package edu.cmu.graphchi.walks;
import com.yammer.metrics.core.TimerContext;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.ChiLogger;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.Scheduler;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.engine.VertexInterval;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Manager for random walks
* * Done partially during authors internship at Twitter, Fall 2012.
* @author Aapo Kyrola,
public class LongWalkManager extends WalkManager {
protected long[][] walks;
private static final Logger logger = ChiLogger.getLogger("long-walk-manager");
public LongWalkManager(int numVertices, int numSources) {
super(numVertices, numSources);
protected void setSourceAndBucketBits() {
MAX_SOURCES = 16777216; // 24 bits for the source id
bucketSize = 128; // 7 bits for the bucket size
* Encode a walk. Note, as sourceIdx is the highest order bits, the
* walks can be sorted by source simply by sorting the list.
* @param sourceId index of the rousce vertex
* @param hop true if odd, false if even
* @param off bucket offset
* @return
protected long encode(int sourceId, boolean hop, int off) {
assert(off < 128);
int hopbit = (hop ? 1 : 0);
return ((sourceId & 0xffffff) << 8) | ((off & 0x7f) << 1) | hopbit;
protected long encodeV(int sourceId, boolean hop, int vertexId) {
return encode(sourceId, hop, vertexId % bucketSize);
protected long encodeNewWalk(int sourceId, int sourceVertex, boolean hop) {
return encode(sourceId, hop, sourceVertex % bucketSize);
public int sourceIdx(long walk) {
return (int) ((walk & 0xffffff00) >> 8) & 0xffffff;
public boolean trackBit(long walk) {
return ((walk & 1) != 0);
public int off(long walk) {
return (int) (walk >> 1) & 0x7f;
* Resets the bucket offset to reflect the new destination vertex, and also resets the track
* bit, according to the parameters. Note that those are the _only_ things re-encoded by this
* method, as those are the only things this method has access to; if other parts of the walk
* need to be changed, that must be taken care of in the WalkUpdateFunction _before_ forwarding
* the walk.
protected long reencodeWalk(long walk, int toVertex, boolean trackBit) {
int bucket = toVertex / bucketSize;
return encode(sourceIdx(walk), trackBit, toVertex % bucketSize);
* @param sourceId
* @param toVertex
* @param trackBit true if odd, false if even hop
public void moveWalk(long walk, int toVertex, boolean trackBit) {
int bucket = toVertex / bucketSize;
synchronized (bucketLocks[bucket]) {
moveWalkUnsafe(walk, toVertex, trackBit);
public void moveWalkUnsafe(long walk, int toVertex, boolean trackBit) {
// Reincode the walk to reflect the movement
walk = reencodeWalk(walk, toVertex, trackBit);
// Move the walk to the new bucket for processing
int bucket = toVertex / bucketSize;
int idx = walkIndices[bucket];
if (idx == 0) {
walks[bucket] = new long[initialSize];
} else {
if (idx == walks[bucket].length) {
long[] newBucket = new long[walks[bucket].length * 3 / 2];
System.arraycopy(walks[bucket], 0, newBucket, 0, walks[bucket].length);
walks[bucket] = newBucket;
walks[bucket][idx] = walk;
protected void expandCapacity(int bucket, int additional) {
if (walks[bucket] != null) {
int desiredLength = walks[bucket].length + additional;
if (walks[bucket].length < desiredLength) {
long[] newBucket = new long[desiredLength];
System.arraycopy(walks[bucket], 0, newBucket, 0, walks[bucket].length);
walks[bucket] = newBucket;
} else {
walks[bucket] = new long[additional];
public void initializeWalks() {
walks = new long[1 + numVertices / bucketSize][];
bucketLocks = new Object[walks.length];
for(int i=0; i<bucketLocks.length; i++) bucketLocks[i] = new Object();
walkIndices = new int[walks.length];
for(int i = 0; i < walks.length; i++) {
walks[i] = null;
walkIndices[i] = 0;
/* Truncate sources */
if (sourceSeqIdx < sources.length) {"Truncating...");
int[] tmpsrcs = new int[sourceSeqIdx];
System.arraycopy(sources, 0, tmpsrcs, 0, sourceSeqIdx);
sources = tmpsrcs;
}"Calculate sizes. Walks length:" + walks.length);
/* Precalculate bucket sizes for performance */
int[] tmpsizes = new int[walks.length];
for(int j=0; j < sourceSeqIdx; j++) {
int source = sources[j];
tmpsizes[source / bucketSize] += sourceWalkCounts[j];
}"Expand capacities");
for(int b=0; b < walks.length; b++) {
expandCapacity(b, tmpsizes[b]);
}"Allocating walks");
for(int i=0; i < sourceSeqIdx; i++) {
int source = sources[i];
int count = sourceWalkCounts[i];
//long walk = encodeNewWalk(i, source, false);
int bucket = source / bucketSize;
int idx = walkIndices[bucket];
for(int c=0; c<count; c++) {
// This is a little slower than just encoding the walk once for each source, but
// some applications need to keep track of a walk id. Calling encodeNewWalk every
// time allows for this.
