
Source Code of$StaticEditGeomProvider

/* uDig - User Friendly Desktop Internet GIS client
* (C) 2004, Refractions Research Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* (, and the Refractions BSD
* License v1.0 (

import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.locationtech.udig.core.IBlockingProvider;
import org.locationtech.udig.core.internal.FeatureUtils;
import org.locationtech.udig.mapgraphic.grid.GridMapGraphic;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.IBlackboard;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.ILayer;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.IMap;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.Interaction;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.ProjectBlackboardConstants;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.command.AbstractCommand;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.command.UndoableComposite;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.command.UndoableMapCommand;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.ui.AnimationUpdater;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.ui.render.displayAdapter.ViewportPane;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.ui.tool.IToolContext;
import org.locationtech.udig.ui.ProgressManager;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder;
import org.geotools.factory.GeoTools;
import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection;
import org.geotools.feature.FeatureIterator;
import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTS;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType;
import org.opengis.filter.Filter;
import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory;
import org.opengis.filter.Id;
import org.opengis.filter.identity.Identifier;
import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing;

* Methods for determining spatial relationships between points.
* @author Jesse
* @since 1.1.0
public class EditUtils {

    static final int TOP = 0x8, BOTTOM = 0x4, RIGHT = 0x2, LEFT = 0x1;

    public static final int OVER_EDGE = -1;
    public static final int NO_INTERSECTION = -2;

    private static final String EDIT_FEATURE_BOUNDS = "BOUNDS OF RENDERING FILTER"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    public static EditUtils instance=new EditUtils();
    public int overVertext( Coordinate[] coords, Envelope env ) {
        if (coords == null)
            return NO_INTERSECTION;
        for( int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++ ) {
            Coordinate coord = coords[i];
            if (env.contains(coord))
                return i;
        return OVER_EDGE;

     * Return true if the envelope overlaps at least one edge of the shape.  This checks all the
     * Coordinates in the shape so the envelope must be in the "world" space (same projection as coordinates).
     * @param shape to search
     * @param env envelope used to see if it overlaps an edge
     * @return true if the envelope overlaps at least one edge of the shape.
    public boolean overEdgeCoordinatePrecision( PrimitiveShape shape, Envelope env) {
        if( shape.getNumCoords()<2 )
            return false;
        Coordinate endPoint1=shape.getCoord(shape.getNumCoords()-1);
        for( int i = 0; i < shape.getNumCoords(); i++ ) {
            Coordinate endPoint2 = shape.getCoord(i);
            if (overEdge(endPoint1, endPoint2, env) )
                return true;
            endPoint1 = endPoint2;
        return false;

     * Return true if the envelope overlaps at least one edge of the shape.  This only checks the
     * Points in the shape so the envelope must be in pixel space.  This also means that it is not
     * completely accurate but it is sufficient for interactive purposes.
     * @param shape to search
     * @param env envelope used to see if it overlaps an edge
     * @return true if the envelope overlaps at least one edge of the shape.
    public boolean overEdgePixelPrecision( PrimitiveShape shape, Envelope env ) {
        if( shape.getNumPoints()<2 )
            return false;
        Point point1=shape.getPoint(shape.getNumPoints()-1);
        for( int i = 0; i < shape.getNumPoints(); i++ ) {
            Point point2 = shape.getPoint(i);
            Coordinate endPoint1=new Coordinate(point1.getX(), point1.getY());
            Coordinate endPoint2=new Coordinate(point2.getX(), point2.getY());
            if (overEdge(endPoint1, endPoint2, env) )
                return true;
            point1 = point2;
        return false;

     * Returns true if the envelope overlaps some part of the edge
     * @param endPoint1 one end point of the edge
     * @param endPoint2 the other end point of the edge
     * @param env the reference envelope.
     * @return true if the envelope overlaps some part of the edge
    public boolean overEdge( Coordinate endPoint1, Coordinate endPoint2, Envelope env ) {
        boolean accept = false, done = false;
        double x0 = endPoint1.x;
        double y0 = endPoint1.y;
        double x1 = endPoint2.x;
        double y1 = endPoint2.y;
        double xmin=env.getMinX();
        double ymin=env.getMinY();
        double xmax=env.getMaxX();
        double ymax=env.getMaxY();
        int outcode0 = compOutCode(x0, y0, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
        int outcode1 = compOutCode(x1, y1, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
        do {
            if (outcode0 == 0 || outcode1 == 0)
                accept = done = true;
            else if ((outcode0 & outcode1) != 0)
                done = true;
            else {
                double x, y;
                int outcodeOut = outcode0 > 0 ? outcode0 : outcode1;
                if ((outcodeOut & TOP) > 0) {
                    x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (ymax - y0) / (y1 - y0);
                    y = ymax;
                } else if ((outcodeOut & BOTTOM) > 0) {
                    x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (ymin - y0) / (y1 - y0);
                    y = ymin;
                } else if ((outcodeOut & RIGHT) > 0) {
                    y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (xmax - x0) / (x1 - x0);
                    x = xmax;
                } else {
                    y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (xmin - x0) / (x1 - x0);
                    x = xmin;
                if (outcodeOut == outcode0) {
                    double tmpx = x;
                    double tmpy = y;
                    outcode0 = compOutCode(tmpx, tmpy, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
                } else {
                    double tmpx = x;
                    double tmpy = y;
                    outcode1 = compOutCode(tmpx, tmpy, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
        } while( done == false );
        return accept;

