/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 HomeAway, Inc.
* All rights reserved. http://www.perf4j.org
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.perf4j;
import org.perf4j.helpers.*;
import org.perf4j.chart.StatisticsChartGenerator;
import org.perf4j.chart.GoogleChartGenerator;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* LogParser provides the main method for reading a log of StopWatch output and generating statistics and graphs
* from that output. Run "java -jar pathToPerf4jJar --help" for instructions.
* @author Alex Devine
public class LogParser {
* The input log that is being parsed.
private Reader inputLog;
* The stream where the GroupedTimingStatistics data will be printed - if null, no statistics will be printed
private PrintStream statisticsOutput;
* The stream where graphing output will be printed - if null, no graphing output will be printed. May be the
* same stream as statisticsOutput.
private PrintStream graphingOutput;
* The chart generator used to send the mean time graph to graphingOutput.
private StatisticsChartGenerator meanTimeChartGenerator;
* The chart generator used to send the TPS graph to graphingOutput.
private StatisticsChartGenerator tpsChartGenerator;
* The length of time, in milliseconds, of the timeslice of each GroupedTimingStatistics.
private long timeSlice;
* Whether or not "rollup statistics" should be created for each GroupedTimingStatistics created.
private boolean createRollupStatistics;
* The formatter to use to print statistics.
private GroupedTimingStatisticsFormatter statisticsFormatter;
// --- Constructors ---
* Default constructor reads input from standard in, writes statistics output to standard out, does not write
* graph output, has a time slice window of 30 seconds, and does not create rollup statistics.
public LogParser() {
this(new InputStreamReader(System.in),
null /* no graph output */,
false /* don't create rollup statistics */,
new GroupedTimingStatisticsTextFormatter());
* Creates a new LogParser to parse log data from the input.
* @param inputLog The log being parsed, which should contain {@link org.perf4j.StopWatch} log messages.
* @param statisticsOutput The stream where calculated statistics information should be written - if null,
* statistics data is not written.
* @param graphingOutput The stream where graphing data should be written - if null, graphs are not written.
* @param timeSlice The length of time, in milliseconds, of the timeslice of each statistics data created.
* @param createRollupStatistics Whether or not "rollup statistics" should be created for each timeslice of data.
* @param statisticsFormatter The formatter to use to print GroupedTimingStatistics
public LogParser(Reader inputLog, PrintStream statisticsOutput, PrintStream graphingOutput,
long timeSlice, boolean createRollupStatistics,
GroupedTimingStatisticsFormatter statisticsFormatter) {
this.inputLog = inputLog;
this.statisticsOutput = statisticsOutput;
this.graphingOutput = graphingOutput;
this.timeSlice = timeSlice;
this.createRollupStatistics = createRollupStatistics;
if (graphingOutput != null) {
this.meanTimeChartGenerator = newMeanTimeChartGenerator();
this.tpsChartGenerator = newTpsChartGenerator();
this.statisticsFormatter = statisticsFormatter;
// --- Instance Methods ---
* Reads all the data from the inputLog, parses it, and writes the statistics data and graphing data as desired
* to the output streams.
public void parseLog() {
Iterator<StopWatch> stopWatchIter = new StopWatchLogIterator(inputLog);
int i = 0;
for (GroupingStatisticsIterator statsIter = new GroupingStatisticsIterator(stopWatchIter,
statsIter.hasNext();) {
GroupedTimingStatistics statistics = statsIter.next();
if (statisticsOutput != null) {
if (graphingOutput != null) {
if ((++i % StatisticsChartGenerator.DEFAULT_MAX_DATA_POINTS == 0) ||
(!statsIter.hasNext())) {
protected StatisticsChartGenerator newMeanTimeChartGenerator() {
return new GoogleChartGenerator();
protected StatisticsChartGenerator newTpsChartGenerator() {
return new GoogleChartGenerator(StatsValueRetriever.TPS_VALUE_RETRIEVER);
protected void printGraphOutput() {
graphingOutput.println("<br/><br/><img src=\"" + meanTimeChartGenerator.getChartUrl() + "\"/>");
graphingOutput.println("<br/><br/><img src=\"" + tpsChartGenerator.getChartUrl() + "\"/>");
// --- Main and Static Methods ---
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static int runMain(String[] args) {
try {
List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(args));
if (printUsage(argsList)) {
return 0;
PrintStream statisticsOutput = openStatisticsOutput(argsList);
PrintStream graphingOutput = openGraphingOutput(argsList);
long timeSlice = getTimeSlice(argsList);
boolean rollupStatistics = getRollupStatistics(argsList);
GroupedTimingStatisticsFormatter formatter = getStatisticsFormatter(argsList);
Reader input = openInput(argsList);
if (!argsList.isEmpty()) {
return 1;
