* The MPE Client
* The Client class registers itself with a server
* and receives messages related to frame rendering and data input
* <http://mostpixelsever.com>
* @author Shiffman and Kairalla
package mpe.client;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.data.XML;
import processing.opengl.PGraphics3D;
public class TCPClient extends Thread {
public static final String version = "2.0.2";
/** If VERBOSE is true, the client will print lots of messages about what it is doing.
* Set with debug=true; in your XML file. */
public static boolean VERBOSE = false;
boolean connected = false;
int waittime = 1; // in seconds
boolean asynchronous = false;
boolean asynchreceive = false;
boolean offsetWindow = false;
// TCP stuff
String hostName;
int serverPort = 9002;
Socket socket;
InputStream is;
BufferedReader brin;
DataOutputStream dos;
OutputStream os;
PApplet p5parent;
Method frameEventMethod;
Method resetEventMethod;
Method dataEventMethod;
boolean dataEventEnabled = false;
/** The id is used for communication with the server, to let it know which
* client is speaking and how to order the screens. */
int id = 0;
String name = "noname";
/** The master width. */
protected int mWidth = -1;
/** The master height. */
protected int mHeight = -1;
/** The local width. */
protected int lWidth = 640;
/** The local height. */
protected int lHeight = 480;
int xOffset = 0;
int yOffset = 0;
boolean running = false;
boolean rendering = false;
boolean autoMode = false;
boolean simulation = false;
float simFPS = 30.0f;
int frameCount = 0;
float fps = 0.f;
long lastMs = 0;
boolean reset = false;
protected boolean messageAvailable; // Is a message available?
protected String[] dataMessage; // data that has come in
protected String rawMessage; // This is the full raw frame message
// 3D variables
protected boolean enable3D = false;
protected float fieldOfView = 30.0f;
protected float cameraZ;
* Client is constructed with an init file location, and the parent PApplet.
* The parent PApplet must have a method called "frameEvent(Client c)".
* The frameEvent handles syncing up the frame rate on the
* multiple screens and should be implemented like draw().
public TCPClient(PApplet _p, String _fileString) {
this(_p, _fileString, true);
public TCPClient(PApplet _p, String _fileString, boolean _autoMode) {
p5parent = _p;
PApplet.println("MPE CLIENT VERSION " + version);
// Autodetecting if we should use 3D or not
enable3D = p5parent.g instanceof PGraphics3D;
autoMode = _autoMode;
cameraZ = (p5parent.height/2.0f) / PApplet.tan(PConstants.PI * fieldOfView/360.0f);
setServer(hostName, serverPort, id);
if (!asynchronous) {
// look for a method called "frameEvent" in the parent PApplet, with one
// argument of type Client
try {
frameEventMethod = p5parent.getClass().getMethod("frameEvent",new Class[] { TCPClient.class });
if (!autoMode) {
System.out.println("frameEvent() will not be used in manual mode. ");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (autoMode) {
System.out.println("You are missing the frameEvent() method. " + e);
try {
resetEventMethod = p5parent.getClass().getMethod("resetEvent",new Class[] { TCPClient.class });
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("You are missing the resetEvent() method. " + e);
try {
dataEventMethod = p5parent.getClass().getMethod("dataEvent",new Class[] { TCPClient.class });
if (!autoMode) {
System.out.println("dataEvent() will not be used in manual mode. ");
dataEventEnabled = false;
} else {
dataEventEnabled = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
dataEventEnabled = false;
// Now we are always registering draw(), we still need to deal with reset() in manual mode
//if (autoMode) {
p5parent.registerMethod("draw", this);
} else {
if (asynchreceive) {
try {
dataEventMethod = p5parent.getClass().getMethod("dataEvent", new Class[] { TCPClient.class });
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("You are missing the dataEvent() method. " + e);
* Called automatically by PApplet.draw() when using auto mode.
public void draw() {
if (offsetWindow) {
// Simulation mode just trigger frameEvent
if (simulation) {
// Just keep moving
try {
frameEventMethod.invoke(p5parent, new Object[] { this });
} catch (Exception e) {
// Otherwise typical MPE stuff
} else if (running && rendering) {
// Only place screen in auto mode
if (autoMode) {
if (!asynchronous) {
if (reset) {
try {
resetEventMethod.invoke(p5parent, new Object[] { this });
} catch (Exception e) {
err("Could not invoke the \"resetEvent()\" method for some reason.");
resetEventMethod = null;
} else if (frameEventMethod != null) {
try {
// First see if dataEvent should be trigged
if (dataEventEnabled && messageAvailable()) {
dataEventMethod.invoke(p5parent, new Object[] { this });
// Then trigger the frame event
frameEventMethod.invoke(p5parent, new Object[] { this });
} catch (Exception e) {
// Say done in auto mode only
if (autoMode) {
* Loads the settings from the Client XML file.
