Package com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy

Source Code of com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty

package com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;

import com.avaje.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import com.avaje.ebean.config.EncryptKey;
import com.avaje.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbEncryptFunction;
import com.avaje.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbType;
import com.avaje.ebean.text.StringFormatter;
import com.avaje.ebean.text.StringParser;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.core.InternString;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor.EntityType;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.generatedproperty.GeneratedProperty;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanProperty;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyChainBuilder;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyValue;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.util.StringHelper;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlBeanLoad;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlJoinType;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.reflect.BeanReflectGetter;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.reflect.BeanReflectSetter;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.text.json.WriteJson;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.type.DataBind;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.type.ScalarType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;

* Description of a property of a bean. Includes its deployment information such
* as database column mapping information.
public class BeanProperty implements ElPropertyValue {

     * Advanced bean deployment. To exclude this property from update where
     * clause.

     * Advanced bean deployment. To exclude this property from delete where
     * clause.

     * Advanced bean deployment. To exclude this property from insert.
    public static final String EXCLUDE_FROM_INSERT = "EXCLUDE_FROM_INSERT";

     * Advanced bean deployment. To exclude this property from update set
     * clause.
    public static final String EXCLUDE_FROM_UPDATE = "EXCLUDE_FROM_UPDATE";

     * Flag to mark this at part of the unique id.
    final boolean id;

     * Flag to make this as a dummy property for unidirecitonal relationships.
    final boolean unidirectionalShadow;

     * Flag set if this maps to the inheritance discriminator column
    final boolean discriminator;
     * Flag to mark the property as embedded. This could be on
     * BeanPropertyAssocOne rather than here. Put it here for checking Id type
     * (embedded or not).
    final boolean embedded;

     * Flag indicating if this the version property.
    final boolean version;

    final boolean naturalKey;
     * Set if this property is nullable.
    final boolean nullable;

    final boolean unique;

     * Is this property include in database resultSet.
    final boolean dbRead;

     * Include in DB insert.
    final boolean dbInsertable;

     * Include in DB update.
    final boolean dbUpdatable;

     * True if the property is based on a SECONDARY table.
    final boolean secondaryTable;

    final TableJoin secondaryTableJoin;
    final String secondaryTableJoinPrefix;

     * The property is inherited from a super class.
    final boolean inherited;

    final Class<?> owningType;

    final boolean local;

     * True if the property is a Clob, Blob LongVarchar or LongVarbinary.
    final boolean lob;
    final boolean fetchEager;

    final boolean isTransient;

     * The logical bean property name.
    final String name;

    final int propertyIndex;
     * The reflected field.
    final Field field;

     * The bean type.
    final Class<?> propertyType;

    final String dbBind;

     * The database column. This can include quoted identifiers.
    final String dbColumn;

    final String elPlaceHolder;
    final String elPlaceHolderEncrypted;

     * Select part of a SQL Formula used to populate this property.
    final String sqlFormulaSelect;

     * Join part of a SQL Formula.
    final String sqlFormulaJoin;

    final boolean formula;

     * Set to true if stored encrypted.
    final boolean dbEncrypted;

    final boolean localEncrypted;

    final int dbEncryptedType;

     * The jdbc data type this maps to.
    final int dbType;

     * The default value to insert if null.
    final Object defaultValue;

     * Extra deployment parameters.
    final Map<String, String> extraAttributeMap;

     * The method used to read the property.
    final Method readMethod;

     * The method used to write the property.
    final Method writeMethod;

     * Generator for insert or update timestamp etc.
    final GeneratedProperty generatedProperty;

    final BeanReflectGetter getter;

    final BeanReflectSetter setter;

    final BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor;

     * Used for non-jdbc native types (java.util.Date Enums etc). Converts from
     * logical to jdbc types.
    final ScalarType scalarType;

    boolean cascadeValidate;

     * The length or precision for DB column.
    final int dbLength;

     * The scale for DB column (decimal).
    final int dbScale;

     * Deployment defined DB column definition.
    final String dbColumnDefn;

