package net.bytten.metazelda.generators;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Condition;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Dungeon;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Edge;
import net.bytten.metazelda.IDungeon;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Room;
import net.bytten.metazelda.Symbol;
import net.bytten.metazelda.constraints.IDungeonConstraints;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.Coords;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.Direction;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.GenerationFailureException;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.ILogger;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.Pair;
import net.bytten.metazelda.util.RandomUtil;
* The default and reference implementation of an {@link IDungeonGenerator}.
public class DungeonGenerator implements IDungeonGenerator, ILogger {
public static final int MAX_RETRIES = 20;
protected ILogger logger;
protected long seed;
protected Random random;
protected Dungeon dungeon;
protected IDungeonConstraints constraints;
protected boolean bossRoomLocked, generateGoal;
* Creates a DungeonGenerator with a given random seed and places
* specific constraints on {@link IDungeon}s it generates.
* @param seed the random seed to use
* @param constraints the constraints to place on generation
* @see net.bytten.metazelda.constraints.IDungeonConstraints
public DungeonGenerator(ILogger logger, long seed,
IDungeonConstraints constraints) {
this.logger = logger;
log("Dungeon seed: "+seed);
this.seed = seed;
this.random = new Random(seed);
assert constraints != null;
this.constraints = constraints;
bossRoomLocked = generateGoal = true;
public DungeonGenerator(long seed, IDungeonConstraints constraints) {
this(null, seed, constraints);
public void log(String msg) {
if (logger != null) logger.log(msg);
* Randomly chooses a {@link Room} within the given collection that has at
* least one adjacent empty space.
* @param roomCollection the collection of rooms to choose from
* @return the room that was chosen, or null if there are no rooms with
* adjacent empty spaces
protected Room chooseRoomWithFreeEdge(Collection<Room> roomCollection,
int keyLevel) {
List<Room> rooms = new ArrayList<Room>(roomCollection);
Collections.shuffle(rooms, random);
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.size(); ++i) {
Room room = rooms.get(i);
for (Pair<Double,Integer> next:
constraints.getAdjacentRooms(, keyLevel)) {
if (dungeon.get(next.second) == null) {
return room;
return null;
* Randomly chooses a {@link Direction} in which the given {@link Room} has
* an adjacent empty space.
* @param room the room
* @return the Direction of the empty space chosen adjacent to the Room or
* null if there are no adjacent empty spaces
protected int chooseFreeEdge(Room room, int keyLevel) {
List<Pair<Double,Integer>> neighbors = new ArrayList<Pair<Double,Integer>>(
constraints.getAdjacentRooms(, keyLevel));
Collections.shuffle(neighbors, random);
while (!neighbors.isEmpty()) {
Pair<Double,Integer> choice = RandomUtil.choice(random, neighbors);
if (dungeon.get(choice.second) == null)
return choice.second;
assert false;
throw new GenerationFailureException("Internal error: Room doesn't have a free edge");
* Maps 'keyLevel' to the set of rooms within that keyLevel.
* <p>
* A 'keyLevel' is the count of the number of unique keys are needed for all
* the locks we've placed. For example, all the rooms in keyLevel 0 are
* accessible without collecting any keys, while to get to rooms in
* keyLevel 3, the player must have collected at least 3 keys.
protected class KeyLevelRoomMapping {
protected List<List<Room>> map = new ArrayList<List<Room>>(
List<Room> getRooms(int keyLevel) {
while (keyLevel >= map.size()) map.add(null);
if (map.get(keyLevel) == null)
map.set(keyLevel, new ArrayList<Room>());
return map.get(keyLevel);
void addRoom(int keyLevel, Room room) {
int keyCount() {
return map.size();
* Thrown by several IDungeonGenerator methods that can fail.
* Should be caught and handled in {@link #generate}.
protected static class RetryException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected static class OutOfRoomsException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Comparator objects for sorting {@link Room}s in a couple of different
* ways. These are used to determine in which rooms of a given keyLevel it
* is best to place the next key.
