package com.rapleaf.jack;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.IDatabases;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.database_1.iface.ICommentPersistence;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.database_1.iface.IImagePersistence;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.database_1.iface.IPostPersistence;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.database_1.iface.IUserPersistence;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.database_1.models.Comment;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.database_1.models.Image;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.database_1.models.Post;
import com.rapleaf.jack.test_project.database_1.models.User;
public abstract class BaseDatabaseModelTestCase extends TestCase {
protected final IDatabases dbs = getDBS();
public abstract IDatabases getDBS();
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testCreate() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t1 = t0 + 10;
long t2 = t0 + 20;
byte[] someBinary = new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
User bryand = users.create("bryand", t0, 5, t1, t2, "this is a relatively long string", someBinary, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
verifyCreatedUser(users, t0, t1, t2, someBinary, bryand);
public void testCreateWithBigintPrimaryKey() throws Exception {
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
long postId = Integer.MAX_VALUE * 2l;
assertTrue( Post(postId, "post title", System.currentTimeMillis(), 1, System.currentTimeMillis())));
Post foundPost = posts.find(postId);
assertNotNull("Post should be found from db by bigint id", foundPost);
foundPost = posts.find(postId);
assertNotNull("Post should be found in cache by bigint id", foundPost);
Comment c = new Comment(1, "comment content", 1, postId, System.currentTimeMillis(), getDBS());
assertNotNull("Post should be findable by foreign key", c.getPost());
public void testCreateFromMap() throws IOException {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t1 = t0 + 10;
long t2 = t0 + 20;
byte[] someBinary = new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
Map<Enum, Object> fieldsMap = new HashMap<Enum, Object>();
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.handle, "bryand");
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.created_at_millis, t0);
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.num_posts, 5);
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.some_date, t1);
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.some_datetime, t2);
fieldsMap.put(, "this is a relatively long string");
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.some_binary, someBinary);
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.some_float, 1.2d);
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.some_decimal, 3.4d);
fieldsMap.put(User._Fields.some_boolean, true);
User bryand = (User)users.create(fieldsMap);
verifyCreatedUser(users, t0, t1, t2, someBinary, bryand);
public void testCreateWithDefaultValues() throws IOException {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User user = users.createDefaultInstance();
private void verifyCreatedUser(IUserPersistence users, long t0, long t1, long t2, byte[] someBinary, User bryand) throws IOException {
assertEquals("bryand", bryand.getHandle());
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t0), bryand.getCreatedAtMillis());
assertEquals(5, bryand.getNumPosts());
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t1), bryand.getSomeDate());
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t2), bryand.getSomeDatetime());
assertEquals("this is a relatively long string", bryand.getBio());
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(someBinary), ByteBuffer.wrap(bryand.getSomeBinary()));
assertEquals(1.2, bryand.getSomeFloat());
assertEquals(3.4, bryand.getSomeDecimal());
// no longer a valid assertion, since we are deep copying objects out of the cache
// assertTrue(bryand == users.find(bryand.getId()));
public void testFind() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t1 = t0 + 10;
long t2 = t0 + 20;
byte[] someBinary = new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
User bryand = users.create("bryand", t0, 5, t1, t2, "this is a relatively long string", someBinary, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User bryand_again = users.find(bryand.getId());
assertEquals(bryand.getId(), bryand_again.getId());
assertEquals("bryand", bryand_again.getHandle());
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t0), bryand_again.getCreatedAtMillis());
assertEquals(5, bryand_again.getNumPosts());
// need to figure out what the appropriate rounding is...
// assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t1), bryand_again.getSomeDate());
// need to figure out what the appropriate rounding is...
// assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t2), bryand_again.getSomeDatetime());
assertEquals("this is a relatively long string", bryand_again.getBio());
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(someBinary), ByteBuffer.wrap(bryand_again.getSomeBinary()));
assertEquals(1.2, bryand_again.getSomeFloat());
assertEquals(3.4, bryand_again.getSomeDecimal());
public void testFindEmptySet() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
Set<User> foundValues = users.find(new HashSet<Long>());
assertEquals(0, foundValues.size());
public void testFindSet() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t1 = t0 + 10;
long t2 = t0 + 20;
byte[] someBinary = new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
User bryand = users.create("bryand", t0, 5, t1, t2, "this is a relatively long string", someBinary, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User notBryand = users.create("notBryand", t0, 3, t1, t2, "another relatively long string", someBinary, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
users.create("unwanted", t0, 0, t1, t2, "yet another relatively long string", someBinary, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
Set<Long> keysToSearch = new HashSet<Long>();
Set<User> foundValues = users.find(keysToSearch);
assertEquals(2, foundValues.size());
Iterator<User> iter = foundValues.iterator();
User bryand_again = null;
User notBryand_again = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
User curUser =;
if (curUser.getId() == bryand.getId()) {
bryand_again = curUser;
} else if (curUser.getId() == notBryand.getId()) {
notBryand_again = curUser;
} else {
fail("Unexpected user id: " + curUser.getId());
assertEquals(bryand.getId(), bryand_again.getId());
assertEquals("bryand", bryand_again.getHandle());
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t0), bryand_again.getCreatedAtMillis());
assertEquals(5, bryand_again.getNumPosts());
// need to figure out what the appropriate rounding is...
// assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t1), bryand_again.getSomeDate());
// need to figure out what the appropriate rounding is...
// assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t2), bryand_again.getSomeDatetime());
assertEquals("this is a relatively long string", bryand_again.getBio());
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(someBinary), ByteBuffer.wrap(bryand_again.getSomeBinary()));
assertEquals(1.2, bryand_again.getSomeFloat());
assertEquals(3.4, bryand_again.getSomeDecimal());
assertEquals(notBryand.getId(), notBryand_again.getId());
assertEquals("notBryand", notBryand_again.getHandle());
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t0), notBryand_again.getCreatedAtMillis());
assertEquals(3, notBryand_again.getNumPosts());
// need to figure out what the appropriate rounding is...
// assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t1), bryand_again.getSomeDate());
// need to figure out what the appropriate rounding is...
// assertEquals(Long.valueOf(t2), bryand_again.getSomeDatetime());
assertEquals("another relatively long string", notBryand_again.getBio());
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(someBinary), ByteBuffer.wrap(notBryand_again.getSomeBinary()));
assertEquals(1.2, notBryand_again.getSomeFloat());
assertEquals(3.4, notBryand_again.getSomeDecimal());
public void testFindSetFromCache() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t1 = t0 + 10;
long t2 = t0 + 20;
byte[] someBinary = new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
User bryand = users.create("bryand", t0, 5, t1, t2, "this is a relatively long string", someBinary, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User notBryand = users.create("notBryand", t0, 3, t1, t2, "another relatively long string", someBinary, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
users.create("unwanted", t0, 0, t1, t2, "yet another relatively long string", someBinary, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
Set<Long> keysToSearch = new HashSet<Long>();
Set<User> foundValues = users.find(keysToSearch);
assertEquals(2, foundValues.size());
Iterator<User> iter = foundValues.iterator();
User bryand_again = users.find(bryand.getId());
User notBryand_again = users.find(notBryand.getId());
while (iter.hasNext()) {
User curUser =;
if (curUser.getId() == bryand.getId()) {
assertEquals(bryand_again, curUser);
} else if (curUser.getId() == notBryand.getId()) {
assertEquals(notBryand_again, curUser);
} else {
fail("Unexpected user id: " + curUser.getId());
public void testFindCache() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User user = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u1 = users.find(user.getId());
User u2 = users.find(user.getId());
assertEquals(u1, u2);
public void testFindAllByForeignKey() throws Exception {
ICommentPersistence comments = dbs.getDatabase1().comments();
int userId = 1;
Comment c1 = comments.create("comment1", userId, 1L, 1);
Comment c2 = comments.create("comment2", userId, 1L, 1);
Comment c3 = comments.create("comment3", userId, 1L, 1);
Set<Comment> userComments = comments.findAllByForeignKey("commenter_id", userId);
assertEquals(3, userComments.size());