    private int compOutCode( double x, double y, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax ) {
        int outcode = 0;
        if (y > ymax)
            outcode |= TOP;
        if (y < ymin)
            outcode |= BOTTOM;
        if (x > xmax)
            outcode |= RIGHT;
        if (x < xmin)
            outcode |= LEFT;
        return outcode;

     * Returns the index of the coordinate closest to the click.
     * @param geometry the geometry to search for the closest coordinate;  The default geometry is searched.
     * @param click the closest coordinate in <i>coordinates</i> will be found with respect to
     *        <i>click</i>
     * @param result the first position will be fill with the closest coordinate in geometry.
     * @return the index of the coordinate closest to the click.
    public int getClosest( Geometry geometry, Coordinate click, Coordinate[] result ) {
        Coordinate[] coordinates = geometry.getCoordinates();
        int prev = 0;
        double mindist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        Coordinate closest = coordinates[coordinates.length - 1];
        double x = click.x - closest.x;
        double y = click.y - closest.y;
        mindist = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        for( int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++ ) {
            Coordinate point = coordinates[i];
            x = click.x - point.x;
            y = click.y - point.y;
            double dist = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
            if (dist < mindist) {
                mindist = dist;
                prev = i;
                closest = point;
        if (geometry instanceof LinearRing) {
            return (prev == 0 || prev == coordinates.length) ? coordinates.length - 2 : prev;
        return prev != 0 ? prev - 1 : coordinates.length - 2;

     * Returns the closest point on the line between <code>vertex1</code> and <code>vertex2</code> to coordinate
     * <code>src</code>
     * <p>
     * All Coordinates must be in the same CRS
     * </p>
     * @param endPoint1 first vertex of a line.
     * @param endPoint2 second vertex of a line.
     * @param src the closes coordinate is found with respect to src.
     * @return the closest point on the line between <code>vertex1</code> and <code>vertex2</code> to coordinate
     * <code>src</code>
    public Coordinate closestCoordinateOnEdge( Coordinate endPoint1, Coordinate endPoint2, Coordinate src ) {
        Coordinate v = new Coordinate();
        v.x = endPoint2.x - endPoint1.x;
        v.y = endPoint2.y - endPoint1.y;
        double d = (v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);
        if( d==0 )
            return null;
        double t = ((src.x - endPoint1.x) * v.x + (src.y - endPoint1.y) * v.y)
                / d;
        if ( t<0 || t>1 || Double.isInfinite(t) || Double.isNaN(t))
            return null;
        Coordinate result = new Coordinate();
        result.x = endPoint1.x + t * v.x;
        result.y = endPoint1.y + t * v.y;
        return result;

     * Returns the closest point on the line between <code>vertex1</code> and <code>vertex2</code> to coordinate
     * <code>src</code>
     * <p>
     * All Coordinates must be in the same CRS
     * </p>
     * @param endPoint1 first vertex of a line.
     * @param endPoint2 second vertex of a line.
     * @param src the closes coordinate is found with respect to src.
     * @return the closest point on the line between <code>vertex1</code> and <code>vertex2</code> to coordinate
     * <code>src</code>
    public Point closestPointOnEdge( Point endPoint1, Point endPoint2, Point src ) {
        if( endPoint1.equals(src) )
            return src;
        if( endPoint2.equals(src) )
            return src;
        Point v = Point.valueOf(endPoint2.getX() - endPoint1.getX(),
                endPoint2.getY() - endPoint1.getY());
        int i = v.getX() * v.getX() + v.getY() * v.getY();
        if( i==0 )
            return null;
        int j = (src.getX() - endPoint1.getX()) * v.getX();
        int k = (src.getY() - endPoint1.getY()) * v.getY();
        double t = (double)(j + k)
                / (double)i;
        if( t>=1 )
            return endPoint2;
        if( t<=0 )
            return endPoint1;
        if (Double.isInfinite(t) || Double.isNaN(t))
            return null;

        return Point.valueOf((int)(endPoint1.getX() + t * v.getX()),
                (int)(endPoint1.getY() + t * v.getY()));