* @see #placeKeys
protected static final Comparator<Room>
EDGE_COUNT_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Room>() {
public int compare(Room arg0, Room arg1) {
return arg0.linkCount() - arg1.linkCount();
INTENSITY_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Room>() {
public int compare(Room arg0, Room arg1) {
return arg0.getIntensity() > arg1.getIntensity() ? -1
: arg0.getIntensity() < arg1.getIntensity() ? 1
: 0;
* Sets up the dungeon's entrance room.
* @param levels the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to update
* @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
protected void initEntranceRoom(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels)
throws RetryException {
int id;
List<Integer> possibleEntries = new ArrayList<Integer>(
assert possibleEntries.size() > 0;
id = possibleEntries.get(random.nextInt(possibleEntries.size()));
Room entry = new Room(id, constraints.getCoords(id), null,
new Symbol(Symbol.START), new Condition());
levels.addRoom(0, entry);
* Fill the dungeon's space with rooms and doors (some locked).
* Keys are not inserted at this point.
* @param levels the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to update
* @throws RetryException if it fails
* @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
protected void placeRooms(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels, int roomsPerLock)
throws RetryException, OutOfRoomsException {
// keyLevel: the number of keys required to get to the new room
int keyLevel = 0;
Symbol latestKey = null;
// condition that must hold true for the player to reach the new room
// (the set of keys they must have).
Condition cond = new Condition();
int usableKeys = constraints.getMaxKeys();
if (isBossRoomLocked())
usableKeys -= 1;
// Loop to place rooms and link them
while (dungeon.roomCount() < constraints.getMaxRooms()) {
boolean doLock = false;
// Decide whether we need to place a new lock
// (Don't place the last lock, since that's reserved for the boss)
if (levels.getRooms(keyLevel).size() >= roomsPerLock &&
keyLevel < usableKeys) {
latestKey = new Symbol(keyLevel++);
cond = cond.and(latestKey);
doLock = true;
// Find an existing room with a free edge:
Room parentRoom = null;
if (!doLock && random.nextInt(10) > 0)
parentRoom = chooseRoomWithFreeEdge(levels.getRooms(keyLevel),
if (parentRoom == null) {
parentRoom = chooseRoomWithFreeEdge(dungeon.getRooms(),
doLock = true;
if (parentRoom == null)
throw new OutOfRoomsException();
// Decide which direction to put the new room in relative to the
// parent
int nextId = chooseFreeEdge(parentRoom, keyLevel);
Set<Coords> coords = constraints.getCoords(nextId);
Room room = new Room(nextId, coords, parentRoom, null, cond);
// Add the room to the dungeon
assert dungeon.get( == null;
synchronized (dungeon) {
parentRoom.addChild(room);, room, doLock ? latestKey : null);
levels.addRoom(keyLevel, room);
* Places the BOSS and GOAL rooms within the dungeon, in existing rooms.
* These rooms are moved into the next keyLevel.
