package hermes.postoffice;
import hermes.Hermes;
import hermes.Pair;
import hermes.HObject;
import hermes.hshape.HShape;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import processing.core.PVector;
* Listens for OSC, mouse, and keyboard messages;
* can also send OSC messages.
* <p>
* Objects can register "subscriptions" with the P.O.
* for a particular type of message.
* When that type of message is received, P.O. tells subscribers
* and passes along the information stored in the message.
public class PostOffice implements KeyListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseWheelListener,
com.illposed.osc.OSCListener {
//OSCPorts for listening and receiving
private com.illposed.osc.OSCPortIn _receive;
private com.illposed.osc.OSCPortOut _send;
//Maps that associate subscribers with messages they want to receive
private HashMultimap<Integer, KeySubscriber> _keySubs;
private HashMultimap<POCodes.Button, Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>> _mouseSubs;
private ArrayList<MouseWheelSubscriber> _mouseWheelSubs;
private HashMultimap<String, OscSubscriber> _oscSubs;
//Stores messages as they are received, which are then picked off by checkMail()
private LinkedList<KeyMessage> _keyQueue;
private LinkedList<MouseMessage> _mouseQueue;
private LinkedList<MouseWheelMessage> _mouseWheelQueue;
private LinkedList<OscMessage> _oscQueue;
//Keeps track of which keys are pressed for quick tracking
private HashSet<Integer> _pressedKeys;
//Keeps track of mouse location for quick tracking
private PVector _mouseLocation;
private PVector _pMouseLocation; //previous mouse location
//Boolean stating whether osc is on or off
private boolean _onOSC;
/* See bottom for key constants */
* Constructor with no OSC.
public PostOffice() {
_onOSC = false;
* Constructor with OSC running locally.
* Messages can be sent to and received from other programs running on the same computer.
* @param portIn port to receive messages on
* @param portOut port to send messages on
public PostOffice(int portIn, int portOut) {
assert portIn > 1000 : "PostOffice constructor: portIn must be a valid port number, greater than 1000";
assert portOut > 1000 : "PostOffice constructor: portOut must be a valid port number, greater than 1000";
_onOSC = true;
//Start OSC and set listener
try {
_receive = new com.illposed.osc.OSCPortIn(portIn);
} catch (SocketException e) {
//throw new OscServerException("OSC Port In on " + portIn + " could not start");
assert false : "PostOffice Error: OSC Port In on " + portIn + " could not start";
try {
_send = new com.illposed.osc.OSCPortOut(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),portOut);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
//throw new OscServerException("OSC Port Out on " + portOut + " could not start");
assert false : "PostOffice Error: OSC Port In on " + portIn + " could not start";
} catch (SocketException e) {
//throw new OscServerException("OSC Port Out on " + portOut + " could not start");
assert false : "PostOffice Error: OSC Port In on " + portIn + " could not start";
* Constructor for PostOffice that sends messages to non-local address (ie over the internet).
* @param portIn port to receive messages on
* @param portOut port to send messages on
* @param netAddress url of location to send messages to
public PostOffice(int portIn, int portOut, String netAddress) {
assert portIn > 1000 : "PostOffice constructor: portIn must be a valid port number, greater than 1000";
assert portOut > 1000 : "PostOffice constructor: portOut must be a valid port number, greater than 1000";
assert netAddress != null : "PostOffice constructor: netAddress must be a valid String";
_onOSC = true;
//Start OSC and set listener
try {
_receive = new com.illposed.osc.OSCPortIn(portIn);
} catch (SocketException e) {
// throw new OscServerException("OSC Port In on " + portIn + " could not start");
assert false : "PostOffice Error: OSC Port In on " + portIn + " could not start";
try {
_send = new com.illposed.osc.OSCPortOut(InetAddress.getByName(netAddress), portOut);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
//throw new OscServerException("OSC Port Out on " + portOut + ", net address " + netAddress + " could not start");
assert false : "PostOffice Error: OSC Port In on " + portIn + " could not start";
} catch (SocketException e) {
//throw new OscServerException("OSC Port Out on " + portOut + ", net address " + netAddress + " could not start");
assert false : "PostOffice Error: OSC Port In on " + portIn + " could not start";
* Helper for constructors.
* Sets PO as listener on PApplet, and initializes internal lists.
private void POInit() {
//Set PostOffice to listen for events
//Initialize subscription list and message queue
_keySubs = HashMultimap.create();
_pressedKeys = new HashSet<Integer>();
_mouseSubs = HashMultimap.create();
_mouseLocation = new PVector(-100,-100,0);
_mouseWheelSubs = new ArrayList<MouseWheelSubscriber>();
_keyQueue = new LinkedList<KeyMessage>();
_mouseQueue = new LinkedList<MouseMessage>();
_mouseWheelQueue = new LinkedList<MouseWheelMessage>();
if(_onOSC) {
_oscSubs = HashMultimap.create();
_oscQueue = new LinkedList<OscMessage>();
//Methods for registering subscriptions
* Registers a subscription to messages sent by a specific keyboard key.
