/* Copyright 2009 Fabrizio Cannizzo
* This file is part of JMeterRestSampler.
* JMeterRestSampler (http://code.google.com/p/rest-fixture/) is free software:
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* BSD License
* You should have received a copy of the BSD License
* along with JMeterRestSampler. If not, see <http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php>.
* If you want to contact the author please see http://smartrics.blogspot.com
package smartrics.jmeter.sampler;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.AbstractSampler;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.Entry;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult;
import smartrics.jmeter.sampler.jmx.MemUsageJmxClient;
import smartrics.jmeter.sampler.jmx.MemUsageJmxClient.MemoryData;
* This samples a JMX server for memory usage. At the moment only for Heap
* memory of the JVM to which it points to. This sampler captures the URI for
* the server, whether and where to save a graph file of the results and the
* sample frequency.
* It's a bit odd as a sampler because it should not be used to gather
* performance measures on a JMX server.
* It's main usage, in fact, is for reporting on memory usage, functional to
* robustness builds.
public class JmxSampler extends AbstractSampler {
public static String HEAP_MEM = "heap";
public static String NON_HEAP_MEM = "non heap";
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5877623539165274730L;
private static Map<String, Long> lastSampleTs = new HashMap<String, Long>();
public static final String JMX_URI = "JmxSampler.jmx_uri";
public static final String JMX_MEM_TYPE = "JmxSampler.jmx_mem_type";
public static final String JMX_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY = "JmxSampler.jmx_sample_frequency";
public static final String JMX_LAST_SAMPLE_TS = "JmxSampler.jmx_last_sample_ts";
public JmxSampler() {
public int getSampleFrequency() {
return getPropertyAsInt(JMX_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY);
public void setSampleFrequency(int data) {
setProperty(JMX_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY, Integer.toString(data));
public void setLastSampleTs(String uri, long data) {
lastSampleTs.put(uri, data);
public long getLastSampleTs(String uri) {
Long ts = lastSampleTs.get(uri);
if (ts == null)
return 0;
return ts.longValue();
public void setJmxUri(String data) {
setProperty(JMX_URI, data);
public String getJmxUri() {
return getPropertyAsString(JMX_URI);
public void setJmxMemType(String data) {
setProperty(JMX_MEM_TYPE, data);
public String getJmxMemType() {
return getPropertyAsString(JMX_MEM_TYPE);
public String toString() {
return "Jmx uri: " + getJmxUri() + ", mem: " + getJmxMemType();
public SampleResult sample(Entry e) {
return sample();
* @return a standard sample result of type JmxSampleResult.
public SampleResult sample() {
long startdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
long lastSampleTs = getLastSampleTs(getJmxUri());
if ((startdate - lastSampleTs) < getSampleFrequency() * 1000) {
// sampling more frequently than the set frequency
return null;
setLastSampleTs(getJmxUri(), startdate);
JmxSampleResult newRes = new JmxSampleResult();
MemUsageJmxClient c = new MemUsageJmxClient();
MemoryData d = c.getData();
long mem = byte2Kbyte(d.getUsedNonHeap());
if (HEAP_MEM.equals(getJmxMemType())) {
// transform in Kb by default (mem is returned in bytes)
mem = byte2Kbyte(d.getUsedHeap());
long enddate = System.currentTimeMillis();
newRes.setStampAndTime(enddate, enddate - startdate);
// obviously it's always successful as we're capturing data for report
// purposes
return newRes;
private long byte2Kbyte(long n) {
return n / 1024;