/* Redline Smalltalk, Copyright (c) James C. Ladd. All rights reserved. See LICENSE in the root of this distribution. */
package st.redline.compiler;
import org.antlr.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.Lexer;
import org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState;
* This is the super class for the lexer. It is extended by the lexer class
* generated from TLexer.g.
* Do not place code and declarations in the lexer .g files, use
* a superclass like this and place all the support methods and
* error overrides etc in the super class. This way you will keep
* the lexer grammar clean and hunky dory.
* @author Jim Idle - Temporal Wave LLC (jimi@idle.ws)
* @author James Ladd - Redline
public abstract class AbstractPreProcLexer
extends Lexer
* Default constructor for the lexer, when you do not yet know what
* the character stream to be provided is.
public AbstractPreProcLexer() {
* Create a new instance of the lexer using the given character stream as
* the input to lex into tokens.
* @param input A valid character stream that contains the ruleSrc code you
* wish to compile (or lex at least)
public AbstractPreProcLexer(CharStream input) {
this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
* Internal constructor for ANTLR - do not use.
* @param input The character stream we are going to lex
* @param state The shared state object, shared between all lexer components
public AbstractPreProcLexer(CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
* Used internally by the lexer to build the pre-processed output stream
StringBuilder sb;
StringBuilder args;
* Name of the input file
String methodName;
boolean haveMethods = false;
public void resetMethods() {
haveMethods = false;
public void haveMethods() {
haveMethods = true;
public boolean firstMethod() {
return !haveMethods;
* Initialize the pre-processor according to the input size.
public void initPreProc(String name) {
// Assume an expansion of 20%, which is just a guess, but is
// probably enough for most pre-processing situations.
sb = new StringBuilder( (int)(input.size() * 1.20));
args = new StringBuilder();
// See if we have the file name?
methodName = name; // input.getSourceName();
// if (methodName == null || methodName.isEmpty()) {
// methodName = "unknownMethod";
// }
// else {
// // Massage the name
// //
// methodName = methodName.substring(methodName.lastIndexOf(RedlineFile.separatorChar)+1); // Remove paths
// if (methodName.lastIndexOf('.') != -1) {
// methodName = methodName.substring(0, methodName.lastIndexOf('.'));
// }
// }
* Provide a reference to the internal StringBuilder in case it needs
* to be manipulated outside the pre-processor.
* @return A reference to the StringBuilder that is building the output
* stream.
public StringBuilder getPreProcBuilder() {
return sb;
* Provide the pre-processed input in String form.
* @return
public String getOutput() {
if (haveMethods) {
sb.append(" initialize.\n");
return sb.toString();