package edu.cmu.graphchi.apps.recommendations;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.ChiFilenames;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.ChiLogger;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.preprocessing.VertexIdTranslate;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.queries.VertexQuery;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Emulates Twitter's Who-To-Follow (WTF) algorithm's SALSA part as described in WWW'13 paper
* WTF: The Who to Follow Service at Twitter:
* This demonstration loads the followers
* of the "circle of trust" (top visited vertices in egocentric random walk) directly
* from the shards using the edu.cmu.graphchi.queries.VertexQuery class. Then SALSA
* algorithm is run so that the "circle of trust" is on the left as "hubs" and their followers
* on the right as "authorities".
* Circle of trust must be given externally to this class. <b>Note:</b> work in progress.
* @author Aapo Kyrola
// TODO: Make multithreaded / thread-safe.
public class CircleOfTrustSalsa {
private static final Logger logger = ChiLogger.getLogger("circle-of-trust");
static class SalsaVertex {
int id;
int degree = 0;
SalsaVertex(int id) { = id;
double value = 1.0;
ArrayList<Integer> neighbors;
private VertexQuery queryService;
// Neighbor list
private HashMap<Integer, SalsaVertex> hubs;
private HashMap<Integer, SalsaVertex> authorities;
// Static cache
static private Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> cache;
private String graphName;
private static final int FILTER_LIMIT = 4;
// NOTE: non-thread safe
public CircleOfTrustSalsa(VertexQuery queryService, final int cacheSize) throws Exception {
this.queryService = queryService;
synchronized (CircleOfTrustSalsa.class) {
if (cache == null) {
cache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>(cacheSize, 1.0f, true) // LRU
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> integerArrayListEntry) {
return this.size() > cacheSize;
public void initializeGraph(Collection<Integer> circleOfTrust) {
hubs = new HashMap<Integer, SalsaVertex>(circleOfTrust.size(), 1.0f);
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
int totalNeighbors = 0;
int cacheHits = 0;
HashSet<Integer> querySet = new HashSet<Integer>(circleOfTrust.size());
for(int v : circleOfTrust) {
hubs.put(v, new SalsaVertex(v));
if (cache.containsKey(v)) {
SalsaVertex hub = hubs.get(v);
hub.neighbors = cache.get(v); = hub.neighbors.size();
} else {
/* Load neighbors of the circle of trust -- we probably would need some limitation here?? */
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> hubNeighbors = queryService.queryOutNeighbors(querySet);
long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
/* Initialize salsa */
t = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> entry: hubNeighbors.entrySet()) {
int hubId = entry.getKey();
SalsaVertex hub = hubs.get(hubId);
hub.neighbors = entry.getValue(); = entry.getValue().size();
cache.put(hubId, entry.getValue());
// Count total neighbors
for(SalsaVertex hub : hubs.values()) {
totalNeighbors += hub.neighbors.size();
long salsaInitTime0 = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
// We do not add neighbors to authorities -- we can push values to authorities
// and pull to hubs.
int[] authEntries = new int[totalNeighbors];
int j = 0;
for(SalsaVertex hub : hubs.values()) {
for(int authId : hub.neighbors) {
authEntries[j++] = authId;
assert(j == authEntries.length);
// Create map efficiently
int lastId = -1;
int count = 0;
// int filtered = 0;
ArrayList<SalsaVertex> tmpAuth = new ArrayList<SalsaVertex>(1 + authEntries.length / 100);
for(int i=0; i < authEntries.length; i++) {
int authId = authEntries[i];
if (lastId != authId) {
if (lastId >= 0) {
if (count > FILTER_LIMIT) {
SalsaVertex auth = new SalsaVertex(lastId); = count;
} else {
// filtered++;
count = 0;
lastId = authId;
authorities = new HashMap<Integer, SalsaVertex>(tmpAuth.size());
for(SalsaVertex auth : tmpAuth) {
authorities.put(, auth);
// NOTE: remove neighbors!
long salsaInitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;"Query took: " + queryTime + " ms, circle of trust size=" + circleOfTrust.size() + ", cache size=" +
cache.size() + ", hits=" + cacheHits);"Salsa init: " + salsaInitTime + " ms, first phase=" + salsaInitTime0 + " ms, hubs="
+ hubs.size() + ", auths=" + authorities.size());"Filtered: " + filtered); */
* Compute SALSA on graph initialized in initializeGraph() method.
