package hermes.postoffice;
import processing.core.PVector;
* Message representing mouse actions.
* <p>
* Type of MouseMessage determined by the button pressed.
* <p>
* Subscription to a mouse button gets you press, release, and drag events;
* subscription to POConstants.Button.NO gets you mouse moved messages.
public class MouseMessage implements Message {
//Button clicked in message
//Get buttons from MouseEvent, 1 is button 1, etc.
//0 is no buttons
private POCodes.Button _buttonClicked;
//Type of action designated by message
private POCodes.Click _actionType;
private int _x, _y;
* Creates a new MouseMessage.
* @param buttonClicked
* @param x
* @param y
public MouseMessage(POCodes.Button buttonClicked, POCodes.Click actionType, int x, int y) {
_buttonClicked = buttonClicked;
_actionType = actionType;
_x = x;
_y = y;
* Gets the button pressed on the mouse.
* Use constants defined in POCodes.Button
* to figure out what button has been pressed
* @return button type, compare against POCodes.Button
public POCodes.Button getButton() {
return _buttonClicked;
* Gets the action designated by the message.
* Compare w/ POCodes.Click to determined actions.
* @return action type, compare against POCodes.Click
public POCodes.Click getAction() {
return _actionType;
* Gets the x location of the mouse
* @return int corresponding to x location
public int getX() {
return _x;
* Gets the y location of the mouse
* @return int corresponding to y location
public int getY() {
return _y;
* Gets position of mouse as PVector
* @return PVector w/ x,y coordinates
public PVector getPosition() {
return new PVector(_x, _y);
* Checks for equality of MouseMessages by comparing mouse button.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o instanceof MouseMessage) {
MouseMessage m = (MouseMessage) o;
return m.getButton() == this.getButton();
return false;