* @param sub the KeySubscriber signing up
* @param key the code of the keyboard key whose messages the subscriber wants (use value from POConstants)
public void subscribe(KeySubscriber sub, int key) {
assert sub != null : "PostOffice.registerKeySubscription: sub must be a valid KeySubscriber";
_keySubs.put(key, sub);
* Registers a subscription to messages sent by a specific keyboard key.
* @param sub the KeySubscriber signing up
* @param key the char of the keyboard key whose messages the subscriber wants
public void subscribe(KeySubscriber sub, char key) {
assert sub != null : "PostOffice.registerKeySubscription: sub must be a valid KeySubscriber";
Integer keyCode = Character.getNumericValue(key);
_keySubs.put(keyCode, sub);
* Registers a subscription to messages sent by a specific mouse button.
* <p>
* Buttons are defined by constants in the POConstants class;
* subscribe with "NO_BUTTON" to receive information about mouse movements when no button is pressed.
* @param sub the MouseSubscriber signing up
* @param button the code of the button whose messages the subscriber wants (use value from POContants)
public void subscribe(MouseSubscriber sub, POCodes.Button button) {
assert sub != null : "PostOffice.registerMouseSubscription: sub must be a valid MouseSubscriber";
_mouseSubs.put(button, new Pair<MouseSubscriber, HShape>(sub, null));
* A version of registerMouseSubscription that subscribes only to the requested button events
* that occur in the given region.
* @param sub the MouseSubscriber signing up
* @param button the code of the button whose messages the subscriber wants (use value from POContants)
* @param region the region on screen the subscriber wants to limit its subscription to
public void subscribe(MouseSubscriber sub, POCodes.Button button, HShape region) {
assert sub != null : "PostOffice.registerMouseSubscription: sub must be a valid MouseSubscriber";
assert region != null : "PostOffice.registerMouseSubscription: region must be a valid Shape";
_mouseSubs.put(button, new Pair<MouseSubscriber, HShape>(sub, region));
* Registers a subscription to the mouse wheel (one subscription gets you everything).
* @param sub the MouseWheelSubscriber signing up
public void subscribe(MouseWheelSubscriber sub) {
assert sub != null : "PostOffice.registerMouseWheelSubscription: sub must be a valid MouseWheelSubscriber";
* Registers a subscription to messages received on a specific OSC address.
* @param sub the OscSubscriber signing up
* @param address the address whose messages the subscriber wants
public void subscribe(OscSubscriber sub, String address) {
assert _onOSC : "PostOffice.registerOscSubscription: cannot register an OSC subscription unless OSC is on";
assert sub != null : "PostOffice.registerOscSubscription: sub must be a valid OscSubscriber";
assert address != null : "PostOffice.registerOscSubscription: address must be a valid String";
_oscSubs.put(address, sub);
_receive.addListener(address, this);
* Removes a mouse subscription
* @param sub the subscriber to be removed
* @return true if subscriber was present and removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeMouseSubscriptions(MouseSubscriber sub) {
if(_mouseSubs.containsValue(sub)) {
// Find key-value pairs containing sub
Set<Map.Entry<POCodes.Button, Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>>> all = _mouseSubs.entries();
Set<Map.Entry<POCodes.Button, Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>>> toRemove = new HashSet<Map.Entry<POCodes.Button, Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>>>();
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<POCodes.Button, Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>>> iter = all.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<POCodes.Button, Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>> next =;
if(next.getValue().getFirst() == sub) {
// Remove references
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<POCodes.Button, Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>>> iter = toRemove.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<POCodes.Button, Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>> next =;
_mouseSubs.remove(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Removes a key subscription
* @param sub the subscriber to be removed
* @return true if subscriber was present and removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeKeySubscriptions(KeySubscriber sub) {
if(_keySubs.containsValue(sub)) {
// Find key-value pairs containing sub
Set<Map.Entry<Integer, KeySubscriber>> all = _keySubs.entries();
Set<Map.Entry<Integer, KeySubscriber>> toRemove = new HashSet<Map.Entry<Integer, KeySubscriber>>();
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, KeySubscriber>> iter = all.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<Integer, KeySubscriber> next =;
if(next.getValue() == sub) {
// Remove references
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, KeySubscriber>> iter = toRemove.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<Integer, KeySubscriber> next =;
_keySubs.remove(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Removes a mouse wheel subscription
* @param sub the subscriber to be removed
* @return true if subscriber was present and removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeMouseWheelSubscriptions(KeySubscriber sub) {
return _mouseWheelSubs.remove(sub);
* Removes an OSC subscription
* @param sub the subscriber to be removed
* @return true if subscriber was present and removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeOSCSubscriptions(KeySubscriber sub) {
if(_onOSC) {
if(_oscSubs.containsValue(sub)) {
// Find key-value pairs containing sub
