* This file is part of Spoutcraft Launcher.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Spout LLC <http://www.spout.org/>
* Spoutcraft Launcher is licensed under the Spout License Version 1.
* Spoutcraft Launcher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* In addition, 180 days after any changes are published, you can use the
* software, incorporating those changes, under the terms of the MIT license,
* as described in the Spout License Version 1.
* Spoutcraft Launcher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
* the MIT license and the Spout License Version 1 along with this program.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for the GNU Lesser General Public
* License and see <http://spout.in/licensev1> for the full license,
* including the MIT license.
package org.spoutcraft.launcher;
import org.spoutcraft.launcher.api.Launcher;
import org.spoutcraft.launcher.api.SpoutcraftDirectories;
import org.spoutcraft.launcher.exceptions.RestfulAPIException;
import org.spoutcraft.launcher.launch.MinecraftLauncher;
import org.spoutcraft.launcher.util.DownloadListener;
public final class GameUpdater extends SpoutcraftDirectories {
public static final String baseURL = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/";
public static final String spoutcraftMirrors = "http://get.spout.org/mirrors.yml";
// Minecraft Updating Arguments
private String user = "Player";
private String downloadTicket = "1";
private String minecraftPass = "";
private String minecraftSession = "";
private DownloadListener listener;
private long validationTime;
private UpdateThread updateThread;
public GameUpdater() throws RestfulAPIException {
updateThread = new UpdateThread();
public SpoutcraftData getBuild() {
return updateThread.getBuild();
public void start() {
public boolean isFinished() {
return updateThread.isFinished();
public void setWaiting(boolean waiting) {
public void onSpoutcraftBuildChange() {
DownloadListener old = updateThread.getDownloadListener();
updateThread = new UpdateThread(updateThread);
public void setStartValidationTime(long validationTime) {
this.validationTime = validationTime;
protected void validationFinished(boolean result) {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("------------------ Validation Finished ------------------");
System.out.println("Finished in " + (end - validationTime) + "ms");
System.out.println("Result: " + result);
public void setMinecraftUser(String user) {
this.user = user;
public void setDownloadTicket(String downloadTicket) {
this.downloadTicket = downloadTicket;
public String getMinecraftUser() {
return user;
public String getDownloadTicket() {
return downloadTicket;
public String getMinecraftPass() {
return minecraftPass;
public String getMinecraftSession() {
return minecraftSession;
public void setMinecraftPass(String minecraftPass) {
this.minecraftPass = minecraftPass;
public void setMinecraftSession(String minecraftSession) {
this.minecraftSession = minecraftSession;
public DownloadListener getDownloadListener() {
return listener;
public void setDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
public void stateChanged(String message, float progress) {
if (listener != null) {
listener.stateChanged(message, progress);
public void runGame() {
Launcher.getGameLauncher().runGame(user, minecraftSession, downloadTicket);