     * DB Constraint (typically check constraint on enum)
    final String dbConstraintExpression;

    final DbEncryptFunction dbEncryptFunction;

    int deployOrder;

    final boolean jsonSerialize;

    final boolean jsonDeserialize;

    final boolean indexed;

    final String indexName;
    public BeanProperty(DeployBeanProperty deploy) {
        this(null, null, deploy);

    public BeanProperty(BeanDescriptorMap owner, BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, DeployBeanProperty deploy) {

        this.descriptor = descriptor; = InternString.intern(deploy.getName());
        this.propertyIndex = deploy.getPropertyIndex();
        this.indexed = deploy.isIndexed();
        this.indexName = deploy.getIndexName();
        this.unidirectionalShadow = deploy.isUndirectionalShadow();
        this.discriminator = deploy.isDiscriminator();
        this.localEncrypted = deploy.isLocalEncrypted();
        this.dbEncrypted = deploy.isDbEncrypted();
        this.dbEncryptedType = deploy.getDbEncryptedType();
        this.dbEncryptFunction = deploy.getDbEncryptFunction();
        this.dbBind = deploy.getDbBind();
        this.dbRead = deploy.isDbRead();
        this.dbInsertable = deploy.isDbInsertable();
        this.dbUpdatable = deploy.isDbUpdateable();

        this.secondaryTable = deploy.isSecondaryTable();
        if (secondaryTable) {
            this.secondaryTableJoin = new TableJoin(deploy.getSecondaryTableJoin(), null);
            this.secondaryTableJoinPrefix = deploy.getSecondaryTableJoinPrefix();
        } else {
            this.secondaryTableJoin = null;
            this.secondaryTableJoinPrefix = null;
        this.fetchEager = deploy.isFetchEager();
        this.isTransient = deploy.isTransient();
        this.nullable = deploy.isNullable();
        this.unique = deploy.isUnique();
        this.naturalKey = deploy.isNaturalKey();
        this.dbLength = deploy.getDbLength();
        this.dbScale = deploy.getDbScale();
        this.dbColumnDefn = InternString.intern(deploy.getDbColumnDefn());
        this.dbConstraintExpression = InternString.intern(deploy.getDbConstraintExpression());

        this.inherited = false;// deploy.isInherited();
        this.owningType = deploy.getOwningType();
        this.local = deploy.isLocal();

        this.version = deploy.isVersionColumn();
        this.embedded = deploy.isEmbedded(); = deploy.isId();
        this.generatedProperty = deploy.getGeneratedProperty();
        this.readMethod = deploy.getReadMethod();
        this.writeMethod = deploy.getWriteMethod();
        this.getter = deploy.getGetter();
        this.setter = deploy.getSetter();

        this.dbColumn = tableAliasIntern(descriptor, deploy.getDbColumn(), false, null);
        this.sqlFormulaJoin = InternString.intern(deploy.getSqlFormulaJoin());
        this.sqlFormulaSelect = InternString.intern(deploy.getSqlFormulaSelect());
        this.formula = sqlFormulaSelect != null;

        this.extraAttributeMap = deploy.getExtraAttributeMap();
        this.defaultValue = deploy.getDefaultValue();
        this.dbType = deploy.getDbType();
        this.scalarType = deploy.getScalarType();
        this.lob = isLobType(dbType);
        this.propertyType = deploy.getPropertyType();
        this.field = deploy.getField();
        EntityType et = descriptor == null ? null : descriptor.getEntityType();
        this.elPlaceHolder = tableAliasIntern(descriptor, deploy.getElPlaceHolder(et), false, null);
        this.elPlaceHolderEncrypted = tableAliasIntern(descriptor, deploy.getElPlaceHolder(et), dbEncrypted, dbColumn);

        this.jsonSerialize = deploy.isExposeSerialize();
        this.jsonDeserialize = deploy.isExposeDeserialize();

    private String tableAliasIntern(BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, String s, boolean dbEncrypted, String dbColumn) {
        if (descriptor != null) {
            s = StringHelper.replaceString(s, "${ta}.", "${}");
            s = StringHelper.replaceString(s, "${ta}", "${}");

            if (dbEncrypted) {
                s = dbEncryptFunction.getDecryptSql(s);
                String namedParam = ":encryptkey_" + descriptor.getBaseTable() + "___" + dbColumn;
                s = StringHelper.replaceString(s, "?", namedParam);
        return InternString.intern(s);

