package com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.BindParams;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.BindParams.OrderedList;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionList;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.core.OrmQueryRequest;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DeployParser;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.persist.Binder;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryProperties;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.type.DataBind;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.util.BindParamsParser;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.util.DefaultExpressionRequest;
* Compile Query Predicates.
* <p>
* This includes the where and having expressions which can be made up of
* Strings with named parameters or Expression objects.
* </p>
* <p>
* This builds the appropriate bits of where and having clauses and binds the
* named parameters and expression values into the prepared statement.
* </p>
public class CQueryPredicates {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CQueryPredicates.class);
private final Binder binder;
private final OrmQueryRequest<?> request;
private final SpiQuery<?> query;
private final Object idValue;
* Flag set if this is a SqlSelect type query.
private boolean rawSql;
* Named bind parameters.
private final BindParams bindParams;
* Named bind parameters for the having clause.
private OrderedList havingNamedParams;
* Bind values from the where expressions.
private ArrayList<Object> filterManyExprBindValues;
* SQL generated from the where expressions.
private String filterManyExprSql;
* Bind values from the where expressions.
private ArrayList<Object> whereExprBindValues;
* SQL generated from the where expressions.
private String whereExprSql;
* SQL generated from where with named parameters.
private String whereRawSql;
* Bind values for having expression.
private ArrayList<Object> havingExprBindValues;
* SQL generated from the having expression.
private String havingExprSql;
* SQL generated from having with named parameters.
private String havingRawSql;
private String dbHaving;
* logicalWhere with property names converted to db columns.
private String dbWhere;
* Filter than can apply to a many fetch join.
private String dbFilterMany;
* The order by clause.
private String logicalOrderBy;
private String dbOrderBy;
* Includes from where and order by clauses.
private Set<String> predicateIncludes;
private Set<String> orderByIncludes;
public CQueryPredicates(Binder binder, OrmQueryRequest<?> request) {
this.binder = binder;
this.request = request;
this.query = request.getQuery();
this.bindParams = query.getBindParams();
this.idValue = query.getId();
public String bind(DataBind dataBind) throws SQLException {
StringBuilder bindLog = new StringBuilder();
if (idValue != null) {
// this is a find by id type query...
request.getBeanDescriptor().bindId(dataBind, idValue);
if (bindParams != null) {
// bind named and positioned parameters...
binder.bind(bindParams, dataBind, bindLog);
if (whereExprBindValues != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < whereExprBindValues.size(); i++) {
Object bindValue = whereExprBindValues.get(i);
binder.bindObject(dataBind, bindValue);
if (i > 0 || idValue != null) {
if (filterManyExprBindValues != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < filterManyExprBindValues.size(); i++) {
Object bindValue = filterManyExprBindValues.get(i);
binder.bindObject(dataBind, bindValue);
if (i > 0 || idValue != null) {
if (havingNamedParams != null) {
// bind named parameters in having...
bindLog.append(" havingNamed ");
binder.bind(havingNamedParams.list(), dataBind, bindLog);
if (havingExprBindValues != null) {
// bind having expression...
bindLog.append(" having ");
for (int i = 0; i < havingExprBindValues.size(); i++) {
Object bindValue = havingExprBindValues.get(i);
binder.bindObject(dataBind, bindValue);
if (i > 0) {
return bindLog.toString();
private void buildBindHavingRawSql(boolean buildSql, boolean parseRaw, DeployParser deployParser) {
if (buildSql || bindParams != null) {
// having clause with named parameters...
havingRawSql = query.getAdditionalHaving();
if (parseRaw) {
havingRawSql = deployParser.parse(havingRawSql);
if (havingRawSql != null && bindParams != null) {
// convert and order named parameters if required
havingNamedParams = BindParamsParser.parseNamedParams(bindParams, havingRawSql);
havingRawSql = havingNamedParams.getPreparedSql();
* Convert named parameters into an OrderedList.
