/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 HomeAway, Inc.
* All rights reserved. http://www.perf4j.org
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.perf4j.helpers;
import org.perf4j.GroupedTimingStatistics;
import org.perf4j.TimingStatistics;
import javax.management.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* This class provides a wrapper around GroupedTimingStatistics data so that this performance information can be
* exposed through JMX.
* @author Alex Devine
* @author Xu Huisheng
public class StatisticsExposingMBean extends NotificationBroadcasterSupport implements DynamicMBean {
* Logging classes use this as the default ObjectName of this MBean when registering it with an MBeanServer.
public static final String DEFAULT_MBEAN_NAME = "org.perf4j:type=StatisticsExposingMBean,name=Perf4J";
* The type of the Notifications sent when a statistics value is outside of the acceptable range.
public static final String OUT_OF_RANGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE = "org.perf4j.threshold.exceeded";
* When mbean was deployed multi-times, just throw an Exception.
public static final String COLLISION_DONOTHING = "DONOTHING";
* When mbean was deployed multi-times, using the new one to replace the old one.
public static final String COLLISION_REPLACE = "REPLACE";
* When mbean was deployed multi-times, ignore the new one, still using the old one.
public static final String COLLISION_IGNORE = "IGNORE";
* The name under which this MBean is registered in the MBean server.
protected ObjectName mBeanName;
* This MBeanInfo exposes this MBean's management interface to the MBeanServer.
protected MBeanInfo managementInterface;
* The tags whose statistics values are being exposed.
protected Collection<String> tagsToExpose;
* These AcceptableRangeConfigurations force a notification to be sent if a statistic is updated to a value
* outside the allowable range. This Map maps acceptable ranges to whether or not the LAST check of the attribute
* value was good or bad. This is used to ensure only a single notification is sent when an attribute crosses the
* threshold to go out of range.
protected Map<AcceptableRangeConfiguration, Boolean> acceptableRanges;
* This single thread pool is used to send notifications if any values are outside of the acceptable ranges
* (this is necessary because the JMX spec states that the sendNotification method may be synchronous). This
* member variable will be null if no acceptable ranges are specified.
protected ExecutorService outOfRangeNotifierThread;
* This sequence number is required by the JMX Notification API.
protected long outOfRangeNotificationSeqNo;
* The current underlying timing statistics whose values are exposed as MBean attributes.
protected GroupedTimingStatistics currentTimingStatistics;
* Pattern used to parse requested attribute names into the tag name and the statistic name
protected Pattern attributeNamePattern = Pattern.compile("(.*)(Mean|StdDev|Min|Max|Count|TPS)");
* Creates a new StatisticsExposingMBean whose management interface exposes performance attributes for the tags
* specified, and that sends notifications if attributes are outside of the acceptable ranges.
* @param mBeanName The name under which this MBean is registered in the MBean server
* @param tagsToExpose The names of the tags whose statistics should exposed. For each tag specified there will
* be 6 attributes whose getters are exposed: tagNameMean, tagNameStdDev, tagNameMin,
* tagNameMax, and tagNameCount and tagNameTPS
* @param acceptableRanges These acceptable ranges are used to send notifications if any of the monitored
* attributes go outside of the range.
public StatisticsExposingMBean(String mBeanName,
Collection<String> tagsToExpose,
Collection<AcceptableRangeConfiguration> acceptableRanges) {
//set mBeanName
if (mBeanName == null) {
try {
this.mBeanName = new ObjectName(mBeanName);
} catch (MalformedObjectNameException mone) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(mone);
//set acceptableRanges
if (acceptableRanges == null || acceptableRanges.isEmpty()) {
this.acceptableRanges = Collections.emptyMap();
} else {
this.acceptableRanges = new LinkedHashMap<AcceptableRangeConfiguration, Boolean>();
// initialize the last known value of the attribute as good
for (AcceptableRangeConfiguration acceptableRange : acceptableRanges) {
this.acceptableRanges.put(acceptableRange, Boolean.TRUE);
//ensure the attributeName on the range is valid
if (!attributeNamePattern.matcher(acceptableRange.getAttributeName()).matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Acceptable range attribute name " + acceptableRange.getAttributeName()
+ " invalid - must match pattern " + attributeNamePattern.pattern()
this.outOfRangeNotifierThread = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
this.tagsToExpose = new ArrayList<String>(tagsToExpose);
this.managementInterface = createMBeanInfoFromTagNames(tagsToExpose);
this.currentTimingStatistics = new GroupedTimingStatistics(); //just set empty so it's never null
* This method should be called to update the underlying timing statistics, which will correspondingly change the
* values of the exposed attributes.
* @param currentTimingStatistics The TimingStatistics to set, may not be null
public synchronized void updateCurrentTimingStatistics(GroupedTimingStatistics currentTimingStatistics) {
if (currentTimingStatistics == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("timing statistics may not be null");
this.currentTimingStatistics = currentTimingStatistics;
* This MBean operation method allows the caller to add a tag whose statistics should be exposed as attributes
* at runtime.
* @param tagName The name of the tag whose statistics should be exposed.
public void exposeTag(String tagName) {
this.managementInterface = createMBeanInfoFromTagNames(this.tagsToExpose);
* This MBean operation method allows the caller to remove, at runtime, a tag whose statistics are exposed.
* @param tagName The name of the tag whose statistics should be removed as attributes from this MBean.
