import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import org.bukkit.material.Stairs;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor.EntityType;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.Common;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.MaterialTypeProperty;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.conversion.Conversion;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.inventory.ItemParser;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.FieldAccessor;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.MethodAccessor;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.SafeField;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.SafeMethod;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.classes.BlockRef;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.BlockUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.CommonUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.EntityUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.FaceUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.LogicUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.MaterialUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.MathUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.ParseUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.StringUtil;
public class Util {
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISVERTRAIL = new MaterialTypeProperty(Material.LADDER);
public static final MaterialTypeProperty ISTCRAIL = new MaterialTypeProperty(ISVERTRAIL, MaterialUtil.ISRAILS, MaterialUtil.ISPRESSUREPLATE);
private static final String SEPARATOR_REGEX = "[|/\\\\]";
private static final FieldAccessor<Object> blockMaterial = BlockRef.TEMPLATE.getField("material");
private static final MethodAccessor<Boolean> materialBuildable = new SafeMethod<Boolean>(Common.NMS_ROOT + ".Material.isBuildable");
private static final FieldAccessor<Integer> itemMaxSizeField = new SafeField<Integer>(CommonUtil.getNMSClass("Item"), "maxStackSize");
public static void setItemMaxSize(Material material, int maxstacksize) {
itemMaxSizeField.set(Conversion.toItemHandle.convert(material), maxstacksize);
* Splits a text into separate parts delimited by the separator characters
* @param text to split
* @param limit of the split text
* @return split parts
public static String[] splitBySeparator(String text) {
return text.split(SEPARATOR_REGEX);
* Gets the BlockFace.UP or BlockFace.DOWN based on a boolean input
* @param up - True to get UP, False to get DOWN
* @return UP or DOWN
public static BlockFace getVerticalFace(boolean up) {
return up ? BlockFace.UP : BlockFace.DOWN;
* Snaps a block face to one of the 8 possible radial block faces (NESW/NE/etc.)
* @param face to snap to a nearby valid face
* @return Snapped block face
public static BlockFace snapFace(BlockFace face) {
switch (face) {
return BlockFace.NORTH_EAST;
return BlockFace.EAST;
return BlockFace.SOUTH_EAST;
return BlockFace.SOUTH;
return BlockFace.SOUTH_WEST;
return BlockFace.WEST;
return BlockFace.NORTH_WEST;
return BlockFace.NORTH;
return face;
private static BlockFace[] possibleFaces = {BlockFace.UP, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.DOWN};
private static List<Block> blockbuff = new ArrayList<Block>();
public static List<Block> getSignsFromRails(Block railsblock) {
return getSignsFromRails(blockbuff, railsblock);
public static List<Block> getSignsFromRails(List<Block> rval, Block railsblock) {
addSignsFromRails(rval, railsblock);
return rval;
public static void addSignsFromRails(List<Block> rval, Block railsBlock) {
BlockFace dir = RailType.getType(railsBlock).getSignColumnDirection(railsBlock);
// Has sign support at all?
if (dir == null || dir == BlockFace.SELF) {
addSignsFromRails(rval, railsBlock, dir);
public static void addSignsFromRails(List<Block> rval, Block railsBlock, BlockFace signDirection) {
final boolean hasSignPost = FaceUtil.isVertical(signDirection);
// Ignore mid-sections
Block currentBlock = railsBlock.getRelative(signDirection);
addAttachedSigns(currentBlock, rval);
currentBlock = currentBlock.getRelative(signDirection);
// Keep going into the sign direction
while (true) {
if (hasSignPost && MaterialUtil.isType(currentBlock, Material.SIGN_POST)) {
// Found a sign post - add it and continue
} else if (!addAttachedSigns(currentBlock, rval)) {
// No wall signs found either - end it here
currentBlock = currentBlock.getRelative(signDirection);
public static boolean hasAttachedSigns(final Block middle) {
return addAttachedSigns(middle, null);
public static boolean addAttachedSigns(final Block middle, final Collection<Block> rval) {
boolean found = false;
for (BlockFace face : FaceUtil.AXIS) {
Block b = middle.getRelative(face);
if (MaterialUtil.ISSIGN.get(b) && BlockUtil.getAttachedFace(b) == face.getOppositeFace()) {
found = true;
if (rval != null) {
return found;
public static Block getRailsFromSign(Block signblock) {
if (signblock == null) {
return null;
final Material type = signblock.getType();
final Block mainBlock;
if (type == Material.WALL_SIGN) {
mainBlock = BlockUtil.getAttachedBlock(signblock);
} else if (type == Material.SIGN_POST) {
mainBlock = signblock;
} else {
return null;
boolean hasSigns;
for (BlockFace dir : possibleFaces) {
Block block = mainBlock;
hasSigns = true;
while (true) {
// Go to the next block
block = block.getRelative(dir);
// Check for rails
BlockFace columnDir = RailType.getType(block).getSignColumnDirection(block);
if (dir == columnDir.getOppositeFace()) {
return block;
// End of the loop?