Set<Map.Entry<String, OscSubscriber>> all = _oscSubs.entries();
Set<Map.Entry<String, OscSubscriber>> toRemove = new HashSet<Map.Entry<String, OscSubscriber>>();
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<String, OscSubscriber>> iter = all.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<String, OscSubscriber> next =;
if(next.getValue() == sub) {
// Remove references
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<String, OscSubscriber>> iter = toRemove.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<String, OscSubscriber> next =;
_oscSubs.remove(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
* Helper method to remove all subscriptions for given HObject
* @param sub HObject to remove from PostOffice
* @return true if HObject had subscriptions that were removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeAllSubscriptions(HObject sub) {
boolean key = removeKeySubscriptions(sub);
boolean mouse = removeMouseSubscriptions(sub);
boolean mouseWheel = removeMouseWheelSubscriptions(sub);
boolean osc = removeOSCSubscriptions(sub);
if(key || mouse || mouseWheel || osc) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Resets all subscriptions
* Use if passing subscriptions between Worlds
public void resetSubscriptions() {
_keySubs = HashMultimap.create();
_mouseSubs = HashMultimap.create();
_mouseWheelSubs = new ArrayList<MouseWheelSubscriber>();
if(_onOSC) {
_oscSubs = HashMultimap.create();
//Utilities for checking key presses and mouse location quickly
* Utility for checking if key is pressed
* @param keyCode the key being checked
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise
public boolean isKeyPressed(int keyCode) {
return _pressedKeys.contains(keyCode);
* Utility for checking if mouse is in a region
* @param region region to check
* @return true if mouse is in region
public boolean isMouseInRegion(HShape region) {
return region.contains(_mouseLocation);
* Utility for obtaining current mouse location
* @return mouse location
public PVector getMouseLocation() {
return _mouseLocation;
* Utility for obtaining previous mouse location
* @return mouse location on last update
public PVector getPMouseLocation() {
return _pMouseLocation;
//Methods for sending OscMessages
* Sends an OscMessage on the given address containing only the given int.
* @param address address message is to be sent on
* @param send integer to be sent
public void sendInt(String address, int send) {
assert _onOSC : "PostOffice.sendInt: cannot send an OSC message while OSC is off";
assert address != null : "PostOffice.sendInt: address must be a valid String";
Object[] array = new Object[1];
array[0] = (Integer) send;
com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage mail = new com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage(address, array);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
// throw new OscSendException("Error sending message " + send + " on " + address);
assert false : "sendInt Error: Error sending message " + send + " on " + address;
* Sends an OscMessage on the given address containing only the given float.
* @param address address message is to be sent on
* @param send float to be sent
public void sendFloat(String address, float send) {
assert _onOSC : "PostOffice.sendFloat: cannot send an OSC message while OSC is off";
assert address != null : "PostOffice.sendFloat: address must be a valid String";
Object[] array = new Object[1];
array[0] = (Float) send;
com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage mail = new com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage(address, array);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
//throw new OscSendException("Error sending message " + send + " on " + address);
assert false : "sendFloat Error: Error sending message " + send + " on " + address;
* Sends an OscMessage on the given address containing only the given boolean.
* @param address address message is to be sent on
* @param send boolean to be sent
public void sendBoolean(String address, boolean send) {
assert _onOSC : "PostOffice.sendBoolean: cannot send an OSC message while OSC is off";
assert address != null : "PostOffice.sendBoolean: address must be a valid String";
Object[] array = new Object[1];
array[0] = (Boolean) send;
com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage mail = new com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage(address, array);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
//throw new OscSendException("Error sending message " + send + " on " + address);
assert false : "sendBoolean Error: Error sending message " + send + " on " + address;
* Sends an OscMessage on the given address containing the contents of the given list.
* @param address address message is to be sent on
* @param send List to be sent
public void sendList(String address, ArrayList<Object> send) {
assert _onOSC : "PostOffice.sendList: cannot send an OSC message while OSC is off";
assert address != null : "PostOffice.sendList: address must be a valid String";
assert send != null : "PostOffice.sendList: send must be a valid ArrayList";
int size = send.size();
Object[] array = new Object[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
array[i] = send.get(i);
com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage mail = new com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage(address, array);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
String message = "sendList Error: problem sending message ";
for(Object o : array) {
message += o + " ";
message += "on address " + address + "\n";
//throw new OscSendException(message);
assert false : message;
* Command that sends all messages queued by the PostOffice to subscribers.