     * Convenience method; transforms the click from the viewportModel CRS to the layer's CRS.
     * @param click
     * @return
    public Coordinate getTransformedClick( Coordinate click, ILayer layer ) {
        try {
            MathTransform transform = layer.mapToLayerTransform();
            if (transform == null || transform.isIdentity())
                return click;
            return JTS.transform(click, new Coordinate(), transform);
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            // CorePlugin.log(ToolsPlugin.getDefault(), e1);
            return click;

     * Finds and returns the EditGeoms that intersect the point.  This maybe an expensive operation if there
     * are a large number of EditGeoms each with many points.  The calculation is done in screen space, however,
     * so the number of coordinates in the shapes do not matter so much.
     * @param editBlackboard
     * @param point
     * @param treatUnknownAsPolygons
     * @return
    public List<EditGeom> getIntersectingGeom( EditBlackboard editBlackboard, Point point, boolean treatUnknownAsPolygons ) {
        List<EditGeom> geoms = editBlackboard.getGeoms();
        List<EditGeom> result= new LinkedList<EditGeom>();
        for( EditGeom geom : geoms ) {
            EditGeomPathIterator iter=EditGeomPathIterator.getPathIterator(geom);
            if( iter.toShape().contains(point.getX(), point.getY()) )
        return result;

     * Returns the coordinate that is on the grid intersection closest to the coordinate.
    public Coordinate snapToGrid( Point centerPoint, IMap map )  {
        List<ILayer> layers = map.getMapLayers();
        // by default choose something that will work
        ILayer found=layers.get(0);
        GridMapGraphic graphic=new GridMapGraphic();
        for( ILayer layer : layers ) {
            if( layer.hasResource(GridMapGraphic.class) ){
                found = layer;
                try {
                    graphic = layer.getResource(GridMapGraphic.class, ProgressManager.instance().get());
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException( ).initCause( e );
        double[] closest;
        try {
            closest = graphic.closest(centerPoint.getX(), centerPoint.getY(), found);
        } catch (FactoryException e) {
            EditPlugin.log(null, e);
            throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException( ).initCause( e );
        return new Coordinate(closest[0], closest[1], 0);

     * Searches all the layers in the map and the EditBlackboard for the closest vertex to center point
     * @param includeVerticesInCurrent indicates whether the vertices of the current feature should be considered.
     * @param stateAfterSearch
     * @return the Point that is the closest vertex.
    public Coordinate getClosestSnapPoint( EditToolHandler handler, EditBlackboard editBlackboard, Point centerPoint, boolean includeVerticesInCurrent,
            SnapBehaviour snapBehaviour, EditState stateAfterSearch ) {
        IToolContext context = handler.getContext();
        MinFinder minFinder = new MinFinder(editBlackboard.toCoord(centerPoint));
        SearchBoxAnimation anim = new SearchBoxAnimation(centerPoint, new IsBusyStateProvider(

        try {
            if (snapBehaviour != SnapBehaviour.OFF && snapBehaviour != SnapBehaviour.GRID)
                AnimationUpdater.runTimer(context.getMapDisplay(), anim);
            switch( snapBehaviour ) {
            case OFF:
                return null;
            case SELECTED:
                searchSelection(handler, editBlackboard, centerPoint, includeVerticesInCurrent,
                return minFinder.getMinCoord();
            case CURRENT_LAYER:
                searchSelection(handler, editBlackboard, centerPoint, includeVerticesInCurrent,
                minFinder.add(searchLayer(handler.getEditLayer(), context, centerPoint));
            case ALL_LAYERS:
                searchSelection(handler, editBlackboard, centerPoint, includeVerticesInCurrent,
                for( ILayer layer : context.getMapLayers() ) {
                    minFinder.add(searchLayer(layer, context, centerPoint));
            case GRID:
                Coordinate worldCoord = snapToGrid(centerPoint, context.getMap());
                try {
                    return JTS.transform(worldCoord, null,
                } catch (TransformException e) {
                    return null;

            Coordinate min = minFinder.getMinCoord();
            try {
                if (min == null)
                    return null;
                return JTS.transform(min, new Coordinate(),
            } catch (Exception e) {
                EditPlugin.log("", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
                return null;
        } finally {
            if (stateAfterSearch == EditState.BUSY)


