import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import com.oti.Board;
import com.oti.CostFunction;
import com.oti.Location;
import com.oti.Move;
import com.oti.Piece;
import com.oti.PuzzleException;
import com.oti.Solution;
import com.oti.Solver;
public class SASolverNoBigInt extends Solver {
static class StateCode {
* This mask is used to obtain the value of an int as if it were unsigned.
final static long LONG_MASK = 0xffffffffL;
byte[] mag;
StateCode() {
mag = new byte[8];
public StateCode(StateCode istate) {
mag = new byte[8];
System.arraycopy(istate.toByteArray(), 0, mag, 0, 8);
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = 0;
for (int i=0; i<mag.length; i++)
hashCode = (int)(31*hashCode + (mag[i] & LONG_MASK));
return hashCode;
// public boolean equals(Object x) {
// if (!(x instanceof StateCode))
// return false;
// return equals((StateCode)x);
// }
// public boolean equals(StateCode x) {
// return new BigInteger(mag).equals(new BigInteger(x.mag));
// }
public boolean equals(StateCode x) {
// This test is just an optimization, which may or may not help
if (x == this)
return true;
byte[] m = mag;
int len = m.length;
byte[] xm = x.mag;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (xm[i] != m[i])
return false;
return true;
public byte[] toByteArray() {
return mag;
static class Evalue {
Evalue parent = null;
StateCode state=null; // code for the current board
byte prevAction; // code for the move swap(i,j), i<j, i and j between [0, 15], 4bit = i, 4bits=j
public Evalue() {}
static class FrontierLeaf {
int value; // order value
int cost; // nb steps from start
StateCode state=null; // current board
byte prevAction; // "this" results from prevAction
Evalue previous=null; // "this" results from board and previous path
public FrontierLeaf() {}
static class LeafComp implements Comparator {
public LeafComp() {}
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
FrontierLeaf f1 = (FrontierLeaf)o1;
FrontierLeaf f2 = (FrontierLeaf)o2;
// return (f1.value <f2.value) ? -1 : ((f1.value ==f2.value)? ((f1.cost <f2.cost)? -1 : (f1.cost==f2.cost)? 0:1) : 1 );
return (f1.value <f2.value) ? -1 : ((f1.value ==f2.value)? 0 : 1 );
static interface Heuristic {
public int distanceToArrival(StateCode arrival);
static class HeuristicByPermutation implements Heuristic{
byte[] m_arrival;
public HeuristicByPermutation(StateCode arrival) {
m_arrival = arrival.toByteArray();
* Heuristic based on the number of direct permutation between state and arrival
* */
public int distanceToArrival(StateCode state) {
byte[] bstate = state.toByteArray();
if (bstate.length>8) {
System.out.println("PB state "+bstate.length);
int differences = 0;
int diff = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bstate.length; i++) {
diff = m_arrival[i]-bstate[i];
if (diff !=0) {
differences += (0x0F & diff)!=0 ? 1 : 0;
differences += (0x0F & (diff >> 4))!=0 ? 1 : 0;
return differences/2;
/*non static part**/
Heuristic m_hFunc=null;
StateCode arrivalState;
public SASolverNoBigInt(CostFunction costFunction) {
public SASolverNoBigInt() {
protected Solution solve(Board board, boolean showChanges) throws PuzzleException, CloneNotSupportedException {
HashMap<StateCode, Evalue> visitedNodes = new HashMap<StateCode, Evalue>();
PriorityQueue<FrontierLeaf> frontierSet = new PriorityQueue<FrontierLeaf>(100, new LeafComp());
arrivalState = buildArrivalState();
/* System.out.println(" SAM TO REMOVE fake arrival state");
board = new Board(4);
board.makeMove(new Move(Piece.pieceForNumber(15), Location.locationFor(3, 3, 4)), true);
board.makeMove(new Move(Piece.pieceForNumber(11), Location.locationFor(2, 3, 4)), true);
board.makeMove(new Move(Piece.pieceForNumber(7), Location.locationFor(2, 2, 4)), true);
board.makeMove(new Move(Piece.pieceForNumber(6), Location.locationFor(2, 1, 4)), true);*/
m_hFunc = new HeuristicByPermutation(arrivalState);
FrontierLeaf currLeaf = buildInitialLeaf(board);
Evalue currEvalue = createEvalue(currLeaf);
// store evalue for fast retrieval
visitedNodes.put(currEvalue.state, currEvalue);
/*if (true) {
System.out.println(" Dump of initial Board");
System.out.println(" Dump of initialState");
System.out.println(" Dump of arrivalState");
// test serialization of action byte + move on a BigInt board
int firstCell = 7;
int otherCell = 11;