     * Create a Matching BeanProperty with some attributes overridden.
     * <p>
     * Primarily for supporting Embedded beans with overridden dbColumn
     * mappings.
     * </p>
    public BeanProperty(BeanProperty source, BeanPropertyOverride override) {

        this.descriptor = source.descriptor; = InternString.intern(source.getName());
        this.propertyIndex = source.propertyIndex;

        this.indexed = source.isIndexed();
        this.indexName = source.getIndexName();
        this.dbColumn = InternString.intern(override.getDbColumn());
        this.sqlFormulaJoin = InternString.intern(override.getSqlFormulaJoin());
        this.sqlFormulaSelect = InternString.intern(override.getSqlFormulaSelect());
        this.formula = sqlFormulaSelect != null;

        this.fetchEager = source.fetchEager;
        this.unidirectionalShadow = source.unidirectionalShadow;
        this.discriminator = source.discriminator;
        this.localEncrypted = source.isLocalEncrypted();
        this.isTransient = source.isTransient();
        this.secondaryTable = source.isSecondaryTable();
        this.secondaryTableJoin = source.secondaryTableJoin;
        this.secondaryTableJoinPrefix = source.secondaryTableJoinPrefix;

        this.dbBind = source.getDbBind();
        this.dbEncrypted = source.isDbEncrypted();
        this.dbEncryptedType = source.getDbEncryptedType();
        this.dbEncryptFunction = source.dbEncryptFunction;
        this.dbRead = source.isDbRead();
        this.dbInsertable = source.isDbInsertable();
        this.dbUpdatable = source.isDbUpdatable();
        this.nullable = source.isNullable();
        this.unique = source.isUnique();
        this.naturalKey = source.isNaturalKey();
        this.dbLength = source.getDbLength();
        this.dbScale = source.getDbScale();
        this.dbColumnDefn = InternString.intern(source.getDbColumnDefn());
        this.dbConstraintExpression = InternString.intern(source.getDbConstraintExpression());

        this.inherited = source.isInherited();
        this.owningType = source.owningType;
        this.local = owningType.equals(descriptor.getBeanType());

        this.version = source.isVersion();
        this.embedded = source.isEmbedded(); = source.isId();
        this.generatedProperty = source.getGeneratedProperty();
        this.readMethod = source.getReadMethod();
        this.writeMethod = source.getWriteMethod();
        this.getter = source.getter;
        this.setter = source.setter;
        this.extraAttributeMap = source.extraAttributeMap;
        this.defaultValue = source.getDefaultValue();
        this.dbType = source.getDbType();
        this.scalarType = source.scalarType;
        this.lob = isLobType(dbType);
        this.propertyType = source.getPropertyType();
        this.field = source.getField();
        this.elPlaceHolder = override.replace(source.elPlaceHolder, source.dbColumn);
        this.elPlaceHolderEncrypted = override.replace(source.elPlaceHolderEncrypted, source.dbColumn);

        this.jsonSerialize = source.jsonSerialize;
        this.jsonDeserialize = source.jsonDeserialize;

     * Initialise the property before returning to client code. Used to
     * initialise variables that can't be done in construction due to recursive
     * issues.
    public void initialise() {
        // do nothing for normal BeanProperty
        if (!isTransient && scalarType == null) {
            String msg = "No ScalarType assigned to " + descriptor.getFullName() + "." + getName();
            throw new RuntimeException(msg);

     * Return the order this property appears in the bean.
    public int getDeployOrder() {
        return deployOrder;

     * Set the order this property appears in the bean.
    public void setDeployOrder(int deployOrder) {
        this.deployOrder = deployOrder;

    public ElPropertyValue buildElPropertyValue(String propName, String remainder, ElPropertyChainBuilder chain,
                                                boolean propertyDeploy) {
        throw new PersistenceException("Not valid on scalar bean property " + getFullBeanName());

     * Return the BeanDescriptor that owns this property.
    public BeanDescriptor<?> getBeanDescriptor() {
        return descriptor;

     * Return true is this is a simple scalar property.
    public boolean isScalar() {
        return true;

     * Return true if this property is based on a formula.
    public boolean isFormula() {
        return formula;

     * Return true if this property maps to the inheritance discriminator column.
    public boolean isDiscriminator() {
        return discriminator;
     * Return true if the underlying type is mutable.
    public boolean isMutableScalarType() {
        if (scalarType == null) {
            return false;
        return scalarType.isMutable();

    public void copyProperty(EntityBean sourceBean, EntityBean destBean) {
        Object value = getValue(sourceBean);
        setValue(destBean, value);

