package net.bytten.metazelda.generators;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Dungeon;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Edge;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Room;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Symbol;
import net.bytten.metazelda.constraints.IDungeonConstraints;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.AStar;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.Coords;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.ILogger;
* Extends DungeonGenerator to choose the least nonlinear one immediately
* available. This saves the player from having to do a lot of backtracking.
* Ignores switches for now.
public class LinearDungeonGenerator extends DungeonGenerator {
public static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
public LinearDungeonGenerator(ILogger logger, long seed,
IDungeonConstraints constraints) {
super(logger, seed, constraints);
public LinearDungeonGenerator(long seed, IDungeonConstraints constraints) {
this(null, seed, constraints);
private class AStarClient implements AStar.IClient<Integer> {
private int keyLevel;
public AStarClient(int keyLevel) {
this.keyLevel = keyLevel;
public Collection<Integer> getNeighbors(Integer roomId) {
List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Edge edge: dungeon.get(roomId).getEdges()) {
if (!edge.hasSymbol() || edge.getSymbol().getValue() < keyLevel) {
return ids;
public Coords getCoords(Integer roomId) {
return dungeon.get(roomId).getCenter();
private List<Integer> astar(int start, int goal, final int keyLevel) {
AStar<Integer> astar = new AStar<Integer>(new AStarClient(keyLevel), start, goal);
return astar.solve();
* Nonlinearity is measured as the number of rooms the player would have to
* pass through multiple times to get to the goal room (collecting keys and
* unlocking doors along the way).
* Uses A* to find a path from the entry to the first key, from each key to
* the next key and from the last key to the goal.
* @return The number of rooms passed through multiple times
public int measureNonlinearity() {
List<Room> keyRooms = new ArrayList<Room>(constraints.getMaxKeys());
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.getMaxKeys(); ++i) {
for (Room room: dungeon.getRooms()) {
if (room.getItem() == null) continue;
Symbol item = room.getItem();
if (item.getValue() >= 0 && item.getValue() < keyRooms.size())
keyRooms.set(item.getValue(), room);
// for N >= 0: keyRooms[N] = location of key N
Room current = dungeon.findStart(),
goal = dungeon.findGoal();
// Clients may disable generation of the goal room -- the equivalent
// 'ending' room becomes the boss room.
if (goal == null) goal = dungeon.findBoss();
assert current != null && goal != null;
int nextKey = 0, nonlinearity = 0;
Set<Integer> visitedRooms = new TreeSet<Integer>();
while (current != goal) {
Room intermediateGoal;
if (nextKey == constraints.getMaxKeys())
intermediateGoal = goal;
intermediateGoal = keyRooms.get(nextKey);
List<Integer> steps = astar(,,
for (Integer id: steps) {
if (visitedRooms.contains(id)) ++nonlinearity;
current = dungeon.get(steps.get(steps.size()-1));
return nonlinearity;
public void generate() {
int attempts = 0, currentNonlinearity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int bestAttempt = 0;
Dungeon currentBest = null;
while (attempts++ < MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
int nonlinearity = measureNonlinearity();
log("Dungeon " + attempts + " nonlinearity: "+
if (nonlinearity < currentNonlinearity) {
currentNonlinearity = nonlinearity;
bestAttempt = attempts;
currentBest = dungeon;
assert currentBest != null;
log("Chose " + bestAttempt + " nonlinearity: "+
dungeon = currentBest;