package hermesTest.postOfficeTests;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static;
import hermes.Hermes;
import hermes.postoffice.OscMessage;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import processing.core.PApplet;
public class OSCMessageJUnitTests {
PApplet _sketch;
public void setUp() {
_sketch = new PApplet();
public void tearDown() {
_sketch = null;
public void testGoodData() {
//make an object array of all valid arguments
Object[] testObjects = new Object[3];
testObjects[0] = new Integer(10);
testObjects[1] = new String("Oh hai");
testObjects[2] = new Float(1.0);
//don't need a valid address.. just testing the argument retrieval functionality
OscMessage message = new OscMessage("/DummyAddress", testObjects);
//make sure the number of arguments is correct
assertEquals(message.getNumberOfRemainingArguments(), 3);
//Should be an int
assertEquals(message.getTypeTagOfNextArgument(), "i");
//check the value
int intValue = message.getAndRemoveInt();
assertEquals((Integer)intValue, (Integer)testObjects[0]);
//make sure the number of arguments is correct
assertEquals(message.getNumberOfRemainingArguments(), 2);
//Should be a string
assertEquals(message.getTypeTagOfNextArgument(), "s");
//check the value
String stringValue = message.getAndRemoveString();
assertEquals((String)stringValue, (String)testObjects[1]);
//make sure the number of arguments is correct
assertEquals(message.getNumberOfRemainingArguments(), 1);
//Should be a float
assertEquals(message.getTypeTagOfNextArgument(), "f");
//check the value
Float floatValue= message.getAndRemoveFloat();
assertEquals((Float)floatValue, (Float)testObjects[2]);
assertEquals(message.getNumberOfRemainingArguments(), 0);
public void textBadMethodCalls() {
//make an object array of all valid arguments
Object[] testObjects = new Object[3];
testObjects[0] = new Integer(10);
testObjects[1] = new String("Oh hai");
testObjects[2] = new Float(1.0);
//don't need a valid address.. just testing the argument retrieval functionality
OscMessage message = new OscMessage("/DummyAddress", testObjects);
try {
fail( "Should throw AssertionError" );
} catch (AssertionError expectedException) {
try {
fail( "Should throw AssertionError" );
} catch (AssertionError expectedException) {
//remove the element to check Int
try {
fail( "Should throw AssertionError" );
} catch (AssertionError expectedException) {
//empty the OSCMessage and then check errors..
try {
fail( "Should throw AssertionError because the OSCMessage is empty" );
} catch (AssertionError expectedException) {
try {
fail( "Should throw AssertionError because the OSCMessage is empty" );
} catch (AssertionError expectedException) {
try {
fail( "Should throw AssertionError because the OSCMessage is empty" );
} catch (AssertionError expectedException) {
try {
fail( "Should throw AssertionError because the OSCMessage is empty" );
} catch (AssertionError expectedException) {
//Lastly, check nonexistent typetag
class Impossible {
//make a message that contains an 'Impossible'
testObjects = new Object[1];
testObjects[0] = new Impossible();
message = new OscMessage("/DummyAddress", testObjects);
try {
fail( "Should throw AssertionError because the tag does not exist" );
} catch (AssertionError expectedException) {