new LogParser(input, statisticsOutput, graphingOutput, timeSlice, rollupStatistics, formatter).parseLog();
} catch ( Exception e ) {
return 1;
return 0;
protected static boolean printUsage(List<String> argsList) {
if (getIndexOfArg(argsList, false, "-h", "--help", "-?", "--usage") >= 0) {
System.out.println("Usage: LogParser [-o|--out|--output outputFile] " +
"[-g|--graph graphingOutputFile] " +
"[-t|--timeslice timeslice] " +
"[-r] " +
"[-f|--format text|csv] " +
System.out.println(" logInputFile - The log file to be parsed. If not specified, log data is read from stdin.");
System.out.println(" -o|--out|--output outputFile - The file where generated statistics should be written." +
" If not specified, statistics are written to stdout.");
System.out.println(" -g|--graph graphingOutputFile - The file where generated perf graphs should be written." +
" If not specified, no graphs are written.");
System.out.println(" -t|--timeslice timeslice - The length of time (in ms) of each timeslice for which" +
" statistics should be generated. Defaults to 30000 ms.");
System.out.println(" -r - Whether or not statistics rollups should be generated." +
" If not specified, rollups are not generated.");
System.out.println(" -f|--format text|csv - The format for the statistics output, either plain text or CSV." +
" Defaults to text.");
System.out.println(" If format is csv, then the columns output are tag, start, stop, mean, min, max, stddev, and count.");
System.out.println("Note that out, stdout, err and stderr can be used as aliases to the standard output" +
" streams when specifying output files.");
return true;
return false;
protected static PrintStream openStatisticsOutput(List<String> argsList) throws IOException {
int indexOfOut = getIndexOfArg(argsList, true, "-o", "--output", "--out");
if (indexOfOut >= 0) {
String fileName = argsList.remove(indexOfOut + 1);
return openStream(fileName);
} else {
return System.out;
protected static PrintStream openGraphingOutput(List<String> argsList) throws IOException {
int indexOfOut = getIndexOfArg(argsList, true, "-g", "--graph");
if (indexOfOut >= 0) {
String fileName = argsList.remove(indexOfOut + 1);
PrintStream retVal = openStream(fileName);
retVal.println("<head><title>Perf4J Performance Graphs</title></head>");
return retVal;
} else {
return null;
protected static void closeGraphingOutput(PrintStream graphingOutput) throws IOException {
if (graphingOutput != null) {
if (graphingOutput != System.out && graphingOutput != System.err) {
protected static long getTimeSlice(List<String> argsList) {
int indexOfOut = getIndexOfArg(argsList, true, "-t", "--timeslice");
if (indexOfOut >= 0) {
String timeslice = argsList.remove(indexOfOut + 1);
return Long.parseLong(timeslice);
} else {
return 30000L;
protected static boolean getRollupStatistics(List<String> argsList) {
int indexOfOut = getIndexOfArg(argsList, false, "-r", "--rollup");
if (indexOfOut >= 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
protected static GroupedTimingStatisticsFormatter getStatisticsFormatter(List<String> argsList) {
int indexOfFormat = getIndexOfArg(argsList, true, "-f", "--format");
if (indexOfFormat >= 0) {
String formatString = argsList.remove(indexOfFormat + 1);
if ("text".equalsIgnoreCase(formatString)) {
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsTextFormatter();
} else if ("csv".equalsIgnoreCase(formatString)) {
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsCsvFormatter();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown format type: " + formatString);
} else {
return new GroupedTimingStatisticsTextFormatter();
protected static Reader openInput(List<String> argsList) throws IOException {
if (argsList.isEmpty()) {
return new InputStreamReader(System.in);
} else {
String fileName = argsList.remove(0);
return new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
protected static void printUnknownArgs(List<String> argsList) {
System.out.println("Unknown arguments: ");
for (String arg : argsList) {
System.out.print(arg + " ");
protected static int getIndexOfArg(List<String> args, boolean needsParam, String... argNames) {
int retVal = -1;
boolean foundArg = false;
for (String argName : argNames) {
int argIndex = args.indexOf(argName);
if (argIndex >= 0) {
if (foundArg) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify only one of " + Arrays.toString(argNames));
retVal = argIndex;
foundArg = true;
if ((retVal >= 0) && needsParam && (retVal == args.size() - 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify a parameter for the " + args.get(retVal) + " arg");
return retVal;
protected static PrintStream openStream(String fileName) throws IOException {
if ("stdout".equals(fileName) || "out".equals(fileName)) {
return System.out;
} else if ("stderr".equals(fileName) || "err".equals(fileName)) {
return System.err;
} else {
return new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName), true);