package hermes.animation;
import hermes.Hermes;
import processing.core.PImage;
public class Tileset {
private PImage _tileImage; //a tile set aka a tile map aka a sprite sheet
private int _tileWidth; //width of tiles in the sheet, in pixels
private int _tileHeight;//height of tiles in the sheet, in pixels
private PImage[][] _slicedTiles; //we preprocess the images by cutting them up and storing them in this grid
* @param tileImage PImage of tileset to cut up
* @param tileWidth width of tiles in the set, in pixels
* @param tileHeight height of tiles in the set, in pixels
public Tileset(PImage tileImage, int tileWidth, int tileHeight) {
_tileImage = tileImage;
_tileWidth = tileWidth;
_tileHeight = tileHeight;
//initialize array, figure out how many rows and cols (note: _slicedTiles[y][x])
_slicedTiles = new PImage[tileImage.height / _tileHeight][tileImage.width / _tileWidth];
//cut the image into slices
for (int row = 0; row < _tileImage.height / _tileHeight; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < _tileImage.width / _tileWidth; col++) {
//Create a new image slice that corresponds to the size of the tiles in this set
PImage slice = Hermes.getPApplet().createImage(_tileWidth, _tileHeight, Hermes.getPApplet().ARGB);
//Copy pixels from the originally sourced image
slice.copy(_tileImage, col * _tileWidth, row * _tileHeight, _tileWidth, _tileHeight, 0, 0, _tileWidth, _tileHeight);
_slicedTiles[row][col] = slice; //add the slice to our array of slices
* Get a single tile from the Tilemap
* @param row row that the tile is in
* @param col col that the tile is in
* @return a PImage of the tile
public PImage getTile (int row, int col) {
return _slicedTiles[row][col];
* Get the width of each tile
* @return the width of each tile
public int getTileWidth() {
return _tileWidth;
* Get the height of each tile
* @return the height of each tile
public int getTileHeight() {
return _tileHeight;
public int getNumberOfCols() {
return _slicedTiles[0].length;
public int getNumberOfRows() {
return _slicedTiles.length;
* Get a row of PImages from the Tileset
* <br>Note: You might find this handy for building an Animation for an AnimatedSprite
* @param row the index of the row to be returned
* @return the row of PImages
public PImage[] getRowOfTiles(int row) {
return _slicedTiles[row];