* @param filename the path to the XML file
private void loadSettings(String filename) {
// parse XML file
XML xml = p5parent.loadXML(filename);
XML name = xml.getChild("name");
if (name != null) {
XML asynch = xml.getChild("asynchronous");
if (asynch != null) {
String a = asynch.getContent();
asynchronous = Boolean.parseBoolean(a);
if (asynchronous) {
XML receive = xml.getChild("asynchreceive");
if (receive != null) {
String r = receive.getContent();
asynchreceive = Boolean.parseBoolean(r);
String v = xml.getChild("verbose").getContent();
VERBOSE = Boolean.parseBoolean(v);
// Implement name
if (!asynchronous) {
int w = xml.getChild("local_dimensions/width").getIntContent();
int h = xml.getChild("local_dimensions/height").getIntContent();
int x = xml.getChild("local_location/x").getIntContent();
int y = xml.getChild("local_location/y").getIntContent();
int mw = xml.getChild("master_dimensions/width").getIntContent();
int mh = xml.getChild("master_dimensions/height").getIntContent();
XML offset = xml.getChild("offset_window");
if (offset != null) {
offsetWindow = Boolean.parseBoolean(offset.getContent());
XML simxml = xml.getChild("simulation");
if (simxml != null) {
simulation = Boolean.parseBoolean(simxml.getContent());
simFPS = simxml.getInt("fps");
if (simFPS < 1) simFPS = 30;
out("Settings: server = " + hostName + ":" + serverPort + ", id = " + id
+ ", local dimensions = " + lWidth + ", " + lHeight
+ ", location = " + xOffset + ", " + yOffset);
* Connects to the server.
* @param _hostName the server host name
* @param _serverPort the server port
* @param _id the client id
private void setServer(String _hostName, int _serverPort, int _id) {
// set the server address and port
* Sets the server address.
* @param _hostName the server host name
protected void setServer(String _hostName) {
if (_hostName != null)
hostName = _hostName;
* Sets the server port.
* @param _serverPort the server port
protected void setPort(int _serverPort) {
if (_serverPort > -1)
serverPort = _serverPort;
/** @return the server port */
public int getPort() { return serverPort; }
* Sets the client ID.
* @param _id the client id
protected void setID(int _id) {
if (_id > -1)
id = _id;
/** @return the client ID */
public int getID() { return id; }
* Sets the dimensions for the local display.
* @param _lWidth The local width
* @param _lHeight The local height
protected void setLocalDimensions(int _lWidth, int _lHeight) {
if (_lWidth > -1 && _lHeight > -1) {
lWidth = _lWidth;
lHeight = _lHeight;
* Sets the offsets for the local display.
* @param _xOffset Offsets the display along x axis
* @param _yOffset Offsets the display along y axis
protected void setOffsets(int _xOffset, int _yOffset) {
if (_xOffset > -1 && _yOffset > -1) {
xOffset = _xOffset;
yOffset = _yOffset;
* Sets the dimensions for the local display.
* The offsets are used to determine what part of the Master Dimensions to render.
* For example, if you have two screens, each 100x100, and the master dimensions are 200x100
* then you would set
* client 0: setLocalDimensions(0, 0, 100, 100);
* client 1: setLocalDimensions(100, 0, 100, 100);
* for a 10 pixel overlap you would do:
* client 0: setLocalDimensions(0, 0, 110, 100);
* client 1: setLocalDimensions(90, 0, 110, 100);
* @param _xOffset Offsets the display along x axis
* @param _yOffset Offsets the display along y axis
* @param _lWidth The local width
* @param _lHeight The local height
public void setLocalDimensions(int _xOffset, int _yOffset, int _lWidth, int _lHeight) {
setOffsets(_xOffset, _yOffset);
setLocalDimensions(_lWidth, _lHeight);
* Sets the master dimensions for the Video Wall. This is used to calculate
* what is rendered.