public void testFindAllFromCache() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u2 = users.create("thomask", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u3 = users.create("emilyl", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
// fills cache
User u1_1 = users.find(u1.getId());
User u2_1 = users.find(u2.getId());
User u3_1 = users.find(u3.getId());
Set<User> allUsers = users.findAll();
// make sure findAll returned cached objects
int numFound = 0;
for (User user : allUsers) {
if (user.getId() == u1_1.getId()) {
} else if (user.getId() == u2_1.getId()) {
} else if (user.getId() == u3_1.getId()) {
assertEquals("findAll did not return cached objects for all 3 users!", 3, numFound);
public void testFindAllAndCache() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u2 = users.create("thomask", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u3 = users.create("emilyl", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
Set<User> allUsers = users.findAll();
User u1_1 = users.find(u1.getId());
// make sure caching worked as expected
boolean found = false;
for (User user : allUsers) {
if (user.getId() == u1_1.getId()) {
found = true;
assertTrue("No User instance equivalent to u1_1 was found!", found);
public void testFindAllByForeignKeyFromSet() throws Exception {
ICommentPersistence comments = dbs.getDatabase1().comments();
Long userId = 1L;
Long otherUserId = 2L;
Comment c1 = comments.create("comment1", userId.intValue(), 1L, 0);
Comment c2 = comments.create("comment2", userId.intValue(), 1L, 0);
Comment c3 = comments.create("comment3", userId.intValue(), 1L, 0);
Comment c4 = comments.create("comment4", otherUserId.intValue(), 1L, 0);
Comment c5 = comments.create("comment5", 3, 1L, 0);
Set<Long> commenterIds = new HashSet<Long>();
Set<Comment> userComments = comments.findAllByForeignKey("commenter_id", commenterIds);
assertEquals(4, userComments.size());
Set<Comment> userCommentsSecondQuery = comments.findAllByForeignKey("commenter_id", commenterIds);
assertEquals(4, userCommentsSecondQuery.size());
public void testFindAllWithConditions() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u2 = users.create("thomask", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
users.create("emilyl", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("handle = 'bryand'"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle = 'thomask'"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle = 'thomask' AND num_posts=5"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle = 'thomask' AND created_at_millis<=" + System.currentTimeMillis()));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle != 'bryand' AND handle != 'emilyl' AND created_at_millis<=" + System.currentTimeMillis()));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle != 'bryand' AND handle != 'emilyl' AND 0.5 < 1.0e1"));
public void testFindAllWithNullValues() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u2 = users.create("thomask", null, 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("created_at_millis IS NOT NULL"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("created_at_millis IS NULL"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("(created_at_millis IS NULL) IS NOT TRUE"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("(created_at_millis IS NULL) IS TRUE"));
public void testFindAllWithLikeConditions() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u2 = users.create("thomask", null, 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u3 = users.create("as%df", null, 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("handle LIKE 'bryan_'"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle LIKE '%o%m%as%'"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle NOT LIKE 'bryan_' AND handle != 'as%df'"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("handle NOT LIKE '%omas%' AND handle != 'as%df'"));
assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_SET, users.findAll("handle LIKE '%/tmp/directory/1%'"));
public void testFindAllWithNumericInConditions() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u2 = users.create("thomask", null, 3, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("5 > 4 AND num_posts in (1 , 5)"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("5 < 4 OR num_posts in (3 , 7)"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("num_posts not in (1 , 5) OR 5 < 4"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("num_posts not in (3 , 7) AND 5 > 4"));
public void testFindAllWithStringInConditions() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u2 = users.create("thomask", null, 3, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("5 > 4 AND handle in ('bryand' , 'asdf')"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("5 < 4 OR handle in ('thomask' , 'aswer')"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle not in ('asd' , 'bryand') OR 5 < 4"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("handle not in ('thomask' , 'wers') AND 5 > 4"));
public void testFindAllWithEscapedQuotesInStrings() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("brya'nd", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
