package com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;
import com.avaje.ebean.*;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.BeanCollection.ModifyListenMode;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.BeanCollectionAdd;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.BeanCollectionLoader;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.core.DefaultSqlUpdate;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyChainBuilder;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyValue;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlBeanLoad;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.text.json.WriteJson;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* Property mapped to a List Set or Map.
public class BeanPropertyAssocMany<T> extends BeanPropertyAssoc<T> {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanPropertyAssocMany.class);
private final BeanPropertyAssocManyJsonHelp jsonHelp;
* Join for manyToMany intersection table.
private final TableJoin intersectionJoin;
* For ManyToMany this is the Inverse join used to build reference queries.
private final TableJoin inverseJoin;
* Flag to indicate that this is a unidirectional relationship.
private final boolean unidirectional;
* Flag to indicate manyToMany relationship.
private final boolean manyToMany;
* Order by used when fetch joining the associated many.
private final String fetchOrderBy;
* Order by used when lazy loading the associated many.
private String lazyFetchOrderBy;
private final String mapKey;
* The type of the many, set, list or map.
private final ManyType manyType;
private final ModifyListenMode modifyListenMode;
private BeanProperty mapKeyProperty;
* Derived list of exported property and matching foreignKey
private ExportedProperty[] exportedProperties;
private String exportedPropertyBindProto = "?";
* Property on the 'child' bean that links back to the 'master'.
protected BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> childMasterProperty;
private boolean embeddedExportedProperties;
private BeanCollectionHelp<T> help;
private ImportedId importedId;
private String deleteByParentIdSql;
private String deleteByParentIdInSql;
* Create this property.
public BeanPropertyAssocMany(BeanDescriptorMap owner, BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<T> deploy) {
super(owner, descriptor, deploy);
this.unidirectional = deploy.isUnidirectional();
this.manyToMany = deploy.isManyToMany();
this.manyType = deploy.getManyType();
this.mapKey = deploy.getMapKey();
this.fetchOrderBy = deploy.getFetchOrderBy();
this.intersectionJoin = deploy.createIntersectionTableJoin();
this.inverseJoin = deploy.createInverseTableJoin();
this.modifyListenMode = deploy.getModifyListenMode();
this.jsonHelp = new BeanPropertyAssocManyJsonHelp(this);
public void initialise() {
if (!isTransient) { = BeanCollectionHelpFactory.create(this);
if (manyToMany) {
// only manyToMany's have imported properties
importedId = createImportedId(this, targetDescriptor, tableJoin);
} else {
// find the property in the many that matches
// back to the master (Order in the OrderDetail bean)
childMasterProperty = initChildMasterProperty();
if (childMasterProperty != null) {
if (mapKey != null) {
mapKeyProperty = initMapKeyProperty();
exportedProperties = createExported();
if (exportedProperties.length > 0) {
embeddedExportedProperties = exportedProperties[0].isEmbedded();
exportedPropertyBindProto = deriveExportedPropertyBindProto();
if (fetchOrderBy != null) {
// derive lazyFetchOrderBy
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50);
for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
sb.append(", ");
// these fk columns are either on the intersection (int_) or base table (t0)
String fkTableAlias = isManyToMany() ? "int_" : "t0";
sb.append(", ").append(fetchOrderBy);
lazyFetchOrderBy = sb.toString().trim();
String delStmt;
if (manyToMany) {
delStmt = "delete from " + inverseJoin.getTable() + " where ";
} else {
delStmt = "delete from " + targetDescriptor.getBaseTable() + " where ";
deleteByParentIdSql = delStmt + deriveWhereParentIdSql(false, "");
deleteByParentIdInSql = delStmt + deriveWhereParentIdSql(true, "");
* Add the bean to the appropriate collection on the parent bean.