* @param nIterations
public void computeSALSA(int nIterations) {
for(int iter=0; iter < nIterations; iter++) {
// Hubs: sum of authority-neighbors values divided by their degree
for(SalsaVertex hub: hubs.values()) {
double nbSum = 0.0;
// Update the degree because not all authorities were selected
int degree = 0;
for(int authId : hub.neighbors) {
SalsaVertex auth = authorities.get(authId);
if (auth != null) {
nbSum += auth.value /;
hub.value = nbSum; = degree;
// Authorities: push from authority side.
// First: set values to zero
for(SalsaVertex auth: authorities.values()) {
auth.value = 0;
// Then, push hubs values to their auths
for(SalsaVertex hub: hubs.values()) {
double myContribution = hub.value /;
for(int authId : hub.neighbors) {
SalsaVertex auth = authorities.get(authId);
if (auth != null) {
auth.value += myContribution;
public VertexQuery getQueryService() {
return queryService;
* Return top K authorities (result from SALSA), but do not include users in the removeList
* @param K
* @param removeList
* @return
public ArrayList<SalsaVertex> topAuthorities(int K, HashSet<Integer> removeList) {
// TODO: faster top-K implementation
ArrayList<SalsaVertex> all = new ArrayList<SalsaVertex>(authorities.size());
Collections.sort(all, new Comparator<SalsaVertex>() {
public int compare(SalsaVertex salsaVertex, SalsaVertex salsaVertex1) {
if (salsaVertex.value < salsaVertex1.value) return 1;
else return (salsaVertex.value > salsaVertex1.value ? -1 : 0);
ArrayList<SalsaVertex> result = new ArrayList<SalsaVertex>(K);
int i = 0;
while(result.size() < K) {
if (i < all.size()) {
SalsaVertex x = all.get(i);
if (!removeList.contains(
} else {
return result;
public String namify(Integer value) throws IOException {
File f = new File(graphName + "_names.dat");
if (!f.exists()) {
System.out.println("didn't find name file: " + f.getPath());
return value+"";
int i = value * 16;
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f.getAbsolutePath(), "r");;
byte[] tmp = new byte[16];;
return new String(tmp) + "(" + value + ")";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String graphName = args[0];
int nShards = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
CircleOfTrustSalsa csalsa = new CircleOfTrustSalsa(new VertexQuery(graphName, nShards), 10000);
VertexIdTranslate vertexTrans = VertexIdTranslate.fromFile(new File(ChiFilenames.getVertexTranslateDefFile(graphName, nShards)));
BufferedReader cmdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
while(true) {
System.out.print("Enter vertex id to query >> :: ");
String ln = cmdIn.readLine();
int vertex = Integer.parseInt(ln);
// Circle of trust is just the vertex's followers for now
HashSet<Integer> circle = csalsa.queryService.queryOutNeighbors(vertexTrans.forward(vertex));
int maxCircleSize = 300;
// max 500
if (circle.size() > maxCircleSize) {
int[] all = new int[circle.size()];
int i = 0;
for(Integer v : circle) all[i++] = v;
HashSet<Integer> filteredCircle = new HashSet<Integer>();
Random r = new Random(260379);
for(i=0; i < maxCircleSize; i++) filteredCircle.add(all[Math.abs(r.nextInt()) % all.length]);
circle = filteredCircle;
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
csalsa.computeSALSA(3);"SALSA computation took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms");
ArrayList<SalsaVertex> top = csalsa.topAuthorities(20, circle);
int j = 1;
for(SalsaVertex sv : top) {
int originalId = vertexTrans.backward(;"Top " + (j++) + " = " + originalId + " " + csalsa.namify(originalId) + " (" + sv.value + ")");