     * Searches the editblackboard and adds the closest vertex to the minFinder
    private void searchSelection( EditToolHandler handler, EditBlackboard editBlackboard, Point centerPoint, boolean includeVerticesInCurrent, MinFinder minFinder ) {
        Point point = editBlackboard.overVertex(centerPoint, PreferenceUtil.instance()
                .getSnappingRadius(), true);
        // the vertices in the current geometry should only be considered if inlcudeVerticesInCurrent is true
        boolean containsNonCurrentShape = containsNonCurrentShape(point, editBlackboard, handler.getCurrentShape());
        if( point!=null && (includeVerticesInCurrent || containsNonCurrentShape) )
          minFinder.add ( editBlackboard.toCoord(point) );

    private boolean containsNonCurrentShape( Point p, EditBlackboard editBlackboard, PrimitiveShape currentShape) {
        if( p==null || currentShape==null )
            return false;
        List<EditGeom> geoms = editBlackboard.getGeoms(p.getX(), p.getY());
        if( geoms.isEmpty() )
            return false;
        if( geoms.size()>1 || geoms.get(0)!=currentShape.getEditGeom() )
            return true;
        return false;

     * Searches the layer for coordinates within snapping distance
     * @param layer the layer to search.
     * @param context the context to use for convenience methods
     * @param centerPoint the current centerPoint.
     * @return the closest vertex in the layer within the snapping radius or null.
    private Coordinate searchLayer( ILayer layer, IToolContext context, Point centerPoint  ) {
        if (!layer.hasResource(FeatureSource.class) ||
                || !layer.isVisible() )
            return null;
        ILayer editLayer = context.getEditManager().getEditLayer();
        SimpleFeature editFeature=context.getEditManager().getEditFeature();
        String editFeatureID=null;
        if( editFeature!=null )
        Envelope bbox = context.getBoundingBox(
                new java.awt.Point(centerPoint.getX(), centerPoint.getY()),
                PreferenceUtil.instance().getSnappingRadius() * 2);
        try {
            Coordinate tmp = context.pixelToWorld(centerPoint.getX(), centerPoint.getY());
            Coordinate layerCenter = JTS.transform(tmp, new Coordinate(), layer
            FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>  features = context.getFeaturesInBbox(layer, bbox);
            FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> iter = null;
            try {
                Coordinate closest = null;
                double minDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                for( iter = features.features(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                    SimpleFeature feature =;
                    if( feature.getID().equals(editFeatureID) && layer==editLayer )
                    Coordinate[] result = new Coordinate[1];
                    EditUtils.instance.getClosest((Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry(), layerCenter, result);
                    double x = layerCenter.x - result[0].x;
                    double y = layerCenter.y - result[0].y;
                    double distNew = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

                    if (distNew < minDist) {
                        closest = result[0];
                        minDist = distNew;
                if (closest != null) {
                    Coordinate inMapCoords = new Coordinate();
                    JTS.transform(closest, inMapCoords, layer.layerToMapTransform());
                    java.awt.Point point = context.worldToPixel(inMapCoords);

                    double x = centerPoint.getX() - point.x;
                    double y = centerPoint.getY() - point.y;
                    double distNew = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
                    if( distNew<PreferenceUtil.instance().getSnappingRadius())
                        return inMapCoords;
                        return null;
            } finally {
                if (iter != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            EditPlugin.log("", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return null;
     * Keeps track of the point that is the minimum distance to the center point.
     * @author Jesse
     * @since 1.1.0
    public static class MinFinder{
        private Point centerPoint;
        private Point currentMin;
        private double distance;
        private Coordinate centerCoord;
        private Coordinate minCoord;

        public MinFinder(Point centerPoint){
            if( centerPoint==null )
                throw new NullPointerException("centerPoint cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        public MinFinder( Coordinate coord ) {

        public Point getMin(){
            return currentMin;
        public Coordinate getMinCoord(){
            return minCoord;
        public void add(Point p) {
            if (p==null || p.equals(centerPoint))
            if( currentMin==null ){
            double dist = dist(p);
            if( dist<distance ){
        public double dist(Point p){
            double x = centerPoint.getX() - p.getX();
            double y = centerPoint.getY() - p.getY();
            return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        public void add(Coordinate p) {
            if (p==null || p.equals(centerCoord))
            if( minCoord==null ){
            double dist = dist(p);
            if( dist<distance ){
        public double dist(Coordinate p){
            double x = centerCoord.x - p.x;
            double y = centerCoord.y - p.y;
            return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

     * Returns the intersection where the two lines meet
    public Coordinate intersectingLines( Coordinate line1P1, Coordinate line1P2, Coordinate line2P1, Coordinate line2P2) {
        double B1 = line1P1.x-line1P2.x;
        double B2 = line2P1.x-line2P2.x;
        double A1 = line1P2.y-line1P1.y;
        double A2 = line2P2.y-line2P1.y;
        double C1 = A1*line1P1.x+B1*line1P1.y;
        double C2 = A2*line2P1.x+B2*line2P1.y;
        double det = A1*B2 - A2*B1;
        if(det == 0){
            //Lines are parallel
            return null;
        double x = (B2*C1 - B1*C2)/det;
        double y = (A1*C2 - A2*C1)/det;