private void buildBindWhereRawSql(boolean buildSql, boolean parseRaw, DeployParser parser) {
if (buildSql || bindParams != null) {
whereRawSql = buildWhereRawSql();
boolean hasRaw = !"".equals(whereRawSql);
if (hasRaw && parseRaw) {
// parse with encrypted property awareness. This means that if we have
// an encrypted property we will insert special named parameter place
// holders for binding the encryption key values
whereRawSql = parser.parse(whereRawSql);
if (bindParams != null) {
if (hasRaw) {
whereRawSql = BindParamsParser.parse(bindParams, whereRawSql, request.getBeanDescriptor());
} else if (query.isRawSql() && !buildSql) {
// RawSql query hit cached query plan. Need to convert
// named parameters into positioned parameters so that
// the named parameters are bound
String s = query.getRawSql().getSql().getPreWhere();
if (bindParams.requiresNamedParamsPrepare()) {
BindParamsParser.parse(bindParams, s);
private String buildWhereRawSql() {
// this is the where part of a OQL query which
// may contain bind parameters...
String whereRaw = query.getRawWhereClause();
if (whereRaw == null) {
whereRaw = "";
// add any additional stuff to the where clause
String additionalWhere = query.getAdditionalWhere();
if (additionalWhere != null) {
whereRaw += additionalWhere;
return whereRaw;
public void prepare(boolean buildSql) {
DeployParser deployParser = request.createDeployParser();
prepare(buildSql, true, deployParser);
public void prepareRawSql(DeployParser deployParser) {
prepare(true, false, deployParser);
* This combines the sql from named/positioned parameters and expressions.
private void prepare(boolean buildSql, boolean parseRaw, DeployParser deployParser) {
buildBindWhereRawSql(buildSql, parseRaw, deployParser);
buildBindHavingRawSql(buildSql, parseRaw, deployParser);
SpiExpressionList<?> whereExp = query.getWhereExpressions();
if (whereExp != null) {
DefaultExpressionRequest whereReq = new DefaultExpressionRequest(request, deployParser);
whereExprBindValues = whereExp.buildBindValues(whereReq);
if (buildSql) {
whereExprSql = whereExp.buildSql(whereReq);
BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProperty = request.getManyProperty();
if (manyProperty != null) {
OrmQueryProperties chunk = query.getDetail().getChunk(manyProperty.getName(), false);
SpiExpressionList<?> filterMany = chunk.getFilterMany();
if (filterMany != null) {
DefaultExpressionRequest filterReq = new DefaultExpressionRequest(request, deployParser);
filterManyExprBindValues = filterMany.buildBindValues(filterReq);
if (buildSql) {
filterManyExprSql = filterMany.buildSql(filterReq);
// having expression
SpiExpressionList<?> havingExpr = query.getHavingExpressions();
if (havingExpr != null) {
DefaultExpressionRequest havingReq = new DefaultExpressionRequest(request, deployParser);
havingExprBindValues = havingExpr.buildBindValues(havingReq);
if (buildSql) {
havingExprSql = havingExpr.buildSql(havingReq);
if (buildSql) {
* Parse/Convert property names to database columns in the where and order by
* clauses etc.
private void parsePropertiesToDbColumns(DeployParser deployParser) {
// order by is dependent on the manyProperty (if there is one)
logicalOrderBy = deriveOrderByWithMany(request.getManyProperty());
if (logicalOrderBy != null) {
dbOrderBy = deployParser.parse(logicalOrderBy);
// create a copy of the includes required to support the orderBy
orderByIncludes = new HashSet<String>(deployParser.getIncludes());
dbWhere = deriveWhere(deployParser);
dbFilterMany = deriveFilterMany(deployParser);
dbHaving = deriveHaving(deployParser);
// all includes including ones for manyWhere clause
predicateIncludes = deployParser.getIncludes();
private String deriveFilterMany(DeployParser deployParser) {
if (isEmpty(filterManyExprSql)) {
return null;
} else {
return deployParser.parse(filterManyExprSql);
private String deriveWhere(DeployParser deployParser) {
return parse(whereRawSql, whereExprSql, deployParser);
* Replace the table alias place holders.