     * Return the encrypt key for the column matching this property.
    public EncryptKey getEncryptKey() {
        return descriptor.getEncryptKey(this);

    public String getDecryptProperty() {
        return dbEncryptFunction.getDecryptSql(this.getName());

    public String getDecryptProperty(String propertyName) {
        return dbEncryptFunction.getDecryptSql(propertyName);

    public String getDecryptSql() {
        return dbEncryptFunction.getDecryptSql(this.getDbColumn());

    public String getDecryptSql(String tableAlias) {
        return dbEncryptFunction.getDecryptSql(tableAlias + "." + this.getDbColumn());

     * Add any extra joins required to support this property. Generally a no
     * operation except for a OneToOne exported.
    public void appendFrom(DbSqlContext ctx, SqlJoinType joinType) {
        if (formula && sqlFormulaJoin != null) {
            ctx.appendFormulaJoin(sqlFormulaJoin, joinType);

        } else if (secondaryTableJoin != null) {

            String relativePrefix = ctx.getRelativePrefix(secondaryTableJoinPrefix);
            secondaryTableJoin.addJoin(joinType, relativePrefix, ctx);

     * Returns null unless this property is using a secondary table. In that
     * case this returns the logical property prefix.
    public String getSecondaryTableJoinPrefix() {
        return secondaryTableJoinPrefix;

    public void appendSelect(DbSqlContext ctx, boolean subQuery) {
        if (formula) {

        } else if (!isTransient) {

            if (secondaryTableJoin != null) {
                String relativePrefix = ctx.getRelativePrefix(secondaryTableJoinPrefix);

            if (dbEncrypted) {
                String decryptSql = getDecryptSql(ctx.peekTableAlias());

            } else {

            if (secondaryTableJoin != null) {

    public boolean isAssignableFrom(Class<?> type) {
        return owningType.isAssignableFrom(type);

    public Object readSetOwning(DbReadContext ctx, EntityBean bean, Class<?> type) throws SQLException {

        try {
            Object value =;
            if (value == null || bean == null) {
                // not setting the value...
            } else {
                if (owningType.equals(type)) {
                    setValue(bean, value);
            return value;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Error readSet on " + descriptor + "." + name;
            throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);

    public void loadIgnore(DbReadContext ctx) {

    public void load(SqlBeanLoad sqlBeanLoad) throws SQLException {

    public void buildSelectExpressionChain(String prefix, List<String> selectChain) {
        if (prefix == null) {
        } else {
            selectChain.add(prefix + "." + name);

    public Object read(DbReadContext ctx) throws SQLException {

    public Object readSet(DbReadContext ctx, EntityBean bean, Class<?> type) throws SQLException {

        try {
            Object value =;
            if (bean == null || (type != null && !owningType.isAssignableFrom(type))) {
                // not setting the value...
            } else {
                setValue(bean, value);
            return value;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Error readSet on " + descriptor + "." + name;
            throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);

     * Convert the type to the bean type if required.
     * <p>
     * Generally only used to ensure id properties are converted for
     * Query.setId() use.
     * </p>
    public Object toBeanType(Object value) {
        return scalarType.toBeanType(value);

    public void bind(DataBind b, Object value) throws SQLException {
        scalarType.bind(b, value);

    public void writeData(DataOutput dataOutput, Object value) throws IOException {
        scalarType.writeData(dataOutput, value);

    public Object readData(DataInput dataInput) throws IOException {
        return scalarType.readData(dataInput);

    public boolean isCascadeValidate() {
        return cascadeValidate;

     * Checks to see if a bean is a reference (will be lazy loaded) or a
     * BeanCollection that has not yet been populated.
     * <p>
     * For base types this returns true.
     * </p>
    public boolean isValueLoaded(Object value) {
        return true;

    public BeanProperty getBeanProperty() {
        return this;
    public boolean isIndexed() {
      return indexed;

    public String getIndexName() {
      return indexName;

     * Return the getter method.
    public Method getReadMethod() {
        return readMethod;

     * Return the setter method.
    public Method getWriteMethod() {
        return writeMethod;

     * Return true if this object is part of an inheritance hierarchy.
    public boolean isInherited() {
        return inherited;

     * Return true is this type is not from a super type.
    public boolean isLocal() {
        return local;

     * Set the value of the property without interception or
     * PropertyChangeSupport.
    public void setValue(EntityBean bean, Object value) {
        try {
            setter.set(bean, value);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            String beanType = bean == null ? "null" : bean.getClass().getName();
            String msg = "set " + name + " on [" + descriptor + "] arg[" + value + "] type[" + beanType
                    + "] threw error";
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, ex);