        boolean onLine1=Math.min(line1P1.x, line1P2.x)<=x&& x<=Math.max(line1P1.x, line1P2.x)
            && Math.min(line1P1.y, line1P2.y)<=y && y<=Math.max(line1P1.y, line1P2.y);
        boolean onLine2=Math.min(line2P1.x, line2P2.x)<=x&& x<=Math.max(line2P1.x, line2P2.x)
        && Math.min(line2P1.y, line2P2.y)<=y && y<=Math.max(line2P1.y, line2P2.y);
        if( onLine1 && onLine2 )
            return new Coordinate(x, y);
        return null;
     * Returns the intersection where the two lines meet
    public Point intersectingLines(Point line1P1, Point line1P2, Point line2P1, Point line2P2){
        int B1 = line1P1.getX()-line1P2.getX();
        int B2 = line2P1.getX()-line2P2.getX();
        int A1 = line1P2.getY()-line1P1.getY();
        int A2 = line2P2.getY()-line2P1.getY();
        int C1 = A1*line1P1.getX()+B1*line1P1.getY();
        int C2 = A2*line2P1.getX()+B2*line2P1.getY();
        double det = A1*B2 - A2*B1;
        if(det == 0){
            //Lines are parallel
            return null;
        double x = (B2*C1 - B1*C2)/det;
        double y = (A1*C2 - A2*C1)/det;

        boolean onLine1=Math.min(line1P1.getX(), line1P2.getX())<=x&& x<=Math.max(line1P1.getX(), line1P2.getX())
            && Math.min(line1P1.getY(), line1P2.getY())<=y && y<=Math.max(line1P1.getY(), line1P2.getY());
        boolean onLine2=Math.min(line2P1.getX(), line2P2.getX())<=x&& x<=Math.max(line2P1.getX(), line2P2.getX())
        && Math.min(line2P1.getY(), line2P2.getY())<=y && y<=Math.max(line2P1.getY(), line2P2.getY());
        if( onLine1 && onLine2 )
            return Point.valueOf((int)x, (int)y);
        return null;

     * Reverse the order of the vertices in a Shape.  Used because the holes and shells in polygons have to
     * be in a particular order.
     * @param shape
    public void reverseOrder( PrimitiveShape shape ) {
      synchronized (shape.getEditBlackboard()) {

     * Appends the points defined in the PathIterator to the shape.  Currently curve segments are not supported
     * and if there is a moveto in the middle of the iterator a hole will be created in the shape.
     * If the GeomType is line or point then an exception will be thrown but otherwise the client code
     * must ensure that the request makes sense.
     * @param iter The iterator to append
     * @param shape the shape to append to.
     * @return Commands that will append the points to the shape.  Nothing is done until commands are run.
    public UndoableComposite appendPathToShape( EditToolHandler handler, PathIterator iter, PrimitiveShape shape) {
        EditBlackboard bb=shape.getEditBlackboard();
        IBlockingProvider<PrimitiveShape> currentProvider=new StaticShapeProvider(shape);
        return appendPathToShape(iter, shape.getEditGeom().getShapeType(), handler, bb, currentProvider);

     * Appends the points defined in the PathIterator to the shape.  Currently curve segments are not supported
     * and if there is a move to in the middle of the iterator a hole will be created in the shape.
     * If the GeomType is line or point then an exception will be thrown but otherwise the client code
     * must ensure that the request makes sense.
     * @param iter The iterator to append
     * @param bb the editblackboard used to add coordinates
     * @param currentProvider2 the shape provider that provides the shape to append the coordinates to
     * @param shapeType the type of geometry that is expected from currentProvider.
     * @return Commands that will append the points to the shape.  Nothing is done until commands are run.
    public UndoableComposite appendPathToShape( PathIterator iter, ShapeType shapeType, EditToolHandler handler,
            EditBlackboard bb, IBlockingProvider<PrimitiveShape> currentProvider2 ) {
        IBlockingProvider<PrimitiveShape> currentProvider=currentProvider2;
        List<UndoableMapCommand> commands=new ArrayList<UndoableMapCommand>();
        commands.add(new StartBatchingCommand(bb));
        float[] coords=new float[6];
        boolean started=false;
        float[] start=new float[2];
        AddVertexCommand addVertexCommand=null;
        while( !iter.isDone() ){
            int type=iter.currentSegment(coords);
            case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
                if( !started ){
                } else {
                    if( shapeType!=ShapeType.POLYGON  )
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Holes can not to shapes that are not Polygons.  Current shape is a "+shapeType); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    CreateAndSelectHoleCommand command = new CreateAndSelectHoleCommand(currentProvider);
                // no break is intentional.  It has to fall through and add a vertext to the shape
            case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:           
                addVertexCommand = new AddVertexCommand(handler, bb, currentProvider, Point.valueOf((int)coords[0], (int)coords[1]), false);
                commands.add( addVertexCommand);
            case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
                if (!Point.valueOf((int) coords[0], (int) coords[1]).equals(
                        Point.valueOf((int) start[0], (int) start[1]))) {
                    addVertexCommand = new AddVertexCommand(handler, bb, currentProvider, Point
                            .valueOf((int) start[0], (int) start[1]), false);
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (shapeType==ShapeType.POLYGON && addVertexCommand!=null && !addVertexCommand.getPointToAdd().equals(Point.valueOf((int)start[0], (int)start[1]))){
            commands.add( new AddVertexCommand(handler, bb, currentProvider, Point.valueOf((int)start[0], (int)start[1]), false));           

