/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 HomeAway, Inc.
* All rights reserved. http://www.perf4j.org
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.perf4j.helpers;
import org.perf4j.GroupedTimingStatistics;
import org.perf4j.TimingStatistics;
import java.util.Map;
* This helper formatter class outputs {@link org.perf4j.GroupedTimingStatistics} in a comma-separated value format.
* This class supports two main types of formats:
* <p/>
* <ul>
* <li>Pivoted output, where each GroupedTimingStatistics is output as a single line. The client must specify
* which tags from the GroupedTimingStatistics should have its values output.
* <li>Non-pivoted output, where each individual tag in the GroupedTimingStatistics gets its own row.
* </ul>
* @author Alex Devine
public class GroupedTimingStatisticsCsvFormatter implements GroupedTimingStatisticsFormatter {
* The default format string for a non-pivoted formatter.
public static final String DEFAULT_FORMAT_STRING = "tag,start,stop,mean,min,max,stddev,count";
//whether or not the output is pivoted
private boolean pivot;
//valueRetrievers is only used if pivot is false, otherwise it's null.
private TimingStatsValueRetriever[] valueRetrievers;
//pivotedValueRetrievers is only used if pivot is true, otherwise it's null.
private GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever[] pivotedValueRetrievers;
// --- Constructors ---
* Creates a non-pivoted CSV formatter using the default format string.
public GroupedTimingStatisticsCsvFormatter() {
* Creates a CSV formatter which allows you to config which values are output.
* @param pivot Whether the output is pivoted (one row for each GroupedTimingStatisitcs) or not (one row
* for each tagged TimingStatistics item contained in the GroupedTimingStatisitcs).
* @param configString The config string defines which values will be output, and should be a comma-separated list
* of the values. Possible values if pivot is false are
* tag, start, stop, mean, min, max, stddev, count and tps. If pivot is true the possible
* values are start, stop, and then one of the statistics prefixed with the tag name. For
* example, a possible configString could be "start,stop,codeBlock1Mean,codeBlock2Max".
public GroupedTimingStatisticsCsvFormatter(boolean pivot, String configString) {
this.pivot = pivot;
String[] configElements = MiscUtils.splitAndTrim(configString, ",");
if (pivot) {
pivotedValueRetrievers = new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever[configElements.length];
for (int i = 0; i < configElements.length; i++) {
pivotedValueRetrievers[i] = parsePivotedTimingStatsConfig(configElements[i]);
} else {
valueRetrievers = new TimingStatsValueRetriever[configElements.length];
for (int i = 0; i < configElements.length; i++) {
valueRetrievers[i] = parseTimingStatsConfig(configElements[i]);
// --- formatting methods ---
* Formats the specified GroupedTimingStatistics instance for CSV output.
* @param stats the GroupedTimingStatistics instance, may not be null
* @return The output formatted according to the configString passed in on this formatter's constructor
public String format(GroupedTimingStatistics stats) {
String startTime = formatDate(stats.getStartTime());
String stopTime = formatDate(stats.getStopTime());
long windowLength = stats.getStopTime() - stats.getStartTime();
StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder();
if (pivot) {
for (int i = 0; i < pivotedValueRetrievers.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
pivotedValueRetrievers[i].appendValue(startTime, stopTime, windowLength, stats, retVal);
} else {
//iterate over each TimingStatistics item, creating one row for each
for (Map.Entry<String, TimingStatistics> tagAndStats : stats.getStatisticsByTag().entrySet()) {
String tag = tagAndStats.getKey();
TimingStatistics timingStats = tagAndStats.getValue();
for (int i = 0; i < valueRetrievers.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
valueRetrievers[i].appendValue(tag, startTime, stopTime, windowLength, timingStats, retVal);
return retVal.toString();
// --- helper methods ---
* Formats the specified time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. Subclasses may override to give a different output.
* @param timeInMillis The time in milliseconds.