public void addBeanToCollectionWithCreate(EntityBean parentBean, EntityBean detailBean) {
BeanCollection<?> bc = (BeanCollection<?>) super.getValue(parentBean);
if (bc == null) {
bc = (BeanCollection<?>) help.createEmpty(false);
setValue(parentBean, bc);
help.add(bc, detailBean);
public boolean isEmptyBeanCollection(EntityBean bean) {
Object val = getValue(bean);
return val == null || (val instanceof BeanCollection<?>) && ((BeanCollection<?>) val).isEmptyAndUntouched();
public Object getValue(EntityBean bean) {
return super.getValue(bean);
public Object getValueIntercept(EntityBean bean) {
return super.getValueIntercept(bean);
public void setValue(EntityBean bean, Object value) {
super.setValue(bean, value);
public void setValueIntercept(EntityBean bean, Object value) {
super.setValueIntercept(bean, value);
public ElPropertyValue buildElPropertyValue(String propName, String remainder, ElPropertyChainBuilder chain, boolean propertyDeploy) {
return createElPropertyValue(propName, remainder, chain, propertyDeploy);
public SqlUpdate deleteByParentId(Object parentId, List<Object> parentIdist) {
if (parentId != null) {
return deleteByParentId(parentId);
} else {
return deleteByParentIdList(parentIdist);
private SqlUpdate deleteByParentId(Object parentId) {
DefaultSqlUpdate sqlDelete = new DefaultSqlUpdate(deleteByParentIdSql);
bindWhereParendId(sqlDelete, parentId);
return sqlDelete;
* Find the Id's of detail beans given a parent Id or list of parent Id's.
public List<Object> findIdsByParentId(Object parentId, List<Object> parentIdist, Transaction t, ArrayList<Object> excludeDetailIds) {
if (parentId != null) {
return findIdsByParentId(parentId, t, excludeDetailIds);
} else {
return findIdsByParentIdList(parentIdist, t, excludeDetailIds);
private List<Object> findIdsByParentId(Object parentId, Transaction t, ArrayList<Object> excludeDetailIds) {
String rawWhere = deriveWhereParentIdSql(false, "");
EbeanServer server = getBeanDescriptor().getEbeanServer();
Query<?> q = server.find(getPropertyType())
bindWhereParendId(1, q, parentId);
if (excludeDetailIds != null && !excludeDetailIds.isEmpty()) {
Expression idIn = q.getExpressionFactory().idIn(excludeDetailIds);
return server.findIds(q, t);
* Add a where clause to the query for a given list of parent Id's.
public void addWhereParentIdIn(SpiQuery<?> query, List<Object> parentIds) {
String tableAlias = manyToMany ? "int_." : "t0.";
if (manyToMany) {
String rawWhere = deriveWhereParentIdSql(true, tableAlias);
String inClause = descriptor.getIdBinder().getIdInValueExpr(parentIds.size());
String expr = rawWhere + inClause;
// Flatten the bind values if needed (embeddedId)
List<Object> bindValues = getBindParentIds(parentIds);
query.where().raw(expr, bindValues.toArray());
private List<Object> findIdsByParentIdList(List<Object> parentIdist, Transaction t, ArrayList<Object> excludeDetailIds) {
String rawWhere = deriveWhereParentIdSql(true, "");
String inClause = buildInClauseBinding(parentIdist.size(), exportedPropertyBindProto);
String expr = rawWhere + inClause;
EbeanServer server = getBeanDescriptor().getEbeanServer();
Query<?> q = server.find(getPropertyType()).where().raw(expr).query();
int pos = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < parentIdist.size(); i++) {
pos = bindWhereParendId(pos, q, parentIdist.get(i));
if (excludeDetailIds != null && !excludeDetailIds.isEmpty()) {
Expression idIn = q.getExpressionFactory().idIn(excludeDetailIds);
return server.findIds(q, t);
private SqlUpdate deleteByParentIdList(List<Object> parentIdist) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
String inClause = buildInClauseBinding(parentIdist.size(), exportedPropertyBindProto);
DefaultSqlUpdate delete = new DefaultSqlUpdate(sb.toString());
for (int i = 0; i < parentIdist.size(); i++) {
bindWhereParendId(delete, parentIdist.get(i));
return delete;
private String deriveExportedPropertyBindProto() {
if (exportedProperties.length == 1) {
return "?";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
return sb.toString();
private String buildInClauseBinding(int size, String bindProto) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10 + (size * (bindProto.length() + 1)));
sb.append(" in");
sb.append(" (");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
sb.append(") ");
return sb.toString();
* Set the lazy load server to help create reference collections (that lazy
* load on demand).