if (!hasSigns) {
// Go to the next block
hasSigns = hasAttachedSigns(block);
return null;
public static Block findRailsVertical(Block from, BlockFace mode) {
int sy = from.getY();
int x = from.getX();
int z = from.getZ();
World world = from.getWorld();
if (mode == BlockFace.DOWN) {
for (int y = sy - 1; y > 0; --y) {
if (ISTCRAIL.get(world, x, y, z)) {
return world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
} else if (mode == BlockFace.UP) {
int height = world.getMaxHeight();
for (int y = sy + 1; y < height; y++) {
if (ISTCRAIL.get(world, x, y, z)) {
return world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
return null;
public static ItemParser[] getParsers(String... items) {
return getParsers(StringUtil.join(";", items));
public static ItemParser[] getParsers(final String items) {
List<ItemParser> parsers = new ArrayList<ItemParser>();
int multiIndex, multiplier = -1;
for (String type : items.split(";")) {
type = type.trim();
if (type.isEmpty()) {
// Check to see whether this is a multiplier
multiIndex = type.indexOf('#');
if (multiIndex != -1) {
multiplier = ParseUtil.parseInt(type.substring(0, multiIndex), -1);
type = type.substring(multiIndex + 1);
// Parse the amount and a possible multiplier from it
int amount = -1;
int idx = StringUtil.firstIndexOf(type, "x", "X", " ", "*");
if (idx > 0) {
amount = ParseUtil.parseInt(type.substring(0, idx), -1);
if (amount != -1) {
type = type.substring(idx + 1);
// Obtain the item parsers for this type and amount, apply a possible multiplier
ItemParser[] keyparsers = TrainCarts.plugin.getParsers(type, amount);
if (multiIndex != -1) {
// Convert to proper multiplied versions
for (int i = 0; i < keyparsers.length; i++) {
keyparsers[i] = new AveragedItemParser(keyparsers[i], multiplier);
// Add the parsers
if (parsers.isEmpty()) {
parsers.add(new ItemParser(null));
return parsers.toArray(new ItemParser[0]);
public static Block getRailsBlock(Block from) {
if (ISTCRAIL.get(from)) {
return from;
} else {
from = from.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
return ISTCRAIL.get(from) ? from : null;
* Parses a long time value to a readable time String
* @param time to parse
* @return time in the hh:mm:ss format
public static String getTimeString(long time) {
if (time == 0) {
return "00:00:00";
time = (long) Math.ceil(0.001 * time); // msec -> sec
int seconds = (int) (time % 60);
int minutes = (int) ((time % 3600) / 60);
int hours = (int) (time / 3600);
StringBuilder rval = new StringBuilder(8);
// Hours
if (hours < 10) {
// Minutes
if (minutes < 10) {
// Seconds
if (seconds < 10) {
return rval.toString();
private static boolean isRailsAt(Block block, BlockFace direction) {
return getRailsBlock(block.getRelative(direction)) != null;
* This will return:
* South or west if it's a straight piece
* Self if it is a cross-intersection
public static BlockFace getPlateDirection(Block plate) {
boolean s = isRailsAt(plate, BlockFace.NORTH) || isRailsAt(plate, BlockFace.SOUTH);
boolean w = isRailsAt(plate, BlockFace.EAST) || isRailsAt(plate, BlockFace.WEST);
if (s && w) {
return BlockFace.SELF;
} else if (w) {
return BlockFace.EAST;
} else if (s) {
return BlockFace.SOUTH;
} else {
return BlockFace.SELF;
* Checks if a given rail is sloped
* @param railsData of the rails
* @return True if sloped, False if not
public static boolean isSloped(int railsData) {
railsData &= 0x7;
return railsData >= 0x2 && railsData <= 0x5;
* Checks if a given rails block has a vertical rail above facing the direction specified
* @param rails to check
* @param direction of the vertical rail
* @return True if a vertical rail is above, False if not
public static boolean isVerticalAbove(Block rails, BlockFace direction) {
Block above = rails.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
return Util.ISVERTRAIL.get(above) && getVerticalRailDirection(above) == direction;
* Gets the direction a vertical rail pushes the minecart (the wall side)
