Package org.gephi.plugins.example.preview

Source Code of org.gephi.plugins.example.preview.HighlighMutualEdges

Copyright 2008-2011 Gephi
Authors : Mathieu Bastian <>
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package org.gephi.plugins.example.preview;

import java.awt.Color;
import org.gephi.preview.api.*;
import org.gephi.preview.plugin.items.EdgeItem;
import org.gephi.preview.plugin.renderers.EdgeRenderer;
import org.gephi.preview.spi.ItemBuilder;
import org.gephi.preview.spi.Renderer;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider;

* Changes the color of mutual edges. Note you'll need to set the edge color to the
* 'Original' mode to see that working.
* <p>
* This example shows how a renderer can customize the output of another renderer in the
* <code>preProcess()</code> phase. Renderers are executed sequentially using the
* <code>position = 150</code> parameter set to the <code>@ServiceProvider</code>
* annotation. When no position is set the renderer is executed after all default
* renderers (nodes, edges, labels and arrows). The default position for the edge
* renderer is 100 and 200 for the arrow renderer. We know that the arrow renderer will
* use whatever color is set for the edge so for this example we set a position
* equal to 150 to be executed after the edge renderer but before the arrow renderer.
* <p>
* This example doesn't do anything in the <code>render()</code> method but modifies
* the color of the edge item.
* <p>
* The renderer defines two new properties. Each property should have a unique name
* so it's a good practice to set the property name as a public constant. Note that
* the <code>MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR</code> property depends on the
* <code>MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT</code> property. Dependencies work only with boolean
* properties and model the need to enable/disable features. Indeed, no need to
* customize the highlight color if the feature is disabled by the user.
* @author Mathieu Bastian
* @see EdgeRenderer
* @see EdgeItem
@ServiceProvider(service = Renderer.class, position = 150)
public class HighlighMutualEdges implements Renderer {

    //Custom properties
    public static final String MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT = "mutualedge.highlight";
    public static final String MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = "mutualedge.highlight.color";
    //Default values
    protected boolean defaultHighlightMutualEdges = false;
    protected Color defaultHighlightColor = Color.RED;
    public String getDisplayName() {
        return NbBundle.getMessage(HighlighMutualEdges.class, "");

    public void preProcess(PreviewModel previewModel) {
        PreviewProperties properties = previewModel.getProperties();

        //Check if the boolean property is set
        if (properties.getBooleanValue(MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT)) {
            Color color = properties.getColorValue(MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR);

            // Retrieve all edge items in the model
            // As this renderer is called after the EdgeRenderer (which has a position=100,
            // and this renderer has no specific position) we know these edge
            // items are well defined and already posses a color
            Item[] edgeItems = previewModel.getItems(Item.EDGE);
            for (Item item : edgeItems) {
                EdgeItem edgeItem = (EdgeItem) item;
                Boolean mutual = edgeItem.getData(EdgeItem.MUTUAL);
                if (mutual) {
                    //If mutual edge, change the color
                    edgeItem.setData(EdgeItem.COLOR, color);

    public void render(Item item, RenderTarget rt, PreviewProperties pp) {

    public PreviewProperty[] getProperties() {
        return new PreviewProperty[]{
                    PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT, Boolean.class,
                    "Highlight mutual edges",
                    "Color the mutual edges with a custom color",
                    PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, Color.class,
                    "Highlight mutual edges color",
                    "Set highlight color",
                    PreviewProperty.CATEGORY_EDGES, MUTUALEGDE_HIGHLIGHT).setValue(defaultHighlightColor)

    public boolean isRendererForitem(Item item, PreviewProperties pp) {
        return false;
    public boolean needsItemBuilder(ItemBuilder itemBuilder, PreviewProperties properties){
        return false;

Related Classes of org.gephi.plugins.example.preview.HighlighMutualEdges

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