Package edu.cmu.graphchi.apps.pig

Source Code of edu.cmu.graphchi.apps.pig.PigPagerank

package edu.cmu.graphchi.apps.pig;

import edu.cmu.graphchi.ChiVertex;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.GraphChiContext;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.GraphChiProgram;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.datablocks.FloatConverter;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.engine.GraphChiEngine;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.engine.VertexInterval;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.hadoop.PigGraphChiBase;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.preprocessing.EdgeProcessor;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.preprocessing.FastSharder;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.preprocessing.VertexProcessor;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.vertexdata.VertexAggregator;
import edu.cmu.graphchi.vertexdata.VertexIdValue;
import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

* Example application: PageRank (
* Iteratively computes a pagerank for each vertex by averaging the pageranks
* of in-neighbors pageranks.
* This version can be used with <a href="">Pig</a> in a Hadoop cluster.
* Example PIG script for running this:
* <pre>
*     REGISTER graphchi-java-0.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar;
*     pagerank = LOAD 'graphs/soc-LiveJournal1.txt' USING edu.cmu.graphchi.demo.pig.PigPagerank as (vertex:int, rank:float);
*     STORE pagerank INTO 'pagerank-livejournal';
* </pre>
* (To get the livejournal graph, visit:
* @see edu.cmu.graphchi.hadoop.PigGraphChiBase
* @author Aapo Kyrola,
public class PigPagerank extends PigGraphChiBase implements GraphChiProgram<Float, Float> {

    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("pagerank");

    public void update(ChiVertex<Float, Float> vertex, GraphChiContext context)  {
        if (context.getIteration() == 0) {
            /* Initialize on first iteration */
        } else {
            /* On other iterations, set my value to be the weighted
               average of my in-coming neighbors pageranks.
            float sum = 0.f;
            for(int i=0; i<vertex.numInEdges(); i++) {
                sum += vertex.inEdge(i).getValue();
            vertex.setValue(0.15f + 0.85f * sum);

        /* Write my value (divided by my out-degree) to my out-edges so neighbors can read it. */
        float outValue = vertex.getValue() / vertex.numOutEdges();
        for(int i=0; i<vertex.numOutEdges(); i++) {


     * Callbacks (not needed for Pagerank)
    public void beginIteration(GraphChiContext ctx) {}
    public void endIteration(GraphChiContext ctx) {}
    public void beginInterval(GraphChiContext ctx, VertexInterval interval) {}
    public void endInterval(GraphChiContext ctx, VertexInterval interval) {}
    public void beginSubInterval(GraphChiContext ctx, VertexInterval interval) {}
    public void endSubInterval(GraphChiContext ctx, VertexInterval interval) {}

     * PIG integration

    // Objects needed for iterating the results
    private Iterator<VertexIdValue<Float>> vertexIterator;

     * Pig column names
    protected String getSchemaString() {
        return "(vertex:int, weight:float)";

    protected int getNumShards() {
        return 12// Unfortunately, currently hard-coded.

     * Runs the GraphChi program
    protected void runGraphChi() throws Exception {
        /* Run GraphChi */
        GraphChiEngine<Float, Float> engine = new GraphChiEngine<Float, Float>(getGraphName(), getNumShards());
        engine.setEdataConverter(new FloatConverter());
        engine.setVertexDataConverter(new FloatConverter());
        engine.setModifiesInedges(false); // Important optimization, 4);"Ready.");

        /* Create iterator for the vertex values */
        this.vertexIterator = VertexAggregator.vertexIterator(engine.numVertices(), getGraphName(), new FloatConverter(),

     * Constructs "sharder", which takes an edge list and
     * converts it to internal binary representation of GraphChi.
    protected FastSharder createSharder(String graphName, int numShards) throws IOException {
        return new FastSharder<Float, Float>(graphName, numShards, new VertexProcessor<Float>() {
            public Float receiveVertexValue(int vertexId, String token) {
                return (token == null ? 0.0f : Float.parseFloat(token));
        }, new EdgeProcessor<Float>() {
            public Float receiveEdge(int from, int to, String token) {
                return (token == null ? 0.0f : Float.parseFloat(token));
        }, new FloatConverter(), new FloatConverter());

     * Generates the output to the Pig script, tuple by tuple
    protected Tuple getNextResult(TupleFactory tupleFactory) throws ExecException {
        if (vertexIterator.hasNext()) {
            Tuple t = tupleFactory.newTuple(2);
            VertexIdValue<Float> val =;
            t.set(0, val.getVertexId());
            t.set(1, val.getValue());
            return t;
        } else {
            return null;

Related Classes of edu.cmu.graphchi.apps.pig.PigPagerank

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