byte action = buildAction( firstCell, otherCell);
System.out.println(" buildAction ("+firstCell+","+otherCell+") = "+action);
firstCell = 0x0F & (action >> 4);
otherCell = 0x0F & action;
System.out.println(" from action firstCell= "+firstCell);
System.out.println(" from action otherCell= "+otherCell);
StateCode newState = moveState(currLeaf.state, action);
System.out.println(" Dump before move ");
System.out.println(" Dump of moved state");
// propagation loop
int counter = 0;
while( !currEvalue.state.equals(arrivalState)) {
if (counter%100==0) {
System.out.println(" propagation loop :"+ counter+" cost :"+ currLeaf.cost+" value :"+ currLeaf.value);
// explore moves from current evalue
int zeroCellIndex = getZeroCellIndex(currEvalue.state);
if ((zeroCellIndex%4) +1 < 4) { // move empty cell to the right
int otherCellIndex = zeroCellIndex+1;
byte action = buildAction(zeroCellIndex, otherCellIndex);
// test backtrack
if (action!=currEvalue.prevAction) {
StateCode newState = moveState(currEvalue.state, action);
// test for previous visit
if (!visitedNodes.containsKey(newState)) {
// create new leaf
createNewLeaf(frontierSet, currLeaf, currEvalue, action, newState);
if ((zeroCellIndex%4) -1 >= 0) { // move empty cell to the left
int otherCellIndex = zeroCellIndex-1;
byte action = buildAction(otherCellIndex, zeroCellIndex);
// test backtrack
if (action!=currEvalue.prevAction) {
StateCode newState = moveState(currEvalue.state, action);
// test for previous visit
if (!visitedNodes.containsKey(newState)) {
// create new leaf
createNewLeaf(frontierSet, currLeaf, currEvalue, action, newState);
if ((zeroCellIndex+4) < 16) { // move empty cell down
int otherCellIndex = zeroCellIndex+4;
byte action = buildAction(zeroCellIndex, otherCellIndex);
// test backtrack
if (action!=currEvalue.prevAction) {
StateCode newState = moveState(currEvalue.state, action);
// test for previous visit
if (!visitedNodes.containsKey(newState)) {
// create new leaf
createNewLeaf(frontierSet, currLeaf, currEvalue, action, newState);
if ((zeroCellIndex-4) >= 0) { // move empty cell up
int otherCellIndex = zeroCellIndex-4;
byte action = buildAction(otherCellIndex, zeroCellIndex);
// test backtrack
if (action!=currEvalue.prevAction) {
StateCode newState = moveState(currEvalue.state, action);
// test for previous visit
if (!visitedNodes.containsKey(newState)) {
// create new leaf
createNewLeaf(frontierSet, currLeaf, currEvalue, action, newState);
if (frontierSet.isEmpty()) {
throw new PuzzleException("no path possible - NO LEAF LEFT");
// extract next best leaf
currLeaf = frontierSet.poll();
// build evaluation from leaf
currEvalue = createEvalue(currLeaf);
// store evalue for fast retrieval
visitedNodes.put(currEvalue.state, currEvalue);
// System.out.println("SAM TO REMOVE loop from currEvalue.state ");
// printState(currEvalue.state);
System.out.println("SAM TO REMOVE SOLUTION final cost "+currLeaf.cost+" value "+currLeaf.value );
return buildPath(currEvalue);
* Transfrom the current state in a new state resulting from the swap of cells coded by action.
* Copy the current state before transforming.
* */
private StateCode moveState(StateCode istate, byte action) {
StateCode state = new StateCode(istate);
byte[] pieces = state.toByteArray();
int firstCell = 0x0F & (action >> 4);
int otherCell = 0x0F & action;
int firstCellVal =0;
firstCellVal = pieces[firstCell/2];
if (firstCell%2 == 0) {
firstCellVal = firstCellVal >> 4;
} else {
firstCellVal = firstCellVal & 0x0F;
int otherCellVal = pieces[otherCell/2];
if (otherCell%2 == 0) {
otherCellVal = otherCellVal >> 4;
} else {
otherCellVal = otherCellVal & 0x0F;
// swap othercell with firstcell value
if (otherCell%2 == 0) {
pieces[otherCell/2] = (byte) ((0x0F & pieces[otherCell/2]) | (firstCellVal << 4));
} else {
pieces[otherCell/2] = (byte) ((0xF0 & pieces[otherCell/2]) | (firstCellVal & 0x0F));
// swap firstcell with othercell value
if (firstCell%2 == 0) {
pieces[firstCell/2] = (byte) ((0x0F & pieces[firstCell/2]) | (otherCellVal << 4));
} else {
pieces[firstCell/2] = (byte) ((0xF0 & pieces[firstCell/2]) | (otherCellVal & 0x0F));
return state;
* Construct a byte representing the action
* high order 4bits = firstCellIndex
* low order 4bits = otherCellIndex
* @param firstCellIndex < otherCellIndex for comaprison between action bytes.