     * Set the value of the property.
    public void setValueIntercept(EntityBean bean, Object value) {
        try {
            setter.setIntercept(bean, value);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            String beanType = bean == null ? "null" : bean.getClass().getName();
            String msg = "setIntercept " + name + " on [" + descriptor + "] arg[" + value + "] type[" + beanType
                    + "] threw error";
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, ex);

    private static Object[] NO_ARGS = new Object[0];

    public Object getCacheDataValue(EntityBean bean) {
        return getValue(bean);

    public void setCacheDataValue(EntityBean bean, Object cacheData) {
        setValue(bean, cacheData);
     * Return the value of the property method.
    public Object getValue(EntityBean bean) {
        try {
            return getter.get(bean);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            String beanType = bean == null ? "null" : bean.getClass().getName();
            String msg = "get " + name + " on [" + descriptor + "] type[" + beanType + "] threw error.";
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, ex);
     * Explicitly use reflection to get value.
    public Object getValueViaReflection(Object bean) {
      try {
            return readMethod.invoke(bean, NO_ARGS);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            String beanType = bean == null ? "null" : bean.getClass().getName();
            String msg = "get " + name + " on [" + descriptor + "] type[" + beanType + "] threw error.";
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, ex);

    public Object getValueIntercept(EntityBean bean) {
        try {
            return getter.getIntercept(bean);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            String beanType = bean == null ? "null" : bean.getClass().getName();
            String msg = "getIntercept " + name + " on [" + descriptor + "] type[" + beanType + "] threw error.";
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, ex);

    public Object elConvertType(Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return null;
        return convertToLogicalType(value);

    public void elSetValue(EntityBean bean, Object value, boolean populate) {
        if (bean != null) {
            // Not using setValueIntercept at this stage
            setValue(bean, value);

    public Object elGetValue(EntityBean bean) {
        if (bean == null) {
            return null;
        return getValueIntercept(bean);

    public Object elGetReference(EntityBean bean) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Not expected to call this");

     * Return the name of the property.
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Return the position of this property in the enhanced bean.
    public int getPropertyIndex() {
      return propertyIndex;

    public String getElName() {
        return name;

     * This is a full ElGetValue.
    public boolean isDeployOnly() {
        return false;

    public boolean containsFormulaWithJoin() {
        return formula && sqlFormulaJoin != null;

    public boolean containsManySince(String sinceProperty) {
        return containsMany();

    public boolean containsMany() {
        return false;

    public Object[] getAssocOneIdValues(EntityBean bean) {
        // Returns null as not an AssocOne.
        return null;

    public String getAssocOneIdExpr(String prefix, String operator) {
        // Returns null as not an AssocOne.
        return null;

    public String getAssocIdInExpr(String prefix) {
        // Returns null as not an AssocOne.
        return null;

    public String getAssocIdInValueExpr(int size) {
        // Returns null as not an AssocOne.
        return null;

    public boolean isAssocId() {
        // Returns false - override in BeanPropertyAssocOne.
        return false;

    public boolean isAssocProperty() {
        // Returns false - override in BeanPropertyAssocOne.
        return false;

    public String getElPlaceholder(boolean encrypted) {
        return encrypted ? elPlaceHolderEncrypted : elPlaceHolder;

    public String getElPrefix() {
        return secondaryTableJoinPrefix;

     * Return the full name of this property.
    public String getFullBeanName() {
        return descriptor.getFullName() + "." + name;

     * Return true if the mutable value is considered dirty.
     * This is only used for 'mutable' scalar types like hstore etc.
    public boolean isDirtyValue(Object value) {
        return scalarType.isDirty(value);
     * Return the scalarType.
    public ScalarType<?> getScalarType() {
        return scalarType;

    public StringFormatter getStringFormatter() {
        return scalarType;

    public StringParser getStringParser() {
        return scalarType;

    public boolean isDateTimeCapable() {
        return scalarType != null && scalarType.isDateTimeCapable();
    public int getJdbcType() {
        return scalarType == null ? 0 : scalarType.getJdbcType();

    public Object parseDateTime(long systemTimeMillis) {
        return scalarType.parseDateTime(systemTimeMillis);

     * Return the DB max length (varchar) or precision (decimal).
    public int getDbLength() {
        return dbLength;

     * Return the DB scale for numeric columns.
    public int getDbScale() {
        return dbScale;

     * Return a specific column DDL definition if specified (otherwise null).
    public String getDbColumnDefn() {
        return dbColumnDefn;