        UndoableComposite undoableComposite = new UndoableComposite(commands);
        undoableComposite.getFinalizerCommands().add(new FireEventsCommand(bb));
        return undoableComposite;
    private static class StartBatchingCommand extends AbstractCommand implements UndoableMapCommand{
        private EditBlackboard bb;

        StartBatchingCommand( EditBlackboard bb ){
        public void run( IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws Exception {

        public String getName() {
            return null;

        public void rollback( IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws Exception {
    private static class FireEventsCommand extends AbstractCommand implements UndoableMapCommand{
        private EditBlackboard bb;

        FireEventsCommand( EditBlackboard bb ){
        public void run( IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws Exception {

        public String getName() {
            return null;

        public void rollback( IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws Exception {
    public static class StaticShapeProvider implements IBlockingProvider<PrimitiveShape>{
        private PrimitiveShape shape;

        public StaticShapeProvider( PrimitiveShape shape ){
        public PrimitiveShape get(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object... params) {
            return shape;
     * Will retrive the current shape from the EditToolHandler.
     * <p>
     * Please note that only a single shape can be aquired in this manner.
     * <p>
    public static class EditToolHandlerShapeProvider implements IBlockingProvider<PrimitiveShape> {
        private EditToolHandler handler;

         * Lazily grab the current shape from the provided handler.
         * @param handler
        public EditToolHandlerShapeProvider( EditToolHandler handler ) {
            this.handler = handler;
        public PrimitiveShape get(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object... params) {
            return handler.getCurrentShape();

     * Provider for EditGeoms
     * @author jones
     * @since 1.1.0
    public static class StaticEditGeomProvider implements IBlockingProvider<EditGeom> {

        private EditGeom geom;

        public StaticEditGeomProvider( EditGeom geom ) {

        public EditGeom get(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object... params) {
            return geom;


  public static Coordinate midPointOnLine(Coordinate coord, Coordinate coord2) {
    double x=(coord.x+coord2.x)/2;
    double y=(coord.y+coord2.y)/2;
    return new Coordinate(x,y);

     * The framework stores the current shape and state on a layer when the currently selected layer changes.  This
     * method clears that cache on the layers passed in.  This should be called when the tool is de-actived and when
     * a cancel and accept is run.  This is so that the shapes can be garbage collected.
     * @param layers
    public void clearLayerStateShapeCache(Collection<ILayer> layers) {
        for( ILayer layer : layers ) {
            layer.getBlackboard().put(EditToolHandler.STORED_CURRENT_SHAPE, null);
            layer.getBlackboard().put(EditToolHandler.STORED_CURRENT_STATE, null);
     * When an edit is canceled the selected layer must be re-rendered because they were hidden by {@link #refreshLayer(ILayer, SimpleFeature, Envelope, boolean, boolean)}
     * This method must be called in order to efficiently do that.
     * @see #refreshLayer(ILayer, SimpleFeature, Envelope, boolean, boolean)
     * @param selectedLayer
    public void cancelHideSelection( ILayer selectedLayer ){
        if( selectedLayer==null )

        IBlackboard properties = selectedLayer.getBlackboard();
        if( !PreferenceUtil.instance().hideSelectedLayers() ){
            properties.put(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__RENDERING_FILTER, null);
            ((ViewportPane) selectedLayer.getMap().getRenderManager().getMapDisplay()).repaint();

        Filter filter = (Filter) properties.get(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__RENDERING_FILTER);
        if( filter==null )
        properties.put(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__RENDERING_FILTER, null);
        Envelope env=(Envelope) properties.get(EDIT_FEATURE_BOUNDS);
        properties.put(EDIT_FEATURE_BOUNDS, null);
     * Triggers a re-render that hides the features on the {@link EditBlackboard}.
    public void hideSelectedFeatures( EditToolHandler handler, ILayer selectedLayer ) {
        Envelope env=new Envelope();

