package com.portlanddatasystems.xproc;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.*;
import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcConstants;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcException;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcRuntime;
import com.xmlcalabash.util.URIUtils;
import com.xmlcalabash.util.S9apiUtils;
import com.xmlcalabash.util.RelevantNodes;
import com.xmlcalabash.util.LogOptions;
import com.xmlcalabash.model.Step;
import com.xmlcalabash.model.Serialization;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcConfiguration;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: ndw
* Date: Nov 11, 2008
* Time: 7:47:38 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class GenericConfig extends com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcConfiguration {
public static final QName _prefix = new QName("", "prefix");
public static final QName _uri = new QName("", "uri");
public static final QName _class_name = new QName("", "class-name");
public static final QName _step_name = new QName("", "step-name");
public static final QName _type = new QName("", "type");
public static final QName _port = new QName("", "port");
public static final QName _href = new QName("", "href");
public static final QName _logger = new QName("", "logger");
public static final QName _level = new QName("", "level");
public static final QName _name = new QName("", "name");
public static final QName _value = new QName("", "value");
public static final QName _exclude_inline_prefixes = new QName("", "exclude-inline-prefixes");
private static Hashtable<String,Level> validLevels;
validLevels = new Hashtable<String, Level> ();
validLevels.put("finest", Level.FINEST);
validLevels.put("finer", Level.FINER);
validLevels.put("fine", Level.FINE);
validLevels.put("info", Level.INFO);
validLevels.put("warning", Level.WARNING);
validLevels.put("error", Level.SEVERE);
public boolean schemaAware = false;
public Hashtable<String,String> nsBindings = new Hashtable<String,String> ();
public boolean debug = false;
public String entityResolver = null;
public Hashtable<String,Vector<ReadablePipe>> inputs = new Hashtable<String,Vector<ReadablePipe>> ();
public Level defaultLogLevel = Level.WARNING;
public Hashtable<String,Level> logLevel = new Hashtable<String,Level> ();
public ReadablePipe pipeline = null;
public ReadablePipe library = null;
public Hashtable<String,String> outputs = new Hashtable<String,String> ();
public Hashtable<String,Hashtable<QName,String>> params = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<QName,String>> ();
public Hashtable<QName,String> options = new Hashtable<QName,String> ();
public boolean safeMode = false;
public String stepName = null;
public String uriResolver = null;
public Hashtable<QName,String> implementations = new Hashtable<QName,String> ();
public Hashtable<String,String> serializationOptions = new Hashtable<String,String>();
public LogOptions logOpt = LogOptions.WRAPPED;
public boolean extensionValues = false;
private Processor cfgProcessor = null;
private boolean firstInput = false;
private boolean firstOutput = false;
public GenericConfig() {
cfgProcessor = new Processor(false);
private void loadConfiguration() {
URI home = URIUtils.homeAsURI();
URI cwd = URIUtils.cwdAsURI();
URI puri = home;
try {
InputStream instream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/etc/configuration.xml");
if (instream == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Failed to load configuration from JAR file");
SAXSource source = new SAXSource(new InputSource(instream));
DocumentBuilder builder = cfgProcessor.newDocumentBuilder();
} catch (SaxonApiException sae) {
throw new XProcException(sae);
/*try {
XdmNode cnode = readXML(".calabash", home.toASCIIString());
} catch (XProcException xe) {
if (XProcConstants.dynamicError(11).equals(xe.getErrorCode())) {
// nop; file not found is ok
} else {
throw xe;
try {
XdmNode cnode = readXML(".calabash", cwd.toASCIIString());
} catch (XProcException xe) {
if (XProcConstants.dynamicError(11).equals(xe.getErrorCode())) {
// nop; file not found is ok
} else {
throw xe;
} */
public XdmNode readXML(String href, String base) {
Source source = null;
href = URIUtils.encode(href);
try {
URI baseURI = new URI(base);
source = new SAXSource(new InputSource(baseURI.resolve(href).toASCIIString()));
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {
throw new XProcException(use);
DocumentBuilder builder = cfgProcessor.newDocumentBuilder();
try {
} catch (SaxonApiException sae) {
throw new XProcException(XProcConstants.dynamicError(11), sae);
/*public void parse(XdmNode doc) {
if (doc.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.DOCUMENT) {
doc = S9apiUtils.getDocumentElement(doc);
for (XdmNode node : new RelevantNodes(doc, Axis.CHILD)) {
String uri = node.getNodeName().getNamespaceURI();
String localName = node.getNodeName().getLocalName();
if (XProcConstants.NS_CALABASH_CONFIG.equals(uri)
|| XProcConstants.NS_EXPROC_CONFIG.equals(uri)) {
if ("implementation".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("schema-aware".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("namespace-binding".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("debug".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("entity-resolver".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("input".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("log-level".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("library".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("output".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("with-option".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("with-param".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("safe-mode".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("step-name".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("uri-resolver".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("pipeline".equals(localName)) {
} else if ("serialization".equals(localName)) {
} else {
throw new XProcException("Unexpected configuration option: " + localName);
firstInput = true;
firstOutput = true;
public String implementationClass(QName type) {
if (implementations.containsKey(type)) {
return implementations.get(type);
} else {
return null;
public Level loggingLevel(String logger) {
// Find the longest matching level
Level found = defaultLogLevel;
int length = 0;
// E.g., find "org.xproc.components.xinclude" in ("org.xproc", "org.xproc.components", ...)