* @param _mWidth The master width
* @param _mHeight he master height
public void setMasterDimensions(int _mWidth, int _mHeight) {
if (_mWidth > -1 && _mHeight > -1) {
mWidth = _mWidth;
mHeight = _mHeight;
/** @return the local width in pixels */
public int getLWidth() { return lWidth; }
/** @return the local height in pixels */
public int getLHeight() { return lHeight; }
/** @return the x-offset of frame in pixels */
public int getXoffset() { return xOffset; }
/** @return the y-offset of frame in pixels */
public int getYoffset() { return yOffset; }
/** @return the master width in pixels */
public int getMWidth() { return mWidth; }
/** @return the master height in pixels */
public int getMHeight() { return mHeight; }
/** @return the total number of frames rendered */
public int getFrameCount() { return frameCount; }
/** @return the client framerate */
public float getFPS() { return fps; }
public String getClientName() {
return name;
public void setClientName(String n) {
name = n;
/** @return whether or not the client is rendering */
public boolean isRendering() { return rendering; }
* Sets the field of view of the camera when rendering in 3D.
* Note that this has no effect when rendering in 2D.
* @param val the value of the field of view
public void setFieldOfView(float val) {
fieldOfView = val;
if (p5parent != null) {
cameraZ = (p5parent.height/2.0f) / PApplet.tan(PConstants.PI * fieldOfView/360.0f);
if (!(p5parent.g instanceof PGraphics3D)) {
out("MPE Warning: Rendering in 2D! fieldOfView has no effect!");
} else {
out("MPE Warning: Not using Processing! fieldOfView has no effect!");
/** @return the value of the field of view */
public float getFieldOfView() { return fieldOfView; }
* Places the viewing area for this screen. This must be called at the
* beginning of the render loop. If you are using Processing, you would
* typically place it at the beginning of your draw() function.
public void placeScreen() {
if (enable3D) {
} else {
* If you want to enable or disable 3D manually in automode
public void enable3D(boolean b) {
enable3D = b;
* Places the viewing area for this screen when rendering in 2D.
public void placeScreen2D() {
p5parent.translate(xOffset * -1, yOffset * -1);
* Places the viewing area for this screen when rendering in 3D.
public void placeScreen3D() {
p5parent.camera(mWidth/2.0f, mHeight/2.0f, cameraZ,
mWidth/2.0f, mHeight/2.0f, 0,
0, 1, 0);
// The frustum defines the 3D clipping plane for each Client window!
float mod = 1f/10f;
float left = (xOffset - mWidth/2)*mod;
float right = (xOffset + lWidth - mWidth/2)*mod;
float top = (yOffset - mHeight/2)*mod;
float bottom = (yOffset + lHeight-mHeight/2)*mod;
float near = cameraZ*mod;
float far = 10000;
* Restores the viewing area for this screen when rendering in 3D.
public void restoreCamera() {
p5parent.camera(p5parent.width/2.0f, p5parent.height/2.0f, cameraZ,
p5parent.width/2.0f, p5parent.height/2.0f, 0,
0, 1, 0);
float mod = 1/10.0f;
p5parent.frustum(-(p5parent.width/2)*mod, (p5parent.width/2)*mod,
-(p5parent.height/2)*mod, (p5parent.height/2)*mod,
cameraZ*mod, 10000);
* Checks whether the given point is on screen.
public boolean isOnScreen(float x, float y) {
return (x > xOffset &&
x < (xOffset + lWidth) &&
y > yOffset &&
y < (yOffset + lHeight));
* Checks whether the given rectangle is on screen.
public boolean isOnScreen(float x, float y, float w, float h) {
return (isOnScreen(x, y) ||
isOnScreen(x + w, y) ||
isOnScreen(x + w, y + h) ||
isOnScreen(x, y + h));
* Outputs a message to the console.
* @param _str the message to output.
private void out(String _str) {
* Outputs a message to the console.
* @param _str the message to output.
private void print(String _str) {
System.out.println("Client: " + _str);
* Outputs an error message to the console.