* @param levels the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to update
* @throws RetryException if it fails
* @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
protected void placeBossGoalRooms(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels)
throws RetryException {
List<Room> possibleGoalRooms = new ArrayList<Room>(dungeon.roomCount());
Symbol goalSym = new Symbol(Symbol.GOAL),
bossSym = new Symbol(Symbol.BOSS);
for (Room room: dungeon.getRooms()) {
if (room.getChildren().size() > 0 || room.getItem() != null)
Room parent = room.getParent();
if (parent == null || parent.getChildren().size() != 1 ||
room.getItem() != null ||
if (isGenerateGoal()) {
if (!constraints.roomCanFitItem(, goalSym) ||
!constraints.roomCanFitItem(, bossSym))
} else {
if (!constraints.roomCanFitItem(, bossSym))
if (possibleGoalRooms.size() == 0) throw new RetryException();
Room goalRoom = possibleGoalRooms.get(random.nextInt(
bossRoom = goalRoom.getParent();
if (!isGenerateGoal()) {
bossRoom = goalRoom;
goalRoom = null;
if (goalRoom != null) goalRoom.setItem(goalSym);
if (isBossRoomLocked()) {
int oldKeyLevel = bossRoom.getPrecond().getKeyLevel(),
newKeyLevel = Math.min(levels.keyCount(), constraints.getMaxKeys());
List<Room> oklRooms = levels.getRooms(oldKeyLevel);
if (goalRoom != null) oklRooms.remove(goalRoom);
if (goalRoom != null) levels.addRoom(newKeyLevel, goalRoom);
levels.addRoom(newKeyLevel, bossRoom);
Symbol bossKey = new Symbol(newKeyLevel-1);
Condition precond = bossRoom.getPrecond().and(bossKey);
if (goalRoom != null) goalRoom.setPrecond(precond);
if (newKeyLevel == 0) {, bossRoom);
} else {, bossRoom, bossKey);
if (goalRoom != null), goalRoom);
* Removes the given {@link Room} and all its descendants from the given
* list.
* @param rooms the list of Rooms to remove nodes from
* @param room the Room whose descendants to remove from the list
protected void removeDescendantsFromList(List<Room> rooms, Room room) {
for (Room child: room.getChildren()) {
removeDescendantsFromList(rooms, child);
* Adds extra conditions to the given {@link Room}'s preconditions and all
* of its descendants.
* @param room the Room to add extra preconditions to
* @param cond the extra preconditions to add
protected void addPrecond(Room room, Condition cond) {
for (Room child: room.getChildren()) {
addPrecond(child, cond);
* Randomly locks descendant rooms of the given {@link Room} with
* {@link Edge}s that require the switch to be in the given state.
* <p>
* If the given state is EITHER, the required states will be random.
* @param room the room whose child to lock
* @param givenState the state to require the switch to be in for the
* child rooms to be accessible
* @return true if any locks were added, false if none were
* added (which can happen due to the way the random
* decisions are made)
* @see Condition.SwitchState
protected boolean switchLockChildRooms(Room room,
Condition.SwitchState givenState) {
boolean anyLocks = false;
Condition.SwitchState state = givenState != Condition.SwitchState.EITHER
? givenState
: (random.nextInt(2) == 0
? Condition.SwitchState.ON
: Condition.SwitchState.OFF);
for (Edge edge: room.getEdges()) {
int neighborId = edge.getTargetRoomId();
Room nextRoom = dungeon.get(neighborId);
if (room.getChildren().contains(nextRoom)) {
if (room.getEdge(neighborId).getSymbol() == null &&
random.nextInt(4) != 0) {, nextRoom, state.toSymbol());
addPrecond(nextRoom, new Condition(state.toSymbol()));
anyLocks = true;
} else {
anyLocks |= switchLockChildRooms(nextRoom, state);
if (givenState == Condition.SwitchState.EITHER) {
state = state.invert();
return anyLocks;
* Returns a path from the goal to the dungeon entrance, along the 'parent'
* relations.
* @return a list of linked {@link Room}s starting with the goal room and
* ending with the start room.
protected List<Room> getSolutionPath() {
List<Room> solution = new ArrayList<Room>();
Room room = dungeon.findGoal();
while (room != null) {
room = room.getParent();
return solution;
* Makes some {@link Edge}s within the dungeon require the dungeon's switch
* to be in a particular state, and places the switch in a room in the
* dungeon.
* @throws RetryException if it fails
protected void placeSwitches() throws RetryException {
// Possible TODO: have multiple switches on separate circuits
// At the moment, we only have one switch per dungeon.
if (constraints.getMaxSwitches() <= 0) return;
List<Room> solution = getSolutionPath();
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 10; ++attempt) {
List<Room> rooms = new ArrayList<Room>(dungeon.getRooms());
Collections.shuffle(rooms, random);
Collections.shuffle(solution, random);
// Pick a base room from the solution path so that the player
// will have to encounter a switch-lock to solve the dungeon.