* @param otherCellIndex
* @return the action byte coding the move swap(firstCellIndex, otherCellIndex)
private byte buildAction(int firstCellIndex , int otherCellIndex) {
int action = (0x0F & firstCellIndex);
action = action << 4;
action |= (0x0F & otherCellIndex);
return (byte) action;
* find the cell with zero from the current state
* @param state
* @return index from 0 to 15 of the empty cell
* @throws PuzzleException
private int getZeroCellIndex(StateCode state) throws PuzzleException {
byte[] pieces = state.toByteArray();
for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
if ( (pieces[i] & 0xF0) == 0)
return 2*i;
else if ( (pieces[i] & 0x0F) == 0)
return 2*i +1;
throw new PuzzleException("getZeroCellIndex() empty cell not found");
// create a new leaf from the current node and add it to the frontier
private void createNewLeaf(PriorityQueue<FrontierLeaf> frontierSet, FrontierLeaf currLeaf, Evalue currEvalue, byte action, StateCode newState) {
FrontierLeaf newLeaf = new FrontierLeaf();
newLeaf.cost = currLeaf.cost + 1;
newLeaf.value = newLeaf.cost + m_hFunc.distanceToArrival(newState);
newLeaf.state= newState;
newLeaf.prevAction = action;
// insert leaf in frontier
/** build a list of Move fromt start to arrival, from the chain of Evalue*/
private Solution buildPath(Evalue currEvalue) {
// list from end to beginning
ArrayList<Move> revMoves = new ArrayList<Move>();
// check for departure == arrival
if (currEvalue.parent!=null) {
while(currEvalue.parent!=null) {
revMoves.add( createMove(currEvalue.parent.state, currEvalue.prevAction));
currEvalue = currEvalue.parent;
// reverse the list
Solution sol = new Solution();
for (Move move : revMoves) {
// Piece pieceToMove = move.getPiece();
// Location nextLocation = move.getNextLocation();
// System.out.println();
// System.out.printf("\tcom.oti.Move: %s to %s\n", pieceToMove, nextLocation);
sol.add( move);
return sol;
* create a Move object from an action byte.
private Move createMove(StateCode state, byte action) {
byte[] pieces = state.toByteArray();
int firstCell = 0x0F & (action >> 4);
int otherCell = 0x0F & action;
// System.out.println("SAM TO REMOVE createMove from state ");
// printState(state);
byte firstCellVal =0;
firstCellVal = pieces[firstCell/2];
if (firstCell%2 == 0) {
firstCellVal = (byte)((firstCellVal & 0xF0)>>4);
} else {
firstCellVal = (byte)(firstCellVal & 0x0F);
byte otherCellVal = pieces[otherCell/2];
if (otherCell%2 == 0) {
otherCellVal = (byte) ((otherCellVal & 0xF0)>>4);
} else {
otherCellVal = (byte) (otherCellVal & 0x0F);
// System.out.println("SAM TO REMOVE createMove firstCel "+ firstCell+" otherCell "+ otherCell);
// System.out.println("SAM TO REMOVE createMove firstCellVal "+ firstCellVal+" otherCellVal "+ otherCellVal);
Piece currPiece = null;
Location currLoc = null;
if (firstCellVal==0) {
currPiece = Piece.pieceForNumber(otherCellVal);
currLoc = Location.locationFor(firstCell%4, firstCell/4, 4);
} else {
currPiece = Piece.pieceForNumber(firstCellVal);
currLoc = Location.locationFor(otherCell%4, otherCell/4, 4);
// System.out.println("SAM TO REMOVE createMove currPiece "+ currPiece+" currLoc "+ currLoc);
return new Move(currPiece, currLoc);
// leaf is just out from frontier => create evalue for storing the visited node
// link evalue with previous path
private Evalue createEvalue(FrontierLeaf currLeaf) {
Evalue res = new Evalue();
res.parent = currLeaf.previous;
res.prevAction = currLeaf.prevAction;
return res;
// create the first leaf corresponding to the initial state
private FrontierLeaf buildInitialLeaf(Board board) {
FrontierLeaf res = new FrontierLeaf();
res.cost = 0;
res.state= createState(board); // current board
res.prevAction =0; // no previous action for leading to the initial state, bit 6 true
return res;
* shrink a Board object in a BigInt each 4 bits representing one call of the board.
* */
private StateCode createState(Board board) {
StateCode res = new StateCode();
byte[] arr = res.toByteArray();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
Piece cell = board.pieceAt(i%4, i/4);
if (i%2==1)
arr[i/2] = (byte) (arr[i/2] << 4);
arr[i/2] |= (byte) (0x0F & cell.getPieceNumber());
System.out.println("SAM TO REMOVE createState() ");
return res;
// helper func
static private void printState(StateCode state) {
byte[] pieces = state.toByteArray();
for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
if (i%2==0)
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.print((int)((pieces[i] & 0xF0)>>4 ));
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.print((int)(pieces[i] & 0x0F) );
System.out.print(" ");
// create the state (BigInterger) representing the target [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0]
private StateCode buildArrivalState() {
StateCode res = new StateCode();
byte[] arr = res.toByteArray();
for (int i=0; i<=15; ++i) {
if (i%2==1)
arr[i/2] = (byte) (arr[i/2] << 4);
arr[i/2] |= i+1;
return res;