for (String log : logLevel.keySet()) {
if (log.length() > length) {
if (logger.startsWith(log)) {
length = log.length();
found = logLevel.get(log);
return found;
public void setDefaultLogging(String level) {
if (validLevels.containsKey(level)) {
defaultLogLevel = validLevels.get(level);
} else {
throw new XProcException("Invalid configuration value for default log level: " + level);
private void parseSchemaAware(XdmNode node) {
String value = node.getStringValue().trim();
if (!"true".equals(value) && !"false".equals(value)) {
throw new XProcException("Invalid configuration value for schema-aware: "+ value);
schemaAware = "true".equals(value);
private void parseNamespaceBinding(XdmNode node) {
String aname = node.getAttributeValue(_prefix);
String avalue = node.getAttributeValue(_uri);
private void parseDebug(XdmNode node) {
String value = node.getStringValue().trim();
debug = "true".equals(value);
if (!"true".equals(value) && !"false".equals(value)) {
throw new XProcException("Invalid configuration value for debug: "+ value);
private void parseEntityResolver(XdmNode node) {
String value = node.getAttributeValue(_class_name);
entityResolver = value;
private void parseInput(XdmNode node) {
String port = node.getAttributeValue(_port);
String href = node.getAttributeValue(_href);
Vector<XdmValue> docnodes = new Vector<XdmValue> ();
boolean sawElement = false;
for (XdmNode child : new RelevantNodes(node, Axis.CHILD)) {
if (child.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
if (sawElement) {
throw new XProcException("Invalid configuration value for input '" + port + "': content is not a valid XML document.");
sawElement = true;
if (firstInput) {
firstInput = false;
if (!inputs.containsKey(port)) {
inputs.put(port, new Vector<ReadablePipe> ());
Vector<ReadablePipe> documents = inputs.get(port);
if (href != null) {
if (docnodes.size() > 0) {
throw new XProcException("Invalid configuration value for input '" + port + "': href and content on input.");
documents.add(new ConfigDocument(href, node.getBaseURI().toASCIIString()));
} else {
HashSet<String> excludeURIs = readExcludeInlinePrefixes(node, node.getAttributeValue(_exclude_inline_prefixes));
documents.add(new ConfigDocument(docnodes, excludeURIs));
private HashSet<String> readExcludeInlinePrefixes(XdmNode node, String prefixList) {
HashSet<String> excludeURIs = new HashSet<String> ();
if (prefixList != null) {
// FIXME: Surely there's a better way to do this?
