* Copyright 1998-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* have any questions.
package javax.media.j3d;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.vecmath.Color3f;
import javax.vecmath.Color4f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
* The GeneralizedVertexList class is a variable-size list used to
* collect the vertices for a generalized strip of points, lines, or
* triangles. This is used by the GeometryDecompressor. This class
* implements the GeneralizedStripFlags interface and provides methods
* for copying instance vertex data into various fixed-size
* GeometryArray representations.
* @see GeneralizedStrip
* @see GeometryDecompressor
class GeneralizedVertexList implements GeneralizedStripFlags {
// The ArrayList containing the vertices.
private ArrayList<Vertex> vertices;
// Booleans for individual vertex components.
private boolean hasColor3 = false ;
private boolean hasColor4 = false ;
private boolean hasNormals = false ;
// Indicates the vertex winding of front-facing triangles in this strip.
private int frontFace ;
* Count of number of strips generated after conversion to GeometryArray.
int stripCount ;
* Count of number of vertices generated after conversion to GeometryArray.
int vertexCount ;
* Count of number of triangles generated after conversion to GeometryArray.
int triangleCount ;
* Bits describing the data bundled with each vertex. This is specified
* using the GeometryArray mask components.
int vertexFormat ;
* Creates a new GeneralizedVertexList for the specified vertex format.
* @param vertexFormat a mask indicating which components are
* present in each vertex, as used by GeometryArray.
* @param frontFace a flag, either GeneralizedStripFlags.FRONTFACE_CW or
* GeneralizedStripFlags.FRONTFACE_CCW, indicating front face winding
* @param initSize initial number of elements
* @see GeometryArray
GeneralizedVertexList(int vertexFormat, int frontFace, int initSize) {
this.frontFace = frontFace ;
setVertexFormat(vertexFormat) ;
if (initSize == 0)
vertices = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
vertices = new ArrayList<Vertex>(initSize);
stripCount = 0 ;
vertexCount = 0 ;
triangleCount = 0 ;
* Creates a new GeneralizedVertexList for the specified vertex format.
* @param vertexFormat a mask indicating which components are
* present in each vertex, as used by GeometryArray.
* @param frontFace a flag, either GeneralizedStripFlags.FRONTFACE_CW or
* GeneralizedStripFlags.FRONTFACE_CCW, indicating front face winding
* @see GeometryArray
GeneralizedVertexList(int vertexFormat, int frontFace) {
this(vertexFormat, frontFace, 0) ;
* Sets the vertex format for this vertex list.
* @param vertexFormat a mask indicating which components are
* present in each vertex, as used by GeometryArray.
void setVertexFormat(int vertexFormat) {
this.vertexFormat = vertexFormat ;
if ((vertexFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0)
hasNormals = true ;
if ((vertexFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0)
if ((vertexFormat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA) != 0)
hasColor4 = true ;
hasColor3 = true ;
* A class with fields corresponding to all the data that can be bundled
* with the vertices of generalized strips.
class Vertex {
int flag ;
Point3f coord ;
Color3f color3 ;
Color4f color4 ;
Vector3f normal ;
Vertex(Point3f p, Vector3f n, Color4f c, int flag) {
this.flag = flag ;
coord = new Point3f(p) ;
if (hasNormals)
normal = new Vector3f(n) ;
if (hasColor3)
color3 = new Color3f(c.x, c.y, c.z) ;
else if (hasColor4)
color4 = new Color4f(c) ;
* Copy vertex data to a new Vertex object and add it to this list.
void addVertex(Point3f pos, Vector3f norm, Color4f color, int flag) {
vertices.add(new Vertex(pos, norm, color, flag)) ;
* Return the number of vertices in this list.
int size() {
return vertices.size() ;
// GeneralizedStripFlags interface implementation
public int getFlagCount() {
return vertices.size() ;
// GeneralizedStripFlags interface implementation
public int getFlag(int index) {
return vertices.get(index).flag;
// Copy vertices in the given order to a fixed-length GeometryArray.
// Using the array versions of the GeometryArray set() methods results in
// a significant performance improvement despite needing to create
// fixed-length arrays to hold the vertex elements.
private void copyVertexData(GeometryArray ga,
GeneralizedStrip.IntList indices) {
Point3f p3f[] = new Point3f[indices.count] ;
if (hasNormals) {
Vector3f v3f[] = new Vector3f[indices.count] ;
if (hasColor3) {
Color3f c3f[] = new Color3f[indices.count] ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < indices.count ; i++) {
Vertex v = vertices.get(indices.ints[i]);
p3f[i] = v.coord ;
v3f[i] = v.normal ;
c3f[i] = v.color3 ;
ga.setColors(0, c3f) ;
} else if (hasColor4) {
Color4f c4f[] = new Color4f[indices.count] ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < indices.count ; i++) {
Vertex v = vertices.get(indices.ints[i]);
p3f[i] = v.coord ;
v3f[i] = v.normal ;
c4f[i] = v.color4 ;
ga.setColors(0, c4f) ;
} else {
for (int i = 0 ; i < indices.count ; i++) {
Vertex v = vertices.get(indices.ints[i]);
p3f[i] = v.coord ;
v3f[i] = v.normal ;
ga.setNormals(0, v3f) ;
} else {
if (hasColor3) {
Color3f c3f[] = new Color3f[indices.count] ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < indices.count ; i++) {
Vertex v = vertices.get(indices.ints[i]);
p3f[i] = v.coord ;
c3f[i] = v.color3 ;
ga.setColors(0, c3f) ;
} else if (hasColor4) {
Color4f c4f[] = new Color4f[indices.count] ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < indices.count ; i++) {
Vertex v = vertices.get(indices.ints[i]);
p3f[i] = v.coord ;
c4f[i] = v.color4 ;
ga.setColors(0, c4f) ;
} else {
for (int i = 0 ; i < indices.count ; i++) {
Vertex v = vertices.get(indices.ints[i]);
p3f[i] = v.coord ;
ga.setCoordinates(0, p3f) ;
* Output a PointArray.
