package hermes.hshape;
import hermes.Hermes;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PVector;
import static hermes.HermesMath.*;
* Represents an axis-aligned bounding rectangle.
public class HRectangle extends HShape {
private PVector _min, _max;
public static int mode = 0;
* Creates a new Rectangle based on current rectMode.
* <p>
* Default - a and b define the upper left corner, and c and d are width and height,
* see Processing reference on rectMode() for details on other modes.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
public HRectangle(float a, float b, float c, float d) {
super(new PVector(a,b,0));
PApplet p = Hermes.getPApplet();
if(p != null) {
switch(p.g.rectMode) {
case PApplet.CORNER:
_min = zeroVector();
_max = new PVector(c,d);
case PApplet.CENTER:
_min = new PVector(-c/2,-d/2);
_max = new PVector(c/2,d/2);
case PApplet.CORNERS:
_min = zeroVector();
_max = new PVector(c-a,d-b);
case PApplet.RADIUS:
_min = new PVector(-c,-d,0);
_max = new PVector(c,d,0);
} else {
_min = zeroVector();
_max = new PVector(c,d);
* Creates a new Rectangle based on current rectMode.
* <p>
* Default - ab.x and ab.y define the upper left corner, and c and d are width and height,
* see Processing reference on rectMode() for details on other modes.
* @param ab
* @param c
* @param d
public HRectangle(PVector ab, float c, float d) {
this(ab.x, ab.y, c, d);
* Creates a new Rectangle based on current rectMode.
* <p>
* Default - ab.x and ab.y define the upper left corner, and cd.x and cd.y are width and height
* see Processing reference on rectMode() for details on other modes
* @param ab
* @param cd
public HRectangle(PVector ab, PVector cd) {
this(ab.x, ab.y, cd.x, cd.y);
* Creates a new Rectangle.
* <p>
* Directly assigns fields, does not link with rectMode.
* @param position - position of rectangle
* @param min - location of top left corner in relation to position
* @param max - location of bottom right corner in relation to position
public HRectangle(PVector position, PVector min, PVector max) {
_min = min;
_max = max;
* @return Position of corner with lowest x,y values in Rectangle coordinates (shape's position is (0,0)).
public PVector getMin() {
return _min;
* @return Position of corner with highest x,y values in Rectangle coordinates (shape's position is (0,0)).
public PVector getMax() {
return _max;
* @return Position of corner with lowest x,y values in world coordinates.
public PVector getAbsMin() {
return PVector.add(_min, _position);
* @return Position of corner with highest x,y values in world coordinates.
public PVector getAbsMax() {
return PVector.add(_max, _position);
public float getWidth() {
return _max.x - _min.x;
public float getHeight() {
return _max.y - _min.y;
* @return The absolute position of the rectangle's geometric center.
public PVector getCenter() {
PVector center = PVector.add(_max, _min);
return center;
* Scales the rectangle's width and height about its position.
* @param xScale the x-axis scale factor
* @param yScale the y-axis scale factor
public void scale(float xScale, float yScale) {
assert xScale > 0 : "scale: xScale must be greater than zero";
assert yScale > 0 : "scale: yScale must be greater than zero";
_min.x *= xScale;
_max.x *= xScale;
_min.y *= yScale;
_max.y *= yScale;
public PVector projectionVector(HShape other) {
assert other != null : "Rectangle.projectionVector: other must be a valid rectangle";
PVector opposite = other.projectionVector(this);
return opposite == null ? null : reverse(opposite);
public PVector projectionVector(HCircle other) {
PVector opposite = other.projectionVector(this);
return opposite == null ? null : reverse(opposite);
public PVector projectionVector(HPolygon other) {
PVector opposite = other.projectionVector(this);
return opposite == null ? null : reverse(opposite);
public PVector projectionVector(HRectangle other) {
if(other == this) // no self-projection
return null;
// calculate the distance between rect centers
PVector center1 = getCenter();
PVector center2 = other.getCenter();
float xDist = center1.x - center2.x;
float yDist = center1.y - center2.y;
// the projection is distance minus combined side length
float xProject = Math.abs(xDist) - (_max.x - _min.x + other._max.x - other._min.x)/2;
float yProject = Math.abs(yDist) - (_max.y - _min.y + other._max.y - other._min.y)/2;
// they collide if they overlap on both axes
if( xProject > 0 || yProject > 0)
return null;
// the projection vector is the smallest projection, in direction opposite the distance vector
return (xProject > yProject ?
new PVector(xProject * sign(xDist), 0.0f) :
new PVector(0.0f, yProject * sign(yDist)));
public HRectangle getBoundingBox() {
return this;
* Whether this rectangle completely encloses another
* (no part of other protrudes from this).
* @param other the other rectangle
* @return whether it is completely contained
public boolean contains(HRectangle other) {
float minX1 = getAbsMin().x;
float minY1 = getAbsMin().y;
float maxX1 = getAbsMax().x;
float maxY1 = getAbsMax().y;
float minX2 = other.getAbsMin().x;
float minY2 = other.getAbsMin().y;
float maxX2 = other.getAbsMax().x;
float maxY2 = other.getAbsMax().y;
return minX1 <= minX2 && minY1 <= minY2 &&
maxX1 >= maxX2 && maxY1 >= maxY2;
public boolean contains(float x, float y) {
return x >= getAbsMin().x && y >= getAbsMin().y && x <= getAbsMax().x && y <= getAbsMax().y;
public boolean contains(PVector point) {
return contains(point.x, point.y);
public void draw() {
public String toString() {
return "Position:" + _position + "\nMin:" + _min + "\nMax:" + _max;