Room baseRoom = null;
for (Room room: solution) {
if (room.getChildren().size() > 1 && room.getParent() != null) {
baseRoom = room;
if (baseRoom == null) throw new RetryException();
Condition baseRoomCond = baseRoom.getPrecond();
removeDescendantsFromList(rooms, baseRoom);
Symbol switchSym = new Symbol(Symbol.SWITCH);
Room switchRoom = null;
for (Room room: rooms) {
if (room.getItem() == null &&
baseRoomCond.implies(room.getPrecond()) &&
constraints.roomCanFitItem(, switchSym)) {
switchRoom = room;
if (switchRoom == null) continue;
if (switchLockChildRooms(baseRoom, Condition.SwitchState.EITHER)) {
throw new RetryException();
* Randomly links up some adjacent rooms to make the dungeon graph less of
* a tree.
* @throws RetryException if it fails
protected void graphify() throws RetryException {
for (Room room: dungeon.getRooms()) {
if (room.isGoal() || room.isBoss()) continue;
for (Pair<Double,Integer> next:
// Doesn't matter what the keyLevel is; later checks about
// preconds ensure linkage doesn't trivialize the puzzle.
constraints.getAdjacentRooms(, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
int nextId = next.second;
if (room.getEdge(nextId) != null) continue;
Room nextRoom = dungeon.get(nextId);
if (nextRoom == null || nextRoom.isGoal() || nextRoom.isBoss())
boolean forwardImplies = room.getPrecond().implies(nextRoom.getPrecond()),
backwardImplies = nextRoom.getPrecond().implies(room.getPrecond());
if (forwardImplies && backwardImplies) {
// both rooms are at the same keyLevel.
if (random.nextDouble() >=
continue;, nextRoom);
} else {
Symbol difference = room.getPrecond().singleSymbolDifference(
if (difference == null || (!difference.isSwitchState() &&
random.nextDouble() >=
continue;, nextRoom, difference);
* Places keys within the dungeon in such a way that the dungeon is
* guaranteed to be solvable.
* @param levels the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to use
* @throws RetryException if it fails
* @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
protected void placeKeys(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels) throws RetryException {
// Now place the keys. For every key-level but the last one, place a
// key for the next level in it, preferring rooms with fewest links
// (dead end rooms).
for (int key = 0; key < levels.keyCount()-1; ++key) {
List<Room> rooms = levels.getRooms(key);
Collections.shuffle(rooms, random);
// Collections.sort is stable: it doesn't reorder "equal" elements,
// which means the shuffling we just did is still useful.
Collections.sort(rooms, INTENSITY_COMPARATOR);
// Alternatively, use the EDGE_COUNT_COMPARATOR to put keys at
// 'dead end' rooms.
Symbol keySym = new Symbol(key);
boolean placedKey = false;
for (Room room: rooms) {
if (room.getItem() == null && constraints.roomCanFitItem(, keySym)) {
placedKey = true;
if (!placedKey)
// there were no rooms into which the key would fit
throw new RetryException();
protected static final double
* Recursively applies the given intensity to the given {@link Room}, and
* higher intensities to each of its descendants that are within the same
* keyLevel.
* <p>
* Intensities set by this method may (will) be outside of the normal range
* from 0.0 to 1.0. See {@link #normalizeIntensity} to correct this.
* @param room the room to set the intensity of
* @param intensity the value to set intensity to (some randomn variance is
* added)
* @see Room
protected double applyIntensity(Room room, double intensity) {
intensity *= 1.0 - INTENSITY_GROWTH_JITTER/2.0 +
INTENSITY_GROWTH_JITTER * random.nextDouble();
double maxIntensity = intensity;
for (Room child: room.getChildren()) {
if (room.getPrecond().implies(child.getPrecond())) {
maxIntensity = Math.max(maxIntensity, applyIntensity(child,
intensity + 1.0));
return maxIntensity;
* Scales intensities within the dungeon down so that they all fit within
* the range 0 <= intensity < 1.0.