* @param block of the vertical rail
* @return the direction the minecart is pushed
public static BlockFace getVerticalRailDirection(Block railsBlock) {
return getVerticalRailDirection(MaterialUtil.getRawData(railsBlock));
* Gets the direction a vertical rail pushes the minecart (the wall side)
* @param raildata of the vertical rail
* @return the direction the minecart is pushed
public static BlockFace getVerticalRailDirection(int raildata) {
switch (raildata) {
case 0x2:
return BlockFace.SOUTH;
case 0x3:
return BlockFace.NORTH;
case 0x4:
return BlockFace.EAST;
case 0x5:
return BlockFace.WEST;
public static int getOperatorIndex(String text) {
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
if (isOperator(text.charAt(i))) {
return i;
return -1;
public static boolean isOperator(char character) {
return LogicUtil.containsChar(character, '!', '=', '<', '>');
* Gets if a given Entity can be a passenger of a Minecart
* @param entity to check
* @return True if it can be a passenger, False if not
public static boolean canBePassenger(Entity entity) {
return entity instanceof LivingEntity;
public static boolean matchText(Collection<String> textValues, String expression) {
if (textValues.isEmpty() || expression.isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else if (expression.startsWith("!")) {
return !matchText(textValues, expression.substring(1));
} else {
String[] elements = expression.split("\\*");
boolean first = expression.startsWith("*");
boolean last = expression.endsWith("*");
for (String text : textValues) {
if (matchText(text, elements, first, last)) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean matchText(String text, String expression) {
if (expression.isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else if (expression.startsWith("!")) {
return !matchText(text, expression.substring(1));
} else {
return matchText(text, expression.split("\\*"), expression.startsWith("*"), expression.endsWith("*"));
public static boolean matchText(String text, String[] elements, boolean firstAny, boolean lastAny) {
if (elements == null|| elements.length == 0) {
return true;
int index = 0;
boolean has = true;
boolean first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i].length() == 0) continue;
index = text.indexOf(elements[i], index);
if (index == -1 || (first && !firstAny && index != 0)) {
has = false;
} else {
index += elements[i].length();
first = false;
if (has) {
if (lastAny || index == text.length()) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean evaluate(double value, String text) {
if (text == null || text.isEmpty()) {
return false; //no valid input
int idx = getOperatorIndex(text);
if (idx == -1) {
return value > 0; //no operators, just perform a 'has'
} else {
text = text.substring(idx);
if (text.startsWith(">=") || text.startsWith("=>")) {
return value >= ParseUtil.parseDouble(text.substring(2), 0.0);
} else if (text.startsWith("<=") || text.startsWith("=<")) {
return value <= ParseUtil.parseDouble(text.substring(2), 0.0);
} else if (text.startsWith("==")) {
return value == ParseUtil.parseDouble(text.substring(2), 0.0);
} else if (text.startsWith("!=") || text.startsWith("<>") || text.startsWith("><")) {
return value != ParseUtil.parseDouble(text.substring(2), 0.0);
} else if (text.startsWith(">")) {
return value > ParseUtil.parseDouble(text.substring(1), 0.0);
} else if (text.startsWith("<")) {
return value < ParseUtil.parseDouble(text.substring(1), 0.0);
} else if (text.startsWith("=")) {
return value == ParseUtil.parseDouble(text.substring(1), 0.0);
} else {
return false;
public static boolean canInstantlyBuild(Entity entity) {
return entity instanceof HumanEntity && EntityUtil.getAbilities((HumanEntity) entity).canInstantlyBuild();
* Checks whether a Block supports placement/attachment of solid blocks on a particular face.
* Note that signs do not use this logic - they allow pretty much any sort of attachment.
