package com.twitter;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectHelper;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Collections.list;
import static org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils.*;
* Abstract Mojo implementation.
* This class is extended by {@link MavenScroogeCompileMojo} and
* {@link MavenScroogeTestCompileMojo} in order to override the specific configuration for
* compiling the main or test classes respectively.
* @requiresDependencyResolution
abstract class AbstractMavenScroogeMojo extends AbstractMojo {
private static final String THRIFT_FILE_SUFFIX = ".thrift";
private static final String DEFAULT_INCLUDES = "**/*" + THRIFT_FILE_SUFFIX;
* The current Maven project.
* @parameter default-value="${project}"
* @readonly
* @required
protected MavenProject project;
* A helper used to add resources to the project.
* @component
* @required
protected MavenProjectHelper projectHelper;
* A set of include directories to pass to the thrift compiler.
* @parameter
private Set<File> thriftIncludes = new HashSet<File>();
* Which language the generated files should be ("experimental-java" or "scala")
* @parameter default-value="scala"
* {@code
* <configuration>
* <language>experimental-java</language>
* </configuration>
* }
private String language;
* Command line options to pass to scrooge, e.g.
* {@code
* <thriftOpts>
* <thriftOpt>--finagle</thriftOpt>
* </thriftOpts>
* @parameter
private Set<String> thriftOpts = new HashSet<String>();
* List of dependencies to extract thrift files from, even if they
* do not have idl classifier. Make sure to include the
* correct artifact name (eg. finagle-thrift, not just finagle)
* {@code
* <dependencyIncludes>
* <include>finagle-thrift</include>
* </dependencyIncludes>
* }
* @parameter
private Set<String> dependencyIncludes = new HashSet<String>();
* A set of namespace mappings to pass to the thrift compiler, e.g.
* {@code
* <thriftNamespaceMappings>
* <thriftNamespaceMapping>
* <from>com.twitter</from>
* <to>com.twitter.thriftscala</to>
* </thriftNamespaceMapping>
* </thriftNamespaceMappings>
* }
* Only used by the scrooge generator, usually to avoid clashes with Java namespaces.
* @parameter
private Set<ThriftNamespaceMapping> thriftNamespaceMappings = new HashSet<ThriftNamespaceMapping>();
* A set of include patterns used to filter thrift files.
* @parameter
private Set<String> includes = ImmutableSet.of(DEFAULT_INCLUDES);
* A set of exclude patterns used to filter thrift files.
* @parameter
private Set<String> excludes = ImmutableSet.of();
* Whether or not to build the thrift extracted from dependencies, if any
* @parameter
* {@code
* <configuration>
* <buildExtractedThrift>false</buildExtractedThrift>
* </configuration>
* }
private boolean buildExtractedThrift = true;
* Whether or not to fix hashcode being default 0
* @parameter
private boolean fixHashcode = false;
* Whether or not to skip thrift generation if generated files are newer than source files.
* @parameter
private boolean checkStaleness = true;
* Delta to use for triggering thrift regeneration
* @parameter
private long staleMillis = 0;
private static Object lock = new Object();
* Picks out a File from `thriftFiles` corresponding to a given artifact ID
* and file name. Returns null if `artifactId` and `fileName` do not map to a
* thrift file path.
* @parameter artifactId The artifact ID of which to look up the path
* @parameter fileName the name of the thrift file for which to extract a path
* @parameter thriftFiles The set of Thrift files in which to lookup the
* artifact ID.
* @return The path of the directory containing Thrift files for the given
* artifact ID. null if artifact ID not found.
private File extractThriftFile(String artifactId, String fileName, Set<File> thriftFiles) {
for (File thriftFile : thriftFiles) {
boolean fileFound = false;
if (fileName.equals(thriftFile.getName())) {
for (String pathComponent : thriftFile.getPath().split(File.separator)) {
if (pathComponent.equals(artifactId)) {
fileFound = true;
if (fileFound) {
return thriftFile;
return null;
* Executes the mojo.
