Package com.topologi.diffx.algorithm

Source Code of com.topologi.diffx.algorithm.DiffXFitWesyma

* This file is part of the DiffX library.
* For licensing information please see the file license.txt included in the release.
* A copy of this licence can also be found at
package com.topologi.diffx.algorithm;


import com.topologi.diffx.event.AttributeEvent;
import com.topologi.diffx.event.DiffXEvent;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.DiffXFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.ShortStringFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.sequence.EventSequence;

* Performs the diff comparison using the LCS algorithm.
* <p>Implementation note: this algorithm effectively detects the correct changes in the
* sequences, but will not necessarily return events that can be serialised as well-formed
* XML as they stand.
* <p>Known problem in this implementation: elements that contain themselves tend to
* generate events that are harder to serialise as XML.
* <p>This class is said 'fit' because it will adapt the matrix to the sequences that it
* is being given in order to improve performance.
* <p>Note: The name of this class comes from a contracted version of the features of
* this algorithm, as explained below:
* <ul>
*   <li><b>We</b>ighted, each token is has a given weight;</li>
*   <li><b>Sy</b>mmetrical, when possible, the algorithm will try to choose a path
*      that is symmetrical in regards to the arrangement of the tokens;</li>
*   <li><b>Ma</b>trix, this class uses a matrix for its internal representation;</li>
*   </li>
* </ul>
* <p>This class is not synchronised.
* @author Christophe Lauret
* @version 7 April 2005
public final class DiffXFitWesyma extends DiffXAlgorithmBase {

   * Set to <code>true</code> to show debug info.
  private static final boolean DEBUG = false;

  // state variables ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Matrix storing the paths.
  private transient Matrix matrix;

   * The state of the elements.
  private transient ElementState estate = new ElementState();

  // constructor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Creates a new DiffXAlgorithmBase.
   * @param seq0 The first sequence to compare.
   * @param seq1 The second sequence to compare.
  public DiffXFitWesyma(EventSequence seq0, EventSequence seq1) {
    super(seq0, seq1);
    this.matrix = setupMatrix(seq0, seq1);

  // methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Returns the length of the longest common sequence.
   * @return the length of the longest common sequence.
  public int length() {
    // case when one of the sequences is empty
    if (this.length1 == 0 || this.length2 == 0) {
      this.length = 0;
    // normal case
    if (this.length < 0) {
      this.matrix.setup(this.length1+1, this.length2+1);
      // allocate storage for array L;
      for (int i = super.length1; i >= 0; i--) {
        for (int j = super.length2; j >= 0; j--) {
          // we reach the end of the sequence (fill with 0)
          if (i >= super.length1 || j >= super.length2) {
            this.matrix.set(i, j, 0);
          } else {
            // the events are the same
            if (this.sequence1.getEvent(i).equals(this.sequence2.getEvent(j))) {
              this.matrix.incrementPathBy(i, j, maxWeight(this.sequence1.getEvent(i), this.sequence2.getEvent(j)));
              // different events
            } else {
              this.matrix.incrementByMaxPath(i, j);
      this.length = this.matrix.get(0, 0);
    if (DEBUG) {
      for (int i = 0; i < this.sequence1.size(); i++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < this.sequence2.size(); i++) {
    return this.length;

   * Writes the diff sequence using the specified formatter.
   * @param formatter The formatter that will handle the output.
   * @throws IOException If thrown by the formatter.
  public void process(DiffXFormatter formatter) throws IOException {
    // handle the case when one of the two sequences is empty
    if (this.length1 == 0 || this.length2 == 0) return;
    // calculate the LCS length to fill the matrix
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    DiffXEvent e1 = this.sequence1.getEvent(i);
    DiffXEvent e2 = this.sequence2.getEvent(j);
    // start walking the matrix
    while (i < super.length1 && j < super.length2) {
      e1 = this.sequence1.getEvent(i);
      e2 = this.sequence2.getEvent(j);

      // both elements are considered equal
      if (e1.equals(e2)) {
        i++; j++;

        // element from i inserted
      } else if (this.matrix.isGreaterX(i, j)) {

        // element from j deleted
      } else if (this.matrix.isGreaterY(i, j)) {

        // elements from i inserted and j deleted
        // we have to make a choice for where we are going
        // by default, we give priority to the insert and then
        // determine which path to follow
      } else if (this.matrix.isSameXY(i, j)) {
        // choose whether to insert or delete first
        boolean priorityInsert = true;
        // using the open / close element
        if ( {
          priorityInsert = true;
        if ( {
          priorityInsert = false;
        // give priority to attributes
        if (e1 instanceof AttributeEvent && !(e2 instanceof AttributeEvent)) {
          priorityInsert = true;
        } else if (e2 instanceof AttributeEvent && !(e1 instanceof AttributeEvent)) {
          priorityInsert  = false;
        // apply priority
        if (priorityInsert) {
        } else {
    // finish off the events from the first sequence
    while (i < super.length1) {;
    // finish off the events from the second sequence
    while (j < super.length2) {;
    // free some resources
    //    matrix.release();

  // private helpers (probably inlined by the compiler) -----------------------------------

   * Writes the diff sequence using the specified formatter when one of
   * the sequences is empty.
   * <p>The result becomes either only insertions (when the second sequence is
   * empty) or deletions (when the first sequence is empty).
   * @param formatter The formatter that will handle the output.
   * @throws IOException If thrown by the formatter.
  private void processEmpty(DiffXFormatter formatter) throws IOException {
    // the first sequence is empty, events from the second sequence have been deleted
    if (this.length1 == 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < this.length2; i++) {
    // the second sequence is empty, events from the first sequence have been inserted
    if (this.length2 == 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < this.length1; i++) {

   * Determines the most appropriate matrix to use.
   * <p>Calculates the maximum length of the shortest weighted path if both sequences
   * are totally different, which corresponds to the sum of all the events.
   * @param s1 The first sequence.
   * @param s2 The second sequence.
   * @return The most appropriate matrix.
  private static Matrix setupMatrix(EventSequence s1, EventSequence s2) {
    int max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s1.size(); i++) {
      max += s1.getEvent(i).getWeight();
    for (int i = 0; i < s2.size(); i++) {
      max += s2.getEvent(i).getWeight();
    if (max > Short.MAX_VALUE)
      return new MatrixInt();
      return new MatrixShort();

   * Returns the max weight of the two events.
   * @param e1 The first event.
   * @param e2 The second event.
   * @return The weight for the event.
  private int maxWeight(DiffXEvent e1, DiffXEvent e2) {
    return e1.getWeight() > e2.getWeight()? e1.getWeight() : e2.getWeight();


Related Classes of com.topologi.diffx.algorithm.DiffXFitWesyma

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