public void setLoader(BeanCollectionLoader loader) {
if (help != null) {
* Return the mode for listening to modifications to collections for this
* association.
public ModifyListenMode getModifyListenMode() {
return modifyListenMode;
public void appendSelect(DbSqlContext ctx, boolean subQuery) {
public void loadIgnore(DbReadContext ctx) {
// nothing to ignore for Many
public void load(SqlBeanLoad sqlBeanLoad) throws SQLException {
public Object readSet(DbReadContext ctx, EntityBean bean, Class<?> type) throws SQLException {
return null;
public Object read(DbReadContext ctx) throws SQLException {
return null;
public boolean isValueLoaded(Object value) {
return !(value instanceof BeanCollection<?>) || ((BeanCollection<?>) value).isPopulated();
public void add(BeanCollection<?> collection, EntityBean bean) {
help.add(collection, bean);
* Refresh the appropriate list set or map.
public void refresh(EbeanServer server, Query<?> query, Transaction t, EntityBean parentBean) {
help.refresh(server, query, t, parentBean);
* Apply the refreshed BeanCollection to the property of the parentBean.
public void refresh(BeanCollection<?> bc, EntityBean parentBean) {
help.refresh(bc, parentBean);
* Return the Id values from the given bean.
public Object[] getAssocOneIdValues(EntityBean bean) {
return targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().getIdValues(bean);
* Return the Id expression to add to where clause etc.
public String getAssocOneIdExpr(String prefix, String operator) {
return targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().getAssocOneIdExpr(prefix, operator);
* Return the logical id value expression taking into account embedded id's.
public String getAssocIdInValueExpr(int size) {
return targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().getIdInValueExpr(size);
* Return the logical id in expression taking into account embedded id's.
public String getAssocIdInExpr(String prefix) {
return targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().getAssocIdInExpr(prefix);
public boolean isAssocId() {
return true;
public boolean isAssocProperty() {
return true;
* Returns true.
public boolean containsMany() {
return true;
* Return the many type.
public ManyType getManyType() {
return manyType;
* Return true if this is many to many.
public boolean isManyToMany() {
return manyToMany;
* ManyToMany only, join from local table to intersection table.
public TableJoin getIntersectionTableJoin() {
return intersectionJoin;
* Set the join properties from the parent bean to the child bean.
* This is only valid for OneToMany and NOT valid for ManyToMany.
public void setJoinValuesToChild(EntityBean parent, EntityBean child, Object mapKeyValue) {
if (mapKeyProperty != null) {
mapKeyProperty.setValue(child, mapKeyValue);
if (!manyToMany && childMasterProperty != null) {
// bidirectional in the sense that the 'master' property
// exists on the 'detail' bean
childMasterProperty.setValue(child, parent);
* Return the order by clause used to order the fetching of the data for
* this list, set or map.
public String getFetchOrderBy() {
return fetchOrderBy;
* Return the order by for use when lazy loading the associated collection.
public String getLazyFetchOrderBy() {
return lazyFetchOrderBy;
* Return the default mapKey when returning a Map.