walks[bucket][idx++] = encodeNewWalk(i, source, false);
walkIndices[bucket] += count;
if (i % 100000 == 0) + " / " + sourceSeqIdx);
sourceWalkCounts = null;"Set bitset...");
// Create source-bitset
for(int i=0; i < sourceSeqIdx; i++) {
sourceBitSet.set(sources[i], true);
public WalkSnapshot grabSnapshot(final int fromVertex, final int toVertexInclusive) {
final int fromBucket = fromVertex / bucketSize;
final int toBucket = toVertexInclusive / bucketSize;
final boolean[] snapshotInitBits = new boolean[toBucket - fromBucket + 1];
final boolean[] processedBits = new boolean[1 + toVertexInclusive - fromVertex];
for(int b=fromBucket; b <= toBucket; b++) {
snapshotInitBits[b - fromBucket] = false;
/* Now create data structure for fast retrieval */
final long[][] snapshots = new long[toVertexInclusive - fromVertex + 1][];
/* Create the snapshot object. It creates the snapshot arrays on-demand
* to save memory. */
return new WalkSnapshot() {
public void clear(int vertexId) {
snapshots[vertexId - fromVertex] = null;
public void restoreUngrabbed() {
final TimerContext _timer = restore.time();
// Restore such walks that were not grabbed (because the vertex
// was not initially scheduled)
int v = fromVertex;
int restoreCount = 0;
for(long[] snapshot : snapshots) {
if (snapshot != null && !processedBits[v - fromVertex]) {
for(int i=0; i<snapshot.length; i++) {
long w = snapshot[i];
moveWalk(w, v, trackBit(w));
}"Restored " + restoreCount);
// Note: accurate number only before snapshot is being purged
public long numWalks() {
long sum = 0;
for(int b=fromBucket; b <= toBucket; b++) {
sum += walks[b].length;
return sum;
public WalkArray getWalksAtVertex(int vertexId, boolean processed) {
int bucketIdx = vertexId / bucketSize;
int localBucketIdx = bucketIdx - (fromVertex / bucketSize);
processedBits[vertexId - fromVertex] = true;
if (snapshotInitBits[localBucketIdx]) {
long[] array = snapshots[vertexId - fromVertex];
if (array == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new LongWalkArray(snapshots[vertexId - fromVertex]);
} else {
final TimerContext _timer = grabTimer.time();
long[] bucketToConsume = null;
int len = 0;
synchronized (bucketLocks[bucketIdx]) {
if (!snapshotInitBits[localBucketIdx]) {
int bucketFirstVertex = bucketSize * bucketIdx;
len = walkIndices[bucketIdx];
bucketToConsume = walks[bucketIdx];
if (bucketToConsume != null) {
walks[bucketIdx] = null;
walkIndices[bucketIdx] = 0;
final int[] snapshotSizes = new int[bucketSize];
final int[] snapshotIdxs = new int[bucketSize];
/* Calculate vertex-walks sizes */
for(int i=0; i < len; i++) {
long w = bucketToConsume[i];
int offt = bucketFirstVertex - fromVertex;
for(int i=0; i < snapshotSizes.length; i++) {
if (snapshotSizes[i] > 0 && i >= -offt && i + offt < snapshots.length)
snapshots[i + offt] = new long[snapshotSizes[i]];
for(int i=0; i < len; i++) {
long w = bucketToConsume[i];
int vertex = bucketFirstVertex + off(w);
if (vertex >= fromVertex && vertex <= toVertexInclusive) {
int snapshotOff = vertex - fromVertex;
int localOff = vertex - bucketFirstVertex;
snapshots[snapshotOff][snapshotIdxs[localOff]] = w;
} else {
// add back
moveWalk(w, vertex, trackBit(w));
snapshotInitBits[localBucketIdx] = true;
if (bucketConsumer != null && bucketToConsume != null && len > 0) {
bucketConsumer.consume(bucketIdx * bucketSize, new LongWalkArray(bucketToConsume), len);
if (len > 1000000) {
log((bucketIdx * bucketSize) + " - " + ((bucketIdx+1)) * bucketSize + ", " + len);
long[] array = snapshots[vertexId - fromVertex];
if (array == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new LongWalkArray(snapshots[vertexId - fromVertex]);
public int getFirstVertex() {
return fromVertex;
public int getLastVertex() {
return toVertexInclusive;
/** Dump to file all walks with more than 0 hop */
public void dumpToFile(WalkSnapshot snapshot, String filename) throws IOException {
final TimerContext _timer = dumpTimer.time();
synchronized (filename.intern()) {
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(filename), true)));
for(int i=snapshot.getFirstVertex(); i <= snapshot.getLastVertex(); i++) {
long[] ws = ((LongWalkArray)snapshot.getWalksAtVertex(i, false)).getArray();
if (ws != null) {
for(int j=0; j < ws.length; j++) {
long w = ws[j];
int source = sources[sourceIdx(w)];
public int getSourceVertex(long walk) {
return sources[sourceIdx(walk)];
public void populateSchedulerForInterval(Scheduler scheduler, VertexInterval interval) {
final TimerContext _timer = schedulePopulate.time();
int fromBucket = interval.getFirstVertex() / bucketSize;
int toBucket = interval.getLastVertex() / bucketSize;
for(int bucketIdx=fromBucket; bucketIdx <= toBucket; bucketIdx++) {
int vertexBase = bucketIdx * bucketSize;
long[] bucket = walks[bucketIdx];
if (bucket != null) {
BitSet alreadySeen = new BitSet(bucketSize);
int counter = 0;
for(int j=0; j<bucket.length; j++) {
int off = off(bucket[j]);
if (!alreadySeen.get(off)) {
alreadySeen.set(off, true);
scheduler.addTask(vertexBase + off);
if (counter == bucketSize) break;