* @return The formatted date/time String
protected String formatDate(long timeInMillis) {
return MiscUtils.formatDateIso8601(timeInMillis);
* Helper method parses the specified single element from a config string to return the corresponding
* GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever.
* @param configName The element from the config string
* @return The corresponding GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if configName is an unknown value designator
protected GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever parsePivotedTimingStatsConfig(String configName) {
if ("start".equalsIgnoreCase(configName)) {
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String start, String stop, long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats, StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if ("stop".equalsIgnoreCase(configName)) {
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String start, String stop, long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats, StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if (configName.toLowerCase().endsWith("mean")) {
final String tag = configName.substring(0, configName.length() - "mean".length());
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String start, String stop, long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats, StringBuilder toAppend) {
TimingStatistics timingStats = stats.getStatisticsByTag().get(tag);
toAppend.append((timingStats == null) ? "" : timingStats.getMean());
} else if (configName.toLowerCase().endsWith("min")) {
final String tag = configName.substring(0, configName.length() - "min".length());
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String start, String stop, long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats, StringBuilder toAppend) {
TimingStatistics timingStats = stats.getStatisticsByTag().get(tag);
toAppend.append((timingStats == null) ? "" : timingStats.getMin());
} else if (configName.toLowerCase().endsWith("max")) {
final String tag = configName.substring(0, configName.length() - "max".length());
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String start, String stop, long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats, StringBuilder toAppend) {
TimingStatistics timingStats = stats.getStatisticsByTag().get(tag);
toAppend.append((timingStats == null) ? "" : timingStats.getMax());
} else if (configName.toLowerCase().endsWith("stddev")) {
final String tag = configName.substring(0, configName.length() - "stddev".length());
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String start, String stop, long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats, StringBuilder toAppend) {
TimingStatistics timingStats = stats.getStatisticsByTag().get(tag);
toAppend.append((timingStats == null) ? "" : timingStats.getStandardDeviation());
} else if (configName.toLowerCase().endsWith("count")) {
final String tag = configName.substring(0, configName.length() - "count".length());
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String start, String stop, long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats, StringBuilder toAppend) {
TimingStatistics timingStats = stats.getStatisticsByTag().get(tag);
toAppend.append((timingStats == null) ? "" : timingStats.getCount());
} else if (configName.toLowerCase().endsWith("tps")) {
final String tag = configName.substring(0, configName.length() - "tps".length());
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String start, String stop, long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats, StringBuilder toAppend) {
TimingStatistics timingStats = stats.getStatisticsByTag().get(tag);
if (timingStats == null) {
} else {
toAppend.append((timingStats.getCount() * 1000.0) / windowLength);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown CSV format config string: " + configName);
* Helper method parses the specified single element from a config string to return the corresponding
* TimingStatsValueRetriever.
* @param configName The element from the config string
* @return The corresponding TimingStatsValueRetriever
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if configName is an unknown value designator
protected TimingStatsValueRetriever parseTimingStatsConfig(String configName) {
if ("tag".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
MiscUtils.escapeStringForCsv(tag, toAppend);
} else if ("start".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if ("stop".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if ("mean".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if ("min".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if ("max".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if ("stddev".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if ("count".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
} else if ("tps".equals(configName)) {
return new TimingStatsValueRetriever() {
public void appendValue(String tag, String start, String stop, long windowLength,
TimingStatistics timingStats,
StringBuilder toAppend) {
toAppend.append((timingStats.getCount() * 1000.0) / windowLength);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown CSV format config string: " + configName);
// --- Helper interfaces ---
protected static interface TimingStatsValueRetriever {
public void appendValue(String tag,
String start,
String stop,
long windowLength,
TimingStatistics stats,
StringBuilder toAppend);
protected static interface GroupedTimingStatisticsValueRetriever {
public void appendValue(String start,
String stop,
long windowLength,
GroupedTimingStatistics stats,
StringBuilder toAppend);