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
try {
Set<File> thriftFiles = findThriftFiles();
final File outputDirectory = getOutputDirectory();
ImmutableSet<File> outputFiles = findGeneratedFilesInDirectory(getOutputDirectory());
Set<String> compileRoots = new HashSet<String>();
if (thriftFiles.isEmpty()) {
getLog().info("No thrift files to compile.");
} else if (checkStaleness && ((lastModified(thriftFiles) + staleMillis) < lastModified(outputFiles))) {
getLog().info("Generated thrift files up to date, skipping compile.");
} else {
// Quick fix to fix issues with two mvn installs in a row (ie no clean)
getLog().info(format("compiling thrift files %s with Scrooge", thriftFiles));
synchronized(lock) {
ScroogeRunner runner = new ScroogeRunner();
Map<String, String> thriftNamespaceMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (ThriftNamespaceMapping mapping : thriftNamespaceMappings) {
thriftNamespaceMap.put(mapping.getFrom(), mapping.getTo());
// Include thrifts from resource as well.
Set<File> includes = thriftIncludes;
// Include thrift root
final File thriftSourceRoot = getThriftSourceRoot();
if (thriftSourceRoot != null && thriftSourceRoot.exists()) {
new File(outputDirectory, "scrooge"),
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("An IO error occured", e);
* Where our local thrift files live.
protected abstract File getThriftSourceRoot();
* Where our generated files go.
protected abstract File getOutputDirectory();
* Where all our thrift files (from references, dependencies, local) get copied.
protected abstract File getResourcesOutputDirectory();
* Add newly created files to the project.
* @return A set of directories that contain generated source files.
protected abstract void attachFiles(Set<String> compileRoots);
* What scope should we look at for dependent thrift files in {@link #getDependencyArtifacts()}.
* @return A string used to filter scope, e.g. "compile".
protected abstract String getDependencyScopeFilter();
* Thrift files from referenced projects.
protected abstract List<File> getReferencedThriftFiles() throws IOException;
* Get the last modified time for a set of files.
private long lastModified(Set<File> files) {
long result = 0;
for (File file : files) {
if (file.lastModified() > result)
result = file.lastModified();
return result;
* build a complete set of local files, files from referenced projects, and dependencies.
private Set<File> findThriftFiles() throws IOException {
final File thriftSourceRoot = getThriftSourceRoot();
Set<File> thriftFiles = new HashSet<File>();
if (thriftSourceRoot != null && thriftSourceRoot.exists()) {
getLog().info("finding thrift files in dependencies");
extractFilesFromDependencies(findThriftDependencies(dependencyIncludes), getResourcesOutputDirectory());
if (buildExtractedThrift && getResourcesOutputDirectory().exists()) {
getLog().info("finding thrift files in referenced (reactor) projects");
return thriftFiles;
* Iterate through dependencies, find those specified in the whitelist
private Set<Artifact> findThriftDependencies(Set<String> whitelist) throws IOException {
Set<Artifact> thriftDependencies = new HashSet<Artifact>();
Set<Artifact> deps = new HashSet<Artifact>();
Map<String, Artifact> depsMap = new HashMap<String, Artifact>();
for (Artifact dep : deps) {
depsMap.put(dep.getId(), dep);
for (Artifact artifact : deps) {
// This artifact is on the whitelist directly.
if (whitelist.contains(artifact.getArtifactId())) {
// This artifact has an IDL classifier, whitelist it
} else if ("idl".equalsIgnoreCase(artifact.getClassifier())) {
// Check if this artifact is being pulled in by an idl jar that's been whitelisted
} else {
List<String> depTrail = artifact.getDependencyTrail();
// depTrail can be null sometimes, which seems like a maven bug
if (depTrail != null) {
for (String name : depTrail) {
Artifact dep = depsMap.get(name);
if (dep != null && "idl".equals(dep.getClassifier()) && whitelist.contains(dep.getArtifactId())) {
return thriftDependencies;
* Copy thrift files from dependency jars to {@link #getResourcesOutputDirectory()}.
* @param dependencies A set of jar artifacts ths project depends on.