NodeInfo inode = node.getUnderlyingNode();
NamePool pool = inode.getNamePool();
int inscopeNS[] = NamespaceIterator.getInScopeNamespaceCodes(inode);
for (String pfx : prefixList.split("\\s+")) {
boolean found = false;
for (int pos = 0; pos < inscopeNS.length; pos++) {
int ns = inscopeNS[pos];
String nspfx = pool.getPrefixFromNamespaceCode(ns);
String nsuri = pool.getURIFromNamespaceCode(ns);
if (pfx.equals(nspfx)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
throw new XProcException(XProcConstants.staticError(57), "No binding for '" + pfx + ":'");
return excludeURIs;
private void parseLogLevel(XdmNode node) {
String logger = node.getAttributeValue(_logger);
String levelStr = node.getAttributeValue(_level);
Level level;
if (validLevels.containsKey(levelStr)) {
level = validLevels.get(levelStr);
} else {
throw new XProcException("Logging level is not valid: " + levelStr);
if (logger == null) {
defaultLogLevel = level;
} else {
private void parseLibrary(XdmNode node) {
String href = node.getAttributeValue(_href);
Vector<XdmValue> docnodes = new Vector<XdmValue> ();
boolean sawElement = false;
for (XdmNode child : new RelevantNodes(node, Axis.CHILD)) {
if (child.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
if (sawElement) {
throw new XProcException("Content of library is not a valid XML document.");
sawElement = true;
if (href != null) {
if (docnodes.size() > 0) {
throw new XProcException("XProcConfiguration error: href and content on library");
library = new ConfigDocument(href, node.getBaseURI().toASCIIString());
} else {
HashSet<String> excludeURIs = readExcludeInlinePrefixes(node, node.getAttributeValue(_exclude_inline_prefixes));
library = new ConfigDocument(docnodes, excludeURIs);
private void parsePipeline(XdmNode node) {
String href = node.getAttributeValue(_href);
Vector<XdmValue> docnodes = new Vector<XdmValue> ();
boolean sawElement = false;
for (XdmNode child : new RelevantNodes(node, Axis.CHILD)) {
if (child.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
if (sawElement) {
throw new XProcException("Content of pipeline is not a valid XML document.");
sawElement = true;
if (href != null) {
if (docnodes.size() > 0) {
throw new XProcException("XProcConfiguration error: href and content on pipeline");
pipeline = new ConfigDocument(href, node.getBaseURI().toASCIIString());
} else {
HashSet<String> excludeURIs = readExcludeInlinePrefixes(node, node.getAttributeValue(_exclude_inline_prefixes));
pipeline = new ConfigDocument(docnodes, excludeURIs);
private void parseOutput(XdmNode node) {
String port = node.getAttributeValue(_port);
String href = node.getAttributeValue(_href);
for (XdmNode child : new RelevantNodes(node, Axis.CHILD)) {
if (child.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
throw new XProcException("Output must be empty.");
if (firstOutput) {
firstOutput = false;
href = node.getBaseURI().resolve(href).toASCIIString();
if ("-".equals(href) || href.startsWith("http:") || href.startsWith("https:") || href.startsWith("file:")) {
outputs.put(port, href);
} else {
File f = new File(href);
String fn = URIUtils.encode(f.getAbsolutePath());
if ("\\".equals(System.getProperty("file.separator"))) {
fn = "/" + fn;
outputs.put(port, "file://" + fn);
private void parseWithOption(XdmNode node) {
String nameStr = node.getAttributeValue(_name);
String value = node.getAttributeValue(_value);
QName name = new QName(nameStr,node);
private void parseWithParam(XdmNode node) {
String port = node.getAttributeValue(_port);
String nameStr = node.getAttributeValue(_name);
String value = node.getAttributeValue(_value);
QName name = new QName(nameStr,node);
if (port == null) {
port = "*";
Hashtable<QName,String> pvalues;
if (params.containsKey(port)) {
pvalues = params.get(port);
} else {
pvalues = new Hashtable<QName,String> ();
pvalues.put(name, value);
private void parseSafeMode(XdmNode node) {
String value = node.getStringValue().trim();
safeMode = "true".equals(value);
if (!"true".equals(value) && !"false".equals(value)) {
throw new XProcException("Unexpected configuration value for safe-mode: "+ value);
private void parseStepName(XdmNode node) {
String value = node.getStringValue().trim();
stepName = value;
private void parseURIResolver(XdmNode node) {
String value = node.getAttributeValue(_class_name);
uriResolver = value;
private void parseImplementation(XdmNode node) {
String nameStr = node.getAttributeValue(_type);
String value = node.getAttributeValue(_class_name);
