVCount);
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_TRI_FAN_SET:
numStrips = ((TriangleFanArrayRetained)geo).getNumStrips();
stripVCount = new int[numStrips];
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new TriangleFanArray(geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount, vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, stripVCount);
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_LINE_STRIP_SET:
numStrips = ((LineStripArrayRetained)geo).getNumStrips();
stripVCount = new int[numStrips];
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new LineStripArray(geometryArrays[0].validVertexCount, vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, stripVCount);
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_QUAD_SET:
iCount = ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)geo).getIndexCount();
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new IndexedQuadArray(geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount(), vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, iCount);
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_SET:
iCount = ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)geo).getIndexCount();
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new IndexedTriangleArray(geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount(), vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, iCount);
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_POINT_SET:
iCount = ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)geo).getIndexCount();
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new IndexedPointArray(geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount(), vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, iCount);
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_SET:
iCount = ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)geo).getIndexCount();
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new IndexedLineArray(geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount(), vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, iCount);
iCount = ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)geo).getIndexCount();
numStrips = ((IndexedTriangleStripArrayRetained)geo).getNumStrips();
stripVCount = new int[numStrips];
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new IndexedTriangleStripArray(geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount(), vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, iCount, stripVCount);break;
case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_FAN_SET:
iCount = ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)geo).getIndexCount();
numStrips = ((IndexedTriangleFanArrayRetained)geo).getNumStrips();
stripVCount = new int[numStrips];
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new IndexedTriangleFanArray(geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount(), vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, iCount, stripVCount);break;
iCount = ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)geo).getIndexCount();
numStrips = ((IndexedLineStripArrayRetained)geo).getNumStrips();
stripVCount = new int[numStrips];
this.morphedGeometryArray =
new IndexedLineStripArray(geometryArrays[0].getNumCoordCount(), vFormat, texCoordSetCount,
texCoordSetMap, iCount, stripVCount);break;
if (geometryArrays[0] instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
IndexedGeometryArrayRetained igeo = (IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)
IndexedGeometryArray morphedGeo = (IndexedGeometryArray)
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES) != 0) {
morphedGeo.setCoordinateIndices(0, igeo.indexCoord);
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.USE_COORD_INDEX_ONLY) == 0) {
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
morphedGeo.setNormalIndices(0, igeo.indexNormal);
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
morphedGeo.setColorIndices(0, igeo.indexColor);
if ((vFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
for (k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
morphedGeo.setTextureCoordinateIndices(k, 0,
GeometryArrayRetained mga = (GeometryArrayRetained)morphedGeometryArray.retained;
void getMirrorShape3D(ArrayList list, HashKey k) {
Shape3DRetained ms;
if (inSharedGroup) {
ms = getMirrorShape(k);
else {
ms = (Shape3DRetained)mirrorShape3D.get(0);
void compile(CompileState compState) {
// XXXX: for now keep the static transform in the parent tg
compState.keepTG = true;
if (J3dDebug.devPhase && J3dDebug.debug) {
void doErrorCheck(GeometryArrayRetained prevGeo, GeometryArrayRetained geo) {
// If indexed Geometry array check the entire list instead of just the vcount
if ((prevGeo.vertexFormat != geo.vertexFormat) ||
(prevGeo.validVertexCount != geo.validVertexCount) ||
(prevGeo.geoType != geo.geoType) ||
(prevGeo.texCoordSetCount != geo.texCoordSetCount)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
if (geo.getTexCoordSetMapLength() != prevGeo.getTexCoordSetMapLength()){
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
int texCoordSetMapLen = geo.getTexCoordSetMapLength();
int[] prevSvc= prevGeo.texCoordSetMap;
int[] svc= geo.texCoordSetMap;
for (int k = 0; k < texCoordSetMapLen; k++) {
if (prevSvc[k] != svc[k])
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
if (geo instanceof GeometryStripArrayRetained) {
prevSvc= ((GeometryStripArrayRetained)prevGeo).stripVertexCounts;
svc= ((GeometryStripArrayRetained)geo).stripVertexCounts;
if (prevSvc.length != svc.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
for (int k = 0; k < prevSvc.length; k++) {
if (prevSvc[k] != svc[k])
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
} else if (geo instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) {
if (((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)prevGeo).validIndexCount != ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)geo).validIndexCount)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
// If by reference, then all array lengths should be same
if (geo.getNumCoordCount() != prevGeo.getNumCoordCount() ||
geo.getNumColorCount() != prevGeo.getNumColorCount() ||
geo.getNumNormalCount() != prevGeo.getNumNormalCount()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
int texCoordSetCount = geo.getTexCoordSetCount();
for (int k = 0; k < texCoordSetCount; k++) {
if (geo.getNumTexCoordCount(k) != prevGeo.getNumTexCoordCount(k)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
if (geo instanceof IndexedGeometryStripArrayRetained) {
prevSvc= ((IndexedGeometryStripArrayRetained)prevGeo).stripIndexCounts;
svc= ((IndexedGeometryStripArrayRetained)geo).stripIndexCounts;
if (prevSvc.length != svc.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
for (int k = 0; k < prevSvc.length; k++) {
if (prevSvc[k] != svc[k])
throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("MorphRetained1"));
void handleFrequencyChange(int bit) {
int mask = 0;
else if (bit == Morph.ALLOW_APPEARANCE_WRITE) {
if (mask != 0) {
if (source.getCapabilityIsFrequent(bit))
changedFrequent |= mask;
else if (!source.isLive()) {
changedFrequent &= ~mask;
void searchGeometryAtoms(UnorderList list) {
(Shape3DRetained) mirrorShape3D.get(0)));