public String getMapKey() {
return mapKey;
public BeanCollection<?> createReferenceIfNull(EntityBean parentBean) {
Object v = getValue(parentBean);
if (v instanceof BeanCollection<?>) {
BeanCollection<?> bc = (BeanCollection<?>) v;
return bc.isReference() ? bc : null;
} else {
return createReference(parentBean);
public BeanCollection<?> createReference(EntityBean parentBean) {
BeanCollection<?> ref = help.createReference(parentBean, name);
setValue(parentBean, ref);
return ref;
public Object createEmpty(boolean vanilla) {
return help.createEmpty(vanilla);
public BeanCollectionAdd getBeanCollectionAdd(Object bc, String mapKey) {
return help.getBeanCollectionAdd(bc, mapKey);
public Object getParentId(EntityBean parentBean) {
return descriptor.getId(parentBean);
public List<Object> getBindParentIds(List<Object> parentIds) {
if (exportedProperties.length == 1) {
return parentIds;
List<Object> expandedList = new ArrayList<Object>(parentIds.size() * exportedProperties.length);
for (int i = 0; i < parentIds.size(); i++) {
for (int y = 0; y < exportedProperties.length; y++) {
Object compId = parentIds.get(i);
expandedList.add(exportedProperties[y].getValue((EntityBean) compId));
return expandedList;
private void bindWhereParendId(DefaultSqlUpdate sqlUpd, Object parentId) {
if (exportedProperties.length == 1) {
EntityBean parent = (EntityBean) parentId;
for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) {
Object embVal = exportedProperties[i].getValue(parent);
private int bindWhereParendId(int pos, Query<?> q, Object parentId) {
if (exportedProperties.length == 1) {
q.setParameter(pos++, parentId);
} else {
EntityBean parent = (EntityBean) parentId;
for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) {
Object embVal = exportedProperties[i].getValue(parent);
q.setParameter(pos++, embVal);
return pos;
public void addSelectExported(DbSqlContext ctx, String tableAlias) {
String alias = manyToMany ? "int_" : tableAlias;
if (alias == null) {
alias = "t0";
for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) {
ctx.appendColumn(alias, exportedProperties[i].getForeignDbColumn());
private String deriveWhereParentIdSql(boolean inClause, String tableAlias) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (inClause) {
for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) {
String fkColumn = exportedProperties[i].getForeignDbColumn();
if (i > 0) {
String s = inClause ? "," : " and ";
if (!inClause) {
sb.append("=? ");
if (inClause) {
return sb.toString();
// public void setPredicates(SpiQuery<?> query, EntityBean parentBean) {
// if (manyToMany){
// // for ManyToMany lazy loading we need to include a
// // join to the intersection table. The predicate column
// // is not on the 'destination many table'.
// query.setIncludeTableJoin(inverseJoin);
// }
// if (embeddedExportedProperties) {
// // use the EmbeddedId object instead of the parentBean
// BeanProperty idProp = descriptor.getIdProperty();
// parentBean = (EntityBean)idProp.getValue(parentBean);
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) {
// Object val = exportedProperties[i].getValue(parentBean);
// String fkColumn = exportedProperties[i].getForeignDbColumn();
// if (!manyToMany){
// fkColumn = targetDescriptor.getBaseTableAlias()+"."+fkColumn;
// } else {
// // use hard coded alias for intersection table
// fkColumn = "int_."+fkColumn;
// }
// query.where().eq(fkColumn, val);
// }
// if (extraWhere != null){
// // replace the table alias place holder
// String ta = targetDescriptor.getBaseTableAlias();
// String where = StringHelper.replaceString(extraWhere, "${ta}", ta);
// query.where().raw(where);
// }
// if (fetchOrderBy != null){
// query.order(fetchOrderBy);
// }
// }
* Create the array of ExportedProperty used to build reference objects.
private ExportedProperty[] createExported() {
BeanProperty idProp = descriptor.getIdProperty();
ArrayList<ExportedProperty> list = new ArrayList<ExportedProperty>();
if (idProp != null && idProp.isEmbedded()) {
BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> one = (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) idProp;
BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = one.getTargetDescriptor();
BeanProperty[] emIds = targetDesc.propertiesBaseScalar();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < emIds.length; i++) {
ExportedProperty expProp = findMatch(true, emIds[i]);
} catch (PersistenceException e) {
// not found as individual scalar properties
logger.error("Could not find a exported property?", e);
} else {
if (idProp != null) {
ExportedProperty expProp = findMatch(false, idProp);
return list.toArray(new ExportedProperty[list.size()]);
* Find the matching foreignDbColumn for a given local property.
private ExportedProperty findMatch(boolean embedded, BeanProperty prop) {
String matchColumn = prop.getDbColumn();
String searchTable;
TableJoinColumn[] columns;
if (manyToMany) {
// look for column going to intersection
columns = intersectionJoin.columns();
searchTable = intersectionJoin.getTable();
} else {
columns = tableJoin.columns();
searchTable = tableJoin.getTable();
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
String matchTo = columns[i].getLocalDbColumn();
if (matchColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(matchTo)) {
String foreignCol = columns[i].getForeignDbColumn();
return new ExportedProperty(embedded, foreignCol, prop);
String msg = "Error with the Join on [" + getFullBeanName()
+ "]. Could not find the matching foreign key for [" + matchColumn + "] in table[" + searchTable + "]?"