     * Return the DB constraint expression (can be null).
     * <p>
     * For an Enum returns IN expression for the set of Enum values.
     * </p>
    public String getDbConstraintExpression() {
        return dbConstraintExpression;

     * Return the DB column type definition.
    public String renderDbType(DbType dbType) {
        if (dbColumnDefn != null) {
            return dbColumnDefn;
        return dbType.renderType(dbLength, dbScale);

     * Return the bean Field associated with this property.
    public Field getField() {
        return field;

     * Return the GeneratedValue. Used to generate update timestamp etc.
    public GeneratedProperty getGeneratedProperty() {
        return generatedProperty;

     * Return true if this is the natural key property.
    public boolean isNaturalKey() {
        return naturalKey;

     * Return true if this property is mandatory.
    public boolean isNullable() {
        return nullable;

     * Return true if DDL Not NULL constraint should be defined for this column
     * based on it being a version column or having a generated property.
    public boolean isDDLNotNull() {
        return isVersion() || (generatedProperty != null && generatedProperty.isDDLNotNullable());

     * Return true if the DB column should be unique.
    public boolean isUnique() {
        return unique;

     * Return true if the property is transient.
    public boolean isTransient() {
        return isTransient;

     * Return true if this property is loadable from a resultSet.
    public boolean isLoadProperty() {
        return !isTransient || formula;
     * Return true if this is a version column used for concurrency checking.
    public boolean isVersion() {
        return version;

    public String getDeployProperty() {
        return dbColumn;

     * The database column name this is mapped to.
    public String getDbColumn() {
        return dbColumn;

     * Return the database jdbc data type this is mapped to.
    public int getDbType() {
        return dbType;

     * Perform DB to Logical type conversion (if necessary).
    public Object convertToLogicalType(Object value) {
        if (scalarType != null) {
            return scalarType.toBeanType(value);
        return value;

     * Return true if by default this property is set to fetch eager.
     * Lob's usually default to fetch lazy.
    public boolean isFetchEager() {
        return fetchEager;

     * Return true if this is mapped to a Clob Blob LongVarchar or
     * LongVarbinary.
    public boolean isLob() {
        return lob;

    private boolean isLobType(int type) {
        switch (type) {
            case Types.CLOB:
                return true;
            case Types.BLOB:
                return true;
            case Types.LONGVARBINARY:
                return true;
            case Types.LONGVARCHAR:
                return true;

                return false;

     * Return the DB bind parameter. Typically is "?" but different for
     * encrypted bind.
    public String getDbBind() {
        return dbBind;

     * Returns true if DB encrypted.
    public boolean isLocalEncrypted() {
        return localEncrypted;

     * Return true if this property is stored encrypted.
    public boolean isDbEncrypted() {
        return dbEncrypted;

    public int getDbEncryptedType() {
        return dbEncryptedType;

     * Return true if this property should be included in an Insert.
    public boolean isDbInsertable() {
        return dbInsertable;

     * Return true if this property should be included in an Update.
    public boolean isDbUpdatable() {
        return dbUpdatable;

     * Return true if this property is included in database queries.
    public boolean isDbRead() {
        return dbRead;

     * Return true if this property is based on a secondary table (not the base
     * table).
    public boolean isSecondaryTable() {
        return secondaryTable;

     * Return the property type.
    public Class<?> getPropertyType() {
        return propertyType;

     * Return true if this is included in the unique id.
    public boolean isId() {
        return id;

     * Return true if this is an Embedded property. In this case it shares the
     * table and primary key of its owner object.
    public boolean isEmbedded() {
        return embedded;

     * Return an extra attribute set on this property.
    public String getExtraAttribute(String key) {
        return extraAttributeMap.get(key);

     * Return the default value.
    public Object getDefaultValue() {
        return defaultValue;

    public String toString() {
        return name;

  public void jsonWrite(WriteJson writeJson, EntityBean bean) throws IOException {
    if (!jsonSerialize) {
    Object value = getValueIntercept(bean);
    if (value == null) {
    } else {
      scalarType.jsonWrite(writeJson.gen(), name, value);

  public void jsonRead(JsonParser ctx, EntityBean bean) throws IOException {
    if (!jsonDeserialize) {

    JsonToken event = ctx.nextToken();
    if (JsonToken.VALUE_NULL == event) {
      setValue(bean, null);
    } else {
      // expect to read non-null json value
      Object objValue = scalarType.jsonRead(ctx, event);
      setValue(bean, objValue);

Related Classes of com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty

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