        Set<String> fids=new HashSet<String>();
        for( EditGeom geom : handler.getEditBlackboard(selectedLayer).getGeoms() ) {
            if( env.isNull() ){
                env.init(geom.getShell().getEnvelope() );
            String fid = geom.getFeatureIDRef().get();
            if( fid != null ) {
        EditUtils.instance.refreshLayer(selectedLayer, fids, env, true, true);

     * Sets the rendering hint on the layer so that the feature is hidden if hidefeature is true.  If hidefeature is false then
     * the hint is reset all features are shown
     * <p>
     {@link #cancelHideSelection(ILayer)} should be called if the edit is canceled.
     * </p>
     * @see #cancelHideSelection(ILayer)
     * @param selectedLayer
     * @param feature
     * @param refreshBounds the area to refresh (should be the the area of the feature).  May be null to refresh entire area.  Envelope should be in
     * Layer coordinates.
     * @param hidefeature
    public void refreshLayer(ILayer selectedLayer, SimpleFeature feature, Envelope refreshBounds, boolean forceRefresh, boolean hidefeature)  {
        Set<String> fids = Collections.singleton(feature.getID());
        refreshLayer(selectedLayer, fids, refreshBounds, forceRefresh, hidefeature);

     * Sets the rendering hint on the layer so that the feature is hidden if hidefeature is true.  If hidefeature is false then
     * the hint is reset all features are shown
     * <p>
     {@link #cancelHideSelection(ILayer)} should be called if the edit is cancelled.
     * </p>
     * @see #cancelHideSelection(ILayer)
     * @param selectedLayer the currently selected layer
     * @param fids the SimpleFeature Ids of the features that have been selected
     * @param refreshBounds the area to refresh (should be the the area of the features).  May be null to refresh entire area.  Envelope should be in
     * Layer coordinates.
     * @param hidefeature if true then the features are hidden otherwise they will be shown again.
    public void refreshLayer( ILayer selectedLayer, Set<String> fids, Envelope refreshBounds, boolean forceRefresh, boolean hidefeature ) {
        if( selectedLayer==null )
        IBlackboard properties = selectedLayer.getBlackboard();
        if( !PreferenceUtil.instance().hideSelectedLayers() ){
            properties.put(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__RENDERING_FILTER, null);
            if(forceRefresh || !refreshBounds.isNull()){
            ((ViewportPane) selectedLayer.getMap().getRenderManager().getMapDisplay()).repaint();
        if( !forceRefresh && fids.isEmpty() )
        FilterFactory filterFactory = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory(GeoTools.getDefaultHints());
        boolean modified=false;
        for( String fid : fids ) {
            if ( fid == null )
            if( hidefeature ){
                setAffectedArea(refreshBounds, properties);
                modified = addFidToExcludeFilter(properties, fid, filterFactory) || modified;
                //get area to refresh and refresh it
                modified = removeFidFromExcludeFilter(properties, fid, filterFactory) || modified;           

        if( (refreshBounds!=null || forceRefresh) && modified )

    private boolean removeFidFromExcludeFilter( IBlackboard properties, String fid, FilterFactory filterFactory ) {
        Filter filter = (Filter) properties.get(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__RENDERING_FILTER);
        Filter f=(Filter) Filter.EXCLUDE;
        boolean modified=false;
        if( filter instanceof Id ){
            Id fidFilter=(Id) filter;
            Set<Identifier> ids = new HashSet<Identifier>(fidFilter.getIdentifiers());
            for (Iterator<Identifier> iter = ids.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Identifier element = (Identifier);
        Object id = element.getID();
        if ( id.equals(fid) ){
            if( fidFilter.getIDs().toArray(new String[0]).length==0 )
                f=(Filter) Filter.EXCLUDE;
            if( filter!=null ){
      , fid));
                f = filterFactory.not(f);
                f = filterFactory.or(f, filter);

        if( f==Filter.EXCLUDE )
        properties.put(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__RENDERING_FILTER, f);

        return modified;

    private boolean addFidToExcludeFilter( IBlackboard properties, String fid, FilterFactory filterFactory ) {
        //get area to refresh and refresh it
        Filter filter = (Filter) properties.get(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__RENDERING_FILTER);

        Filter f;
        boolean modified=false;
        if( filter instanceof Id ){
          Id fidFilter=(Id) filter;
            Set<Identifier> ids = new HashSet<Identifier>(fidFilter.getIdentifiers());
            f =,fid));
            if( filter!=null ){
              f = filterFactory.or(f, filter);
        properties.put(ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__RENDERING_FILTER, f);
        return modified;

     * caches the bounds of all the refresh areas for {@link #cancelHideSelection(ILayer)} so it knows what area to refresh
     * @param refreshBounds
     * @param properties
    private void setAffectedArea( Envelope refreshBounds, IBlackboard properties ) {
        Envelope bounds=(Envelope) properties.get(EDIT_FEATURE_BOUNDS);
        if( refreshBounds==null ){
            if( bounds==null )
                bounds=new Envelope(refreshBounds);
        properties.put(EDIT_FEATURE_BOUNDS, bounds);