* @param block to check
* @param face to check
* @return True if supported, False if not
public static boolean isSupportedFace(Block block, BlockFace face) {
Material type = block.getType();
if (MaterialUtil.ISSOLID.get(type)) {
return true;
// Special block types that only support one face at a time
int rawData = MaterialUtil.getRawData(block);
MaterialData data = BlockUtil.getData(type, rawData);
// Steps only support TOP or BOTTOM
if (MaterialUtil.isType(type, Material.WOOD_STEP, Material.STEP)) {
return face == FaceUtil.getVertical((rawData & 0x8) == 0x8);
// Stairs only support the non-exit side + the up/down
if (data instanceof Stairs) {
if (FaceUtil.isVertical(face)) {
return face == FaceUtil.getVertical(((Stairs) data).isInverted());
} else {
// For some strange reason...stairs don't support attachments to the back
//return face == ((Stairs) data).getFacing().getOppositeFace();
return false;
// Unsupported/unknown Block
return false;
public static boolean isSupported(Block block) {
BlockFace attachedFace = BlockUtil.getAttachedFace(block);
Block attached = block.getRelative(attachedFace);
if (MaterialUtil.ISSIGN.get(block)) {
// Only check the 'isBuildable' state of the Material
Object attachedHandle = Conversion.toBlockHandle.convert(attached);
if (attachedHandle == null) {
return false;
Object material = blockMaterial.get(attachedHandle);
if (material == null) {
return false;
return materialBuildable.invoke(material);
// For all other cases, check whether the side is properly supported
return isSupportedFace(attached, attachedFace.getOppositeFace());
public static boolean isValidEntity(String entityName) {
try {
return EntityType.valueOf(entityName) != null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
public static Vector parseVector(String text, Vector def) {
String[] offsettext = splitBySeparator(text);
Vector offset = new Vector();
if (offsettext.length == 3) {
offset.setX(ParseUtil.parseDouble(offsettext[0], 0.0));
offset.setY(ParseUtil.parseDouble(offsettext[1], 0.0));
offset.setZ(ParseUtil.parseDouble(offsettext[2], 0.0));
} else if (offsettext.length == 2) {
offset.setX(ParseUtil.parseDouble(offsettext[0], 0.0));
offset.setZ(ParseUtil.parseDouble(offsettext[1], 0.0));
} else if (offsettext.length == 1) {
offset.setY(ParseUtil.parseDouble(offsettext[0], 0.0));
} else {
return def;
if (offset.length() > TrainCarts.maxEjectDistance) {
return offset;
public static boolean parseProperties(IParsable properties, String key, String args) {
IProperties prop;
IPropertiesHolder holder;
if (properties instanceof IPropertiesHolder) {
holder = ((IPropertiesHolder) properties);
prop = holder.getProperties();
} else if (properties instanceof IProperties) {
prop = (IProperties) properties;
holder = prop.getHolder();
} else {
return false;
if (holder == null) {
return prop.parseSet(key, args);
} else if (prop.parseSet(key, args) || holder.parseSet(key, args)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Obtains the maximum straight length achieved from a particular block.
* This length is limited to 20 blocks.
* @param railsBlock to calculate from
* @param direction to look into, use SELF to check all possible directions
* @return straight length
public static double calculateStraightLength(Block railsBlock, BlockFace direction) {
// Read track information and parameters
RailType type = RailType.getType(railsBlock);
boolean diagonal = FaceUtil.isSubCardinal(type.getDirection(railsBlock));
final BlockFace[] toCheck;
if (direction == BlockFace.SELF) {
toCheck = type.getPossibleDirections(railsBlock);
} else {
toCheck = new BlockFace[] {direction};
double length = 0.0;
TrackIterator iter = new TrackIterator(null, null, 20, false);
// Check all directions
for (BlockFace face : toCheck) {
double trackLength = 0.0;
iter.reset(railsBlock, face);
// Skip the start block, abort if no start block was found
if (iter.hasNext()) {;
} else {
// Two modes: diagonal and straight
if (diagonal) {
// Diagonal mode
BlockFace lastFace = null;
int lastAngle = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
while (iter.hasNext()) {;
// Check that the direction alternates
if (lastFace == null) {
// Start block: store it's information
lastFace = iter.currentDirection();
} else {
BlockFace newFace = iter.currentDirection();
int newAngle = MathUtil.wrapAngle(FaceUtil.faceToYaw(newFace) - FaceUtil.faceToYaw(lastFace));
if (Math.abs(newAngle) != 90) {
// Not a 90-degree angle!
if (lastAngle != Integer.MAX_VALUE && newAngle != -lastAngle) {
// Not the exact opposite from last time
lastFace = newFace;
lastAngle = newAngle;
trackLength += MathUtil.HALFROOTOFTWO;
} else {
// Straight mode
while (iter.hasNext()) {;
// Check that the direction stays the same
if (iter.currentDirection() != face) {
// Update the length
if (trackLength > length) {
length = trackLength;
return length;