* @param output The directory to copy any found files into.
private void extractFilesFromDependencies(Collection<Artifact> dependencies, File destFolder) throws IOException {
for (Artifact artifact : dependencies) {
File dep = artifact.getFile();
getLog().info("extracting thrift files from " + dep.getCanonicalPath());
if (dep.isFile() && dep.canRead() && dep.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
JarFile jar = new JarFile(dep);
for (JarEntry entry : list(jar.entries())) {
if (entry.getName().endsWith(THRIFT_FILE_SUFFIX)) {
File destination = new File(destFolder, entry.getName());
if (destination.isFile() && dep.lastModified() <= destination.lastModified()) {
if (!haveSameContents(destination, jar, entry)) {
throw new IOException(format("extracting %s from %s would overwrite %s", entry.getName(), dep.getCanonicalPath(), destination.getCanonicalPath()));
} else {
getLog().info(format("skipping extraction of %s from %s", entry.getName(), dep.getCanonicalPath()));
} else {
if (destination.isFile()) {
getLog().warn(format("overwriting %s with %s", entry.getName(), destination.getCanonicalPath()));
} else {
getLog().info(format("extracting %s to %s", entry.getName(), destination.getCanonicalPath()));
copyStreamToFile(new RawInputStreamFacade(jar.getInputStream(entry)), destination);
if (!destination.setLastModified(dep.lastModified()))
getLog().warn(format("fail to set last modified time for %s", destination.getCanonicalPath()));
} else {
getLog().warn(format("dep %s isn't a file or can't be read", dep.getCanonicalPath()));
private boolean haveSameContents(File file, final JarFile jar, final JarEntry entry) throws IOException {
HashFunction hashFun = Hashing.md5();
HashCode fileHash = Files.hash(file, hashFun);
HashCode streamHash = ByteStreams.hash(new InputSupplier<InputStream>() {
public InputStream getInput() throws IOException { return jar.getInputStream(entry); }
}, hashFun);
return fileHash.equals(streamHash);
* Find all {@code .java} and {@code .scala} files in the given directory.
private ImmutableSet<File> findGeneratedFilesInDirectory(File directory) throws IOException {
if (directory == null || !directory.isDirectory())
return ImmutableSet.of();
List<File> sourceFilesInDirectory = getFiles(directory, "**/*.java", null);
sourceFilesInDirectory.addAll(getFiles(directory, "**/*.scala", null));
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(sourceFilesInDirectory);
* Find all {@code .thrift} files in the given directory.
private ImmutableSet<File> findThriftFilesInDirectory(File directory) throws IOException {
checkArgument(directory.isDirectory(), "%s is not a directory", directory);
List<File> thriftFilesInDirectory = getFiles(directory, Joiner.on(",").join(includes), Joiner.on(",").join(excludes));
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(thriftFilesInDirectory);
* Walk project references recursively, building up a list of thrift files they provide, starting
* with an empty file list.
protected List<File> getRecursiveThriftFiles(MavenProject project, String outputDirectory) throws IOException {
return getRecursiveThriftFiles(project, outputDirectory, new ArrayList<File>());
* Walk project references recursively, adding thrift files to the provided list.
List<File> getRecursiveThriftFiles(MavenProject project, String outputDirectory, List<File> files) throws IOException {
HashFunction hashFun = Hashing.md5();
if (dependencyIncludes.contains(project.getArtifactId())) {
File dir = new File(new File(project.getFile().getParent(), "target"), outputDirectory);
if (dir.exists()) {
URI baseDir = getFileURI(dir);
for (File f : findThriftFilesInDirectory(dir)) {
URI fileURI = getFileURI(f);
String relPath = baseDir.relativize(fileURI).getPath();
File destFolder = getResourcesOutputDirectory();
File destFile = new File(destFolder, relPath);
if (!destFile.exists() || (destFile.isFile() && !Files.hash(f, hashFun).equals(Files.hash(destFile, hashFun)))) {
getLog().info(format("copying %s to %s", f.getCanonicalPath(), destFile.getCanonicalPath()));
copyFile(f, destFile);
Map<String, MavenProject> refs = project.getProjectReferences();
for (String name : refs.keySet()) {
getRecursiveThriftFiles(refs.get(name), outputDirectory, files);
return files;
URI getFileURI(File file) throws IOException {
try {
return new URI("file://"+(file.getCanonicalPath().replace("\\","/")));
} catch (URISyntaxException urie) {
throw new IOException("error forming URI for file transfer: " + urie);