if (nameStr == null || value == null) {
throw new XProcException("Unexpected implementation in configuration; must have both type and class-name attributes");
QName name = new QName(nameStr,node);
implementations.put(name, value);
private void parseSerialization(XdmNode node) {
String[] attributeNames = new String[] {"byte-order-mark", "cdata-section-elements",
"doctype-public", "doctype-system", "encoding", "escape-uri-attributes",
"include-content-type", "indent", "media-type", "method", "normalization-form",
"omit-xml-declaration", "standalone", "undeclare-prefixes", "version"};
checkAttributes(node, attributeNames , false);
for (String name : attributeNames) {
String value = node.getAttributeValue(new QName(name));
if (value == null) {
if ("byte-order-mark".equals(name) || "escape-uri-attributes".equals(name)
|| "include-content-type".equals(name) || "indent".equals(name)
|| "omit-xml-declaration".equals(name) || "undeclare-prefixes".equals(name)) {
checkBoolean(node, name, value);
serializationOptions.put(name, value);
} else if ("method".equals(name)) {
QName methodName = new QName(value, node);
if ("".equals(methodName.getPrefix())) {
String method = methodName.getLocalName();
if ("html".equals(method) || "xhtml".equals(method) || "text".equals(method) || "xml".equals(method)) {
serializationOptions.put(name, method);
} else {
throw new XProcException("Configuration error: only the xml, xhtml, html, and text serialization methods are supported.");
} else {
throw new XProcException("Configuration error: only the xml, xhtml, html, and text serialization methods are supported.");
} else {
serializationOptions.put(name, value);
for (XdmNode snode : new RelevantNodes(node, Axis.CHILD)) {
throw new XProcException("Configuration error: serialization must be empty");
private HashSet<String> checkAttributes(XdmNode node, String[] attrs, boolean optionShortcutsOk) {
HashSet<String> hash = null;
if (attrs != null) {
hash = new HashSet<String> ();
for (String attr : attrs) {
HashSet<String> options = null;
for (XdmNode attr : new RelevantNodes(node, Axis.ATTRIBUTE)) {
QName aname = attr.getNodeName();
if ("".equals(aname.getNamespaceURI())) {
if (hash.contains(aname.getLocalName())) {
// ok
} else if (optionShortcutsOk) {
if (options == null) {
options = new HashSet<String> ();
} else {
throw new XProcException("Configuration error: attribute \"" + aname + "\" not allowed on " + node.getNodeName());
} else if (XProcConstants.NS_XPROC.equals(aname.getNamespaceURI())) {
throw new XProcException("Configuration error: attribute \"" + aname + "\" not allowed on " + node.getNodeName());
// Everything else is ok
return options;
private void checkBoolean(XdmNode node, String name, String value) {
if (value != null && !"true".equals(value) && !"false".equals(value)) {
throw new XProcException("Configuration error: " + name + " on serialization must be 'true' or 'false'");
private class ConfigDocument implements ReadablePipe {
private String href = null;
private String base = null;
private Vector<XdmValue> nodes = null;
private boolean read = false;
private XdmNode doc = null;
private HashSet<String> excludeUris = null;
public ConfigDocument(String href, String base) {
this.href = href;
this.base = base;
public ConfigDocument(Vector<XdmValue> nodes, HashSet<String> excludeUris) {
this.nodes = nodes;
this.excludeUris = excludeUris;
public void canReadSequence(boolean sequence) {
// nop; always false
public XdmNode read() throws SaxonApiException {
read = true;
if (doc != null) {
return doc;
if (nodes != null) {
// Find the document element so we can get the base URI
XdmNode node = null;
for (int pos = 0; pos < nodes.size() && node == null; pos++) {
if (((XdmNode) nodes.get(pos)).getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
node = (XdmNode) nodes.get(pos);
XdmDestination dest = new XdmDestination();
try {
S9apiUtils.writeXdmValue(cfgProcessor, nodes, dest, node.getBaseURI());
doc = dest.getXdmNode();
doc = S9apiUtils.removeNamespaces(cfgProcessor, doc, excludeUris);
} catch (SaxonApiException sae) {
throw new XProcException(sae);
} else {
doc = readXML(href, base);
return doc;
public void setReader(Step step) {
// I don't care
public void resetReader() {
read = false;
public boolean moreDocuments() {
return !read;
public boolean closed() {
return false;
public int documentCount() {
return 1;
public DocumentSequence documents() {
throw new XProcException("You can't get the document sequence of an input from the config file!");