User u2 = users.create("thoma\"sk", null, 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("handle = 'brya''nd'"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle = 'thoma\"sk'"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u1), users.findAll("handle = 'brya''nd'"));
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(u2), users.findAll("handle = 'thoma\"sk'"));
public void testBelongsTo() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
Post p1 = posts.create("title", System.currentTimeMillis(), (int)u1.getId(), 0l);
assertEquals(u1, p1.getUser());
public void testHasOne() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
IImagePersistence images = dbs.getDatabase1().images();
Image image = images.create((int)u1.getId());
assertEquals(u1, image.getUser());
public void testHasMany() throws Exception {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("bryand", System.currentTimeMillis(), 5, System.currentTimeMillis() + 10, System.currentTimeMillis() + 20, "this is a relatively long string", new byte[]{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 1.2d, 3.4d, true);
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
Post p1 = posts.create("title1", System.currentTimeMillis(), (int)u1.getId(), 0l);
Post p2 = posts.create("title2", System.currentTimeMillis(), (int)u1.getId(), 0l);
Post p3 = posts.create("title3", System.currentTimeMillis(), (int)u1.getId(), 0l);
assertEquals(new HashSet<Post>(Arrays.asList(p1, p2, p3)), u1.getPosts());
public void testFindByForeignKey() throws Exception {
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
Post post = posts.create("title", 0L, 1, 0l);
assertTrue(posts.findAllByForeignKey("user_id", -1).isEmpty());
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(post), posts.findAllByForeignKey("user_id", 1));
public void testSetReturnsModifiedModel() throws Exception {
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
Post post = posts.create(null, 10L, 1, 0l);
Post postCopy = post.setUserId(null).setPostedAtMillis(20L);
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(20), post.getPostedAtMillis());
assertEquals(post, postCopy);
public void testNullTreatment() throws Exception {
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
Post post = posts.create(null, 10L, 1, 0l);
post = posts.find(post.getId());
public void testDelete() throws Exception {
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
Post post = posts.create(null, 10L, 1, 0l);
long id = post.getId();
public void testSave() throws Exception {
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
Post post = posts.create(null, 10L, 1, 0l);
long id = post.getId();
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(20), posts.find(id).getPostedAtMillis());
public void testInsertOnSave() throws Exception {
IPostPersistence posts = dbs.getDatabase1().posts();
Post post = new Post(50, "Post", 20L, 100, 0l, dbs);;
assertEquals(post, posts.find(50));
public void testFindWithFieldsMap() throws IOException, SQLException {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("a_handle", 2);;
User u2 = users.create("another_handle", 2);
Set<User> found = users.find(new HashMap<Enum, Object>() {
put(User._Fields.handle, "a_handle");
put(User._Fields.some_float, null);
assertEquals(1, found.size());
found = users.find(new HashMap<Enum, Object>() {
put(User._Fields.num_posts, 2);
assertEquals(2, found.size());
found = users.query().id(u1.getId()).numPosts(2).find();
assertEquals(1, found.size());
public void testFindByField() throws IOException {
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User u1 = users.create("a_handle", 2);;
User u2 = users.create("another_handle", 2);
Set<User> found = users.findByHandle("a_handle");
assertEquals(1, found.size());
found = users.findByHandle("no_a_handle");
found = users.findByNumPosts(2);
assertEquals(2, found.size());
public void testCopyConstructor() {
User orig = new User(1, "some_handle", 1L, 1, 1L, 1L, "bio", "bio".getBytes(), 1d, 2d, true);
User copy = new User(orig);
orig.getSomeBinary()[0] = "z".getBytes()[0];
assertEquals("some_handle", copy.getHandle());
assertEquals(1, copy.getNumPosts());
assertEquals((Object)1L, copy.getCreatedAtMillis());
assertTrue(Arrays.equals("bio".getBytes(), copy.getSomeBinary()));
assertEquals((Object)true, copy.isSomeBoolean());
public void testCreateAssociation() throws Exception {
IImagePersistence images = dbs.getDatabase1().images();
Image i1 = images.createDefaultInstance();;
User u1 = i1.createUser();
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(u1.getId()), Long.valueOf(i1.getUserId()));
IUserPersistence users = dbs.getDatabase1().users();
User userInDb = users.find(i1.getUserId());
assertEquals(u1, userInDb);
Image imageInDb = images.find(i1.getId());
assertEquals(i1, imageInDb);
public void testComparable() {
Post post1 = new Post(50, "Post1", 20L, 100, 0l, dbs);
Post post2 = new Post(70, "Post2", 20L, 100, 0l, dbs);
Post post3 = new Post(71, "Post2", 20L, 100, 0l, dbs);
Post post4 = new Post(100, "Post2", 20L, 100, 0l, dbs);
assertTrue(post1.compareTo(post2) < 0);
List<Post> posts = new ArrayList<Post>();
assertEquals(post1, posts.get(0));
assertEquals(post2, posts.get(1));
assertEquals(post3, posts.get(2));
assertEquals(post4, posts.get(3));