PointArray toPointArray() {
int size = vertices.size() ;
if (size > 0) {
PointArray pa = new PointArray(size, vertexFormat) ;
GeneralizedStrip.IntList il = new GeneralizedStrip.IntList(size) ;
il.fillAscending() ;
copyVertexData(pa, il) ;
vertexCount += size ;
return pa ;
return null ;
* Output a TriangleArray.
TriangleArray toTriangleArray() {
int vertices[] = GeneralizedStrip.toTriangles(this, frontFace) ;
if (vertices != null) {
TriangleArray ta ;
GeneralizedStrip.IntList il ;
ta = new TriangleArray(vertices.length, vertexFormat) ;
il = new GeneralizedStrip.IntList(vertices) ;
copyVertexData(ta, il) ;
vertexCount += vertices.length ;
triangleCount += vertices.length/3 ;
return ta ;
} else
return null ;
* Output a LineStripArray.
LineStripArray toLineStripArray() {
GeneralizedStrip.StripArray stripArray =
GeneralizedStrip.toLineStrips(this) ;
if (stripArray != null) {
LineStripArray lsa ;
lsa = new LineStripArray(stripArray.vertices.count,
stripArray.stripCounts.trim()) ;
copyVertexData(lsa, stripArray.vertices) ;
vertexCount += stripArray.vertices.count ;
stripCount += stripArray.stripCounts.count ;
return lsa ;
} else
return null ;
* Output a TriangleStripArray.
TriangleStripArray toTriangleStripArray() {
GeneralizedStrip.StripArray stripArray =
GeneralizedStrip.toTriangleStrips(this, frontFace) ;
if (stripArray != null) {
TriangleStripArray tsa ;
tsa = new TriangleStripArray(stripArray.vertices.count,
stripArray.stripCounts.trim()) ;
copyVertexData(tsa, stripArray.vertices) ;
vertexCount += stripArray.vertices.count ;
stripCount += stripArray.stripCounts.count ;
return tsa ;
} else
return null ;
* Output triangle strip and triangle fan arrays.
* @return a 2-element array of GeometryStripArray; element 0 if non-null
* will contain a TriangleStripArray, and element 1 if non-null will
* contain a TriangleFanArray.
GeometryStripArray[] toStripAndFanArrays() {
GeneralizedStrip.StripArray stripArray[] =
GeneralizedStrip.toStripsAndFans(this, frontFace) ;
GeometryStripArray gsa[] = new GeometryStripArray[2] ;
if (stripArray[0] != null) {
gsa[0] = new TriangleStripArray(stripArray[0].vertices.count,
stripArray[0].stripCounts.trim()) ;
copyVertexData(gsa[0], stripArray[0].vertices) ;
vertexCount += stripArray[0].vertices.count ;
stripCount += stripArray[0].stripCounts.count ;
if (stripArray[1] != null) {
gsa[1] = new TriangleFanArray(stripArray[1].vertices.count,
stripArray[1].stripCounts.trim()) ;
copyVertexData(gsa[1], stripArray[1].vertices) ;
vertexCount += stripArray[1].vertices.count ;
stripCount += stripArray[1].stripCounts.count ;
return gsa ;
* Output triangle strip and and triangle arrays.
* @return a 2-element array of GeometryArray; element 0 if non-null
* will contain a TriangleStripArray, and element 1 if non-null will
* contain a TriangleArray.
GeometryArray[] toStripAndTriangleArrays() {
GeneralizedStrip.StripArray stripArray[] =
GeneralizedStrip.toStripsAndTriangles(this, frontFace, 4, 12) ;
GeometryArray ga[] = new GeometryArray[2] ;
if (stripArray[0] != null) {
ga[0] = new TriangleStripArray(stripArray[0].vertices.count,
stripArray[0].stripCounts.trim()) ;
copyVertexData(ga[0], stripArray[0].vertices) ;
vertexCount += stripArray[0].vertices.count ;
stripCount += stripArray[0].stripCounts.count ;
if (stripArray[1] != null) {
ga[1] = new TriangleArray(stripArray[1].vertices.count,
vertexFormat) ;
copyVertexData(ga[1], stripArray[1].vertices) ;
triangleCount += stripArray[1].vertices.count/3 ;
return ga ;