* @param _str the message to output.
private void err(String _str) {
System.err.println("Client: " + _str);
private void connect() throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
socket = new Socket(hostName, serverPort);
is = socket.getInputStream();
brin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
os = socket.getOutputStream();
dos = new DataOutputStream(os);
* This method must be called when the client PApplet starts up. It will
* tell the server it is ready.
public void start() {
running = true;
* This method should only be called internally by Thread.start().
public void run() {
if (VERBOSE) {
if (simulation) {
out("Running in simulation mode (no server connection, will not receive data)!");
} else {
// Don't bother to connect to server if you are in simulation mode
if (!simulation) {
// Try until server responds
while (!connected) {
try {
connected = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
connected = false;
System.out.println("Cannot connect to server, retrying in " + waittime + " second");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (VERBOSE) out("Connected to server!");
// let the server know that this client is ready to start.
if (asynchronous) {
send("A|" + id + "|" + asynchreceive);
} else {
send("S|" + id);
try {
while (running) {
// read packet
String msg = brin.readLine();
if (msg == null) {
//running = false;
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
while (running) {
* Reads and parses a message from the server.
* @param _serverInput the server message
// Synchronized b/c the reset method could come anytime strange?
private synchronized void read(String msg) {
if (VERBOSE) out("Receiving: " + msg);
rawMessage = msg;
// a "G" startbyte will trigger a frameEvent.
char c = msg.charAt(0);
if (c == 'G' || c == 'R') {
if (c == 'R') reset = true;
String[] tokens = msg.split("\\|");
int fc = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
if (tokens.length > 2) {
// there is a message here with the frameEvent
String[] dataInfo = new String[tokens.length-2];
for (int k = 0; k < dataInfo.length; k++){
// Grabbing the message as everything after first comma
// TODO offer ID
int comma = tokens[k+2].indexOf(",");
dataInfo[k] = tokens[k+2].substring(comma+1,tokens[k+2].length());
dataMessage = null; // clear
dataMessage = dataInfo;
messageAvailable = true;
} else {
messageAvailable = false;
if (reset) {
frameCount = 0;
if (fc == frameCount) {
rendering = true;
// calculate new framerate
float ms = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastMs;
fps = 1000.f / ms;
lastMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else if (!asynchronous) {
if (VERBOSE) print("Extra message, frameCount: " + frameCount + " received from server: " + fc);
// If we're asynchronous and should receive trigger dataEvent now?
if (asynchronous && asynchreceive) {
try {
// call the method with this object as the argument!
dataEventMethod.invoke(p5parent, new Object[] { this });
} catch (Exception e) {
err("Could not invoke the \"dataEvent()\" method for some reason.");
* Send a message to the server using UDP.
* @param _msg the message to send
private void send(String _msg) {
// Don't actually send if you are in simulation mode!
if (!simulation) {
if (VERBOSE) out("Sending: " + _msg);
_msg += "\n";
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Format a broadcast message and send it.
* Do not use a colon '|' in your message!!!
* @param _msg the message to broadcast
public void broadcast(String msg) {
if (msg.contains("|")) {
msg.replaceAll("|", "_");
System.out.println("MPE messages cannot contain a '|' character. '|' has been replaced with '_' in your message.");
// prepend the message with a "T"
msg = "T|"+ msg;
* Returns true of false based on whether a String message is available from
* the server.
* This should be used inside "frameEvent()" since messages are tied to
* specific frames.
* @return true if a new String message is available
public boolean messageAvailable() {
return messageAvailable;
* Returns an array of messages from the server.
* This should be used inside "frameEvent()" since messages are tied to
* specific frames. It also should only be called after checking that
* {@link #messageAvailable()} returns true.
* @return an array of messages from the server
public String[] getDataMessage() {
return dataMessage;
public String getRawMessage() {
return rawMessage;
* Sends a "Done" command to the server. This must be called at the end of
* the draw loop.
public void done() {
rendering = false;
reset = false;
String msg = "D|" + id + "|" + frameCount;
public void togglePause() {
// Let's send id along with P just in case
String msg = "P|" + id;
* Stops the client thread. You don't really need to do this ever.
public void quit() {
running = false; // Setting running to false ends the loop in run()
interrupt(); // In case the thread is waiting. . .
public boolean isAsynchronous() {
return asynchronous;
public boolean isReceiver() {
return (!asynchronous || asynchreceive);