* @see Room
protected void normalizeIntensity() {
double maxIntensity = 0.0;
for (Room room: dungeon.getRooms()) {
maxIntensity = Math.max(maxIntensity, room.getIntensity());
for (Room room: dungeon.getRooms()) {
room.setIntensity(room.getIntensity() * 0.99 / maxIntensity);
* Computes the 'intensity' of each {@link Room}. Rooms generally get more
* intense the deeper they are into the dungeon.
* @param levels the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to update
* @throws RetryException if it fails
* @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
* @see Room
protected void computeIntensity(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels)
throws RetryException {
double nextLevelBaseIntensity = 0.0;
for (int level = 0; level < levels.keyCount(); ++level) {
double intensity = nextLevelBaseIntensity *
for (Room room: levels.getRooms(level)) {
if (room.getParent() == null ||
implies(room.getPrecond())) {
nextLevelBaseIntensity = Math.max(
applyIntensity(room, intensity));
Room goalRoom = dungeon.findGoal();
if (goalRoom != null)
* Checks with the
* {@link net.bytten.metazelda.constraints.IDungeonConstraints} that the
* dungeon is OK to use.
* @throws RetryException if the IDungeonConstraints decided generation must
* be re-attempted
* @see net.bytten.metazelda.constraints.IDungeonConstraints
protected void checkAcceptable() throws RetryException {
if (!constraints.isAcceptable(dungeon))
throw new RetryException();
public void generate() {
int attempt = 0;
while (true) {
try {
KeyLevelRoomMapping levels;
int roomsPerLock;
if (constraints.getMaxKeys() > 0) {
roomsPerLock = constraints.getMaxRooms() /
} else {
roomsPerLock = constraints.getMaxRooms();
while (true) {
dungeon = new Dungeon();
// Maps keyLevel -> Rooms that were created when lockCount had that
// value
levels = new KeyLevelRoomMapping();
// Create the entrance to the dungeon:
try {
// Fill the dungeon with rooms:
placeRooms(levels, roomsPerLock);
} catch (OutOfRoomsException e) {
// We can run out of rooms where certain links have
// predetermined locks. Example: if a river bisects the
// map, the keyLevel for rooms in the river > 0 because
// crossing water requires a key. If there are not
// enough rooms before the river to build up to the
log("Ran out of rooms. roomsPerLock was "+roomsPerLock);
roomsPerLock = roomsPerLock * constraints.getMaxKeys() /
(constraints.getMaxKeys() + 1);
log("roomsPerLock is now "+roomsPerLock);
if (roomsPerLock == 0) {
throw new GenerationFailureException(
"Failed to place rooms. Have you forgotten to disable boss-locking?");
// If the boss room is locked, the final key is used
// only for the boss room. So if the final key is
// also used to cross the river, rooms cannot be
// placed.
// Place the boss and goal rooms:
// Place switches and the locks that require it:
// Make the dungeon less tree-like:
// Place the keys within the dungeon:
if (levels.keyCount()-1 != constraints.getMaxKeys())
throw new RetryException();
} catch (RetryException e) {
if (++ attempt > MAX_RETRIES) {
throw new GenerationFailureException("Dungeon generator failed", e);
log("Retrying dungeon generation...");
public IDungeon getDungeon() {
return dungeon;
public boolean isBossRoomLocked() {
return bossRoomLocked;
public void setBossRoomLocked(boolean bossRoomLocked) {
this.bossRoomLocked = bossRoomLocked;
public boolean isGenerateGoal() {
return generateGoal;
public void setGenerateGoal(boolean generateGoal) {
this.generateGoal = generateGoal;