+ " Perhaps using a @JoinColumn with the name/referencedColumnName attributes swapped?";
throw new PersistenceException(msg);
* Return the child property that links back to the master bean.
* <p>
* Note that childMasterProperty will be null if a field is used instead of
* a ManyToOne bean association.
* </p>
private BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> initChildMasterProperty() {
if (unidirectional) {
return null;
// search for the property, to see if it exists
Class<?> beanType = descriptor.getBeanType();
BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor();
BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] ones = targetDesc.propertiesOne();
for (int i = 0; i < ones.length; i++) {
BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop = ones[i];
if (mappedBy != null) {
// match using mappedBy as property name
if (mappedBy.equalsIgnoreCase(prop.getName())) {
return prop;
} else {
// assume only one property that matches parent object type
if (prop.getTargetType().equals(beanType)) {
// found it, stop search
return prop;
throw new RuntimeException("Can not find Master [" + beanType + "] in Child[" + targetDesc + "]");
* Search for and return the mapKey property.
private BeanProperty initMapKeyProperty() {
// search for the property
BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor();
for (BeanProperty prop : targetDesc.propertiesAll()) {
if (mapKey.equalsIgnoreCase(prop.getName())) {
return prop;
String from = descriptor.getFullName();
String to = targetDesc.getFullName();
throw new PersistenceException(from + ": Could not find mapKey property [" + mapKey + "] on [" + to + "]");
public IntersectionRow buildManyDeleteChildren(EntityBean parentBean, ArrayList<Object> excludeDetailIds) {
IntersectionRow row = new IntersectionRow(tableJoin.getTable());
if (excludeDetailIds != null && !excludeDetailIds.isEmpty()) {
row.setExcludeIds(excludeDetailIds, getTargetDescriptor());
buildExport(row, parentBean);
return row;
public IntersectionRow buildManyToManyDeleteChildren(EntityBean parentBean) {
IntersectionRow row = new IntersectionRow(intersectionJoin.getTable());
buildExport(row, parentBean);
return row;
public IntersectionRow buildManyToManyMapBean(EntityBean parent, EntityBean other) {
IntersectionRow row = new IntersectionRow(intersectionJoin.getTable());
buildExport(row, parent);
buildImport(row, other);
return row;
private void buildExport(IntersectionRow row, EntityBean parentBean) {
if (embeddedExportedProperties) {
BeanProperty idProp = descriptor.getIdProperty();
parentBean = (EntityBean) idProp.getValue(parentBean);
for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) {
Object val = exportedProperties[i].getValue(parentBean);
String fkColumn = exportedProperties[i].getForeignDbColumn();
row.put(fkColumn, val);
* Set the predicates for lazy loading of the association.
* Handles predicates for both OneToMany and ManyToMany.
private void buildImport(IntersectionRow row, EntityBean otherBean) {
importedId.buildImport(row, otherBean);
* Return true if the otherBean has an Id value.
public boolean hasImportedId(EntityBean otherBean) {
return null != targetDescriptor.getId(otherBean);
public void jsonWrite(WriteJson ctx, EntityBean bean) throws IOException {
if (!this.jsonSerialize) {
Boolean include = ctx.includeMany(name);
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(include)) {
Object value = getValueIntercept(bean);
if (value != null) {
if (help != null) {
help.jsonWrite(ctx, name, value, include != null);
} else {
ctx.toJson(name, (Collection<?>) value);
public void jsonRead(JsonParser parser, EntityBean parentBean) throws IOException {
jsonHelp.jsonRead(parser, parentBean);