* @return Whether or not the specified tag was previously exposed on this MBean.
public boolean removeTag(String tagName) {
boolean retVal = this.tagsToExpose.remove(tagName);
this.managementInterface = createMBeanInfoFromTagNames(this.tagsToExpose);
return retVal;
public synchronized Object getAttribute(String attribute)
throws AttributeNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException {
Matcher matcher = attributeNamePattern.matcher(attribute);
if (matcher.matches()) {
String tagName = matcher.group(1);
String statisticName = matcher.group(2);
TimingStatistics timingStats = currentTimingStatistics.getStatisticsByTag().get(tagName);
long windowLength = currentTimingStatistics.getStopTime() - currentTimingStatistics.getStartTime();
return getStatsValueRetrievers().get(statisticName).getStatsValue(timingStats, windowLength);
} else {
throw new AttributeNotFoundException("No attribute named " + attribute);
public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute)
throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException {
throw new AttributeNotFoundException("Statistics attributes are not writable");
public synchronized AttributeList getAttributes(String[] attributeNames) {
AttributeList retVal = new AttributeList();
for (String attributeName : attributeNames) {
try {
retVal.add(new Attribute(attributeName, getAttribute(attributeName)));
} catch (Exception e) {
//ignore - the absence of the attribute in the return list indicates there was an error
return retVal;
public AttributeList setAttributes(AttributeList attributes) {
//we don't support setting, so just return an empty list
return new AttributeList();
public Object invoke(String actionName, Object[] params, String[] signature)
throws MBeanException, ReflectionException {
if ("exposeTag".equals(actionName)) {
return null;
} else if ("removeTag".equals(actionName)) {
return removeTag(params[0].toString());
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported operation: " + actionName);
public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo() {
return managementInterface;
public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo() {
return managementInterface.getNotifications();
* Overridable helper method gets the Map of statistic name to StatsValueRetriever.
* @return The StatsValueRetriever Map.
protected Map<String, StatsValueRetriever> getStatsValueRetrievers() {
return StatsValueRetriever.DEFAULT_RETRIEVERS;
* Helper method creates an MBeanInfo object that contains 6 read only attributes for each tag name, each
* attribute representing a different statistic.
* @param tagNames The name of the tags whose statistics should be exposed as MBeanAttributes.
* @return The MBeanInfo that represents the management interface for this MBean.
protected MBeanInfo createMBeanInfoFromTagNames(Collection<String> tagNames) {
MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes = new MBeanAttributeInfo[tagNames.size() * getStatsValueRetrievers().size()];
int i = 0;
for (String tagName : tagNames) {
for (Map.Entry<String, StatsValueRetriever> statNameAndValueRetriever :
getStatsValueRetrievers().entrySet()) {
String statName = statNameAndValueRetriever.getKey();
StatsValueRetriever statsValueRetriever = statNameAndValueRetriever.getValue();
attributes[i++] = new MBeanAttributeInfo(tagName + statName,
"Returns " + statName + " for tag " + tagName,
true /* readable */,
false /* not writable */,
false /* not "is" getter */);
MBeanOperationInfo[] operations = new MBeanOperationInfo[2]; //exposeTag and removeTag
operations[0] = new MBeanOperationInfo("exposeTag",
"Allows the caller to add a monitored tag at runtime",
new MBeanParameterInfo[]{
new MBeanParameterInfo("tagName",
"The name of the tag to expose")
operations[1] = new MBeanOperationInfo("removeTag",
"Allows the caller to remove a monitored tag at runtime",
new MBeanParameterInfo[]{
new MBeanParameterInfo("tagName",
"The name of the tag to remove")
MBeanNotificationInfo[] notificationInfos;
if (acceptableRanges.isEmpty()) {
//then we don't send any out-of-range notifications
notificationInfos = new MBeanNotificationInfo[0];
} else {
notificationInfos = new MBeanNotificationInfo[]{
new MBeanNotificationInfo(
"Notification sent if any statistics move outside of the specified acceptable ranges"
return new MBeanInfo(getClass().getName(),
"Timing Statistics",
null /* no constructors */,
* This helper method sends notifications if any of the acceptable ranges detects an attribute value that is
* outside of the specified range. This method should only be called when the lock on this object's monitor is held.
protected void sendNotificationsIfValuesNotAcceptable() {
//send notifications if any values are outside the acceptable range, but only if the LAST check was good
for (Map.Entry<AcceptableRangeConfiguration, Boolean> acceptableRangeAndWasGood : acceptableRanges.entrySet()) {
AcceptableRangeConfiguration acceptableRange = acceptableRangeAndWasGood.getKey();
boolean lastCheckWasGood = acceptableRangeAndWasGood.getValue();
double attributeValue;
try {
attributeValue = ((Number) getAttribute(acceptableRange.getAttributeName())).doubleValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
//shouldn't happen
boolean isValueInRange = acceptableRange.isInRange(attributeValue);
//update the lastCheckGood value and send the notification
if (lastCheckWasGood && !isValueInRange) {
sendOutOfRangeNotification(attributeValue, acceptableRange);
* Helper method is used to send the JMX notification because the attribute value doesn't fall within the
* acceptable range. This method should only be called when the lock on this object's monitor is held.
* @param attributeValue The attribute value that falls outside the threshold
* @param acceptableRange The AcceptableRangeConfiguration used to constrain the acceptable value
protected void sendOutOfRangeNotification(final double attributeValue,
final AcceptableRangeConfiguration acceptableRange) {
outOfRangeNotifierThread.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String errorMessage = "Attribute value " + attributeValue + " not in range " + acceptableRange;
sendNotification(new Notification(OUT_OF_RANGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE,