Package com.avaje.tests.genkey

Source Code of com.avaje.tests.genkey.TestGeneratedKeys

package com.avaje.tests.genkey;

import org.junit.Assert;
import junit.framework.TestCase;

import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean;
import com.avaje.tests.model.basic.TOne;

public class TestGeneratedKeys extends TestCase {

  public void testJdbcBatchInsert() {
    TOne c = new TOne();
    c.setDescription("Test Gen Key");
    TOne c1 = new TOne();
    c1.setDescription("Test Gen Key Two");
    try {;;
    } finally {
    Integer id = c.getId();
    Assert.assertNotNull("Get Id back after insert", id);

    Integer id1 = c1.getId();
    Assert.assertNotNull("Get Id back after insert", id1);

//  public void testRaw() {
//    Ebean.createUpdate(TOne.class, "delete from tone").execute();
//    Transaction txn = Ebean.beginTransaction();
//    // first delete all the rows in this table...
//    try {
//      Connection conn = txn.getConnection();
////      String sql = "insert into t_oneb (name, description, active) values (?, ?, ?)";
////      PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
////      String[] genKeys = new String[]{"ID"};
////      String sql = "insert into t_oneb (id, name, description, active) values (t_oneb_seq.nextval, ?, ?, ?)";
////      PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql, genKeys);
//      String sql = "insert into t_oneb (id, name, description, active) values (?, ?, ?, ?)";
//      PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
//      ExtendedPreparedStatement p = (ExtendedPreparedStatement)pstmt;
//      PreparedStatement  p2 = p.getDelegate();
//      OraclePreparedStatement p3 = ((OraclePreparedStatement)p2);
//      p3.setExecuteBatch (3);
////      int i = 0;
//      int i = 1;
//      pstmt.setInt(1, 1);
//      pstmt.setString(i+1, "name");
//      pstmt.setString(i+2, "desc");
//      pstmt.setBoolean(i+3, true);
//      int r0 = pstmt.executeUpdate();
////      ResultSet rset = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys();
////      while({
////        Object id = rset.getObject(1);
////        System.out.println("ID "+id);
////      }
////      rset.close();
//      //pstmt.addBatch();
//      pstmt.setInt(1, 2);
//      pstmt.setString(i+1, "name");
//      pstmt.setString(i+2, "desc2");
//      pstmt.setBoolean(i+3, true);
//      int r1 = pstmt.executeUpdate();
//      int r2 = p3.sendBatch();
//      System.out.println(r0+" "+r1+" "+r2);
////      pstmt.addBatch();
////      int[] rc = pstmt.executeBatch();
////      if (rc.length != 2){
////        System.out.println("Length "+rc.length);
////      }
//      pstmt.close();
////      ResultSet rset = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys();
////      while({
////        Object id = rset.getObject(1);
////        System.out.println("ID "+id);
////      }
//    } catch (SQLException e){
//      throw new RuntimeException(e);
//    } finally {
//      txn.commit();
//    } 
//  }


Related Classes of com.avaje.tests.genkey.TestGeneratedKeys

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