* <p>
* Called at end of update loop (for thread safety).
public void checkMail() {
//Send all the messages in each queue to the corresponding subscribers
synchronized(_keyQueue) {
while(!_keyQueue.isEmpty()) {
KeyMessage m = _keyQueue.poll();
int key = m.getKeyCode();
if(m.isPressed()) { //Add to the pressed key array if pressed
Set<KeySubscriber> subs = _keySubs.get(key);
for(KeySubscriber sub : subs) {
synchronized(_mouseQueue) {
while(!_mouseQueue.isEmpty()) {
MouseMessage m = _mouseQueue.poll();
_mouseLocation.x = m.getX();
_mouseLocation.y = m.getY();
POCodes.Button button = m.getButton();
Set<Pair<MouseSubscriber,HShape>> subs = _mouseSubs.get(button);
for(Pair<?, ?> p : subs) {
HShape region = (HShape) p.getSecond();
if(region == null || region.contains(m.getX(), m.getY()))
((MouseSubscriber) p.getFirst()).receive(m);
synchronized(_mouseWheelQueue) {
while(!_mouseWheelQueue.isEmpty()) {
MouseWheelMessage m = _mouseWheelQueue.poll();
for(MouseWheelSubscriber sub : _mouseWheelSubs) {
if(_onOSC) { //Only check OSC queue is OSC server is running
synchronized(_oscQueue) {
while(!_oscQueue.isEmpty()) {
OscMessage m = _oscQueue.poll();
String address = m.getAddress();
Set<OscSubscriber> subs = _oscSubs.get(address);
for(OscSubscriber sub : subs) {
//Methods defined by implemented interfaces for handling mouse+keyboard input
//Get keyboard events
* Ignore keyTyped events.
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
* On a key press, make a new KeyMessage and add it to the queue.
* Note: keyPressed events will repeat at rate set by OS if key is held down;
* users should control this with keyReleased events.
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
KeyMessage m = new KeyMessage(e.getKeyCode(), e.getKeyChar(), true);
synchronized(_keyQueue) {
* On a key release, make a new KeyMessage and add it to the queue.
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
KeyMessage m = new KeyMessage(e.getKeyCode(), e.getKeyChar(), false);
synchronized(_keyQueue) {
//Get mouse clicks and releases
* Ignore mouseClicked events.
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
* On a mouse press, make a new MouseMessage and add it to the queue.
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
MouseMessage m = new MouseMessage(getMouseButton(e), POCodes.Click.PRESSED, e.getX(), e.getY());
synchronized(_mouseQueue) {
* On a mouse button release, make a new MouseMessage and add it to the queue.
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
MouseMessage m = new MouseMessage(getMouseButton(e), POCodes.Click.RELEASED, e.getX(), e.getY());
synchronized(_mouseQueue) {
* Ignore mouseEntered events.
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
* Ignore mouseExited events.
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
//Get changes in mouse location
* When the mouse is dragged, create a MouseMessage and add it to the group.
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
MouseMessage m = new MouseMessage(getMouseButton(e), POCodes.Click.DRAGGED, e.getX(), e.getY());
synchronized(_mouseQueue) {
* When the mouse is moved, create a MouseMessage and add it to the queue.
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
MouseMessage m = new MouseMessage(getMouseButton(e), POCodes.Click.MOVED, e.getX(), e.getY());
synchronized(_mouseQueue) {
//Get mouse wheel movement
* When the mouse wheel is moved, create a MouseWheelMessage and add it to the queue.
public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) {
MouseWheelMessage m = new MouseWheelMessage(e.getWheelRotation());
synchronized(_mouseWheelQueue) {
//Get OSC messages from illposed
* Accepts and handles messages recieved by osc server.
* Called from within illposed library.
public void acceptMessage(Date time, com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage message) {
OscMessage m = new OscMessage(message);
synchronized(_oscQueue) {
* Finds the proper mouse button code from a Swing mouse event.
* Use instead of e.getButton() because it may not work for some events on some systems.
* @param e the MouseEvent
* @return the mouse button code
public static POCodes.Button getMouseButton(MouseEvent e) {
return POCodes.Button.LEFT;
else if(SwingUtilities.isMiddleMouseButton(e))
return POCodes.Button.MIDDLE;
else if(SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e))
return POCodes.Button.RIGHT;
return POCodes.Button.NO;