package org.docx4j.model.styles;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.docx4j.XmlUtils;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage;
import org.docx4j.wml.Style;
import org.docx4j.wml.Styles;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Represent a style hierarchy as a tree.
* TODO - need a way to update/refresh.
* This is useful for creating certain representations
* (eg CSS).
* @author jharrop
public class StyleTree {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StyleTree.class);
* Tree of table styles
private Tree<AugmentedStyle> tableTree = new Tree<AugmentedStyle>();
public Tree<AugmentedStyle> getTableStylesTree() {
return tableTree;
* Tree of paragraph styles
private Tree<AugmentedStyle> pTree = new Tree<AugmentedStyle>();
public Tree<AugmentedStyle> getParagraphStylesTree() {
return pTree;
* Tree of character styles
private Tree<AugmentedStyle> cTree = new Tree<AugmentedStyle>();
public Tree<AugmentedStyle> getCharacterStylesTree() {
return cTree;
* Build a StyleTree for stylesInUse.
* @param stylesInUse styles actually in use in the main document part, headers/footers, footnotes/endnotes
* @param allStyles styles defined in the style definitions part
public StyleTree(Set<String> stylesInUse, Map<String, Style> allStyles) {
// Set up Table style tree
tableTree.setRootElement(new Node<AugmentedStyle>(tableTree, "table-root", null)); // a dummy root node
for (String styleId : stylesInUse ) {
if (tableTree.get(styleId)==null) {
Style style = allStyles.get(styleId);
if (style == null ) {
log.warn("Couldn't find style: " + styleId);
} else if (style.getType()==null) {
log.warn("missing type: " + XmlUtils.marshaltoString(style));
} else
// Is it a table style?
if (style.getType().equals("table")) {
// Need to create a node for this
this.addNode(styleId, allStyles, tableTree);
// Set up Paragraph style tree
Style rootStyle = allStyles.get("DocDefaults");
if (rootStyle==null) {
pTree.setRootElement(new Node<AugmentedStyle>(pTree, "p-root", null));
} else {
AugmentedStyle as = new AugmentedStyle(rootStyle);
pTree.setRootElement(new Node<AugmentedStyle>(pTree, "DocDefaults", as));
for (String styleId : stylesInUse ) {
if (pTree.get(styleId)==null) {
Style style = allStyles.get(styleId);
if (style == null ) {
log.warn("Couldn't find style: " + styleId);
// See BrokenStyleRemediator for some causes of this, and potential fix
// Is it a paragraph style?
if (style.getType()!=null
&& style.getType().equals("paragraph")) {
// Need to create a node for this
log.debug("Adding '" + styleId + "' to paragraph tree" );
this.addNode(styleId, allStyles, pTree);
} else {
log.debug(styleId + " is already in paragraph tree");
// Set up Character style tree
cTree.setRootElement(new Node<AugmentedStyle>(cTree, "c-root", null));
for (String styleId : stylesInUse ) {
if (cTree.get(styleId)==null) {
Style style = allStyles.get(styleId);
if (style == null ) {
log.warn("Couldn't find style: " + styleId);
// Is it a character style?
if (style.getType()!=null
&& style.getType().equals("character")) {
// Need to create a node for this
this.addNode(styleId, allStyles, cTree);
} else {
log.debug(styleId + " is already in character tree");
private Node<AugmentedStyle> addNode(String styleId, Map<String, Style> allStyles,
Tree<AugmentedStyle> tree) {
Style style = allStyles.get(styleId);
if (style == null ) {
log.error("Couldn't find style: " + styleId);
return null;
AugmentedStyle as = new AugmentedStyle(style);
Node<AugmentedStyle> n =
new Node<AugmentedStyle>(tree, styleId, as);
// Find its parent
if (style.getBasedOn()==null) {
// You can have more than 1 node which isn't based on anything
log.debug("Style " + styleId + " is not based on anything.");
// TODO: this should be basedOn DocDefaults. Consider whether to do this
// at this point, or in SDP.createVirtualStylesForDocDefaults()
} else if (style.getBasedOn().getVal()!=null) {
String basedOnStyleName = style.getBasedOn().getVal();
log.debug("..based on " + basedOnStyleName);
if (tree.get(basedOnStyleName)==null) {
// log.debug("..can disregard that null, but it shouldn't happen again for this style");
Node<AugmentedStyle> parent = addNode(basedOnStyleName, allStyles, tree);
if (parent!=null) {
} else {
} else {
log.error("No basedOn set for: " + style.getStyleId() );
return n;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String inputfilepath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/sample-docs/StyleResolution.xml";
WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(new;
// Setup
Set<String> stylesInUse = wmlPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getStylesInUse();
Map<String, Style> allStyles = new HashMap<String, Style>();
Styles styles = wmlPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getStyleDefinitionsPart(false).getJaxbElement();
for ( org.docx4j.wml.Style s : styles.getStyle() ) {
allStyles.put(s.getStyleId(), s);
log.debug("live style: " + s.getStyleId() );
StyleTree st = new StyleTree(stylesInUse, allStyles);
log.debug("\nParagraph styles\n");
log.debug("\nCharacter styles\n");
log.debug("\nParagraph classes\n");
Iterator it = st.pTree.nodes.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry);
// Eclipse is fine with this, but not Ant.
// Underlying problem is (fixed in 7(b44) )
// Preview Milestone 4 is b66.
// Which fixes this problem (remember, you need jdk1.7.0/jre/lib/endorsed/jaxb-*
Node<AugmentedStyle> n
= (Node<AugmentedStyle>)pairs.getValue();
List<Node<AugmentedStyle>> classVals = st.pTree.climb(n);
log.debug( + ":'" +
getHtmlClassAttributeValue(st.pTree, n)
+ "'");
log.debug("\nRun classes\n");
it = st.cTree.nodes.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry);
Node<AugmentedStyle> n
= (Node<AugmentedStyle>)pairs.getValue();
List<Node<AugmentedStyle>> classVals = st.cTree.climb(n);
log.debug( + ":'" +
getHtmlClassAttributeValue(st.cTree, n)
+ "'");
public static String getHtmlClassAttributeValue(Tree<AugmentedStyle> tree,
Node<AugmentedStyle> n) {
if (n==null) {
log.error("Null node passed");
return null;
List<Node<AugmentedStyle>> classVals = tree.climb(n);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (Node<AugmentedStyle> valNode : classVals) {
// Avoid including root node (eg dummy character root node)
if (valNode.getData()!=null) {
sb.append( + " ");
return sb.toString();
public class AugmentedStyle {
private Style s;
public AugmentedStyle(Style s) {
this.s = s;
public Style getStyle() {
return s;