package com.leansoft.mwsc.module.pico;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import com.leansoft.mwsc.model.MethodInfo;
import com.leansoft.mwsc.model.ParameterInfo;
import com.leansoft.mwsc.model.SEIInfo;
import com.leansoft.mwsc.model.WSCodeGenModel;
import com.leansoft.mxjc.model.CGConfig;
import com.leansoft.mxjc.model.FileInfo;
import com.leansoft.mxjc.model.TypeInfo;
import com.leansoft.mwsc.module.AbstractWSClientModule;
import com.leansoft.mwsc.module.WscModuleException;
import com.leansoft.mxjc.module.ModuleName;
import com.leansoft.mxjc.module.pico.Java2PicoTypeMapper;
import com.leansoft.mxjc.util.ClassNameUtil;
import freemarker.template.SimpleHash;
public class PicoWSClientModule extends AbstractWSClientModule {
// references to templates
private URL eiIntfSOAPTemplate;
private URL eiImplSOAPTemplate;
private URL eiIntfXMLTemplate;
private URL eiImplXMLTemplate;
public ModuleName getName() {
return ModuleName.PICO;
public void init() throws WscModuleException {
info("PicoWSClientModule loading templates ...");
private void loadTemplates() throws WscModuleException {
//load template
eiIntfSOAPTemplate = this.getTemplateURL("client-endpoint-soap-interface.fmt");
eiImplSOAPTemplate = this.getTemplateURL("client-endpoint-soap-impl.fmt");
eiIntfXMLTemplate = this.getTemplateURL("client-endpoint-xml-interface.fmt");
eiImplXMLTemplate = this.getTemplateURL("client-endpoint-xml-impl.fmt");
public Set<FileInfo> generate(WSCodeGenModel cgModel, CGConfig config)
throws WscModuleException {
// freemarker datamodel
SimpleHash fmModel = this.getFreemarkerModel();
// container for target codes
Set<FileInfo> targetFileSet = new HashSet<FileInfo>();
info("Generating the Pico web serivce client classes...");
if (config.picoPrefix == null) {
warn("No prefix is provided, it's recommended to add prefix for Pico binding to avoid possible conflict");
String prefix = config.picoPrefix == null ? "" : config.picoPrefix;
prefixType(cgModel, prefix);
fmModel.put("group", config.picoServiceGroup);
// generate endpoint interface
for (SEIInfo interfaceInfo : cgModel.getServiceEndpointInterfaces()) {
fmModel.put("imports", this.getInterfaceImports(interfaceInfo));
fmModel.put("endpointInterface", interfaceInfo);
// special logic for ebay service demo, just a convenient for ebay service proxy generation
if (config.eBaySOAService) {
fmModel.put("eBaySOAService", config.eBaySOAService);
} else if (config.eBayShoppingAPI) {
fmModel.put("eBayShoppingAPI", config.eBayShoppingAPI);
} else if (config.eBayTradingAPI) {
fmModel.put("eBayTradingAPI", config.eBayTradingAPI);
String relativePath = ClassNameUtil.packageNameToPath(interfaceInfo.getPackageName());
relativePath += File.separator + "client";
FileInfo eiSoapIntf = this.generateFile(eiIntfSOAPTemplate, fmModel, interfaceInfo.getName() + "_SOAPClient", "h", relativePath);
FileInfo eiSoapImpl = this.generateFile(eiImplSOAPTemplate, fmModel, interfaceInfo.getName() + "_SOAPClient", "m", relativePath);
FileInfo eiXmlIntf = this.generateFile(eiIntfXMLTemplate, fmModel, interfaceInfo.getName() + "_XMLClient", "h", relativePath);
FileInfo eiXmlImpl = this.generateFile(eiImplXMLTemplate, fmModel, interfaceInfo.getName() + "_XMLClient", "m", relativePath);
return targetFileSet;
// add prefix to avoid possible conflict
private void prefixType(WSCodeGenModel model, String prefix) {
for (SEIInfo intf : model.getServiceEndpointInterfaces()) {
// update method i/o types
for (MethodInfo method : intf.getMethods()) {
// input parameter types
for (ParameterInfo param : method.getParameters()) {
TypeInfo paramType = param.getType();
prefixType(paramType, prefix);
// output type
TypeInfo returnType = method.getReturnType();
prefixType(returnType, prefix);
// add prefix in the type full name
private void prefixType(TypeInfo type, String prefix) {
if (type == null) return; // be cautious
// for pico primitives, do not prefix
if (Java2PicoTypeMapper.lookupPicoType(type.getFullName()) != null) {
String name = type.getName();
type.setName(prefix + name);
type.setFullName(prefix + name); // remove package for pico
* Helper to find out all classes that will be imported by an interface
* @param intf
* , InterfaceInfo instance
* @return a set of class names that will be imported
private Set<String> getInterfaceImports(SEIInfo intf) {
Set<String> imports = new HashSet<String>();
for (MethodInfo method : intf.getMethods()) {
// import method parameter types
for (ParameterInfo param : method.getParameters()) {
TypeInfo paramType = param.getType();
// import return type
TypeInfo returnType = method.getReturnType();
return imports;
protected URL getTemplateURL(String template) throws WscModuleException {
URL url = PicoWSClientModule.class.getResource("template/" + template);
if (url == null) {
throw new WscModuleException("Fail to load required template file : "
+ template);
debug("PicoWSClientModule get template : " + url.toString());
return url;