public void parseTableAlias(SqlTreeAlias alias) {
if (dbWhere != null) {
// use the where table alias
dbWhere = alias.parseWhere(dbWhere);
if (dbFilterMany != null) {
// use the select table alias
dbFilterMany = alias.parse(dbFilterMany);
if (dbHaving != null) {
dbHaving = alias.parseWhere(dbHaving);
if (dbOrderBy != null) {
dbOrderBy = alias.parse(dbOrderBy);
private boolean isEmpty(String s) {
return s == null || s.length() == 0;
private String parse(String raw, String expr, DeployParser deployParser) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!isEmpty(raw)) {
if (!isEmpty(expr)) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb.append(" and ");
return sb.toString();
private String deriveHaving(DeployParser deployParser) {
return parse(havingRawSql, havingExprSql, deployParser);
private String parseOrderBy() {
return CQueryOrderBy.parse(request.getBeanDescriptor(), query);
* There is a many property so we need to make sure the ordering is
* appropriate.
private String deriveOrderByWithMany(BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp) {
if (manyProp == null) {
return parseOrderBy();
String orderBy = parseOrderBy();
BeanDescriptor<?> desc = request.getBeanDescriptor();
String orderById = desc.getDefaultOrderBy();
if (orderBy == null) {
orderBy = orderById;
// check for default ordering on the many property...
String manyOrderBy = manyProp.getFetchOrderBy();
if (manyOrderBy != null) {
orderBy = orderBy + ", " + CQueryBuilder.prefixOrderByFields(manyProp.getName(), manyOrderBy);
if (request.isFindById()) {
// only one master bean so should be fine...
return orderBy;
if (orderBy.startsWith(orderById)) {
return orderBy;
// more than one top level row may be returned so
// we need to make sure their is an order by on the
// top level first (to ensure master/detail construction).
int manyPos = orderBy.indexOf(manyProp.getName());
int idPos = orderBy.indexOf(" " + orderById);
if (manyPos == -1) {
// no ordering of the many
if (idPos == -1) {
// append the orderById so that master level objects are ordered
// even if the orderBy is not unique for the master object
return orderBy + ", " + orderById;
// orderById is already in the order by clause
return orderBy;
if (idPos > -1 && idPos < manyPos) {
// its all ok, id property appears before a many property
} else {
if (idPos > manyPos) {
// there was an error with the order by...
String msg = "A Query on [" + desc + "] includes a join to a 'many' association [" + manyProp.getName();
msg += "] with an incorrect orderBy [" + orderBy + "]. The id property [" + orderById + "]";
msg += " must come before the many property [" + manyProp.getName() + "] in the orderBy.";
msg += " Ebean has automatically modified the orderBy clause to do this.";
// the id needs to come before the manyPropName
orderBy = orderBy.substring(0, manyPos) + orderById + ", " + orderBy.substring(manyPos);
return orderBy;
* Return the bind values for the where expression.
public ArrayList<Object> getWhereExprBindValues() {
return whereExprBindValues;
* Return the db column version of the combined where clause.
public String getDbHaving() {
return dbHaving;
* Return the db column version of the combined where clause.
public String getDbWhere() {
return dbWhere;
* Return a db filter for filtering many fetch joins.
public String getDbFilterMany() {
return dbFilterMany;
* Return the db column version of the order by clause.
public String getDbOrderBy() {
return dbOrderBy;
* Return the includes required for the where and order by clause.
public Set<String> getPredicateIncludes() {
return predicateIncludes;
* Return the orderBy includes.
public Set<String> getOrderByIncludes() {
return orderByIncludes;
* The where sql with named bind parameters converted to ?.
public String getWhereRawSql() {
return whereRawSql;
* The where sql from the expression objects.
public String getWhereExpressionSql() {
return whereExprSql;
* The having sql with named bind parameters converted to ?.
public String getHavingRawSql() {
return havingRawSql;
* The having sql from the expression objects.
public String getHavingExpressionSql() {
return havingExprSql;
public String getLogWhereSql() {
if (rawSql) {
return "";
if (dbWhere == null && dbFilterMany == null) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (dbWhere != null) {
if (dbFilterMany != null) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb.append(" and ");
String logPred = sb.toString();
if (logPred.length() > 400) {
logPred = logPred.substring(0, 400) + " ...";
return logPred;