     * Returns the Geometry from the collection that the mouse is over/intersects
     * @param geoms Geoms to search through
     * @param location the location
     * @return the first geom that the location is over/intersects
    public EditGeom getGeomWithMouseOver( Collection<EditGeom> geoms, Point location, boolean treatUnknownAsPolygon) {
        EditGeom over=geoms.iterator().next();
        for( EditGeom geom : geoms ) {
            PrimitiveShapeIterator iter=PrimitiveShapeIterator.getPathIterator(geom.getShell());
            if( iter.toShape().contains(location.getX(), location.getY()) ){
            ClosestEdge edge = geom.getShell().getClosestEdge(location, treatUnknownAsPolygon);
            if (edge != null &&
                    edge.getDistanceToEdge() <= PreferenceUtil.instance().getVertexRadius()){
        return over;
     * Returns true if the shape has a self intersection.  
     * Only checks the points not the coordinates there for it is quicker but less accurate.
     * @param shape shape to test.
     * @return true if the shape has a self intersection.

    public boolean selfIntersection( PrimitiveShape shape ) {
        if( shape.getNumPoints()<3 )
            return false;
        for( int i=1; i<shape.getNumPoints(); i++ ){
            Point last = shape.getPoint(i-1);
            Point current=shape.getPoint(i);
            if( intersection(last, current, shape, i, shape.getNumPoints()-1, false))
                return true;
        return false;

     * Checks whether the edge from point1 to point2 intersects any edge in the shape from startIndex to the endIndex
     * @param point1 the first point in the reference edge
     * @param point2 the second point in the reference edge
     * @param shape the shape that is searched for intersections
     * @param startIndex the index in the shape of the point at which to start searching.  The point indicated will be the
     * first point in the edge.
     * @param endIndex the index to stop the search.  It is the index of the end point of the last edge to compare
     * @return true if there is an intersection between the edge indicated by last,current and the shape
    public boolean intersection( Point point1, Point point2, PrimitiveShape shape, int startIndex, int endIndex ){
        return intersection(point1, point2, shape, startIndex, endIndex, true);
     * Checks whether the edge from point1 to point2 intersects any edge in the shape from startIndex to the endIndex
     * @param point1 the first point in the reference edge
     * @param point2 the second point in the reference edge
     * @param shape the shape that is searched for intersections
     * @param startIndex the index in the shape of the point at which to start searching.  The point indicated will be the
     * first point in the edge.
     * @param endIndex the index to stop the search.  It is the index of the end point of the last edge to compare
     * @param referenceLineIntersections if true then if a line crosses one of the endpoints of the reference line
     * it is not considered a intersection since it is the connecting point to the rest of the shape.
     * @return true if there is an intersection between the edge indicated by last,current and the shape
    private boolean intersection( Point point1, Point point2, PrimitiveShape shape, int startIndex, int endIndex,
            boolean referenceLineIntersections) {
        for( int j=startIndex+1; j<endIndex+1; j++ ){
            Point last2 = shape.getPoint(j-1);
            Point current2 = shape.getPoint(j);
            if( last2.equals(point1) )
                continue; // same edge so continue.
            if( linesParallel(point1,point2,last2,current2) ){
                if( sameDirection(point1,point2, last2,current2) && last2.equals(point2) ){
                    return true;
                    // no intersection
            Point intersectingLines = intersectingLines(point1, point2, last2, current2);
            if( intersectingLines!=null  ){
                Point endPoint2;
                Point endPoint1;
                if( referenceLineIntersections ){
                if (!intersectingLines.equals(endPoint1) && !intersectingLines.equals(endPoint2))
                    return true;
        return false;
    private boolean sameDirection( Point last, Point current, Point last2, Point current2 ) {
        int dx1 = last.getX()-current.getX();
        int dy1 = last.getY()-current.getY();
        int dy2 = last2.getY()-current2.getY();
        int dx2 = last2.getX()-current2.getX();
        double length1 = Math.sqrt(dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1);
        double length2 = Math.sqrt(dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2);
        if( dx1/length1==dx2/length2 && dy1/length1==dy2/length2){
            return false;
        return true;

    private boolean linesParallel( Point line1P1, Point line1P2, Point line2P1, Point line2P2 ) {
        int B1 = line1P1.getX()-line1P2.getX();
        int B2 = line2P1.getX()-line2P2.getX();
        int A1 = line1P2.getY()-line1P1.getY();
        int A2 = line2P2.getY()-line2P1.getY();
        double det = A1*B2 - A2*B1;
        if(det == 0){
            //Lines are parallel
            return true;
        return false;

Related Classes of$StaticEditGeomProvider

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